• Member Since 15th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.


You've held one in your hooves, and know that this feeling has come before. And in time, you will be by the balcony again, waiting for the recall. No matter how much you love them, something is always different, and you're left with the thought: Have you fought for nothing at all?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

I've seen stories where an immortal tries to keep track of their descendants (or their friend's descendants), but this was a new twist. At some point the blood thins until there's barely any of the qualities that you look for.

Have an upvote!

It's short-lived, but this fic is definitely a testament to Sturgeon's law. 90% of everything on this site is kinda garbage, but there's that 10% that shines its light through with its brilliance.

This story is one of those such fics. Very nicely done

Have my thanks! πŸ‘€πŸ‘Œ
This is amazingly high praise for a story I deemed trash and tossed on my trash alt with a name that jokes how trash it is. Seriously, thank you!

Well, I'll admit, I'm hardly the child-type. I couldn't imagine ever wanting a child, nor having a child, and I'm not easily convinced otherwise.
But this story... it definitely made me think. It's a whole 'nother take on something that might appear simple to others, and quite the enlightening one, at that. I found it rather interesting, to see a POV focused on the past, and what it meant. This isn't a fic I'll forget anytime soon.

I'm really glad I read this. And I have to thank you for writing this. It is, truly, a lovely story.

Thank you very much! I myself also do no like children. They are my least favorite animal, and also very expensive. But I like ponies, perspectives, and writing, so here's some of that. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

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