• Published 10th Dec 2019
  • 456 Views, 0 Comments

Chibi Remi's Royal Servants - Lucky Star Kona-chan

Remilia, just like her younger sister has become small.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Well this is... a thing that happened.

Probably is as bad as the others but that never stopped me from doing this didn't? :raritywink:

One day in Koumakan, the mansion of the Scarlet Devil, Remilia became small and no one knew why.

Her best and closest friend Patchouli Knowledge told her she will do all she could to find the reason of her sudden shrinking. Though not a single bit of enthusiasm was found on her expression or voice at the moment, which even for someone as stoic as Patchouli, it was a little strange.

Days later Chibi Remi walked into the library to know what her friend may have found, “Patche, Patche!” she called on an adorable high pitched and squeaky voice.

“Welcome mistress,” greeted Patchouli’s devil assistant Koakuma with a gentle bow.

“Where’s Patche?” Remilia asked with curiosity, “I want to know what she has found so far.”

Koakuma seemed to be slightly startled by the question but smiled nonetheless, “Miss Patchouli is enjoying her tea at the moment,” she turned around, “I will lead you to her, mistress.”

Remilia liked that there was no big change in how the others treated her now that she was small. Obviously she got some d’awws and things like that, but no one treated her like she was some kind of baby and she was happy for that. Otherwise things wouldn’t have been so peaceful around here.

She gracefully followed Koakuma to her friend’s location. Well as gracefully as she could muster in her actual form, which was a bit hard considering how adorable she looked.

After navigating through the book ocean what was Voile Library, they arrived at a more open area where a table with two chairs was located. One of said chairs was occupied by Patchouli as she sipped from her teacup every now and then as she looked over a thick open book.

Koakuma stopped a few feet away, “Miss Patchouli,” she called courteously obtaining Patchouli’s attention, “Mistress Remilia wants to talk,” she stepped to the side after saying this.

Remilia flied to the other chair that was conveniently set out as if waiting for her to sit. “Patche, did you find anything yet?”

Patchouli slowly set her cup down and closed her book, then put her hands together and looked at her friend, “Remi, what happened to you is still a complete mystery to me.”

Remilia was not amused with the news, yet she controlled herself, “so, you haven’t found a thing?”

Patchouli slowly shook her head in negation, “the only thing I can say about this is that it’s not the same as what happened with Flan.”

“What do you mean?” Remilia said as she lifted a brow.

“For one, you can speak like you normally do. Even if your voice is somewhat higher in tone it is still your voice,” Patchouli pointed out, she let a few seconds to pass before continuing just to let her friend take it all in, “You also didn’t became childish, Flan’s behavior regressed to one of a toddler getting amused by simple activities. But that’s not the case with you Remi.”

Even though she was curious about how different her current situation was compared to her little sister’s. Remi still wasn’t happy with the results, “that still doesn’t help Patche!” she snapped while hitting the table.

Her friend kept calm and composed, wearing a stoic yet somewhat sympathetic stare, “Remi,” she started. “I have been looking for a solution non-stop for days, it weights on my conscience to say this but, maybe you should start thinking about how to cope with it.”

Remi’s left eye twitched involuntarily with a shocked expression and a gaping mouth. Enough to say… she was not happy about it.

Fast forwarding to present time, Remilia holding a new smaller parasol to protect herself of the annoyingly bright sun, found herself in front of the castle of friendship’s gates on Equestria.

She raised her free hand and knocked at the giant doors. Then she waited until someone attended her. She wasn’t happy to be there though, ‘I can’t believe I actually thought about coming here of all places.’

After a few moments Remilia was able to hear footsteps getting close to the door, as she listened she figured this may be that little dragon instead of a pony, “Coming!” She heard the young male voice from said drake as the door slowly opened, making annoying creaking sounds. Spike stepped outside shortly after, tried to block the sun hitting him in the eyes with a claw and looked at her for a moment.

“Oh? Hi Flan, I didn’t expect you around today, what’s the occasion?” Spike said out of sheer obliviousness.

Remilia looked at him with a raised brow, “excuse me?”

Spike was confused by the voice but when his sight got back to normal he noticed who was in front of him and flinched in surprise, “Miss Remilia!?” He gave a nervous bow, “s-sorry I mistook you with Flan, but w-what happened?” He asked.

Remilia could have retorted with indignation, but she knew better than lashing out at a kid. Not only that, but she knows that this drake did a lot for Flan, “Do not worry, Spike. As for what happened, even I don’t know how I ended up like this,” she emphasized while referring to her small self.

Spike feeling a little bit more reassured from Remilia’s response asked, “It’s the same that happened to Flan?”

Remilia shook her head, “no exactly, my friend Patche doesn’t believe is the same situation, I didn’t lost my ability to speak normally like Flan did, even though she can speak it is difficult for her, in my case it is not,” she waiting for Spike to process the information before continuing, “the only thing that is the same, is that our bodies shrunk to this size, other than that I’m still my normal self.”

“Ooooh,” Spike said in realization, but still had a question in his head, “if it’s not rude of me to ask Miss Remilia, what brings you here? Was a meeting scheduled or something?”

Remilia shook her head with a little smile on her face, “not at all Spike, since I don’t have too much to do until my friend finds a way to revert this situation, she suggested me to check this place out. Flan seemed to like it, so I figured, why not?” With that said, Remilia looked at the open castle doors, “is Sparkle inside, Spike?” She asked gently.

“Twilight? Yes, she’s here but she-“ Spike was about to continue but Remilia suddenly walked inside.

“Perfect, I’m sure she will be more than happy to receive me by surprise, right?” Remilia stated as she made her way in, closing her parasol and resting it on her right shoulder.

Spike stood outside looking at her go for a few moments as if his brain wasn’t able to catch up in time, before realizing it and rushing after her “Miss Remilia, wait!”

Remilia let the little drake catch up before asking, “What is it?”

Taking a few breaths, Spike started “I was trying to tell you, Twilight is in a reunion with Princess Celestia.”

Remilia raised a brow, “Who?”

“Eh?” Spike stared dumbfounded.

At that moment the lavender Alicorn made act of presence with a white alicorn in tow, “Spike? Who was there at-“ Twilight stopped as she made eye contact with little Remi and blinked a few times.

Remilia grinned amusingly at the silly face Twilight was making, but she was a lady and a lady must greet others accordingly, “Greetings Miss Sparkle, it has been a long time since our last meeting. Once again I thank you for continuously taking care of Flan for as long as she lives between the ponies,” she gave a little grateful head bow to the Princess of Friendship.

Twilight didn’t know what to think of this, but she had to say something at least, “M-miss Remilia!?” she said in surprised realization, “what happened to you?”

“I don’t know how, my friend is investigating as I’am here,” Remilia then focused on the other alicorn who politely waited in silence with a motherly smile, “I don’t think we have been introduced yet,” Remilia flew up to be at eye level, “I’am Remilia Scarlet, a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” She said as she tilted her upper body forward in a courteous bow.

The white alicorn replied with the same politeness the little vampire has showed her, “the pleasure is all mine, Miss Scarlet. I’am Princess Celestia monarch of the sun, I rule these lands of Equestria alongside my sister Princess Luna who unfortunately wasn’t able to be here with us today.”

Remilia had a small grin on her face, not menacing, not belittling, but somehow amusing, ‘this one seems interesting.’ She thought to herself.

“Excuse me, Miss Remilia,” Twilight called getting her attention, “I don’t intent to be rude, but what brings you here today? Are you looking for aid in your current situation?”

Remilia shook her head, “No, I’m here just to explore this world, I trust Patche with the research even if she has not made any notable progress yet.” With that said she looked at Celestia, “and your superior here picked up my interest.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight was confused.

Celestia just kept her motherly look, “Twilight, I think Miss Scarlet desires to visit Canterlot,” then focused on Remilia, “is my assumption correct?”

Remilia nodded, “it’s good to see we are on the same page Princess.”

“Why Canterlot though? Don’t you want to share some time with Flan here on Ponyville?” Twilight was confused as to why Remilia would not want to be with her little sister.

“Do not misunderstand Miss Sparkle, I will share time with Flan. I just don’t think Ponyville will be the most adequate place to be, for me in particular,” Remilia explained calmly.

“Why not?” Twilight wasn’t able to figure it out, Ponyville wasn’t that bad right?

“Let’s just say I have a feeling that something would really annoy me if I stay here,” Remilia replied, (As something pink could be seen bouncing in the distance from a window) then said to Celestia, “I do hope my desire to visit the city you rule is not out of place, Princess.”

“Worry not, Miss Scarlet. It would be an honor to have a guest of your caliber making us company in Canterlot’s Castle,” Celestia reassured with her smile always present.

Something still felt off to Twilight, but she didn’t want to become the thing that would annoy Remilia. So she let the situation go for the time being, that didn’t mean she wasn’t curious about what happened to Remilia, she would try to make some research herself to see what she can find.

Soon after the chariot that brought Princess Celestia to Ponyville had a new passenger on it. Besides some small talk, the trip was quite uneventful.

Remilia with her parasol open once again looked at the distance as they came closer to the more polished city, her long canines poked from the smile that grew on her face, ‘this will be fun.’