• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety. Books are available again; check my userpage for details.


When Anon ends up in Equestria, he decides that spending a week in bed would be a good way to get over this sudden and dramatic change in his life.

Twilight and her friends aren't so keen on this idea, and attempt to convince him otherwise; who will finally get him to see sense?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The cover is cropped from its (SFW) source on Derpibooru; I needed an image of an Anon in bed, and this was the best one I could find that didn't have a pony in the bed with him.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 11 )

This monster made Fluttershy cry...
Get the Elements of Maguffin and blast it!

promising yourself that you will never stay up past three in the morning ever again.

biggest lie I have ever seen

And then he woke up in sweat-soaked bedsheets, gasping for air after waking from a nightmare he was already forgetting like a fart in the wind...

Comment posted by Shadowblade019 deleted May 18th, 2020

I don't like this story because if any of us were just one day plopped into equestria we would act very similar also if a person with depression was in this situation you wouldn't call them a bitch because that would make them worse and applejack can't talk because if she lost her friends and family she would act the same way

some tough love or shock therapy can work if the nice and soft estrategy didn't work besides he's been in bed for a whole week...true the change needs a bit for extension or explanation but still it kinda make sense that he just gives up on his staying in bed plan.

Great fanfic and kinda want it to have a sequel

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