• Published 1st Dec 2019
  • 2,998 Views, 25 Comments

Twilight's Dreams - Naptime

Twilight asks Shining Armor to help her play out some foalish dreams she keeps having.

  • ...

Chapter One

The room was soft in aesthetic as it was in color. Smooth curved corners connected the lavender walls seamlessly with the ceiling, arching over the room with gold trim and star shaped lights glowing with the faintest of blue light. Narrow windows drawn with pink wispy curtains allowed the moonlit sky outside to seep silently into the room, illuminating its furnishings as faint, bluish outlines.

Twilight found herself in a crib. A spacious bed surrounded by tall wooden bars that stretched up into the air, sounding a faint sense of security. She couldn’t imagine why she was up so late. She didn’t feel tired, which is how she assumed she’d feel at such a late hour. She didn’t feel exhausted, even though she could have sworn she had just spent the previous day rushing around the castle library, trying to reorganize books and scrolls. In fact, she felt...floaty. Like she weighed a fraction than normal.

Directly across from the crib, a door opened with a subtle creak of the wood, allowing the subtle glow of hallway candle fixtures to spill into the dark room. A blurry figure walked into the room, expertly navigated across the play mat covered floor and made a beeline straight for Twilight’s crib. Her tired eyes slowly adjusted to the change of light, focusing on the strangely familiar blur that quietly tiptoed closer to her crib. The dim light only moderately illuminated the figure’s white coat of fur and its dark blue, spiky mane.

It peered over the crib’s barred wall, looking down at Twilight with a hazy face. “Hey Twi Twi,” Shining Armor, Twilight’s beloved older brother’s voice came from the blurry figure, whispering with such a gentle tone, “everything alright?”

Twilight opened her mouth to answer, but found that she had no voice. She tried to speak, to shout, to scream, but try as she might, no sound came out.

“Awfully late to be up, little Twi,” Shining Armor continued, “I think a nice warm bottle will put you right back to sleep.” Out from behind his still foggy body, cloaked in his rose colored magic, floated a pink plastic bottle filled with milk.

In a blink of an eye, Twilight found herself sitting in a rocking chair, nestled in the arms of her brother. The bottle floated above her, inches away from her muzzle as it beckoned her closer. She latched onto it without a second thought, tapping into some long forgotten routine that she never knew she knew.

The milk was sweeter than it had every right to be. It was perfectly warmed, thick, and creamy. Every gulp seemed to glow inside Twilight as she felt it roll down her throat and into her belly where it warmed her up so sweetly. Whatever was troubling her before melted away with every soft suckle and before she knew it she had fallen back to sleep, still nursing the bottle of milk.

✦✦✦ ✦✦✦ ✦✦✦ ✦✦✦

It was early morning. Just before the sun was up and around the time the sky was turning blue. Twilight stirred awake not in her crib that she remembered curling up in moments after Shining Armor had tucked her in for the night, but back in her old bed. Back in her castle bedroom. It took her a moment or two to remember where she was, but the blue crystalline walls and thick purple curtained windows helped her realize what she had just gone through was just a dream.

That dream again... What did it mean? Why was it always her brother that she dreamed about? And why did it always leave her with such a fluttering feeling in her chest?

She recalled fragmented scenes from what she could remember of the dream. She could remember the softness of the warm bedsheets that she wrapped herself in that faintly smelled of vanilla. She could recall hearing her brother’s heartbeat as she cuddled up in his arms while suckling on the bottle of milk. Most importantly she remembered that flutter in her chest that still lingered minutes after waking. It was...a sort of fondness. A longing. Like she was in love and floating on cloud nine. Only this love wasn’t towards anything romantically speaking. It was more...love. Just love. Like comfort, security, peace, trust all wrapped into one warm ball that glowed in her heart and stirred an awestruck smile on her face.

Just what did those dreams mean? She spent a good part of the early morning dwelling on these questions, often losing track of what she was doing just so she could figure this puzzle out.

✦✦✦ ✦✦✦ ✦✦✦ ✦✦✦

“So what’s on your mind, Twi?” Shining Armor snapped the alicorn out of her daydream. Calling her attention from across the tea table.

It was early afternoon at this time. Twilight’s day off which was something she often didn’t allow herself. Today was special, however, because in a cosmic stroke of luck Shining Armor also had a day off. So to catch up with one another, Twilight invited Shining Armor to tea at one of her favorite Ponyville tea houses. This was something they had planned weeks ahead.

And what a wonderful day it was to have a tea date. It was late spring and sunny. The perfect time to sit out on a flagstone patio and sip on tea and nibble on little cakes. Small fluffy clouds floated across the sky, providing momentary bits of shade over the valley, keeping things cool, but not cold. Birds tweeted and chirped as the chittering of forest rodents could be heard through the tall bushy trees that surrounded the tea house.

‘Miss Macaron’s Tea Shop’ was a quaint little tea house across the Ponyville river, near the thinly wooded Everfree Forest border. It was a crosshatched, single story home converted into a tea house so it came with a homely and cozy feel to it. The rooms were decorated with paintings of cats and nature scenes and had floral print wallpaper on their walls. There were maybe a dozen or so tea tables dotting the rooms and the patio area outside, given four seats each.

“O-oh...n-nothing,” Twilight quickly answered, throwing her glance down at the porcelain cup of tea that had cooled completely in front of her.

“Come on, what is it?” the unicorn stallion insisted, “you always get that look when you want to say something important.”

“I’ve just been...having trouble sleeping lately,” Twilight replied, “I’ve been having the same dreams over and over again.”

“Hm, any idea what these dreams could be about?”

“I’m not sure, but Princess Luna’s encouraged me to meditate on them. She thinks its my subconscious trying to tell me something.”

“So what’s the dreams about?”

“It’s...kinda embarrassing...”

“Twilight, I’m your big brother,” Shining Armor said, ”you can trust me. I won’t laugh.”

“Well...” Twilight started, “they always start with me...in a crib...” She paused to steady her quivering voice. “...In a nursery...And I’m always doing something foalish like playing with toys or just crawling around the place.”

“Well that doesn’t sound all that embarrassing,” her brother interjected, taking a big bite out of a pink frosted tea cake.

“There’s more...” Twilight continued, “sometimes...you’re there too.”

“Me? Doing what?”

“Buncha things,” Twilight answered, “but it’s always taking care of me. Feeding me a bottle or tucking me in for the night.”

The alicorn shrunk back as she described such personal details. She could remember how at peace she was when Shining Armor took care of her. How gentle and intimate things were. This all felt so private despite it all being a dream.But she was in the thick of things now. Even as she sat there taking a momentary pause, Shining looked over at her with a trusting and patient expression.

“I-I was hoping...” she started, her voice quivering as her cheeks flared up a bright pink, “I-I was hoping you would...uhm...” Her voice stooped down to an almost inaudible whisper, “baby me...”

“Baby you?”

“J-just to see what all these dreams are leading up to!” Twilight quickly stammered out, backpedaling immediately, “I-if you don’t want to or you’re too busy, I really don’t mind if you say no.”

Twilight’s words trailed off into nothing shortly after that. She had wanted to enforce the idea that she was in no way forcing or guilting Shining Armor into doing this for her, but such a sentence never formed itself in her panicked mind. She was much too concerned with worry, filled with nothing but distress and anxiety as she worriedly looked at Shining for his answer.

The older stallion sat there staring at his cup of tea, clearly thinking things over. Twilight wished she could read minds to figure out what was buzzing around in her brother’s head right now. What if he said no? What if he said yes?! She just asked her own brother to treat her like a foal! Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe she had to figure all this dream stuff out on her own. Maybe Shining Armor would politely declined her request and they could just forget the whole thing.

“Okay I’ll do it,” he finally said, “but if we’re gonna do this whole thing properly, we’re gonna need a proper nursery.” “Or a diaper bag at least.”

Twilight felt a wash of relief and surprise when Shining agreed. “I-I...what?”

“I learned my lesson with Flurry,” Shining Armor replied, “foals are a handful and you can’t be unprepared.”

“I-I...s-sure, I-I can make the necessary arrangements...” Twilight answered with a blush.

“We can try things out next day off we got,” Shining Armor nodded.

Author's Note:

Here's a story that's been on my writing desk for awhile now. For this one I tried to streamline it by skipping over some transitional points between important scenes. I do hope this story develops into a lovey dovey story about the trust between a caretaker and little and the unspoken bond between siblings. Because of that I'm trying my best not to rush things or bog everything down with thick details. The aim for this project is to maintain a nice flow of a story and try to leave some of the details to the reader's preference.