• Member Since 5th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Insane, Reality-Warping Chaos God? Warring and Reunniting Siisters of the Day and Night? Vague backstories? How was I suppose to resist? My Patreon!


The windigos have been defeated, and their winter dispelled as a new age of unification dawns upon Ponykind. And Discord the Draconequus endlessly spins his schemes on to keep these mortals from committing their own undoing. In the process, he comes to meet with someone who, one day, will be of great aid to him. If he permits her to exist, after all.

My entry into the Imposing Sovereigns II Contest

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

What's the Other tag for?

Comment posted by AkumaKami64 deleted Nov 11th, 2019

Harmony. There's legitimately no tag for Harmony or the Tree of Harmony

Huh. This was really surreal, but not in the worst way, and it presents some really intriguing ideas. I especially like the thought of Discord being ultimately benevolent, if in a really roundabout, convoluted way. I feel like that's a nice explanation for how his reformation goes so smoothly--it does make moments where Tirek and other villains blindside him a bit wonky, but I suppose when everything else is all part of his infinite schemes, even those could've been planned?

The prose had some hiccups here and there, but this was a fairly engaging read. Thanks for writing!

This was a fun interpretation of Discord! Not one I personally subscribe to, but definitely a neat one to consider. Him being the Grandmaster of Reality certainly makes a decent amount of sense—though he probably wouldn't like it phrased that way.

The prose did feel a tad clunky at points, and there were a few too many saidisms for my liking, but it was well-rounded enough that I could still enjoy it despite the flaws. Thanks for writing this! :twilightsmile:

Interesting line of logic.

There are some stories that have been written that NEED a Sequel.....This IS one of them.

This was intriguing.

Discord is a fascinating character to try to work with, narratively. With his absurd level of powers, you need to do something with him to allow any kind of major risk to be felt. The Season 9 finale took one sensible approach: remove his powers, at least temporarily. Another is to have him just not care about the things that are at stake: that works for some settings, but any time Fluttershy is at risk, that's out of the question. The Season 9 premiere took yet another approach: have him aware of everything that's happening and choosing not to act for the sake of mentoring other characters. This fic here is clearly employing that last tactic, and taking it up to the max.

The big difference is obviously that he can see into the future, which has otherwise been Discord's most notable weakness.

I don't think I buy it. I think the Discord we see in the show is too whimsical, too capricious, and too much of a fan of his own jokes to play the bad guy for quite as long as we see in this fic.

Nonetheless, a fascinating exploration. Thanks for writing and publishing it :twilightsmile:

By the way: There were quite a few typos. Here are some that stuck out to me, but this could use a proper going-over by an editor, or even the poor substitute of a spell-checker.

feeling the need to breath


considering that immensely

Doesn't seem right. Maybe "immensely"->"intensely"?

as the dripped off his furr

"furr"->"fur", and missing a word, probably "milk"

who I will, be

Remove the comma after "will"



This was wonderful. Encor, Encor !

A fascinating take on Discord, especially the idea of him effectively hate-drafting his portfolio before anything worse could grab it, to say nothing of the Spirit of Harmony refracting backwards through time. The execution could use some polish—you really shouldn't treat "said" like a four-letter word—but I love the concept. Though, as has been noted, this does make the moments when Discord's caught off-guard more than a little odd.

Still, very cool idea. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

I really hope this and your other entry get sequels.

Sometimes you must act surprised to get the outcome/response you want.
A prank that you have caused to happen while you are in your targets vicinity sometimes necessitates a fake surprise response if you want to get away with it for at least a short time.

I have to say, this is a take on the "chessmaster Discord" I haven't seen before. Him inserting himself into the chaos niche like a benign bacteria is pretty clever too.

I like this one, I'd love to see more from this Discord

This BEAUTIFUL story needs a sequel. I LOVE IT!!

...Well I mean technically 'said' does have 4 letters. :P

This needs more attention. Wonderfully done.

"I'm not sure if I should? It is...confusing to think about," Harmony answered, shaking her head to wave off a potential headache.

Magic is potentially a neutral, I'm guessing.

This was a rather interesting story, both in what it states and what it implies going forward. As character reinterpretations go it's pretty sweet, I do really love the idea of Discord being this kind of actor in a cosmic play putting on a show. The incorporation of the lore is well considered and it's even kind of consistent with Discord idea for the season 9 finale. There's also a powerful sense of gravitas in both the narration and its events, something that I quite enjoy when regarding Equestria's past and its "gods". Overall, this was a really good one-shot, I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.

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