• Published 18th Dec 2019
  • 482 Views, 1 Comments

Opening The Box - Little_Draco

What lies through the portal? Something good, something wonderful? Or.. can it be something... horrific?

  • ...

The name of the box

Opening the Box

A chilled wind tore across the lands, where the skies burned bright red over fields and mountains of bodies. Rivers of crimson ran down the fallen forms, creating vast pools and lakes of red. Fires burned in the distance, with clouds raining down ashes of the burning forms. The sun, forever red and low, burned through hidden thick cloud fogs. Nothing was alive.

At least, except for one. One that ran away from the bodies. One that ran in between from the watchful eyes of agony and death incarnate. One that survived this horrid mess of bleak and horror that awaited if it did not escape it.

‘Aroooooooohhhh….’ A moan of death and anger echoed through the fields of death, carrying its horrid voice of pain and anguish it wished to do upon others. ‘Luuuuuu whuuuulllll’. The ever horrid singing of its voice drew closer. The one that escaped cried in panic at its ever approaching wail that can drive others to madness. The one pushed itself to find somewhere, anywhere to hide from the creature. Jumping behind corpses, hiding inside hills of bodies and holding its breath under the lakes of blood. The one had escaped it but it was tiring out and just like the others, it would eventually catch it. Hope was fleeting, light was dying and there would be no haven for it anywhere here!

But alas… something flashed in the corner of one's eyes. Something swirling like a vortex, something old and ancient but not evil. Not evil! It was… warm! Something… magical!

‘Aluuuuuuuhhhhhhhh.... Whuuuuullllllll!’ The dreaded moan of the creature was near! With any final regrets to expose itself, the one made a life or death run to the swirling vortex. Up close, the one saw it was a purple vortex of sparkles, something it had not seen! Something wonderful! Pushing beyond its physical capabilities, praying to everything and anything, that this would be the one’s escape! Tired, hungry, in pain, covered in the ashes and dried blood of its fallen kin with a mind broken beyond comprehension, the one threw itself into the vortex to escape its horrible nightmare!

The vortex swallowed the one and it flashed out of existence.

“Okay and now we move onto the portal number six- uh...” A purple alicorn paused, turning to her assistant, a small green and purple dragon. “Spike?”

The dragon in question, held a pad, having written down the last hundred or so pages, sighed and looked up to her. “Yeah?”

“What portal number is this?” She pointed at a giant mirror where a swirling vortex was spinning in the middle, leading into an unknown dimension of time and space.

He paused, looked down at the pad. “Uh… let's see here, this is six- whoa!” The portal shimmer unexpectedly. Twilight stared at the portal wide eyed. “What’s happening!?” Spiked yelled.

Twilight as the portal glowed brightly and strongly. “Something is coming through the portal! Be ready!”

The portal shook, swirling and twisting in on itself until finally… something shot through from it and landed right in front of them.

Twilight and Spike jumped back as a mysterious form came through the portal. Immediately, Twilight threw a shield around her and Spike, waiting for a surprise attack of some sort.

The form was smoking, as if it came from a frying pan. It was covered in what looked dirt and mud, leaving it unidentifiable to anyone. The form remains motionless, like a clump of coal on the floor. Twilight feared whatever it was, might be dead. However, a soft wheeze of air was drawn into its lungs, raising it’s chest and body, before it began to cough loudly. It sounded like… a foal! However, the form wasn’t shaped like one. Instead it’s form represented something familiar to her.

“T-Twilight?” Spiked asked, a bit apprehensively, staring carefully at the twitching, coughing form.

“Just stay back, Spike. We don’t know what kind of life form this is.”

The form twisted, as more of its lungs cleared out, filling it with nice, breathable clean air. It began to untighten itself, slowly revealing its true form more and more. Twilight and Spike both went wide eyed, as it unwrapped itself. Slowly features began to show upon the creature, revealing itself to them.

First, the creature was long, from his short stubby snout to its long tail, almost the length of a teenager. Next, was the different and mismatched body parts that inhabited its body. Something only seen in one creature.

The mismatched wings, of blue pegasi and thestral, adored its long back of brown fur. It’s right leg was a light tan colored pony leg, while it’s left leg was a green scaled dragon one. A yellow griffin left arm and a lion’s paw were attached to its torso. Some red could be seen on the scaled tailed that ran from its spine, not matching the scaling of the other leg. Lastly, it revealed its face, hidden behind dirty white fur mane over it’s head and antlers.

“Twilight is that-” Spike began to asked but couldn’t finish as the possibilities of it happening where staggering to him.

Twilight nodded, feeling the answer was obvious but wasn’t sure if it was just her imagination.

“It’s a draconequus.”

Colors, smells, tasting… Everything was so blinding! The fresh air was cold but wonderful, fully returning into it’s lungs. So wonderful! The smell of horribleness no longer filled it’s chest. Despite feeling in an enclosed space, it felt wonderful to breathe this air!

Hard floors, not stained with blood or bodies, but clean and cold to the touch. Sparkling and wondrous bright colors filled it’s vision. It’s eyes adjusted to the bright colors, some have never graced it’s presence before!

Then it was aware, aware of it’s surroundings. Aware that it was somewhere else and lastly, aware that its body had changed. Uncurling itself, it felt the new features, something foreign and so alien, it had to rethink its features. It also heard voices, distant or close voices, it couldn’t tell but it could hear them.

Soft, kind, though some fear etched in their voices, it sensed no hostilities. Something it had developed before. However it was lacking here. Wherever it was, it was… beautiful.

“Uh… hello?” called out the voice. It flinched, unsure of the alien tone, feeling something foreign but warm. It hadn’t felt that in… forever. “Are you… okay?”

It unfurled itself more, hoping, praying that the creatures it was about to meet were friendly and… better. It had only known fear and dread. Its life was short but it had known nothing but…

As it uncoiled itself, it cautiously and fearfully used its new long body, to pear through it and look at the aliens before it.

A purple furred quadruped with wings and a horn and a bipedal scaled creature with spikes adorned its body with small claws, stood before it. They looked at it, with curiosity and wonderment, rather than hunger and murderous outlook.

It pushed away from them, suddenly aware of its new appendages, its mismatched form decorated its body. It looked down at itself, seeing nothing familiar of its original body. Was it because of the portal?

“Are you okay?” the strange creature asked once more. It’s head shot up, seeing them looking at it. The purple one’s eyes scanned over its body until it’s eyes went wide. “Oh, its a girl!” A statement that made a small smile form on its mouth.

A smile… something it had not seen in…

It looked around its environment, seeing no signs of danger. It then focused back on the creatures. Foe they were not. They could have killed it every chance they had. It was small, it was weak and it was… different.

“Spike, if possible go get Fluttershy and Discord. They may need to be here.”

The spiked scaled biped nodded its head. “Right, I’ll go get them!” It gave a final glance at the creature once more before running off. Meanwhile the purple finally understood that the creature before her was a draconequus, and was fearful of its environment. She was not like her friend in the way of caring for creatures, but she was aware of what fear was like.

She sat on her hindquarters and lowered her body stance, making her look smaller. “It’s alright,” It spoke, it’s voice calm and gentle, I’m not going to hurt you!”

Hearing that wonderful, calm gentle voice, made the world seem brighter. It knew nothing outside of pain and horror, but this was the first time it learned of hope and happiness.

“You must have been through alot, huh?” It asked. “You look like you were rolling around in dirt or something. You're covered in black and grey, though I know that is not your actual color.”

Despite it’s calm voice, it still kept a distance, unsure of the creature. However, it did take time to look over it’s own features, noticing more and more of what it was. The purple one seemed to know more.

“Well, since you came through the portal, it would make sense that you would not know what you are, so I guess to tell you, is that you are a Draconequus.” The creature looked up at her, cocking it’s head to the side. It gave another smile, though a bit of red changed across it’s face. “It’s alright, not many are known outside of one, which is why I hope he comes over along with his mate.” She paused and a frown passed over her features. She then turned to the swirling portal. “Though something tells me that you are coming from somewhere bad and that… you are afraid of whatever it is.”

A few minutes later, an audible ‘pop’ was heard as three creatures came into view, causing the female draconequus to jump in fright. Discord, Fluttershy, along with a somewhat nauseated Spike, appeared out of nowhere. The little drake looked a bit green but held it back.

“We are here!” Discord yelled, causing confetti to blow up from nowhere. The young one was once more terrified of the newcomers.

Fluttershy immediately took notice of the terrified draconequus, trying to hide in the corner of the room.

“Discord!” She chided worriedly. “You're scaring the poor dear!”

Discord paused, scoffing in mock. “Really? How can I, Discord, scare another Draconequus?! We are always aware of one another or know of each other’s antics.”

She pointed to the hiding one behind the mirror portal. His head turned and as soon as his eyes locked onto her, he froze. Something in him tingled and both Fluttershy and Twilight noticed his sudden turn from merry to grim. His eyes focused on the female hiding, watching as she started frighteningly at him.

Twilight, being the observational mare that she was, spoke despite the oddity happening now. “Um… Discord?”

He didn’t answer, which scared both occupants and Spike, who recovered from the teleportation. Discord’s yellow eyes were on the young female, staring intently at her. Her dirty body covered in dirt and mud or whatever, didn’t hide her true features.

This time, Fluttershy laid a hoof on his waist. “Discord? Your starting to worry me?” He didn’t answer, looking at the female Draconequus. “Does this have to do with the baby Draconequus?”

A bit of an edge appeared from his voice. “She is not a normal Draconequus.” He paused, knowing they may need clarification on what a ‘normal Draconequus’ is. “She is not like me, or any of my kind.” He seemed very serious and it was really disturbing the mood in the room. “She is not… from here.” His eyes then turned to the portal mirror in front, before his head snapped to Twilight. “You need to send her back!”

The sharp tone caused everyone to jump back, in confusion and shock. Fluttershy was left speechless while Twilight couldn’t move. Discord was harsh prior to his reformation but this brought back the memory of his madness.

“D-Discord!” Fluttershy tried to speak, distraught at her mate’s sudden tone change. “I- Why would we-”

“She does not belong here! She is something different! Something that can’t be here!”

“Discord!” Twilight confronted him. “What are you saying? How can she not be here? She just came into the portal!”

“Then send her back! Whatever she is, she is not like me. She may be far worse than me!”

The female watched in fear, as the creatures before her argued, most likely about her. However, something caused everyone to go silent.

“Alllluuuuuuuuuuhhhh!” A dreaded moaning voice was heard from the portal, causing fear to once more shift towards the female draconequus. “Whuuuuuuullllllllll!” The creature was coming through! Everyone had to cover their ears at the dreaded moaning.

She immediately ran away from the mirror and threw herself behind Fluttershy in absolute terror. She began to sob as the moaning anger crew closer. “Ah! What is that?!” Twilight yelled, her hearing quaking with the moan that sent a cold chill running down her spine. Even Discord was panicked, looking down at the female behind Fluttershy, seeing her crying with terror. It was only upon further inspection from her, seeing her dirty body, did he realize that she wasn’t coated in dirt and mud.

She was covered in ashes and dried blood. The vortex swirled and with it something came through. Discord watched, as literal hell and darkness, in form, pushed a single clawed black hand through the portal. Long as Discord’s body but thin, tried to make it through.

“Alluuuuuuuhhhhhhh! Grrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!” The creature howled, shaking the castle.

All the occupants covered their ears, though Discord, in an attempt to stop it, used his magic to snap the portal shut, severing the connection. As the portal closed, the arm that went through, got cut off and dismembered, falling to the floor.

When the portal closed, the moaning stopped and the occupants looked to see the fallen broken arm. Fluttershy hugged the crying draconequus, trying to coax her quietly. Meanwhile, Discord, Spike and Twilight looked at the large arm, seeing the horrid thing on the floor.

Another chill ran up Discord’s spine before instincts kicked in and he created a magic bubble around the arm… just as black spikes jetted out of arm! The trio jumped back in fright, even Discord, with a wince from him, as the spikes at pierced his bubble, but didn’t make it fully through.

It was eating his magic and was starting to gnaw its way out! “Twilight, when I tell you, turn on the portal and I’m going to launch this back into there and close it! It cannot be allowed to stay! It will kill everything!” His voice was strained as he conjured another bubble around it to keep from pushing through. The arm began to twist and turn on its own, spilling out blackish blood that slowly began to eat away at Discord’s bubble.

Twilight saw the severity of the situation and nodded. She quickly approached the dials to restart the portal, once she set the dial back up, she turned to Discord. “Ready!”

He nodded, feeling his magic being eaten and pain began to form across him. Fluttershy and the female watched in fear, as the arm was lifted, still trying to eat his magic, with the blood beginning to pool inside the bubbles, slowly melting them away like acid.

“Now!” Twilight turned on the switch, the vortex came alive.

“ALLLUUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!” The monstrous moan was once more heard, this time louder and stronger than ever. With a painful grunt, Discord launched the arm and its content into the portal like a slingshot. As soon as it was through, Twilight shut off the portal and the vortex ceased.

Discord actually slumped on the floor, with Twilight dropping onto her rump. Fluttershy looked around to see that everyone was okay. She then looked down at the female before her, seeing that she was sobbing, but was cuddling up against Fluttershy, hoping that the nightmare was over.

Log Entry: Lost count around the six-hundreds

Date: 1004 S.D.

When I started this experiment, I had sought to use the mirrors to find other worlds where we as ponies had different lives, different worlds and other unique perspectives. What I hadn’t anticipated, was that… not all of these worlds are good… in any sense.

The young female draconequus that came through, was one of them. From what we could gather from the… uh, remains from her coat and the ill events that transpired, the world where she came from was a literal nightmare. No, not even that. It was worse than imaginable and according to Discord, it made Tarturas look like a foal crib compared to the horrors that existed there.

The fact that she lived and made it through, was a miracle beyond anything and the horrors she had endured, may emotionally damage her later on in life. Still, the fact that she gets to live here and now, would hopefully change that.

Discord, despite being the one to protest her arrival, had decided to keep her. Fluttershy absolutely loved the little one and knew that this could be their trial as parents. They managed to clean her up, give her food and rest, that made her look like a healthy female Discord.

Her magic was… questionable, for she showed no signs of them. None that I could detect; Discord said she did have some but, didn’t know what kind, maybe perhaps they would manifest later on in life, and he would be there to show her how to control them.

The name, ‘Pandora’ was given to her. Discord found it reasonable, as she was just unleashed from a box or portal of chaos and terror. There was a small fear that Discord later told me in private that had me worried.

Whatever she was in the other world, was likely a result of the horrors that started there. She was the manifestation from there but had a different purpose here. Anything from my other experiments on the portal had shown that most creatures would come here as a pony. It would be impossible for a being to come through the portal and be… one of the rarest creatures in the known universe.

Discord felt fear, but he knew that the day comes when he could ask Pandora for her past, he would hope that the answers given, where unwarranted for something evil.

Other than that, I was able to find a little bit more about her. She was approximately eight to ten years of age. Her language was… limited though her intelligence was much like foals around that age.

With that said, I promised Discord that I wouldn’t mess with the portal anymore. I would only do so in his presence. We had finally found notes and logs to classify this portal number and entry… as ‘666’. The number gave me chills and I made sure to put locks and countermeasures from the portal ever opening up again. I pray that the portal never opens again.

Twilight Sparkle… Signing off...

Author's Note:

The second story of my final entry series for pony based stories. This one was actually a nightmare that I had, that manifested with my own mind as a kid. Everytime I stared at the mirror, I always saw a horror version of myself. An evil version where I always though, what would happen if I were just to open the door to the mirror and let Him go?!

The tale here is... what if you let out the little piece of horror? What if just opening a little bit, can undo the world? I am afraid of my evil manifesting and I feared the amount of times I had let it loose.
No editing was done, this sat on my mind for years and I wanted gone from my head more than anything else. Please... understand this side.

Comments ( 1 )

Quite the interesting tale you've written. It begs to have a sequel, and I honestly wouldn't mind seeing one. Have a thumbs up!

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