• Member Since 25th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Friday



A comment controlled storyline where you, the readers, get to choose the actions of a powerful dragon. From choosing the abilities of our dragon, to choosing between burning down any enemies or granting them mercy. Where your every choice determines the future of this tale, be careful what you choose, lest our legend falls into obscurity.

We start out as an outcast from the Dragonlands, forced to wander due to a.....incident with a snotty little brat. For too long we have been forced to be at the bottom of the chain, the loser, the odd dragon out. It is our turn now, to show them that they made a big mistake in casting us away. And so our legend begins.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 51 )

Hint hint: Choose your dragon typing carefully. There might be more types of points to each dragon that you don't know yet. So think about EVERYTHING that might come from each type.

I have a chart of all future base points and skills each type can learn, and I'm just gonna say, at the end of this story (Whenever that may be), the dragoness is going to be OP as all hell! But we start off weak at first, so it balances out.

Name Trainos: male
Fire. When gets very angry or protecting his home or King Dom his fire will tern plasma
Big as a house or bigger
Phoenix . That is blue and purple
Age of dragon : 23,578 years old 13,578 years older than princess of the sun
Title.. The old lost king
Nickname... Trike
And this will be amazing

I should have mentioned it, but we start off young, we did just get booted out of the dragon lands. And I know I mentioned Dragoness a couple of times. Sorry, it's just my preference to write as a female, it is a bit easier for me to write.

Though I DO like your idea, I just want us to start off at the very bottom of the pecking order and make our way up

No prob, I'll think of another one and how old can I be

It's all good fam!

Age is kinda loose, more around young adult. I don't bother much with age.

Name: Rosalina female and has beautiful red and Amber scales
Fire: has a ability to use her fire to teleport ( like spikes but better) and etc. That she has to learn her over time self.
Medium and still growing
Phoenix, blue and purple ( a very rare Phoenix only happens every 9,000 years)
Age: around 200 in dragon years ( but has a mind of a 26 year old pony)
Nickname.. burning rose

How she got kicked out of the dragon lands is that she tried to steel the scepter from the dragon Lord.

I take it that you are going to add tags to the story when you start righting it

Yep. Not giving away stuff just yet, when we meet the main characters, I will add them in. But for now, there is no point since they haven't made an appearance yet.

Alright I'll let you do thing have a good night

I actually like what you came up with here but I will still put in my two cents.

Mistavi - sounds mysterious, almost a trickster. Scales of white and translucent pale blue.
Ice - powerful but not outright OP off the bat. That can come with growth.
Smallish - helps with hiding. Goes with being the trickster while being able to duck away when knowing she is outmatched.
Fox - goes with the idea of the trickster. Leads down a path to cunning.
Age - young but well after wing-gaining molt. Much to learn. Much to possibly steal.
Nickname - Spirit Mist.

I like your dragon to👍😀 and thank you

1. Aurora
Because auroras can only be seen in cold places and look really nice

2. Ice (because ice is cool and you don't burn things down by accident)
Also because there aren't that many stories with ice dragons!

3. Maybe start off medium but end up at the holy shit!
Start off at the time discord is free then set up and run some business's which become megacorps by the time canon starts by which time she's grown into house size.

4. Phoenix
Because of the irony of a ice dragonness having a pheonix familiar

Sex. Female

Age at start. 100 dragon years or 10 human years (applebloom age)

Kicked out of the ice dragon lands because she broke a priceless treasure hoarded by the ice dragon king (while trying to steal it)

Greedy like all dragons but instead of hoarding it like other dragons she wants to create a megacorparation through free/fair trade. But isn't above freezing her enemies if they get physical first. (And has a little bit of kleptomania)

I do like yours as well. I will leave a bit more time for a couple more comments before I start writing so everyone has a chance.

1. Eingana

2. Shadow

3. Smallish

4. Fox

Sex: Female

Age: Teenager

Got kick out for being found out that she is an inventor that figured out a way to tap in other magic. The older dragons fearing it banished her. The device that taps in magic is on her wrist and still in it's infancy so only she can use it due to being complex and knowing how far to push it.

Personility: Up beat and ready for action! 😜

Name: Aurora (Due to the way her scales refract the morning sun creating an effect that looks like an Aurora borealis running across her scales.)
Type: Ice (what else would fit with the description but icy semi translucent scales)
Smallish. Balanced since roughly as big as Luna.
Familiar: A Pheonix. How ironic and they balance each other well.

Nice. That breaks all the ties left. Gonna wait one more hour, and if no one else comments, I will start on the next chapter

Thought I was to late. Great!
Couldn't decide between shadow and ice but then I came up with the name and needed a reason for it which decided it for me.
The other comment wanting to call her that I only noticed just now. Aurora always was a name I favoured for fantasy characters.

Its all good!

Ice is the final winner! I am going to start writing the next chapter.

The next batch of choices is up! And as you can guess from the last choice, yes, each type had their own unique choice that none of the others did. But Ice had a pretty clever one.

To the old Castle and the story is amazing keep up the good work ( blue Phoenix yes )

A save as possible place to rest and shelter has priority.
But Cloudsdale is something to keep in mind for later on.

Old Castle with Cloudsdale as a back up.

Story needs a bit of a structural polish but is otherwise intriguing. Definitely want to see where you take us.

Side note, I would have chosen phoenix instead of fox but for my having one in a story I have which also contains some ice dragons. Don't worry, the ice dragons are barely in it. I altered the phoenix to make it based on frost and ice instead of fire mostly because I wanted it to stand out against Philomena even though Philomena never showed up in the story. That and a few plot moments where ice and frost were needed.


Well... Do we have an aura of frost? Because if so going to cloud's Dale could be very bad.
But I say we go talk to the village before we take the ruin as our home (ask if it's being used by the locals first)

Nope. No aura of cold. For now, just an average Northern Dragoness. But trust me, I have plans.

Just waiting for more opinions

If we go to the Oldcastle we can go to the library and see what books are in there maybe it'll help us with our magic and maybe learn spells and that can be our new shelter

I would say we go to the old castle to scout out some nice places to build a nest before we go over to ponyville and get to know the neighbours and maybe learn about the currency? Work at applejacks farm for some money to buy some gems to eat/store for later (or if we can enchant it with a levitation spell we replace some wheels on a cart to make a hover cart?)

ALRIGHTY, Ima tally up everything, then get writing the next chapter, cause I am getting antsy.

How's the chapter going

I have been taking a long time. Sorry. Still working on it, but school man, finals suck.

I feel your pain

To me, Aurora doesn't feel like the overly confrontational type so that rules out option 1. Her preference for cleanliness throws out option 4. And so I am stuck between 2 and 3. Considering how much Honour is respected by the Pegasi and having a desire to not become exhausted, in case of having to defend herself, I will go with option 2.

I am torn between 2 and the need to alway have more magic with 4. But as stated before, she has a dislike with getting dirty so I would go for 2.

Number 2 is the best way and good story

2. Land on the outskirts and ask for direction. We don't want to alarm anyone. +5 Honour +5 Cunning

I think option 2 is the most reasonable for her, she doesnt seem like she'd like to dig around for gems

Keep in mind, my dear readers, that each action comes with its own benefits. When she could go digging for gems, well, she never said she would use her own claws, did she?
She will do whatever the hell you want her to do, but with her own twist.

Just for shits and giggles, I will tell you what she could have had for previous options if she had been a different typing.
If she had been an earth-based dragon, the special option instead of going to Cloudsdale would have been to work with Fluttershy was a caretaker.
If She had been a fire-based dragon, she would have had the option to travel to the desert/wastelands as a mercenary.
If she had been a Shadow-based dragon, she would have been the option to use her abilities to find a gem rich underground cave (Like the ones Rarity is always finding).
And each typing had its own special abilities that you may or may not be able to access in the future depending on your choices. Just a hint, Mana is VERY important if you want rare and powerful abilities, but, with that said, you can always get by with strength and cunning.

You plan on making another chapter soon?

yes. School is a ball of stress and hell in a handbasket, so its gonna take a while.

How are things going with you

How is the next chapter coming along

Somewhat forgotten since stuff had been going down, personal drama. But not entirely forgotten since I do still intend to get back around to it

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