• Published 13th Apr 2020
  • 1,564 Views, 19 Comments

The Beginning :Rewrite - TheDragonSage

A rewrite of the old one, let’s see how this goes

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Chapter 2 - Spirits

Author's Note:

to be honest, two things

1). it was a chaotic past months
2) i have other things to do
3) i have other stories i want to potentially write

so i'll write what i feel like writing which stories, i haven't given up on this story, but there will be others, and i appreciate on all of you waiting.

Thank You

Chapter 2 - Life

Last time we have been here, we have witnessed how there was Genosis, now we shall witness where the very first life...was created, in this scenario, they were called…The Spirits of the Genesi.

In the land, where the color fresh green reigns supreme, sapphire blue in the ocean and sky, red in the magma and ash, the planet itself was quite alive.

If someone were to come now, they would assume that this place has existed for numerous years, yet...they couldn’t possibly be farther from the truth, seeing as this place was only created a few hours ago.

And its Creators?, currently debating on a topic, at this moment they are currently sitting on grass, across from each other, cross legged, in the grassland, miles away from any trees.

“Look, I understand your concerns, but think about it, what joy in life would there be if there is no Chaos?, how would you like it, if you ended up doing the same thing over and over again every day, it would be so borinnnng,” said the blonde fellow, trying to get his best, at the moment only, friend to see his side.

“I will repeat once more, I don't want to, in the future, deal with a being, literally, made out of chaos, and even if it’s interests would not be of destruction, I still don’t want to deal with an, personality wise, younger you, Naruto,” glared the ravenette at the, now named, Naruto.

“Really sasuke?, are you still mad about the time in our 10th year when in the park I got you-“ Naruto started, while snickering, but had to stop midway to dodge a lightning bolt created by his glaring red/purple eyed friend.

“Yes, and I forever will remember that,...unspeakable event,” growled sasuke, still sore that the blonde managed to get one over him like that...which none of you will hear off.

“Well, yes, a little too much Chaos CAN be bad, but come on, you have to admit that too much Order can be just as bad,” Naruto, trying to convince his stingy friend.

Sasuke just stared at him, a little more and it would’ve looked like a deadpan,...though, regrettably, he had a point, too much Order can always be just as bad as too much Chaos.

While he still didn’t want to deal with what will no doubt be his greatest headache,...he didn’t want a world where everything just kept repeating.

“Fine,...but it better not be a copy, personality-wise, of a younger you, I don’t even want to think of that happening, dobe,” he relented, reluctantly.

And now annoyed seeing as how his idiot brother was smiling right now, a little more and his blonde friend would be finding a nasty Kirin right on top of him.

*Time Skip - several months*

They have continued on, and in the end, they have created several beings, I have spent quite a bit of time, thinking what to create and what to not even consider, and the end result?

Discord, Draconequus Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony

Layla, Pegasus Spirit of the Night and Dreams

Dagrun, Unicorn Spirit of the Day and Healing

Ereshkigal, Earth Pony Spirit of the Earth and Nature

Ruiji, Dragon Spirit of Fire and Strength

Iskra, Kirin Spirit of Lightning and Emotion

At the beginning, Sasuke wanted to create a race of what resembled his Kirin which he would obviously call Kirin, but honestly he has no idea WHY most of the next races ended up having at least SOME form of horse on them.

Seriously, they started with the creation of kirins, which somehow lead to a horned horse to a winged one, it became apparent that the main race will apparently be horses,...on second thought ponies fit better as they are simply too small...except potentially the Spirits when they age up.

In this amount of time several races were created...with most having some part being Equine in nature, with exceptions such as buffalos, griffons, dragons etc.

The ponies in this world were small, the tallest one only reached up to his waist while the Pony Spirits could potentially be around his torso, as of now...they were tiny,...which lead to his current predicament.

“Daaaaad, Eresh is pulling on my ear, HELP ME,” said a four legged lightning blue furred creature with what looked like a lion mane on her neck, she has a branch-like horn on top of her head, she also possessed dark grey eyes, which by the way, his and naruto’s creations had, for whatever reason, large eyes.

This world is mostly filled what they call magic, or at least what the ponies called it, to be honest they didn’t particularly care what they call it, seeing as it was simply disconnected chakra since Yin and Yang energies are not connected, therefore they just allowed them to call it whatever they want...no matter how childish.

As sparks of lightning danced around the Kirin, he named Iskra, in irritation, you could plainly see another four legged creature on the irritated Kirin Spirit, this one had green fur, as well as flowing Dark green Hair with Ocean Blue eyes.

While Ereshkigal didn't have anything that made her different from her siblings she was, quite obviously, strong, so much so that kirin she has pinned below her couldn’t even struggle all that much, as the Earth Pony Spirit is currently on Iskar’s back and playfully biting and pulling her ear.

“Daaaaaad, pleeease,” she groaned in utter annoyance, she looked pleadingly at him, you can even see little tears falling from her eyes, her very large eyes,...which sort of looked like they belonged to a puppy.

If you would have looked around you can see they live to have other humans would see as an old traditional japanese house, with inside being filled with picture frames filled with images of him, naruto, and their creations.

It had furniture such as couches, book shelves, desks, and even a kitchen as well as a bathroom, it had windows where you can see the mountains that stretched far and wide, with the twilight sky to be viewed as of now.

You can also see a very much sunny colored Unicorn, currently using his...magic, to lift a book he literally created out of nowhere to make sure he wouldn’t forget anything that the old world had information on, as much as he disliked it, there was a chance he could forget something.

The human mind was never made to remember quite well over a century, so he might as well write it before he had a chance to start forgetting, he was currently sitting on the couch just reading one of the mentioned books on physics,...he honestly wasn't expecting this but if he likes it, why not.

He had burning orange eyes, in the pupil it looked like someone set it on fire in red lighting, he looked in the paged think with big interest, and does look like he is enjoying it, though in the end, he was very much ignoring two of his sisters that are on the wooden floor.

He can hear the other ones playing in the back of the house, outside, knowing he would withstand that look his creation is giving much longer, he sighed and stood up from his armchair and towards them, when he got to them, he picked up the two, rather light, little ponies that barely reached to his knees.

"Alright, Ereshkigal, that is quite enough for play fighting for now, how about you two go outside with the rest, i'm sure whatever they are doing is just as interesting," he said sternly, to his grinning green creation, while the other looked quite relieved on being saved from her pinned position.

"Fine, i guess your right, even if i do still want to win the fight for the billion time," she said, teasingly to the kirin, who turned away, with red cheeks, "and WHY do you believe you would win?!" she said, quite annoyed, as he set them down on the floor once more.

"Well seeing as you had to call dad over you might as well have called quits...sparkles," she giggled, which she quickly ran when Iskra literally burst in blue lightning, running after her earth pony sister, at the moment naruto was busy making sure everything in he nature's side was working.

Sighing once more in relief, he went back to his seat and picked up his book that he was reading before the interruption, just as he was gonna continue reading, a pie literally came flying towards his face, now covered in cream, his hand clenched as he crushed the book and screamed out the one name that was currently his bane in existence, and in the distance can be heard a howling laughter.


Comments ( 8 )

Yay new chapter.


You still writing?

is this story dead and if it is not then when will you be able to upload more chapters?

I think this story was abandoned.

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