• Published 15th Dec 2019
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Fallout Equestria: Old Souls - Pillbug

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Fallout Equestria: Old Souls - Epilogue: New Equestria

Epilogue: New Equestria

[But this time is different, children. Because this time, we have hope. Hope that the Equestria of tomorrow will actually be a better place than the Equestria of today. And that we may actually know peace in our childrens’ lifetime.]


Queen Chrysalis did not flinch as the little goggled unicorn struck at her with her water magic, but nor did she retaliate beyond parrying her spells. The unicorn, and her gathered comrades who were also being blocked by the Changeling Queen’s subjects, were distraught at the loss of one they loved.

Chrysalis levitated out the ‘Pipbuck’ that Snowflake had asked her to bring to the gathered group. “I will not. Even if I she wanted me to, to do so would undo everything you all have worked for. There will be generations because of what she did.”

Aquamarine magic renewed its assault on the Queen and her Changelings. “DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK FOR MY SISTER!”

Floating the Pipbuck over to her, the Queen nodded at it. “I do not need to. She has left words for you all.”

Instantly, Undertow ceased her attacks, grabbing and clutching at the device, rushing to start the playback.

“Everyone, sorry that I have to do this with a message, but I couldn’t risk seeing you all face to face. I’d never have been able to go through with this. Still, I got some things to say…”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Buff, Al, Lo. You three are the best little brothers that anybody could ask for. Every moment I spent in the Stable was only bearable because of you three. You can’t imagine how unbelievably proud you made me, every second of every day. I will never be able to thank you enough for that.

I have to ask something of you three now. Something big. You’ve been my beloved little brothers for all these years… but now you need to be more than that. I need you all to be big brothers now. Not just Buff, but Al and Lo too. Your sister’s gonna need you to look after her. I’m trusting that you’ll make her feel as happy and loved as you made me. I know you’ll do great.

One last thing, though. Don’t you EVER make her cry… like I did.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[One week after the battle at Stable 61]


Between the three of them, the Doublehorn brothers managed to drag the enraged Fedexi Lexi away from the Stable’s brig. Within one of the cells stood Willow Wisp, the former Overmare, who had backed herself up against the far wall.

Al got a leg around Lexi, bodily lifting her off the floor. “Whoa, Boss, calm down. What’s going on?”

Still struggling, her frizzy orange mane bouncing everywhere, she thrust a hoof back towards the cell. “She’s tryin’ claim mah daughter!”

The three buffalo looked at each other. “Undertow?”

Lexi’s purple magic rattled the cell’s bars. “NO! She’s sayin’ that she’s Snowflake’s mother!”

Shocked, all three Doublehorns froze in place. Al even lost his grip on Fedexi Lexi, who dropped to the floor. As one, the three brothers turned to the captured Pegasus mare. Buff spoke for all of them. “What do you mean?”

Shoulders tight, the Pegasus still made an effort to be combative. She stepped right up to the bars. “I’m saying that I gave birth to Snowflake. She is my daughter.”

“NO SHE AIN’T!” Lexi stomped forwards, even as Undertow rushed in to help calm her down. “Ah don’t care if y’took a dick way back when and she popped outta yeh a couple months later. That don’t make yeh her mother!”

Undertow, while still restraining the older unicorn, glared at Willow Wisp as well. “Snowflake told me she never had a mother. That she was a ‘ward of the Stable’.”

Willow Wisp flicked a wing lazily. “Well, I couldn’t very well deal with a newborn while I was set to become Overmare, now could I?”

It was only through the combined efforts of the three Doublehorns that Willow Wisp lived beyond that comment.

Once Snowflake’s mother and sister were outside of the brig, and the door locked and secured, did things calm down slightly.

Only slightly, as Undertow began to gnash and sob. “I can’t do it.”

Instantly, all four of members of her family crowded round, faces full of concern. “Can’t do what, little sis?”

She flailed at the Stable at large. “I can’t stay here. All these people, they keep saying such terrible things about her! I don’t want to be here! I want to go home!” With that, she flung herself into her mother’s embrace.

Stroking Undertow’s mane, Lexi nodded. “Ah’m with yeh, sweetheart. Ah ain’t stayin’ here neither. Not wi’ that bitch tryin’ to take credit for mah baby jus’ because she spread her legs.” She spat on the ground. “This place ain’t worthy o’ Snow, or her family.”

Buff looked on helplessly. His worry turned to shock as his brothers spoke up.

“I’m… gonna leave, too.” Al moved to wrap a thick limb around Undertow. “I’m not leaving you alone, little sister.”

Lo avoided Buff’s gaze, mumbling. “Me too. I don’t think I wanna live here anymore. I… I’ll go to Grindstone. They at least deserve to know about the Chief and Crush.”

Buff looked at his three siblings in turn, heartrate up. “But this place is a mess after the Rangers! We can’t just abandon the Stable and the others living here!”

He didn’t get encouraging looks in response. Steeling himself, Buff set his jaw. “I… understand. You guys have to do what’s right for you. I’ll stay, though. This place isn’t just Willow Wisp, or Roc. The others need help. I’ll do what I can for Stable 61. And, any time you want to come visit, I’ll make sure you’re welcomed.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Cept, you’ve been nothing but honest the entire time. I didn’t know you as well as I should have. I should have made more of an effort to get to know Naiara’s loved ones. All I can say is sorry. From what I’ve seen of you, I missed out on a great friendship.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Two weeks after the battle]

Sitting in a corner booth of the Hoofshine Harlots bar, a golden-eyed zebra stallion sat with a pegasus mare.

She looked up from the drink she’d been nursing. “Do you really have to go? Breeze will be so lonely without you here.”

Cept took another sip of his drink, eyes also downcast. “I do. I must take Atesh back to Roam to face judgement. Others in our clan want to return too.” He swirled the drink in his hooves. “Roam should hear how Naiara helped to save Equestria. Maybe they will change their minds about ponies.”

Cassie sipped her liquor before asking her next question. “Do you think so?”

Pulling a face, he drained the rest of the glass. “No, I do not. I will try, though.”

Setting her glass aside, the pegasus got up when Cept did. “And none of us can go with you? Not even Bosco? He could disguise himself as a zebra.”

Holding up a hoof, Cept shook his head. “It is too risky. If word got out that an outsider was brought into Roam without permission, the whole clan could be punished. Only zebra this time.” He looked back, through the foyer, towards the bedrooms, where another pegasus slept. “I do not want to leave her, but I have a duty to the clan.”

Slipping both hooves around his neck, Cassie hugged him tight. “You ARE coming back, though, yes?”

He returned the hug. “Nothing in this world could keep me from her.”

She nuzzled into his neck. “Then good luck. We’ll miss you while you’re gone. Don’t keep her waiting too long, Cept.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Cassie… you’re a complete bitch sometimes. You shot me. Three times. I don’t care what problems you’ve had with Raiders, that’s just overkill. For all the time I’ve known you, your only saving grace was how much you loved your sister.

Still, you fought alongside me, our friends, and our two sisters. You killed Latvi and avenged Naiara. I won’t forget that. Because of that, I’m gonna ask you a favour.

All that hatred you’ve got towards Raiders? Let it go. Pile it all onto Red Ice, and leave it buried down here with her. Focus on the love, Venatici. Let any hate you have focus on me, and leave Undertow alone. She never asked to be a Raider, never tried to be like I did. It’s not her fault, it’s mine. Leave all your hate with me, and go spend your days with those you love.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Six months after the battle]

Cassie couldn’t help but smile as she watched the scene unfolding before her. Four Changelings, a buffalo, and a unicorn were engaged in an increasingly loud shouting match. Cassie wouldn’t have missed a moment of it if you paid her.

In the six months since Stable 61, Cassie had honoured Snowflake’s last wish, and not been hostile to Undertow, but she still greatly enjoyed seeing the water-wielding unicorn getting stressed out like this.

A figure in a heavy cloak and dust mask strolled up next to her. His voice was muffled by his attire. “What is wrong?”

Cassie chuckled. “Youth.” She pointed at one of the Changelings, currently in the familiar form of her beloved friend. “Bosco there has gained something of a following, thanks to his role in what happened six months ago.” Cassie moved her hoof towards the other three Changelings, all in the form of pretty pony fillies. “Those three hangers-on follow him around, hanging on his every word.”

As if to prove her point, Bosco snapped something at the buffalo, with the three fillies chorusing approval. This set the unicorn and buffalo arguing back, and soon it devolved into Bosco, Undertow, and Lo each yelling at the other two, as well as the other Changelings.

Cassie snickered again. She nodded at Undertow. “She’s Bosco’s best friend, but I’m not so sure she really knows how she feels about him getting all this female attention.” Then at Lo. “And her big brother there is not so keen on much of what’s happening here, from Undertow OR Bosco. Which, naturally, leads both to get angry with him in return, and so on and so forth.” She shrugged. “As I said: Youth.”

The stallion began to remove his traveller’s garb. “They are well, at least. I am glad.”

“They are,” she agreed, before turning and poking him in his striped chest, “and you’re late. It’s been six months, Cept. You’ve kept my sister waiting.”

“Sorry.” His smile was embarrassed, but not uneasy. He began looking around rapidly. “Is Breeze here?”

Cassie smiled brightly at his eagerness. She turned him away from the ongoing argument. “Let me take you to her. You’ll make her day.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Breeze, what you said at the Stable entrance really made me happy. I know I made some mistakes, and we didn’t always get along, but I was always happy that you were such a good friend to Naiara. You deserved her, and she deserved you.

I am so sorry that I have to take another one of us away from you all. It’s cruel, I know. Sorry again. I guess you’re in charge of making sure it doesn’t happen again. I can’t think of anybody else who could honour Naiara’s legacy better.

Keep up with the fancy tech, too. Always liked that. Well, after the first time, anyway.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Four years after the battle]

The elevator doors dinged open, allowing Breeze to trot casually out into the foyer. As she headed further into the Bernstein penthouse’s offices, she passed by one of the full length glass windows. Looking out, she was treated to a fantastic view of the recovering city of Lethbridle.

With the activation of the Gardens of Equestria, the region’s farmlands had returned to their pre-war fertility. After managing to clear out the few pockets of Raiders and Plottawans who had survived within the city up until that point, it had been opened up for settlers again.

It was, once again, the heart of the northern region. With the bright summer sun shining down on it, Lethbridle gleamed like a polished jewel.

Breeze took a moment to enjoy the warmth on her feathers, before continuing.

As she passed through the next set of doors, she raised her voice to greet the three ponies inside. “Good morning, Esto, Lithu, Amber.”

Esto, already hard at work, waved without turning away from her multiple projects. “Breeze, good morning.”

Lithu immediately dropped what she was doing to focus on the newcomer. “Breeze, hello! Did you fly up here?”

Amber waved, but as-always said nothing.

Breeze waved off Lithu’s concern. “Yeah, I flew up here. Gimme a break, the baby’s not due for another month.”

The white-and-blonde unicorn hadn’t taken her eyes off Breeze’s bump. “Yes, but we might not see you for a while after the little one arrives. I want to make sure we get as much Breeze time as possible, and that means not making yourself sick via overexertion!”

Rolling her eyes, Breeze moved over to Esto’s workstation. “Relax, Lithu. When it happens, I’ll be gone maybe a week. Cept’s the one who’s gonna watch over the baby.” The pegasus took a moment to rub her hoofring. “That husband of mine’s going stir-crazy waiting for the foal to arrive. He and ‘Auntie Cassie’ are constantly squabbling over every detail. I’ll be here plenty up until my time just to get away from that.”

The four mares shared a laugh, silently in Amber’s case, at the thought. Cept’s time in Roam had ended in his exile, the brunt of the atheist clan’s folly falling on him as Elder, though he’d adjusted to life in Equestria because of a strong support system of fire-forged friends.

The matters of the day soon took precedence over chatter. Breeze joined her partner in their research, Esto as the thinker and Breeze as the tinkerer having developed a strong working relationship since the Stable.

On the other side of the room, Amber and Lithu resumed their planning. “Okay, so we’re set on the presentation for the Bernstein main office team?” Receiving a nod from the Bernstein mare, Lithu pressed on, sharp mind remaining even after Latvi had stolen her scientific knowledge. “Your cousins must be eager to see you again, Amber.”

The silent businessmare just rolled her eyes, and pointed at the next item on the agenda.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Bosco, you were the first friend I made outside of the Stable, and I damn sure wouldn’t be here to do this today without your help. Heck, none of us would be. You got us through scrapes we had no business getting through, Boss Colt.

Sorry I can’t be around to help you figure out all this Changeling stuff. I’m sure the other ‘lings will help you out if you ask. If not, then there’re plenty of worse things to be than just Bosco. Love that guy.

You’re gonna do great, buddy. I guarantee it. I literally cannot think of a scenario where you won’t. Especially because you’ve got tons of love around you to help you grow big and strong.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Five years after the battle]

Two griffons stood on a mountaintop, taking in the last few rays of warmth as the orange sun sank over the horizon.

Green fire flashed around one, leaving a sturdily built grey Earth stallion standing in its place. The Stallion began counting slips in his hooves. “Twenty… forty… sixty… this new NCR paper money’s fiddly. I miss caps.”

The remaining griffon, now dwarfed by her partner, barely reacted. “Mhm.”

Satisfied that the money was in order, the stallion stashed it away again. “Looks like we’ve got enough to last us a month or two, even if we don’t pick up any jobs along the way. Whaddaya say we head north and say hi to the others? Breeze has been bugging me to come visit little Naiara. ‘If you can catch her’, she says.”

Wings broke from her stupor at the name, nodding vigorously. “Sounds great. That little filly’s gonna be special. Schwarz has been pushing me to stop by, too. Must be a full year since we saw each other.” She dug an elbow into Bosco’s side. “We’ll stop at Sprinkles Supplies first, eh, so you can see a certain somebody.”

He flicked her elbow away with his tail. “Why does everybody think—? I mean, I DO wanna see her, but as a friend.”

Sapphire eyes glinting in the twilight, Wings just chuckled. “Sure, kid. Whatever you say.”

Glowering at first, Bosco’s expression shifted to conciliatory. “While we’re up there, we’ll have time to go to 61.”

Immediately, the griffon looked away. Her voice dropped to gruff tones. “There’s nothing there to see.”

He scratched at his cheek. “It’s okay to miss her, you know.”

She didn’t respond.

Bosco pushed on. “You never talk about her. Any time we talk to people in bars, or whatever, you’ll mention the others, but not her.”

Her claws scratched thin lines in the rock as they balled into fists. “It’s just what happens in the Wasteland. Nothing to stew over, especially not after five years.”

“If you really feel like that, why is that horn still hanging around your neck?”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Undertow, I’ve got so many things I want to say to you. Sorry I couldn’t keep watching over you in person. Sorry I ended up keeping my promise in a really shitty way. There’s nothing left out there that can hurt you, at least nothing that stands a chance of getting past the others first, including your big brothers.

Xilia, in the time I got to travel with you, you did things I never thought possible with magic. Seriously, when I watch you do some of the things you do… you just take my breath away. Nobody’ll ever convince me that there’s a more powerful unicorn in this world than you. And you’ll keep getting stronger too, as you grow up. I wish I could be there to see that. You’ll be a beautiful mare, even more so than you are now, I just know it. And you’re kind, too. Mom taught you well.

You, Undertow, are everything I should have been in life. More complete. I was just the prototype. Ice is just incomplete water, really. You’re more of a full person than I ever was. You can use magic like I can’t, love like I couldn’t, and live as I was never able to. You’re perfect, Undertow, and you’re not even finished yet.

I can’t do much more for you, but I can try. It might be a gift, might be a burden, but I gotta try either way.

Undertow… I pass my soul onto you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Six years after the battle]

Stepping through the Stable, nodding greetings to passing residents and visiting traders, an aquamarine-and-turquoise unicorn mare moved with a fluid gait. As she walked, a pair of goggles hung loosely from her neck, and her orange eyes passed over all points of interest.


Undertow looked up calmly, as a bright pink teenage filly darted around a corner at the far end of corridor, four bread buns held in a neon-green haze while she hastily chewed on a fifth as she ran. Struggling along after her was a heavyset earth stallion, middle-aged and wheezing.

The thief charged down the corridor swerving to avoid Undertow, who hadn’t moved. The filly passed the waterwitch…

...and stopped dead in her tracks. The half-bun left in her mouth kept going, even as the mouth did not, but was caught in an aquamarine glow before it hit the floor.

The teenager struggled in vain against her immobile body. “What’s going on here? I can’t move!” Oaken eyes fixed on the serene smile Undertow was sending her way, even as the neon around the floating buns was overtaken by aqua. “You! You’re doing this! Lemme go!”

Turning to the approaching baker, Undertow nonchalantly floated the four buns back to him, as well as some NCR cash for the half-chewed fifth. “Sorry about this. I’ll take her to the Overseer.”

With a final glare at the girl, the stallion stomped off with his recovered wares.

After he was gone, Undertow resumed her casual amble, though now she had company. No matter how she struggled, gasped, and complained, the filly couldn’t stop her legs from moving in formation with those of the older girl.

In a voice as pure as a mountain spring, Undertow addressed the bread thief. “What’s your name?”

Gritting her teeth, the filly gnashed out. “What’s it to you? Lemme go already!”

“Not until the Overseer gets his say.” If she was tiring from frogmarching a teenager through corridor after corridor, Undertow didn’t show it.

After exhausting all options at toughness without success, the filly changed tactics. “Why are you doing this to me? It hurts! Leave me alone!” She even managed to squeeze out some crocodile tears.

“It might hurt, if I’d caught you six years ago. Apparently it hurt like hell back then. I’ve had practice since, though.” She reached over and ruffled the little unicorn’s mane. “You’ll live. Now tell me your name.”

“Fourhoof Discount.”

“Try again. Your real name this time.”

“Sticky Digits.”

“One more lie, and I walk you into a wall. Horn first. That stings, lemme tell you.”


Glancing at her face, the water-wielder seemed satisfied. “Nice to meet you, Fizzlestick.” She nodded forwards, towards an open door. “We’re here.”

Fizzlestick’s response was a drawn-out groan, as she was propelled into the Overseer’s office.

Because she could, Undertow had her charge salute. “Hi, big brother. You’re looking well.”

Head still buried in papers, Buff took a second to notice his visitors. When he did, his head snapped up, an ear-to-ear grin spreading across his face. Lumbering around the desk as fast as his full-grown-bull body could take him, he wrapped Undertow up in a bone-crushing hug. “Hey! I didn’t know you were coming! Why didn’t you call, little sister?”

“‘Little sister’?” Fizzlestick squeaked from beside them.

Brother and sister broke their hug, and fixed the girl with twin smirks. “That’s right. Now what did you do this time, Fizzlestick?”

“Nothing, Overseer, I swear!”

Undertow traded glances with Buff. “‘This time’, huh? She steal bread a lot?”

Grunting irritably, Buff returned to his desk. “She acts out a lot. Seems to think that she knows everything there is to know, no matter who tries to teach her otherwise.”

“I don’t need anybody trying to box me in.” Fizzlestick muttered.

She was swiftly ignored. Undertow looked back at Buff. “What’s her story?”

Buff’s irritation gave way to pity. “Only child. Lost her parents when the Steel Rangers first came to the Stable, not long before… you know. Since then, she’s been a ward of the Stable. Everybody’s tried their best to help her fit in, but…”

“Tried their best to shut me down, you mean!” Even redoubling her efforts did nothing to free Fizzlestick’s body and blood from Undertow’s arcane grasp.

“...now she just lashes out at anybody.” Buff ran a hoof over his eyes. “I’m running out of ideas. Punishment does nothing. Redirecting her energy doesn’t take, and even offering to let her go out of the Stable with our supply caravans doesn’t interest her.”

“Stop talking about me like I’m not even here!”

Undertow looked to the girl, then to her brother. “Can I try?”

Buff and Fizzlestick both stared, confusion and unease on their respective faces.

Beckoning her in close, Buff whispered into Undertow’s ear. “What are you gonna do?”

She kissed him on the cheek. “Give her what I think she needs. I’m gonna borrow a page from someone we both know and love.”

Turning to the suitably freaked filly, Undertow released her bloodhold on her. “Well, Fizzlestick. I think you and I are gonna be spending a lot more time together in the next few months.”

“What?” The pink unicorn backed away. “Why?”

“Because you never had a big sister and you need one.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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