• Member Since 4th May, 2018
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CDL driver and mechanic by day and writer by night. Help me become a better writer and spread the magic of friendship


Comments ( 157 )

Well this was a pleasant surprise for Christmas, been looking forward to the start of this sequel.

Thank you, I'm glad you have. I've been looking forward to writing it. On my blog post on this site https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/883454/merry-christmas-and-a-happy-new-year I wrote that my readers get to choose the name for Emmit's new daughter. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

I'm glad to see that in story is back again look forward to the The new venture.

Eeeeee I'm loving this already!

I just really hope nim doesn't disappear:fluttercry:

I'm really glad that you're enjoying it, but who's nim?

It's supposed to be spelled nmm but when you say it it sounds like nim
N-night M-mare M-moon

I stole it from "the wizard and the lonely princess":twilightsmile:

Ah, so it's finally back. This is going to be entertaining. I eagerly await to see how this develops.

Will the castle staff and guards get their revenge for the consistent torture they have undergone since Emmit herded the royal sisters? And if so, how many pregnancies will it result in?

LoL Oh, you will just have to wait and see my friend.

Do you plan to take the story all the way thru to season 9?

If the main OCs in this story and the prequel were voiced, what would they sound like?

Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Honestly, I have no clue. Haven't really thought about it.

That poor guard... Hopefully she gets some... Eventually...:derpytongue2:

And if there is ever a chance, I don’t care what happens to me, I’m going to take it.

Whelp, we have one mare determined to do whatever it takes to go a round with Emmit. Now, is it just this one with the schemes or is it going to be a whole herd of them?

That was a sweet chapter.
Keep it up.

This is amazing when is next chapter coming out cos I can’t wait for it

It's great to hear on this story again I hope everything is going fine for you stay in good health can't wait to hear from the next chapter

Thank you, I'm fine and healthy so far, but I need to be careful because of my diabetes.

Tia’s room where our son was hopefully still asleep.

I think the child gender flipped here, might want to look into that

Thank you for pointing that out. I've corrected it. Some things slip by no matter how many times I read through them.

6.30.20: My apologies, but I'm not quite done with the next chapter. Been a little under the weather lately, so haven't had the chance to finish it. It should be up within a few days.

Hey don't worry about it Wild. I really enjoy this story and MLP: the lost heir story you've created. Both are great stories and I am always anxiously waiting for the next thrilling chapters in each story. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors and hope you stay safe and last but not least hope you continue to do what makes you happy. 👍😂👍😂

“The way this is going to work, is Emmit will remain in his fox form and run into the maze.” I had the complete attention of every single mare in front of me. “After giving him a two-minute head start, the rest of you will go after him through the maze. Whoever arrives at the center of the maze with him gets to buck him once.

Interesting way to release the tension between the various mares of the castle and Emmit. That said, given that only one mare out of all of them every, what? Month? Year? will get to play with him, I'm not sure how long this will last before they have a mob of mares breaking down the door to get to Emmit.

“And it’s not over yet,” I put in, pointing a hoof toward the gathering clouds, “because here come the storms.”

This was Emmit’s POV, s/b “paw”—unless Faust let him transform into a pony during the train ride.:pinkiehappy:

just when it couldn't get any more kinkier, this happens well done.

Mr. Wild, I dare say you have out done yourself once again with these newest chapters for this story and for "The Lost Hurt". Another great set of chapters. Keep up the great work and good luck with your future endeavors. Also, stay safe.👍😂👍😂

The Chekov’s Gun Chapter:
Once the forest hid Daring Do’s sight from the pegasus and strange predator-creature, green flames enveloped her and Queen Chrysalis emerged, flying on with her prize from the temple.
“Well, that was unexpected!” she chuckled. “Fortunately, I was immune to the drugs those fool ponies used to capture us, and the sex was a fun treat, plus I never expected to get away from those two idiots with these trinkets without a fight. But the real treasure I managed to steal was all the information those morons gave me!
“That not only are that ‘Emmit’ and his father some sort of alien creatures, but Emmit holds a wealth of precognitive knowledge about our world that not even his father has—however, his knowledge clearly has severe limitations.
“So, neither of them once suspected that the real Daring Do is currently in a hibernation pod back at my hive.
“Plus, he’s a limited shape shifter. I wonder what else he can do....?
“I’m going to have to learn much, much more about this Emmit before I make my move!” she cackled as she flew off.

OPSEC, people! OPSEC! :facehoof:

And what did happen to Qibble Pants?
Get captured by Chrysalis?:derpytongue2:

Good chapter! :pinkiehappy:

I never thought of that. That's awesome. I might have to use that. I'll give you credit naturally. Wait...that spawned a great idea for the next chapter.

Well that was some news drop:pinkiegasp:... I wonder how it will affect future things?

Now to wait Next-button to appear.

I think we can all agree that an angry Twilight is a scary Twilight. I have expected her to vaporize Chrysalis right then and there from the sheer rage she had.

I was kinda hoping he would fuck queen Chrysalis . So I kinda got what I wanted.but I'm still hoping she can be reformed and join the herd. I have seen many of Chrysalis go down the path of good after getting sense (or a dick) knocked into her.
This is only a suggestion and in my opinion sounds a little better than the original timeline.

Ps. Good chapter and great tease. But now I am horny during work. Maybe I should have waited to read your chapter at night.

Pps. It was the queen scene that did this, not the Twilight clip. I'm just not fond of the whole mistress thing.

Another great chapter Mr. Wild. Great plot twist with Chrysalis as Daring Do. Can't wait for the next chapters of this story and "The Lost Hurt".

nice chapter hope the next one is just as grand as chapter ten, chapter eleven is going to be (squeals in delight) AWESOME.

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