• Member Since 18th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Trick Question

Being against evil doesn't make you good.


When Babs Seed and Diamond Tiara end up trapped in a hole filling with water, survival is foremost on their minds. When that fails, the former bullies try to come to terms with the lives they've lived.

Sometimes you have to get the weight off of your withers before you can tread water.

Written for the 2019 Jinglemas compilation as a gift for The Bricklayer.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Okay, safe to say that was... not really what I was expecting but I don't care. God, my heart was pounding furiously fast, the tension alone... This felt frighteningly real, like I was there with them. I really thought one or the other was going to die.

Yep, I'll definitely be coming back to re-read this one. Thank you, and have a Merry Christmas/Kwanza/whatever you celebrate.

This sounds like the type of story I won’t be reading because pone is fun escapism for me, but I do want to stop by and complement you on the extremely clever title which I fear most millennials and zoomers won’t appreciate because honestly I’m pretty sure I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve encountered the phrase “Bully Pulpit” in the wild.

And the cringiest comment of the day award goes to...

It's dramatic, but not a tragedy.

Honestly, I was mentally racing to come up with a title in time so I went with the only pun I could think of. It was fortunate that it fit, because I'd written the entire story first.

Okay person with 0 blog posts, 0 stories, and 6 followers, your opinion is noted.

What does that have to do with how god awful cringe that comment was? If anything you sound like a fedora wearing hipster that doesnt leave the house and is still in grade school. Ive been watching this show since before you were born but you want to sound like you old? Get out of here clown. The circus is waiting.

Why are you so upset? Trick and I are friends. She obviously had no problem with my comment.

TR's long been my favourite POTUS (although the Orange Man is mounting a credible challenge). I found the title mildly amusing. I've been on a kick of re-reading Isaac Asimov of late, and it's the sort of terrible far-fetched pun that he seemed to find hilarious, so it works for me in that regard.

Edit: And I just looked at your user page, so... Yeah. :twilightsheepish:

What on earth do you find wrong with that comment?

Hay guys, be cool. There's no need for this.

To be fair, I don't see what was cringey about the comment—nor do I see why an account not posting stories invalidates that reader's opinion. I just see a potential escalation of tempers on one of my story threads, and I'm hoping we can come together in the spirit of Friendship and let things slide. :pinkiesmile:

Lol I'm chill. Love ya Trick <3

....Yup, that's the tug on my heartstrings I've learned to expect from a trickfic. Usually I like to write elaborate comments on stuff but ... honestly my emotions are too dizzy right now, so props. I think Diamond and Babs' calmness was the most jarring... It makes me wonder what I'd be like in a situation like this, and eesh. Thank you for writing this.

"Oh. It's you," said Babs, narrowing her eyes.

Okay, look: we both said a lot of things that you're going to regret

"Don't talk like—" said Diamond, and then she winced. "No. I'll drown here, but you'll be fine. So... it's okay."

She doesn't seem to appreciate life all that much

It's hard for me to get into the headspace of ponies who want to live.

Well, it's likely a bit easier to get into the headspace of ponies who want others to live. And then it's just a matter of small alpha conversion :twilightsmile:

Nice play on words in the title, by the way. :)


I think these flankholes need to get smacked for trying to blame their actions on everyone but themselves. Congratulation hasbro you turned a brat into a mary sue you must be so f-ing proud

I don’t usually do this but from your description it sounds like at least one of them was going to live, so I scanned ahead to the end and I find out they both lived. What is the death tag for?

Discussions about and the potential for death are major themes of the story.

And here I thought the death tag was only for actual death in the story.

Click the "Toggle Warning Help" button inside a story submission.

Death - Stories with characters who are in the process of dying or feature death as a prominent theme.

I smiled.
It was thoughtful, somber, funny and sweet at the same time.
Thanks for the delightful experience.

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