• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2016
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Name pronounced "Five-u-min-on-for" ---- Home of a whole bunch of Cozy Glow stories, and one Spike story.



Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis have escaped from their stone confinement, and have fled to the outer most remote regions of Equestria. They must now work together if they want to uncover the long lost Rainbow of Darkness, and use its power to conquer Equestria once and for all. Their journey, however, takes many unexpected turns, as they make new friends and foes, and uncover secrets about each other. They’ll face their toughest challenges yet, as they struggle to stay together.

Chapters (37)
Comments ( 161 )

Twilight handled this pretty badly. Curious to see how they'll avoid Discord and whoever will eventually end up chasing them.

Funny chapter! All three villains are very interesting to read.

"Doesn't the moon weight several billion pounds? No unicorn magic can actually move it." Chrysalis said. "Besides, the sun doesn't rotate around the planet. We're a heliocentric system. The sun is the center, the Earth revolves around the sun, while the moon revolves around this planet. All due not to unicorn magic, but a force called... I forget. But the point is, everything they've taught about astronomy is wrong."

I’m sorry, but don’t you mean Equus? Earth is inhabited by humans, not magical ponies.
Also, since when did Chrysalis learn of astronomy in a world where magic exists? It seems as if the laws of physics apply to both worlds.

Great chapter by the way.

I changed some wording to make it clearer, but it's my headcanon that Chrysalis is basing this information off of a conspiracy theory she heard. Sort of like how we have flat earth theory, in Equestria, a heliocentric system is only a conspiracy. In fact, no one actually knows how space works.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words.

"All of this is for not!" Tirek said.

"All of this isn't for not!" she replied. "Try for once in your life to see more than a few steps ahead."

It’s spelled “naught”, not “not”. Still, great job on this chapter. Keep it up.

The story's title confuses me. Shouldn't the focus be on all three villains?

"That's pretty low man." Suri said. "Orphans can be disturbed individuals. I had a little pegasus orphan under my wing. At least I think Scootaloo was an orphan..." Lightning Dust said.

Says the pegasus who also didn't care if Scootaloo would be hurt or killed within that rocket. :ajbemused:

calculating distance is how GPS works

I think you meant "indoctrinate" instead of "endocrine", no?

Cut to the four tilling the soil and planting cotton seeds. Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Suri Polomare all worked her clearing out a field and tilling soil for their cotton production. (Yeah, really. This story takes weird turns).

I love the self-awareness.

"I'll have you know that I've spent years! in a state of suspended animation. So, if you do the math, I'm technically an adult!" Cozy exclaimed.

The sudden realization everyone is ~20 years older than in FiM.

"Good bye everypony!" Cozy exclaimed. "We'll be back in a yet to be determined number of chapters!" Chrysalis said.

Very nice 4th wall break, Chrysalis.

Why didn't you respond to my comment?

Sorry for not replying earlier. The story is titled 'Cozy Chronicles' because it is a story primarily about Cozy Glow. Yes, the story features Tirek, Chrysalis, and many other characters, but Cozy gets the spotlight because she's my favorite. Plus, I liked the way the title sounded.

"Oh yeah... I did say that." Tirek said. "Have I identified a major continuity error?" Chrysalis asked.

Chrysalis, are you seriously trying to be like Pinkie Pie?

"Today we learned that we can add magical artifacts to your list of consumable magic." Cozy said. "Whatever, let's just do this thing before it makes my head spin." Chrysalis said.

Then that would also include Grogar’s Bewitching Bell since it also had magic. Wherefore, why didn’t it ever cross your mind to just absorb its magic, Tirek? 🤨

The shrouded royal guard captain.

I think you might be missing something here.

The point of this sentence is to hide the identity of the new captain of the royal guard. A bit of foreshadowing for later.

It feels incomplete though, generally sentences have to refer to what a object is doing or otherwise find a way to tie the sentence in with the rest of the story in order to hold the audience's interest when describing it.

Now that I take a closer look, this sentence is definitely incomplete. I’m an amateur and oddities like this slip by me all the time.

I would like to take the time to thank you for writing this story. Out of all the writers that write Cozy Glow their are few who would bother to write her plans and fewer still that write plans that could conceivably come from her. This is one of the few stories that gets that aspect of the character right and I appreciate it.

Since the map is two-dimensional, two measurements would yield two discrete points at which the Rainbow of Darkness could be located. Checking out both might have been faster than pinning the location down with a third measurement, but don't tell the villains that.

*ahem* Gusty is a “she”, not a he. But good chapter though.

"Well, l since we're not going anywhere any time soon, I guess all that's left to do is camp here until the storm goes away." Cozy said.

"I wonder if he at some point had some sort of alternative motive..." Cozy wondered.

Did you mean ulterior motive?

It looks like Gallus really took those lessons from the School of Friendship to heart. Good job Gallus, Discord would be proud!

The guard who went traitor does make a good point. When did friendship started to go dark? But I am liking it

Gallus seems to have changed not neccessarely for the better it seams.

"I don't want to let her go. I don't want her to leave my sight. I'm going to keep holding her." Chrysalis said.

This honestly broke my heart, in the best kind of way. This story has been building the relationship between the trio really well, right from the beginning. I love the little moments showing just how strong the bond between them has become. And the "I still don't like those odds"/cut to Magnolia in the cocoon scene made me laugh out loud. I can picture something like that happening in the show.

I've really been enjoying this story so far, and can't wait to see where it goes next!

This is now become my favorite chapter in this whole story so far. Great job, bud! And thank you for bringing the real Grogar in this too. I wonder what plans he has in mind. Again, amazing job.

The trio of villains began their venture into the murky forest of this unusual island./The three began their trek through the dark and mysterious island. It was a murky forest, somewhat like a bog. The trees were dead, and the dirt was dry and dusty.

I think you were supposed to erase something here.

Indeed, at some point, Cozy was hit by a poison dart in the flank. Chrysalis approached, and got close to the booty.


I stayed up for a good while reading this through and while there’s a number of grammatical errors, I really like this. I love stories surrounding the Mean 3, and more often than not, most of them surround around Cozy and her origins. I can’t wait to see where this goes. Whether they’re allies/friends/a little family, I love to read their dynamics.

Welp, Twilight sure fucked up.

Glad to see them free from the control of some lowly pony.

'Why Are Changelings & Centaurs Are Always So Sweaty?' - remove one are

'Chrssie' - Chryssie

I gotta say I’m thoroughly enjoying this fic. The friendship build up of the Mean 3 and your take on Cozy’s backstory.

"So what did the princesses do? They locked us away in stone for doing what YOU told us to do! And despite your screw up, they welcomed you with open arms while they let us sit and rot in purgatory for years!" Chrysalis ranted.

Yeah I have to agree with that. I don’t think anyone sane or forgiving will allow someone who gather the most dangerous villains go without a punishment or share the same fate as them

They each shook with Discord, and accepted his offer.

That was a missed opportunity for Discord to snap into existence two right arms for them to shake.
Oh I love reading more of this story.
The Mean 3's relationship with each other is so adorable and caring.

Excellent job, my friend. I really love the trio’s relationship.

Nice to see Grogar again...in a way. Great job, man! Looking forward to the next chapter!

"Something about concerns regarding Changeling population." they said. "What?!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

I knew that changelings new form would have a flaw but the show refuses to show nothing but perfection in friendship.

Great chapter! I love the complexity of the story as it's shaping up so far.

Just a few things I feel the need to point out though.

"I've never seen a this condition like this. I wouldn't know where to start." Luster admitted.

"I mean, I got this. I know just what to do." Luster said. "Twilight originally tasked me to help Cozy, and I want to keep my promise."

"Think about it, Lusty. Twilight Sparkle wanted you to reform us, and she'd be so proud of you if you cured me, and made that happen." Cozy said.

Luster thought about what to do.

"I don't know. You have a serious condition, and I don't think I'm capable of-" she said.

I don't want to point this out because it makes me feel a little bit like a jerk, but Luster goes from being willing and confident in her ability to help, to doubting her own abilities after Cozy speaks. All together it's a kind of behavioral whiplash that needs more explanation.

And you better believe that Cozy Glow had her own plan ideas. Sorry, some things don't change quite that easily.

You don't need both the word plan and idea here. You should probably remove one of these words and keep pluralized the one that remains, if that makes sense.

"Why do you want to know? You tried to kill her last time we encountered you.

Fixed the typos, and completely redid the conversation with Luster to make character behavior more clear.
Most of the time, weird instances of character whiplash are the result of continuous rewrites. I tear down, and rebuild chapters a lot, and once again, oddities like this slip by me all the time.

No problem. I redo characters and scenarios in my head multiple times to get the best ending, so I completely understand what you're talking about.

"Ahh, good ol Canterlot anchovies. Absolutely nothing you can't learn from here." she said to herself.

Luster's kind words warmed Cozy slightly.

Great use of a subversive foreshadowing especially in light of what comes next.

Cozy lifted her giant rook, overhead, and hovered it over Luster. Luster was compelled with fear, she was paralyzed and couldn't run.

"No fair! I gave you my trust! I gave you my body!" Luster exclaimed.
"I know, and for that, I'm truly grateful." Cozy said. "I promise to put your body to good use. I'm in control now."

Cozy lowered her rook and *boom* crushed Luster Dawn.

You know you're the first writer to make me hate Cozy Glow while still keeping her in character?

If the writer's of the show had put as much thought into the interactions between the villains and the heroes of season 8 as you've put into the character of Cozy, then it might have turned out pretty good.

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