• Published 1st Dec 2019
  • 392 Views, 5 Comments

Maud and Trixie in the City of Sombra - Timegal25

An older Maud Pie and Trixie Lulamoon find themselves in a city filled to the brim with secrets and danger.

  • ...

Funk Goes On

Trixie tossed and turned in her bed, the sounds of the outside not letting her sleep. The block party that her mother had brought her to a few hours earlier was still seemingly going on, with the music and fairy lights creeping in through the closed blinds and shut windows. She sighed, getting up and pulling herself out of bed. Perhaps having one of those ‘interstellar brownies’ that her mom had picked up while getting groceries would help her. Or two. Or five all stuffed in her mouth at once. She slowly opened the door and poked her head out. Seemed all clear as she walked to the kitchen.

She could hear the faint sounds of the TV still on from the living room. The sound of slightly fuzzy laughter was coming from it. After stuffing a few of the addicting prepackaged sweets into her mouth, she made her way into the living room. Her mother was asleep on the couch, reruns of a female earth pony with orange brown hair taking part in all kinds of different sketches and scenarios. Burrnett something or other.

The young unicorn slowly got onto the couch, sitting next to her sleeping mother. It usually ended up like this a lot of the time. Her mother always seemed to get the jobs that she didn’t want, leading to long and thankless hours that meant she would usually be out before Trixie.

Trixie slowly levitated the remote into her hand began to change channels once it got to the commercials. It was mostly late night infomercials and all the sitcoms that networks wanted to fail so they could get another tax write off. She did come to stop when she saw the latest class of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. They all seemed to be happily smiling as they showed off their progress in the fall season. Such magical skill, ready for any kind of disaster that could strike Equestria. Trixie watched with awe as she watched a pair of them easily match the other in magic based combat. “Wow….” She said, not noticing that she had said it aloud.

“You know…” Spectacle said, softly rubbing her eyes. “Being a great unicorn doesn’t require you have to go there.”

Trixie jumped a bit before looking at her mother. “But, so many powerful ones come from there! Imagine it mommy! Me, being picked to defend Princess Celestia herself! The whole of Equestria cheering me on as I show off my skills!”

“Since when was protecting your own mother not enough?”

“T-that’s not what I meant mommy!” She looked down a bit as her mother chuckled, patting her on the back. “A-and if I go the school, daddy will come back. He went there, right?”

Spectacle’s smile dropped for a second before she pulled her daughter into a hug. “Do not worry about such things, my little magician. You don’t even have a cutie mark yet. But, I will do what I can to get you in. Just… promise you won’t give up if things don’t go that way? I just want to see you be happy in life, getting into a certain school means nothing to me.”

Trixie nodded, giggling as her mother continued to hug her.

“Alright, now you gotta brush those teeth again and then back to bed. No school is gonna want to host a girl with dirty, smelly teeth.” Spectacle chuckled as Trixie covered her mouth and ran off to the bathroom, not even trying to hide the sounds of wrappers that were coming from her jammies.

Spectacle rolled her eyes with a smile, watching the report on the school a bit more before getting up and turning off the TV.


Trixie whistled to herself as she got her breakfast from the toaster. She did her best to make it quick, but her fingers still felt the sting of a just-popped-out toaster pastry. She’d use her horn, but she was still kind of waking up.

Spectacle walked into the kitchen after her, kissing her on the forehead and pouring herself a cup of coffee. “I miss being up first.” she said, putting slices of bread into the toaster and pulling down the lever.

“Well, I promised that I’d be the one that would care of those Suncrest Bloomers by myself and those things are picky about when they take their water.” Trixie responded, watching the sun shine in the fall sky. “I don’t think I ever found out if Sparkle’s doing that or if Celestia and Luna are still the sun and moon controllers.”

Spectacle leaned against the counter and watched with her daughter. “Twilight has enough to do on her own up in Canterlot. Raising the sun and moon probably is still just up to those two… wherever they are. Maybe they’re in a nice little town with a perfect view of both, on the water,” she sipped her coffee. “I’d love to visit a place like that sometime. Maybe this summer.”

Trixie nodded, taking a bite of her processed pastry. The warm strawberry flavored filling tasted rather good even if it was filled with fake sugar and corn-syrup. “You know, that would be nice. I like this city, but it has been far too long since I have been on the road. A nice seaside town somewhere would be nice. One with calming natural sounds and everything.” The idea of such a perfect get-away seemed to make both women close their eyes and let out hopeful sighs… until the toaster dinged again and two pieces of toast popped up. “For now, Diamond Dust city is fine.”

“Here here.” Their mugs clinked as they drank, waking up more and more before work started.


Maud took slow deep breaths as she heard the sounds of the sounds of the ocean bounce off the walls. Her body felt calm, it felt peace, it felt…relaxed. The sounds of the ocean painted a scene around her, even with her eyes closed. She took a few more slow deep breaths before she finally opened her eyes.

She could see the feint reflection of herself in the tv’s blank screen. She looked like she was blending into the couch with the colors of her sweat shorts matching the pillows underneath. She got up from her couch and picked her things up from the coffee table. There was an odd sense of pride of being able to get everything she needed for the morning all put into one folded pile.

She walked out of her apartment and down the hall, moving past other doors. Some were faintly giving off their own sounds, others were silent. The elevator doors opened with a ding. She stepped into the metal box and pressed the ground floor button, hearing the same creaks and groans that it had been making since the night she had moved in.

She got to the ground floor and walked out into the cool breeze, and made her way down the sidewalk past the row of other apartments that were just as old as the one she lived in. She could hear the sounds of kids giggling and running around nearby, while ponies with jobs or places to be drove by on the street. This was her community, a bit full at times but still relatively calm most days.

After a few blocks, she reached her destination: a small cube of a building. It wasn't old or decrepit, and it didn't stand out. It was just another building that most walked by. Maud headed in, walking past an empty counter and going right into the changing rooms, starting to undress.

She could hear footsteps approaching as she pulled her shirt over head, a figure towering over her. Their gaze was cold and harsh as their gigantic bat wings unfurled, showing off their true size and splendor. The silence was finally broken when Maud's top hit the ground.

"It is good to know that I can still make you freeze up whenever I desire, Maud Pie," the figure said, smiling, as they pulled their wings back and began taking their own top off.

"Your stature and form are uniquely intimidating, Inky Rose." Maud responded, as they continued to undress.

"It is a shame that few others know the joy that the bathhouse brings. Its saunas and warm waters work continue to work wonders on my body." Inky said, turning to get a towel. The scars on her back caused by her wings caused discolorations in her lavender skin, but they luckily also seemed to add to her gothic appearance and nature.

Maud simply grabbed her towel from the things she had brought with and followed the taller woman. "The silence and open space allows me to think more clearly when I'm trying to plan out my day as well as move my body.”

Inky just nodded, as they entered into the sauna with their towels wrapped around them. “You know, I think when the time comes, I shall try getting back into designing outfits,” she said, her wings spreading back out again. They truly were a sight to behold, looking almost unreal at times. “Trying to find a mix of fashionable and comfortable is a task that I’ve had to learn my whole life.”

“Interesting. I would be interested in having an outfit made by you, and I am sure that Rarity would also love to help if you asked her for assistance.”

“Have you been talking to her much recently?”

“Oh, no. I don’t like bothering her out of the blue when she likely has better things to do,” Maud looked down slightly at this. When was the last time she had actually talked to Rarity? She shook her head, getting out of her funk. “How are things going for you at home?”

“Going well. Lily has been eager to see me design again, though in all honesty it is still likely a ways off. The dark recesses of my soul have not produced much in terms of creative designs.”

“I see.” The two drew silent as the heat of the sauna covered them. They were both drenched in sweat after a while.

“You know, if it’s alright… I might be a bit late to work. Lily’s walking Sunny to school and I feel like it’s been so long since I gave her a proper drop-off.”

“Oh, that’s fine. I’d be happy to tag along with, if you want.”

“Oh, Maud, you are far too kind and caring for a woman of sin and horror like me.”

“You’re a friend to me. I like seeing my friends happy.”


Canterlot Castle was a political hot zone. It had to account for keeping track of records and artifacts, hold special teachings for young and upcoming magic users, be lodging for the Princess of Equestria as well any other royalties that needed a place to stay for various reasons, and be able to hold all sorts of various diplomatic and important meetings. Sadly, today was a day where a meeting was being held.

The main conference room of the castle wasn’t as glamorous or beautiful as the throne room. It was rather… bland and glum, in all honesty. The walls had photos of each delegate and kingdom’s ruler in their most stoic of poses. Sadly, the same could not be said for the actual in-person delegates.

“Late. Again.” A scaly hand slammed down on the table, shaking the whole thing. “Why do I waste my time, coming all the way out here if she’s the last one to arrive?!”

Ember. Queen of the Dragon Lands.

Ember kept fidgeting in her seat, seemingly looking for more reasons to be angry at her current situations. “She’s always so high and mighty about us needing to have these things, we can never skip one, and yet-”

“Enough of your whining, your point has been made, dragon woman.” The queen looked across the table, glaring.

Scraper. Delegate to the Diamond Dogs.

“If the Princess has other motives, then she shall be make up for them later.” Scraper said, before taking a pawful of peanuts and shoving them in his mouth, chewing loudly. All the other members at the table watched or tried to ignore the horrid sound of shells being crushed between his jaws.

After a few more long seconds, the doors to the conference room flew open and she walked in. Her being late did have at least one benefit… she always looked gorgeous entering.

She spread her wings, them giving off a magnificent rainbow shine and almost reaching both sides of the room with how grand and full they were. She slowly took her seat as she retracted her wings. She put her hands together and smiled. “So. Shall we begin?”

Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship, Element of Magic, Ruler of Equestria.

“I’ve been waiting to begin for the last fifteen minutes, your highness! And you wonder why dragons still don’t always get along with other species!” Ember shouted, slamming her hand down again. “I’ve been waiting to say that a bunch of dogs have been taking all our resources and violating the agreement that we had!”

“No such thing has happened, she speaks only lies!” Scraper looked ready to lunge at the dragon with the already growing anger on his face. “Why must make Diamond Dogs look bad to those around you, dragon woman?!”

“I wouldn’t be making you look bad, if you didn’t run off with some of our food!”

The tensions were flaring but came to a sudden halt as the room was illuminated in sparking blue lightning. Princess Twilight smiled as she looked to her side. A unicorn was now standing at her right hand side. “The princess will have order. We are all adults, aren’t we?”

Tempest Shadow. Commanding General of Equestrian Guard, Acting Second-in-Command to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight nodded at this. “You should listen to her. I have no interest in supporting petty squabbles. If you think you can prove that your resources have been stolen, I shall see what I can do to help you.” She didn’t seem to notice the dragon queen’s snort at this. “However, if this turns out to be just an error and not that serious, do realize this doesn’t make you look good.”

“You trying to imply me or my people would make stuff up, Princess?”

“What the Princess is trying to imply,” Tempest stepped in-between the two, “is that we know that dragons and the diamond dogs are not on the best grounds. This may be a simple delivery error. Consider looking more into this before casting stones.”

Scraper laughed at this. “Yes! Diamond dogs would never steal dragon food! Dragon queen has made mistake! Haha!”

“Laughing it up doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Your best hope this doesn’t turn up true for your king’s sake. And learn to eat with your mouth closed, please.” Twilight said, shooting down the delegate’s laughter. “Now, is there any other issues that need to be discussed before we get to finance discussions?”

“Ah, yes. Hi, just here to say that enrollments at the School of Friendship is down. Not any of your faults, just please consider sending more of your children! Haha…”

Starlight Glimmer. Head of the School of Friendship, owner of the Friendship Castle.

Starlight seemed to sweat a bit as all eyes were on her. “Just throwing out suggestions!”

Silence fell over the room as Twilight cleared her throat. “Well, I suppose that we shall get down to the more boring talks then. I’ll make it quick.”

Some time later and everyone was clearing out. They were all handed fliers as they walked down the hallway. “Please consider coming to the opening of the Diamond Dust City Embassy Center.”

Moondancer. Equestrian Archivist, Transcriptionist to Princess Twilight.

“Help show unity to all the citizens that attend. Free food, drinks and lodging provided to all nations that attend for the night.”

Jet-Flame. Official Event Planner, Resource Manager, Financial Adviser.

“Ah, that’s coming up, isn’t it? Well, even if no one here comes, I promise that me and the girls will be there.” Twilight said, smiling as she looked through the flier.

“Never thought Diamond Dust City would grow so much…”Moondancer thought out loud, rubbing the back of her neck.

Jet-Flame patted her on the back, laughing. “Heh, you send anyone with some royal or political importance somewhere small, that place is bound to grow.” She then turned to Twilight. “May I interest you ladies in some drinks back at our place? We’d be more than happy to bring out the good wine. Or booze, if you’re so inclined.”

“...I’ll consider it, but this is a busy work week for me and I’m not sure I could just say no after one cup,” Twilight explained, sighing.

“We’ll make sure to only give you the watered down stuff then, Princess,” Jet-Flame said, before snapping as her horn glowed. A portal opened up in front of them, “do let us know when you have the chance!” She waved before walking through.

Moondancer simply smiled at Twilight. “I know I keep saying this, but thank you again for this job.”

“Moondancer, it’s been over a decade.”

“I know, I know. Heh, still, Thank you Twilight,” With that, she followed Jet-Flame, the portal disappearing behind her while doing so.

Twilight chuckled to herself, happy to see that she hadn’t lost her touch yet. She then heard the sound of expensive vases and tables being thrown as a fight broke out up ahead.

“I’m on it.” Tempest said, heading right towards it. She smiled as Twilight kissed her on the cheek.

Just another day of politics.


Trixie had her eyes on the tv hanging off the back wall as she heard the sounds of kids running past the shop. Every minute one of the kids would come in and drop a few bits on the table for a bag of chips or a soda or soon-to-be-devoured candy bar. She was more than happy to oblige their sweet tooth.

“How many hotels does the upper city really need?” Spectacle asked, watering a wall of flowers. “That spot’s already tourist heaven, isn’t it?”

Trixie watched the news report, giving a tour of the place. “You know how the rich people are. If one hotel doesn’t have the right kind of caviar, they’ll build a new one that will.”

“Like, for sure. Getting to work has literally been such a pain the whole time. Like, oh my Celestia, it literally took me a million years to get to my job because of all the loud construction and junk!” A third voice added, as Trixie looked. “Good morning you two, isn’t it like just totes the best weather?” Lily Lace asked, giggling as she approached the counter.

“Oh, for sure. Totally not looking forwards to winter even more now! …did I get that right? I still don’t understand a lot of your lingo sometimes.” Trixie asked, Lily giggling.

“Like, totally! You’re a natural Trixie!”

Spectacle smiled watching the two interact before seeing that a younger unicorn was watching the screen, looking amazed by how pretty the place was. Her skin was dark black, with yellow blotches all over her body. “Ah, morning Sunny. Let me guess, you want some extra strawberries before you start school?”

The young girl happily nodded. “Uh-huh! Please?”

“If it’s alright with your mother, I promise we won’t be long. She’ll be back down for school in time.”

Lily nodded, smiling. “Like, totally! I’m not gonna stop my Sunny from getting more fruit in her!”

Sunny smiled and ran to the stairs leading up to the home above, Spectacle following after her.

“Do you want one, Trixie?” Lily asked, causing her to freeze up and blush. “I mean, you’re already so great at helping entertain other kids, and like-”

“T-Trixie is not in the mood to talk about such topics! She is happily content with her current living situation at the moment!” Trixie explained waving her hands. “A-and even if she was, it isn’t like Trixie is currently seeing anyone.” Lily chuckled more as the door to the shop chimed again, the two looking.

An eggshell colored unicorn waltzed into the store, a snide smirk on his face. He wore a cheap looking suit. His hair was pulled back, full of globs of hair gel. “Eyyy, ain’t this a good way to start the morning?” he asked, sauntering to over to Lily and smiling. He smelled of thick cologne and hair goop. “Two good looking chicks, I must say the princesses have blessed me.”

Trixie simply rolled her eyes, “And you are..?”

“Name’s Slime Ball, nice to make both of yer acquaintances,” he said, taking Trixie’s hand and shaking it.

The two girls seemed to take a second to register the name… and then tried their best to hold back the giggles from it. “Snrkk… Slime Ball…”

“Ey ey ey! My mother happily gave me that name, and she’s been prouda me ever since!” Slime Ball retorted, glaring at them. “Now, may I interest you two ladies in possibly investin’ in some resort stock? This city could be the next Las Pegasus in terms of the tourist output, and I’d hate to see two beautiful ladies missin’ out!”

Trixie simply rolled her eyes as Lily giggled walking up to him. “Like, I totally get it! My mom invests in all kinds of things! She’s always just going ‘when the future comes we need to get that profit’ and stuff! She’s always telling me to invest in anything that sounds totally promising!”

“Yeah yeah, good to see someone’s seeing things my way. I think,” Slime Ball said, moving in closer to Lily. “How’s about you and me go get a latte or smoothie or whatevers to discuss this potential investment?”

“Oh totally! I’m so down... if my wife gets to come along of course!”

“Y-your what now?” Slime seemed to start nervously sweating as the door to the shop opened, a shadow looming over him.

“I feel like my ears should be burning, does the dark abyss call my name?” Inky asked, smiling as she walked up to Lily.

“Oh. Em. Gee! Hi sweetie! What are you doing here?”

“I thought that I would drop by to see the sources of joy in my miserable existence. It’s been too long since I dropped my daughter off at school as well,” the tall goth explained, smiling. She looked over at Slime Ball, “so, what is it you wished to talk with me and my wife about?”

“O-oh uh… heh, I was wondering if you were interested in possibly investing in property…?” the colt started to tug at his collar, going dark red.

“Mommy!” Sunny called out, running down the stairs and into her Inky’s arms, giggling and nuzzling her mother. She had strawberry residue all over her mouth as she giggled.

“Sunny Spots, you must keep your love for fruit under control before school. A messy face distracts from education,” Inky said, grabbing a tissue from the counter and wiping her face as her daughter continued to giggle.

“Another girl at school got her cutie mark today,” Sunny brought up, her mother still mopping her up. “when do I get mine?”

“Eh? You ain’t got a cutie mark yet?” Slimeball asked, looking up. “That’s a shame, ya look like a real bright girl.”

Inky simply glared at him as he slowly made his way over to drink fridge and browsed the selection. “It doesn’t matter when, my sweet child. It will come, eventually,” she explained, smiling at her daughter.

“We should, like totally hurry you up to school! You really shouldn’t be late on a half day!” Lily said, softly taking her daughter from the bat pony and kissing her on the lips. “We’ll see ya later, sweetie!” she said, Sunny waving at them as they walked out.

Inky smiled before nodding at Trixie and Surprise before heading out as well. “Such a nice family,” Surprise noted, with Trixie watching the tall pony walk out. She could see she was joining another pony, though she couldn’t make them out. They looked somewhat familiar though. Was it-

Slimeball putting a few cans of soda on the counter broke Trixie out of her stupor. “Is that all, sir?”

He chuckled, putting a few bits down before pulling out a small card from his pocket and handing it to her. “Ey uh listen, if you ever wanna talk about some good financial options or just get to… ya know. Here’s my number and my address. Got a nice little room that’s begging for company,” he said, flashing the most ‘shit eating’ grin Trixie had seen in what felt like years.

She naturally responded with her own fake grin as she put the card in her pocket and the bits in the register. “I’ll think about it, have a nice day sir.”

And with the ringing of the shop’s door, Trixie and her mother were alone. “So, when do you think you’ll get yourself a family like that?”



Inky and Maud made their way to a row of apartments, Maud looking down at a clipboard. “It says the new family needs help mostly with moving in the new couches and some dressers.”

“This row seems to just love attracting couples and newly weds. Me and Lily used to live around here as well when we first moved from Canterlot,” Inky said, the two seeing a moving van close by. As they got closer, they could see two Earth Ponies. A colt with a combed black mane and a mare with a carrot top. The colt was frustratedly pacing back and forth, while the mare seemed to be talking on her phone anxiously. “Hello, we’re here from the community center to help you move in.”

“What, more of you? Listen, we already paid the moving fee. The guys you sent are just fine as is. I’m not in the mood to pay out even more than I already have,” the colt responded, sounding angry. “We can do most of this stuff by ourselves now, your guys already got the valuables in.”

“We’re the only ones the center sent. And you hired us to help with the couch and dressers,” Maud responded. “We also don’t charge fees for activities like moving unless we are used for over an hour.” She looked up at one of the windows. She could see a few beer bottles in them. “Is that the apartment you’re set to move into?”

The mare nodded, pulling her phone away. “It is, but please we’re fine. We can do the rest ourselves and like my husband said, we already-”

Maud was already heading in. “We’ll take care of this,” Inky said, before following her up.

Making their way up the stairs, the two could hear the sounds of muffled music and loud laughter coming from the apartment. Entering, the two could see three male unicorns sitting around a speaker and drinking as it blared music. Items and clothes were all thrown about as the moving boxes were scattered about. All of them had their tops ripped open. “Eh? Who the hell are you?” one of the unicorns asked, glaring.

Maud simply glared. “We’re actual members from the community center. We’re not big fans of you trying to get money and valuables from random people,” Inky explained.

“Buzz off, dark and moody. We’re helpin’ them. You’re just mad cause we got here before you did,” Another one of the unicorns retorted.

“We’re asking you, politely, to leave and give them their money back,” Inky said, watching as the three got up. One of them seemed to be brandishing a golf club.

“How about YOU two leave before we make this ugly?” the third unicorn asked, smirking as he rolled his sleeves back.

“No,” Maud said, standing firm. “We’re not intimidated by lowly gangbusters like you.”

One of the unicorns rushed in, swinging at her. She quickly side stepped back and slammed her fist into their side. The unicorn stepped back, groaning in pain. “You got lucky!” he shouted, before giving a few swings at her. Maud responded by doing clocking him across the face from the left, then from the right knocking him into a sway. Before he could really refocus himself, she rammed right into him and sent him rolling across the floor.

“Are you ready to leave now?” she asked, looking at the other two.

The unicorn holding the golf club took a few timid steps back, before shaking his head and charging at her while letting out a pathetic attempt at a battle cry. “Die, you freak!”

Maud simply slammed her palm into his chest, causing him to drop the club and fall onto his back. Picking it up, she slowly walked over him, pulled her arms back… and swung.

The poor soul did a little spin as he got some air from the hit. Looking over, the third unicorn seemed to have pulled a knife. He was sweating buckets, but the way he was tossing it from hand to hand, he knew how to handle the thing. But before he could even raise it up to bring down, he was grabbed from the back of the collar by Inky. “L-let me go!” he yelled, struggling in her grasp.

“If you say so,” she responded, before seemingly effortlessly using one hand to toss him over her head and slamming him right down into the ground.

The three punks let out shared groans as the two stood over them. “We’ll help you out,” Maud said as she dug through their pockets, collecting the assorted valuables they had stashed.

A few minutes later and the three could be seen bolting off with their dignity between their legs. “We’ve dealt with the problem,” Maud said to the young couple. “Let us help you clean up and get moved it. Totally free of charge after what you went through.”

As the two happily thanked them and went in, Inky watched as Maud nonchallantly followed them up. She was probably one of the most unique ponies that Inky had ever met. She was so very blunt about things and didn’t really express her emotions though her face or tone of voice most times, but she was still able to easily get them out there. And with the strength she possessed, sometimes she really truly felt so unreal to see in action.

“A girl who’s rocky outsides houses a caring figure. Someone I’m truly happy to work with,” she said to herself, before running up to help Maud out. Another day of work lay before them.


As the afternoon came, Trixie was doing her seemingly daily routine of mopping up the store. There was never usually that much dirt in the first place to justify the mop, but something about it was so… Therapeutic to her. Maybe it was the sounds.

Suddenly, the door to the shop was almost thrown off its hinges as Lily Lace ran in, frantically looking around. “L-Lily? Is everything-”

“Has Sunny come in here?!” Lily asked, obvious fear in her voice.

Trixie could already feel the dread setting in as she ran over to her. “No… why, did something happen?” she asked, slowly putting her hands around her.

“S-she wasn’t there when everyone was being let out… I-I thought she’d come here to get some more fruit or maybe hang out with her friends or something. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh no, no no no, my little girl is gone. Oh no…” Lily started to hyperventilate as her horn started firing off sparks.

Trixie slowly walked her over to a chair and sat her down. “Let’s breathe, let’s breathe. I’m sure she’s fine. I know it. She’s probably off with friends somewhere. Or maybe she went off to find Inky. You know how kids can be. They always need to explore and see new things, especially when away from school, you know?” she said, doing her best to comfort her. The last thing needed at the moment was Lily having a full blown panic attack and not being able to get important info out. “Mom! We need some ice water!” she called out, Surprise nodding and running upstairs to get a glass.

Lily was starting to rock, and was trembling. “Y-you’re right. You’re right. M-maybe my little ray of sunshine will come running through those doors any second now. R-right?”

Trixie nodded, thinking. She needed to help… but what should she do? Where would she even start? And then, it hit her. The card in her pocket probably held the exact answer on where she could at the very least… begin. “Listen, how about you call Inky and see if she’s out with her. I’m gonna start looking around the neighborhood and see if anyone has seen her, alright? I promise I’ll let you know right away when I find something out.”

Lily nervously nodded, quickly gripping the glass of water as Surprise handed it to her. “T-thank you Trixie…”

“Mom, keep watch here, alright?” Tossing her work apron aside, Trixie ran out the door. Looking at the ‘buisness card’, it listed him as staying at the ‘Sparkling Crystal’. It was a bit of a ways away, but she didn’t care. She just needed to start looking.


Maud could see the look on Inky’s face drop as she listened to someone one the other end of her phone. “What do you mean, she wasn’t there? Did you check the flower shop nearby?” She was starting to pace, her grip on her phone tightening. “No, she isn’t with me. I’m sure of it. I would know if my own daughter was here!” Her wings were slowly starting to unfurl as anger in her voice arose. “I’m allowed to yell right now! Our daughter is missing and you don’t have a single clue on where she could possibly be!” She was slowly becoming unhinged.

Maud walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder. “… Inky. Go home. Maybe she’s wandered back there. I’ll look for her. I’ll let you know if I find her,” she said, doing the best she could to be comforting.

Inky’s wings slowly closed once more as she calmed down. “Yes… of course. It’s possible she just wanted to go home by herself. Please, call or text the minute you find her, please,” she said, Maud nodding. She took a deep breath, before starting to sprint back home, hoping she would find her daughter there with friends.

Maud, on the other hand, headed off in a different direction. Working for various community centers around town meant that she learned about what groups could be found in what areas. She knew where she could find more people like those wannabe gang bangers.

As she headed down sidewalk after sidewalk, she watched the buildings around her change. Shifting from modest apartments that just about any newly formed couple could afford to a few assorted sports bars and places that just so happened to host some random slot machines.

Walking through a back alley, Maud made her hands into fists. She had to be ready for anything that could possibly come next. Even if it meant hurting people. She could see the wannabes as the played cards with a few other assorted ponies. One of them held an ice pack to their eye. She cleared her throat. “I’m looking for a little girl. She’s lost, and I was wondering if one of you possibly could have seen her, or worse had something to do with it.” She pulled up a photo of Sunny on her phone.

“Go to hell, we don’t need to tell you a thing!” One of the punks shouted at her, the others laughing.

“Do you really wanna be known as the type of people that wouldn’t help in finding a lost child?” Maud asked, walking closer. She could see the ones she beat up earlier in the day were starting to sweat, hiding themselves behind some of the others. They were drawing weapons.

“How about you mind your own business and we won’t totally break the empty face of yours?”

Maud slammed her fist into her palm, cracking her knuckles loudly. They sounded like rocks breaking. “The second one of you tells me if you’ve seen the girl or know where she is, I’ll stop. You brought this on yourselves.”


Trixie looked at herself in the reflection of a shop mirror as she did up her hair. She needed to look nice. She had to look attractive. The good thing about being a performer was that she knew how to make anyone into a lovely assistant with just a snap of her fingers, even herself. That always used to please the crowd, and now she hoped it still would.

She continued her way to the Sparkling Crystal. It was one of the gaudiest luxury suites she had ever seen. All the exterior walls looked like they were just painted with nothing but glitter glue and silver rhinestones. She made her way in the front entrance, not seeing anyone at the front desk and walked to the elevator.

She pushed the button for the third floor, and felt it slowly move up. She was in a hurry, so she didn’t care much for looking around at the aesthetic of the place, but she could tell it was one of those places that was most likely ninety five percent just put for show and not actually real. She glanced up at the elevator’s corner and hoped that the security cameras were one of the things that weren’t.

Stepping out, she made her way down the long pale white hall and going past tons of identical doors. The fact that she couldn’t hear a single sound or peep from any of them was just a tad bit off putting.

Stopped in front of door three six nine and knocked. She put her ear up close and listened carefully. Muffled talking, and the sounds of another door being shut and possibly locked. She pulled away and braced for anything.

“If this is about my rent, I swear I’ll have it… oh, hey there,” Slimeball blushed a bit as he looked Trixie over. It was clear that he never expected anyone would actually take him up on the offer.

“Hey there, hot stud. I’ve had a long day at work, and I was hoping that maybe I could have someone to help me unwind?” Trixie asked, softly pushing her way in. It was a nice looking place. Nice kitchen and living room combo… how someone like him could afford it was a question she didn’t need to know the answer to.

Slimeball blushed more, before quickly rubbing his hand through his hair to make it look ‘better. “W-well, gorgeous, I ain’t about to say no to helpin’ a gal in need,” he said, sauntering over to her. “Hows about I get us some drinks then? Or if ya wanna maybe take a nap first, my bedroom’s over there,” he said, pointing to a door in the living room.

Trixie counted two other doors in the living room. “Which room’s the bathroom? Trixie wants to make sure she’s as good looking as can be. She wants to,” she let out a tiny ‘ugh’ under her breath, “make sure she can match the levels of handsomeness of the man before her.”

Slimeball happily pointed at the door opposite his bedroom. She quickly ran in and shut the door. Looking around, it looked like there was some kind of struggle that had recently taken place in here. “Please let him just be bad at shaving or something…” she hoped as she quickly splashed water on her face. The third door, he didn’t want people in there. She wanted in.

Walking out, she looked over at the door. “This is a really nice place you got here, you’re so lucky.”

Slimeball laughed, handing her a drink. “Yeah yeah, I know right? Most people think I ain’t gonna amount to anything. And for the longest time? I believed it. Used to mostly trade stuff all the way out in Manehattan, but thanks to a friend, I’m out here living a life of luxury!” he boasted, taking a big sip from his glass before coughing slightly. “Ooo, that’s the strong stuff.”

Trixie awkwardly laughed, pointing over to the locked door. “I wanna see what’s in there. Is that were you put all your… special toys?”

Slimeball went red in the cheeks, shaking his head. “That? Oh, no no no. That’s nothing special. Just a guest room. Nothing much in there. My kid cousins like to play in there so it’s mostly filled up with a buncha kiddy crap,” he tried to lead her over to the bedroom, but she steered towards the couch.

“How about a toast first before we get… down and dirty?” Trixie asked, smiling. ‘Here’s hoping he can’t handle his booze… I’m almost there Sunny, I promise.’


Maud stood over one of the punks as they trembled. She had done her best not to be too harsh on all of them, but she was more focused on the safety of child in front of some troublemakers. She showed her phone to them. “Have you seen this little girl?”

The young punk looked her, shaking his head. “No… b-but, a friend of ours said he couldn’t come today! Said he was babysittin’ his cousin! But he ain’t even mention a cousin before! Maybe that’s her?”

“Where can I find him?”

“H-he’s at that Sparkling Crystal place! Room Three Six Nine!” he quickly blurted out, before covering his face in fear. He peeked as he watched her leave. “Y..you don’t think he’s hurting her, is he?”

Maud looked back. “If he is, or if I find out that much worse has happened because you punks didn’t want to be good people, know I won’t hold my punches next time.” And with that, she was off. Shining Crystal was a place she knew and hated by heart. It was somewhat close to her own place, and she had protested its development and opening alongside most of the others in the community. It was never meant for people them, but rather those just looking to flaunt how much money they had.

‘On Way To Sunny. Where are you?’ she texted Inky.

‘With Lily. Thank you.’

Maud quickened her pace as she saw the garish building draw closer. The nightmare was almost over.


Trixie slowly sat on the bed as she watched Slimeball try to center himself. He really, really couldn’t handle his booze. Trixie had even gotten him to drink her own glass as well. “Ahahaha… are ya ready to see a real steed in action?”

Trixie giggled, nodding. “Indeed, I am. Wow Trixie with your skills!” She said, quickly moving aside as he leapt into bed. “Before we start, let me wash up one last time. Trixie needs to look her absolute best!” she said, before quickly running to the bathroom and turning the sink on.

“Hurry up beautiful! If yer looking to smooth up, I got all the stuff you need in here!” Trixie shuddered at that line as she stepped out and made her way to the locked door. It had been a while since she had done any lock picking tricks, so she was a bit rusty. “Hey hey, what do ya think yer doing?” Slimeball asked, hanging onto the bedroom door frame. “That’s not my bedroom!”

“Aw, come one. Let’s get weird! I know you’re hiding all the really freaky stuff in here! Let Trixie kick it up a notch!” she said, blowing him a kiss.

He shook his head, making his way over and wrapped his hands around her shoulders. “No no, it’s only kiddie crap. Nothing hot at all. If yer really looking for fun, why don’t you bend over and I can get my-”

Suddenly, the door to the apartment was kicked open as the two fell back. A gray pony with light purple hair walked into the room and looked around. She looked at Slimeball with a cold piercing glare. “Where’s the girl?” she asked, her voice deadpan but focused.

“E-eh? What the hell are you talking about? Get outta my house!” he shouted, sobering up as rage crossed his face. “… Wait a minute, I know. Yer that chick from Manehattan! You took the party cannon from me! I coulda made bank with that thing!”

Trixie took a good look at the woman, as she got up. She looked familiar. “Check this one. He locked it and doesn’t want me in there,” she said, watching as the woman simply walked over and pulled the door away effortlessly. That sheer strength! “… Maud?”

She looked over at Trixie. “… Trixie. Let’s talk later.” She said, before running into the room. Trixie quickly closed in. Inside, the two could see that Sunny was there. Her horn was glowing, slowly focusing energy into some kind of fragment. “Sunny,” Maud said, quickly running over. She didn’t respond, her eyes giving off little whisps of black smoke as she looked dazed.

“Hey, what the hell do you think yer doing! That’s my cousin, don’t you touch her!” Slimeball yelled, getting more visibly angry as Maud snapped the young girl out of her daze.

“M-mommy? I-I wanna go home!” The young Unicorn started crying as Trixie glared at him.

“What is all this?! I knew that you’d be some kind of jerk but not doing something like this to a little girl!”

“Ey ey ey, listen, this ain’t hurting the kid. Let me just take care of this and I can explain everything. You’ll be thankin’ me,” he said, before Maud pushed him aside to leave. “You ain’t going anywhere! You can’t just barge in and break my stuff.”

Maud kept walking as Sunny followed. “I don’t like listening to people like you. I’ll be on my-” before Maud could continue, a magic ring wrapped around her neck as she was lifted up high into the air. It started to tighten.

“Oh, no no no. You ain’t the one givin’ me directions, you stupid Earth Pony!” He yelled, a crazed smile growing on his face.

Trixie starting pulling on his arm. “What are you doing?! Let her go now! I think she gets the picture!”

“Oh, don’t you worry a thing, hot stuff. I got people that can easily handle this and get us out of trouble easily. Things are changin round here, and I ain’t ever gonna let this brain dead carpet eater tell me what to do again!” he declared, starting to laugh.

Trixie could see Maud kicking and pulling as she tried to get the ring off. The color was draining from her face. Sunny was starting to cry as her horn was glowing. Trixie felt energy build up as her emotions swelled. It was overwhelming, and if she didn’t do something soon Maud would be dead.

“Let go of her right now!” she shouted, her and Sunny’s horns firing off massive bursts of energy. It sent Slimeball flying back into his kitchen cabinets, smashing them to pieces as dishes and glass and a few booze bottles started crashing onto the floor and walls. They both quickly ran over to Maud as she let out a few coughs.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,” she said, smiling for the teary eyed Sunny. She slowly got to her feet and lifted her into her arms. “My place is nearby. Let’s get you somewhere safe and sound and let your mommies know you’re alright.”

Trixie nodded, following behind her as they ran out. She was really praying that either no one watched the security footage or that the cameras really were just for show.


“Breathe in, breathe out.” Dark energy pulsed through Jet-Flame’s body as she heard Moondancer’s voice guiding her. She needed it often for situations like this. “You can do this. You will succeed in your goal…” It was so strong, so powerful, burning more than a match on gasoline.

The sound of the phone ringing made her open her eyes as she let off a blast of energy into the crystal lined walls around her. It was absorbed, reflecting around them into a quick but beautiful light show. “Who’s calling?” she said, panting as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

“... It’s SB,” Moondancer said, embarrassed. “Let me deal with this quickly and then we can get back to-”

“No no, take your time. I’m drained for now. It’ll take a while before we can continue,” Jet said, chugging from a nearby water bottle. She listened as Moondancer walked off into another room, talking on the phone.

“You called at the worst… what do you mean you need help with something? Did you do another one of your crappy loans again? … Seriously? Well, how much do they know? OK, OK, OK, calm down. We’ll be-” Moondancer was cut off as Jet-Flame picked up the phone.

“What exactly is it you need?” She asked, listening. “I see. We’ll be over in a bit, try to clean up as much as you can before we get there. And next time, don’t do stuff like this on your own, you greased up idiot,” she said, before disconnecting and dialing another number.

“What are we gonna do about this?” Moondancer asked, watching.

“Simple, we intimidate,” she said, before speaking into the phone. “I’m gonna need a squad for this.”


Maud slowly lowered Sunny onto her bed, the young girl having fell asleep on the way over. “If you need a drink or anything, I’ve got juice and soda in the fridge,” she said, looking over at Trixie as she aimlessly looked around the place.

“Trixie is fine, thanks. Are you sure you’re alright though? That ring looked rather tight on your neck,” Trixie responded, slowly walking over.

Maud nodded. “It’s nothing. What matters is that she’s safe. Have you called either of them yet?”

“Trixie has tried, but their not picking up. No sign if they’re seeing texts either.”

“Are they with someone you can call?”

“In fact they are! Lily should at least be at the flower shop with my mom! Let me call her!” As the phone rang, Trixie looked over to Maud. “This certainly is one hell of a way to see each other again, huh?”

“I honestly thought I would never see you again,” Maud replied.

“Heh…” was all Trixie could get up as the other end picked up. “Mom, is Lily there? I need to tell her I found Sunny.”

“Trixie, where are you?” Spectacle’s voice sounded anxious, and there was a lot of commotion going on in the background. “please tell me you’re safe.”

“Mom, I’m safe, what’s going on over there?” Trixie asked, Maud slowly approaching as she listened in.

“I… just turn on the news if you can, I need to try and keep things from getting ugly. Don’t leave wherever you are for now, please,” Spectacle said before hanging up.

Nervously, Trixie pointed to the tv as Maud turned it on.


Dozens of police officers were outside the flower shop. Everyone was coming out of their homes or looking out their windows to see what was going on or to record it. Some of the officers were wearing heavy gear and pushing civilians aside.

“Let her go damn it! She didn’t do anything! We’re just trying to find our daughter!” Inky shouted, kicking and fidgeting as officers continued to push her back. She watched as Lily was being restrained and dragged off to a squad car.

“I haven’t done anything wrong! Please, this is a misunderstanding! I just wanna see my little girl again, please!” Lily cried, tears streaming down her face. “I-Inky! Call my mom! S-she’ll get the stuff to help get me out fast!” she shouted, before being shoved head first into a car.

“No no no...” Inky started to cry as well, with Spectacle quickly pulling her into a hug and guiding her back into the shop before things got any worse with the police.


Maud and Trixie could only watch in stunned silence as they saw their friend be taken away by the police. It didn’t feel real. Was this over them saving Sunny?

The two slowly looked over to the bedroom, seeing the young unicorn fast asleep, even as the sounds of chaos of the police taking her mother away played.

‘Shooting stars fall…’

As they looked from the young girl to the scene playing out, a thought simultaneously dawned on the both of them.

‘Slowly fade out…’

This part of something bigger than the two of them could ever imagine.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for this taking so long to come out. Like I said earlier though, I have a new writing method and it's making writing so much fun for me. I'm loving working on projects again! I really hope to get more, possibly/probably shorter chapters out in a better amount of time.
As you can tell, a lot of work went into this piece and all the artists that put up with my weird ideas deserve all the attention and love they get.

Art done by (In order of appearance):

Lyrics at the end is supposed to go to theme of Yakuza 1's 'Receive You'. Absolute banger of a track. Also, just play Yakuza like in general. You won't regret it.

Please comment and leave thoughts, critiques, suggestions, etc. They really help me out a lot with growth and improvement in writing!