• Published 1st Feb 2020
  • 328 Views, 3 Comments

Zipporwhill P.I. and the Show Stopper - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Private investigator Zipporwhill is hired to watch over The Baltimare Trained Animal Show

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Come One Come All

The Baltimare Civic Center was a large building, standing taller than the ones around it, but not quite reaching a full story above them, and wide enough that Ponyville's Town Hall and Town Square could have fit inside with room to spare. While the other buildings had wooden exteriors that were painted white, it had large, polished, dark stone, fit together so well, it could have been carved from a single, solid piece. The roof was not as slanted as most of the other buildings, and was made of metal, which shined a bright golden color in the sun.

Inside, competitors from all across the country were gathering in their waiting areas. With time for the event to begin fast approaching, a variety of reactions was occurring. Some were rushing about in a bit of a panic, trying to make some last minute adjustments to get everything ready. Others were more relaxed, chatting with their neighbors, and getting to know each other. Still others who were tense "relaxed" by enjoying drinks that were not exactly appropriate for foals: and if one of them happened to enjoy too much and be unable to perform, that was hardly the fault of the other competitors, whether they just happen to speak on how many spectators there would be, increasing the pressure the other felt, or even provided the beverage being imbibed.

Throughout the top of the building were rafters and suspended catwalks, allowing creatures to walk back and forth high above the performance and seating areas. Although flying was the most common way of getting up, there were ways for creatures incapable of flight to do as well.

Zipporwhill walked along one of the catwalks, wings partially open for improved balance. Her gaze drifted back and forth, scanning the area around her. In some stories, the antagonist would take advantage of such areas, looking down on the crowd below. According to at least one explanation, it was partially to symbolize how that character saw themselves: above it all. It also made some sense from a practical standpoint, though. A way for one creature to look out on many, to see further and more than they could at ground level.

It was also a place from which a lot of trouble could be caused. Such as tying a rope around someone's neck and tossing them over the side, dropping something, making something fall, or setting off some sort of explosive, be they fireworks, or something with more destructive power to them. Even if the last did no damage, the sight and sound would send panic through those below, causing them to try and flee.

That was what brought the pegasus detective up to the rafters that day. Although the civic center had its own security force, and they had done multiple sweeps, Zipporwhill felt obligated to do at least one herself. Especially since she was being paid more than them (one of the advantages of going into the private sector instead of civil service). She and Shadow had already done the ground section and lower portions, checking on them prior to the contestants arriving.

It was unlikely, but if some creature was planning on tampering with the competition, maybe she would get fortunate and catch them up there. Maybe she would even get super lucky, and overhear them monologuing to themselves about the whole plan, like a supervillain in the comic books or something.

Actually, maybe it was better if she did not. After all, supervillains meant superheroes, which meant super fights, and those led to super expensive amounts of property damage.

Still, no villains -- super or otherwise -- and no signs of traps or sabotage.

As Zipporwhill made her way back down to the ground, she caught sight of two figures not far from where her loyal canine companion was waiting for her. Getting closer, she quickly recognized the pair once she could make out more detail. Although it was not that difficult. Not exactly a lot of pink alicorns out there, and even fewer that were foals. Two and one, to be exact.

"Come here, puppy," the filly of the pair called out, holding a hoof out toward the canine. "Come on, boy." She then made some kissing noises.

For his part, Shadow remained where he was. His head was turned away from the alicorns, very pointedly not looking at them. However, his ears were tilted toward them, listening to the sounds they were making.

"I'm afraid that's not going to do you any good, Princess," Zipporwhill said as she flew down, landing on the other side of Shadow. As she did, the dog relaxed, leaning to press against her, tail wagging. Zipporwhill reached up, scratching gently around his ears.

"He's pretty much trained to respond just to me."

She gave one last pat before turning her full attention to the alicorns.

"Princess Cadance," Zipporwhill said, giving a partial bow. "Flurry Heart. Are you here as judges as well?"

"No," the older alicorn, Princess Cadance, answered. "Aunt Celestia told us about it, and invited us to attend, but she's the only one of us judging."

Reaching out with a wing, she wrapped it around her daughter.

"No, the main reason we're here is because Flurry Heart is getting older, and my husband and I thought that getting her a pet would help her learn about responsibility. Admittedly it's a long way from taking care of a kingdom of ponies" -- considering some of the things Zipporwhill had seen, she was not so sure, but chose to keep quiet -- "but it's a starting point."

"I wanted a wintering mungtooth," Flurryheart huffed, "but somepony thinks I'm not ready for that much responsibility."

"Let's start with something that doesn't cause massive blizzards whenever it gets overstimulated and anxious," Cadance replied, giving her daughter a pat. "Which brings us back to why we are here. Celestia invited us as guests to watch the performance, and I'm hoping it will give us some better idea on what sort of pet would be best to start with."

Zipporwhill gave a nod.

"Well, if you decide to go with a dog, I know a couple breeds that do well in cold climates like The Crystal Empire." Her gaze drifted to Flurry Heart. "Although, they tend to shed, especially when it gets warm, so you'll have to comb them to prevent their coats from getting matted."

"We'll keep that in mind, Miss..." Cadance trailed off, looking expectant.

"Zipporwhill." With a wing, the pegasus pulled out a business card and held it out to the princess. "Private investigator." Her other wing shifted to point at her dog. "And this is my loyal canine partner, Shadow."

Shadow gave a small bark of acknowledgement.

"Miss Zipporwhill," Cadance finished. She took the card, looking at it before putting it away. "Well, I don't think we're going to need a private eye while we're here. Still, like I said, we'll keep your offer in mind."

She too a step back, placing a wing on Flurry Heart.

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we should get to our seats, and let you continue working."

Zipporwhill gave the royal pair one last bow before they left. Once they were well on their way, she did get back to work. She had inspected everything but the seating areas, and that was too large for one pony to do it all by herself. So, that she would leave to the security team, who had already done so, and trust them on it.

She could also use something to drink.

And there was a perfect way to do both at once. There was a concession stand near the front, and a door for the waiting area for the competitors not far from that. She could make her way there, checking on the creatures participating along the way, and then grab a drink while taking a short break.

As she walked past them, Zipporwhill took a note of each competitor [race (and tribe), gender, coloration, and cutie marks when applicable], and the animal they were entering with. Ponies, changelings, hippogriffs, griffons, and zebras, with dogs, cats, birds, and so many others. There was even an aquarium that had several large crabs of some sort.

One particular entry, however, got Shadow's interest. The canine came to a stop, ears perked and tail low. A noise escaped his throat. Not a growl. It was less an R noise and more an M, similar to a thoughtful hum.

The dog that had gotten his interest was sitting there, staring back.

Zipporwhill looked at the two, then turned her attention to the trainer, a brown earth pony stallion with a bone crossed with a dog whistle for a cutie mark. She cleared her throat, getting his attention.

"What?" he asked.

"I think we both know what," Zipporwhill replied.

The trainer turned to look at her directly, brow furrowing.

"I don't follow."

"Fairly certain you do. I don't know the exact terms they are using to define the competition --" opening a wing, she pointed a pinion at the dog "-- but I'm pretty sure that if you have to disguise yourself, you know you don't fit them."

The stallion took a deep breath, straightening up to his full height, and glared down at her.

"If you have such an accusation, you very well better have proof of it, ma'am."

Eyes narrowing, Zipporwhill took a step forward, almost pressing her nose against his.

"Well, if you want, we could go to the judges and clear this all up." Her eyes narrowed more as she smirked. "I'm fairly certain that if we ask, they can produce some potion or other that can reveal the truth." She then turned toward the dog. "Or the two of you can come clean, and dropout without having everything made public."

After five seconds, the "dog" let out a huff. A flash of blue flame engulfed its form, giving way to reveal a pinkish changeling, around the equivalent of cutie mark age. Shortly after, there was another around the stallion, revealing a slightly older one with a lavender carapace.

"You're not going to tell our parents, right?" the first asked.

It was the first time that Zipporwhill ever saw changeling do puppy-dog eyes.

"Well," she said slowly, "since you didn't actually compete yet, I guess we can say you didn't do anything wrong." She smiled. "So, I guess that means there's nothing to tell anyways."

She gave the pair a wink.

"Now get on out of here."