• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 4,092 Views, 25 Comments

Ultron: Bringer of Harmony - OPTIMUSPRIMEG1

I have been sent to Equestria as Marvel's greatest robotic villain.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Tims POV

Ah, the feeling of the wind brushing against my metallic body, oh how I missed this, now, my name is Tim, or better known to Sunbutt as Ultron, how I got into this position you ask, well, I was just a simple guy, going to a Con as Ultron from Avengers Assemble, the six eyed one, I saw a guy, whose costume I could care less, selling a MegaMan X beam Sabre, long story short, bought the thing wound up here. Also saw the chaos this place was in, back then, so I decided to help out, fought against Sombra, a freak of nature who bent the very fabric of reality, and Wyverns.

The rulers of this world thought what I do is evil, well, okay I wiped out the Wyverns, but they were planning on summoning a Demodragon to kill everyone, so I had no choice but to make sure no Wyvern followed in their ancestors footsteps, Wyverns are too bent on revenge, heck, even the kids murder their own parents. But enough of that, I soon saw a rock formations, landing in front of it, I pressed a specific rock causing it to sink into the rest, a boulder began to sink into the ground, walking in, magic lanterns lit up, revealing a stairway, walking down the stairs as the door closed again, I eventually reached my Batcave, seriously, there were bats on the ceiling.

Various gadgets that took months or years to make and magical items adorned the walls and floor, it was pretty small room, could fit about the Hulk, Thing, Juggernaut and Deadpool, had three tunnels, not counting the stairway, one on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right. "Honey I'm HOOOOMME!!" I shouted out,

"Welcome back sir." a voice said back, as I made my way to my work place,

"JARVIS, please bring the DUMM-E's online to help build a another Ultron body." I said,

"Yes sir," a whirring sound was heard as four robots came into view,

They grabbed tools and parts and began working on a new Ultron body, "How was your day so far sir?"

"Ah you know the usual, ponies heading for the hills at the mere sight of me, though we may need to move, the princesses know I'm free, and will send the Elements, any ideas?"

"We could move to the Griffon Kingdom, or maybe the Hippogriff lands." JARVIS responded, listing various locations,

"How about the Crystal Empire, Twilight has her wings, so it's bound to be here, Cadence could welcome us, though Shining might be a bit hostile towards me, it's still a good idea."

"Calculating welcome percentage." a screen appeared, as various scenarios began to play out. "You have a 62% chance of being attacked, a 25% chance of being welcomed, and a 13% chance of the princesses arriving right when you do."

"I like those odds, alright, Crystal Empire it is! Pack up boys! We're moving!!" I shouted out, as the DUMM-E's began loading everything into crates and heading up the middle tunnel where the transport ships are, heading over to a work table, I grabbed my Beam Sabre, and headed to control panel, "JARVIS, can you seal this place down, just in case we need a safe zone."

"Yes sir." with that, I headed for the exit, once I got outside, I flew up, and headed north, followed by three Halo Pelicans, one may not see it, but I'm smiling, look out Crystal Empire, cause you're about to be visited by the strongest being in Equestria.