• Published 25th Dec 2019
  • 827 Views, 3 Comments

One Small, Strange Blue Horse For Christmas - The REAL Mister Pkmn

A twist on a Christmas classic, with one man that hates Cristmas and a pony that gets warped into his life.

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The Gift

One Small, Strange Blue Horse For Christmas

By The REAL Mister Pkmn

Christmas Day dawned, and the world awakes with a flurry of cheer;

All save it be me, who despises this time of the year.

Now I know what you’re thinking, that you’ve seen this before;

But oh, let me tell you- to this tale there is quite a bit more.

I rose from my bed, just like any other day;

I washed and got ready, time to get on my way.

For in my apartment, there was no tree;

What use was it, when there were never presents for me?

I put on my coat, and went to leave into town;

But then I recalled that the stores were all closed, and this pulled at my frown.

But I suppose there was naught to be done, for this consumerist mess;

I sat down on one of my chairs and read a tale that fit my behest.

I wore away the hours, for what was the point?

I wished this day gone and done, and away from my joint.

Each year this day came, and each year it made to depart;

Never bringing anything to me, aside from a more hollow heart.

Yet as I was brooding there, upon my chair;

I felt something change, here in my room’s air.

I looked up to see, and there near where I would put a tree;

A light was glowing, and awe set itself upon me.

The light built and grew, and when it died I saw a pony.

Her coat of azure blue, and two-toned silver mane;

Her eyes of purple, and scared visage made it plain.

She was far from home, apparent by her horn;

Before my eyes now, an honest-to-goodness unicorn.

She looked left, and looked right;

Then her tears fell, and ruined my night.

For as I looked upon her, something pulled at me inside;

I approached her carefully, but the reason itself did hide.

I held her, and comforted her as best I could;

Yet why was I doing this, and was there any reason I should?

I tried to find words, something to reason with her;

But nothing came, and I just had to endure.

A little while longer, and her tears did dry;

I thought to ask who she was, but I did not know why.

But I saw by trying to say hello that she didn’t understand my speech-

A lost one who was beyond my reach.

Yet it didn’t matter to me, as I took her in;

Finally something in my life, to consider it not grim.

It took days to bridge the gap of our languages, and I came to understand;

Her name was Trixie, and she was indeed from a faraway land.

She told me tales of it, this land of magic and others like her;

And I regaled her with my life, in her I did confer.

The more time she was here, the more I did feel;

There was more to it all, for it all was now more real.

I wasn’t sure why, I wasn’t sure how;

But I cared for this mare, that was very clear now.

We got to know one another over the days, and they turned into weeks;

She figured out a spell to become human, so she could go outside and not be called a freak.

She was now my friend, truest one I ever had;

And something else was there too, a strange feeling that wasn’t so bad.

Just as I was coming to terms with my new life, my new friend;

One flash of light, and our liaison did end.

Just as sudden as she had come, now she was gone;

I searched for her everywhere, I looked hither and yon.

I would not give up, I would not give in;

Then I spotted something, a thing that made me grin.

It was a longshot but what choice did I have? I just had to see her, my heart did say;

If I was to see the mare I cared for so much again, there was no other way.

I took the loose hair in hand, and focused my thoughts with nothing to hide;

I felt her world’s pull on the loose hair, and let myself along for the ride.

I was pulled upon and the winds blew, all in an attempt to shake me from my cause;

But nothing would deter me now, there was no more room for pause.

In a crack of thunder, I did arrive to cause much commotion;

I looked all around for Trixie, swivelling at even the slightest motion.

Then I saw her being taken somewhere, I called out her name and she turned to look;

She saw me and her face started to glow, she spoke my name “Samuel Brooks!”

The citizens of this town turned to see, shocked and awed as I approached Trixie;

Somebody tried to get in my way, and I pushed them aside so that my way was free.

I came up to her, and gave her a hug;

I said that I missed her, she replied. “Same to you, you big lug.”

I looked around, and saw the ponies’ apprehension;

I assured them then, “I’m not here for contention.”

It wasn’t long after that a chariot flew in, I raised a brow in curiosity;

It set down and out came a white horned pegasus, and then she addressed me.

“You have journeyed far, a long way from home you have come;

“But I fear I must say you must go, now to you I say: ‘go back home.’”

I looked upon her, and shook my head;

I did defy her with power, and I said:

“I will not go just because you say, I will not leave her alone with pain;

“It’s either me here with her or her back with me, I’ll not have us parted again.”

Before she could object to my case, I did continue to play my hand;

“For I have come to care deeply for her, for reasons I mightn’t understand.

“I won’t be parted from her, not when I feel quite this way;

“I think I might love her, and for that reason I must stay.”

Trixie approached me, and looked up in awe for what seemed like a season;

She began to smile, and said “Trixie knew that she liked you for a reason.”

The horned pegasus paused at the sight, and then had a soft smile and sighed;

She spoke to me saying: “As long as you’re sure, Trixie will be your guide.

“She can ensure that you are settling fine, that you are adjusting well;

“If it is your wish to stay, I’ll need to do a quick spell.”

She lit her horn, and I panicked just slightly;

Trixie looked at me and smiled, and that calmed me quite nicely.

I braced myself for the spell, prepping for what I thought might be immense pain;

Yet it was over quickly, and I was still myself- no hooves, wings, or horn did I gain.

I looked to the horned pegasus, an incredulous look gracing my face;

She gave a soft chuckle, and said: “Did you think I would change your race?”

I scratched my head, embarrassment plain upon my visage;

I shook it away as I came to settle in their village.

Over the years I came to understand what it was she had done,

For I couldn’t stay here in Equestria if magic I had none.

She gave me it so I would not be burned by this world,

A gesture I appreciate as my purpose unfurled.

For I was lost and alone back where I was from,

So to this world and land I did hastily come.

I often look back, thinking on if I made the right choice;

Then I see Trixie and our children, and the thought loses its voice.

I know that back there, none are around that would miss me;

And it is this single thought that sets me free.

Somebody else out there might not agree with the decision I made,

But it’s my life not theirs, and their opinion abruptly fades.

Now I make an end of the story I tell,

Of the man I once was before I fell.

For I did fall, mad into love;

And I often thank the stars above.

Now, dear reader, it is time for the final bookend;

To you I say,

It is now The End.

Samuel sighs as he closes the book, and looks over to his children sleeping in their beds. “Heh. To think that this kind of thing would happen to me, of all people.” He looked over to his wife, the pony he met by mad happenstance all those years ago. He smiled as he saw her cradling their newest child. “I’m glad that we met that day. If not… well. I don’t like to think about it.”

Trixie smiled gently. “Sam, it’s alright that you have these thoughts. It’s all still pretty new for you, especially the magic that Celestia gave you. Trixie believes that you’ll fully adjust someday to all of this.”

Standing from his chair, Samuel went over to his wife. He smiled as he gazed into her eyes. “You’re the first individual to believe in me like that. You’ve no idea what that means to me.”

Trixie blushed and looked away. “Oh, stop it. You know that it’s just as much you being there for Trixie, right? She’d be lost if she didn’t have you. Had you not come to Equestria… they were going to lock her in the madhouse for life. For coming as soon as you did… Trixie is eternally grateful.”

They shared a brief kiss before Samuel pulled away. He smirked. “Well, It’s not much, but…” He paused as he reached under the tree and brought out a gift. He held it out. “Merry Christmas, and Happy Meetaversary.”

She opened it with care, and gasped as she saw what it was. She cried. “You fixed it! Trixie’s cape… She thought it too damaged to wear again…” She looked up and dried her eyes. “Thanks, Sam.” She paused, and reached under the tree to find another gift. She held it out to him with her magic. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, and Happy Meetaversary.”

He grabbed the gift gently, and started to unwrap after Trixie cut her magic. He soon saw what she had gotten him. He looked up in awe. “My watch… I thought it unfixable, without proper batteries in your world…”

She looked away with a blush. “Trixie might’ve had some help with that.”

A chuckle escaped Sam’s lips. “You got Twilight to help you, didn’t you?” At her deepening red, he shook his head. “Ah, it doesn’t matter how you did it. It’s a thoughtful gift for sure.”

Trixie sighed as she cozied up to him. “Will it stay like this forever? The two of us, here together?”

Sam gave an uncertain shrug. “Hard to say. I’d rather not worry about it too much, though. Let’s focus on the now, and let the future throw at us what it may. We’ll weather it together, no matter what.”

The two let silence fall as they gazed upon what they had here together. Three children, a stable home and income, and each other. As long as they were in this together, they could handle anything. Sam smirked as Trixie fell asleep. It had been a hectic day, to be sure. But no matter what, he wouldn’t change a line of it. Sometimes he had nightmares of waking up and it all being gone. They weren’t as often now, but they still did trouble him slightly. Sure, he could have Princess Luna stop them, but… He liked to solve his own problems. He sighed and shook his head. He could handle it. As long as he had this to wake up to… he’d be fine.

The End

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas, everyone! Yeah, I know it's a bit cheesy, but... How could I not? Anyway, I'd like to know your thoughts below.

Comments ( 3 )

Cheesy, yes.

But it's a nice warm piece. I liked it.

It was cheese but sweet, just the way i liked it.

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