• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 7,670 Views, 763 Comments

Friendship Is Monsters: Meliorism - spotty8ee

Maybe friendship really isn't so scary, even if your new friends are monsters.

  • ...

The Storm

The village was frantic.

Humans were running everywhere, gathering what little possessions they had and freeing the livestock. The fear in the air was so potent one could taste it, sour and wet.

Eventide, newly made widow of Final Stand and now acting leader of the settlement, began to help tie everything to carts and hurry everyone underground.

Because she’s coming. Because it's coming. Because death's coming.

Eventide strode over their hidden forest town. It was a home she and Final Stand had built with their own, two bloodied hands for twenty long years, hidden under pines but close enough to hear the ocean beyond the cliffs, where the sea beasts sang.

She was really going to miss this place.

And she was thankful that while Final Stand had been out fighting monsters and keeping the borders safe, she had been planning for failure.

Not her husband’s mind you, but for anything that could go wrong when it did. One did not defy the monsters and get away scot free. So while the village was built above, she had carved the cave system below.

The one they would use to make their escape.

Eventide paused when she spotted a young girl crying by the well. She hurried to her and pulled her into a hug.

“We’re gonna die!”

“No,” Eventide said firmly. “Dry your eyes little one. There will be time to weep later, for you have many more days to live. Right now you are needed with your family. Look deep inside yourself for the courage and strength to push forward. I know it is there.” She wiped the girls eyes. “It is in all of us.”

The girl whimpered for a few seconds before taking a few deep breaths, wiping at her own eyes harshly. Eventide patted her shoulders and when the girl looked at her, Eventide forced a smile. “You are not going to die.”

The girl gave a watery smile back, looking away when her mother called. Eventide offered her a gentle squeeze of her hand before she let the girl run back to her family.

Eventide stood and went to face Stalking Silhouette who was lingering behind her quietly.

“We’re all gonna die,” She stated.

Eventide looked to the ground. “I know.” She marched to a group who were packing up another wagon, gesturing to Silhouette to help her. The girl did so without complaint. As they started to tie the bundles down, a man came over to their side.

What’s the plan going forward?” He asked, adjusting his hold on his sword.

“If you weren’t moonstruck by yond consort of yours, dear brother, you might have heard the orders before this,” Silhouette groused, knotting the ropes. The man scowled and went to respond, but he didn’t get very far.

“Quiet. Both of you,” Eventide’s voice cut their bubbling argument to ribbons. “It is not the time.”

Both looked away.

“I understand tensions are high, but we must stay on task. Fear and anger are our greatest enemies tonight.” She quickly scanned the area for any signs of an encroaching monster before speaking again. “Our best bet is to break into two groups. The caves go north and south, each will take a route to escape. The North cave is a three day journey through a tight series of tunnels that lets out in the Crystal Mountains. The south follows a wider, but longer and more complex route. It will take a week to reach the end, and it comes out the other side of the Macintosh Hills. Best bet from there would be to make for the Badlands, while trying to avoid Arimaspi Territory.”

“When do we regroup?” Silhouette asked.

Eventide took a deep breath, brushing the hair from her face. “We don’t.”

“What!?” They both looked to her, shocked.

“This is where our people part ways. The only way to survive is to have two smaller groups, rather than one big one. If we’re caught there’s no point in fighting, the monsters will kill us in an instant. If we can lose them in the caves, and be stealthy, there maybe a way out for us…” She grimaced. “Some of us.”

“That does make sense...strategically at least,” Silhouette admitted with a frown. “We’ll need more backpackers for the north, which means more youth.”

“The South can take the heavier set and wagons,” the man added, patting the wagon beside him. “They’ll need the supplies for the longer travel.” He looked to Eventide. “Who goes with what party?”

“...” Eventide shut her eyes. “I have a difficult request for you two.”

“Oh?” The man asked, cocking his head. His sister just narrowed her eyes.

“I want one of you to lead the group South and the other to take North,” Eventide explained, crossing her arm. “You're our strongest fighters, and the others respect you. They will all feel safe with one of you in their group.”

“We’d never see each other again though, right?” Silhouette said.

“That’s the gist of it.”

The two siblings shifted, discomfort evident, though the man snorted. “That shouldn’t be too hard to deal with, mayhaps I could actually have a moment's rest without you henpecking me all the time.”

“Well I would have much more time to get my own chores done if I didn’t have to keep reminding you of your own dear brother,” Silhouette sniffed.

They eyed each other before starting to lightly push at the other teasingly.

“Alright. I suppose that's what's happening,” Silhouette said simply, pulling away from her brother again. “When do we move out?”

“It seems most of the villagers are in the caves already,” Eventide explained, gesturing to the near empty town. “Silhouette, take the north route, you know it best. Bleak Shadow, take the South, you will be more useful with the wagons.”

“And which will you travel?”

Eventide stared through them.


“Get them ready,” Eventide ordered. “Take this wagon down with the others. “

“Of course,” Bleak Shadow said, walking to the head of the wagon, helping the villagers lead the horses underground.

Silhouette and Eventide watched as it disappeared into the darkness. Almost everyone was in the caves now. The younger woman brushed her hair behind her ear before speaking. “Are you sure we can do this?”

“Silhouette.” Eventide took her hand into her own, making them face each other. After staring at her sternly, the face fell into a sad smile. “Silly.”

“Don’t call me that! I’m not a little kid anymore…” Silhouette whined.

“You’re not, are you?” Eventide sighed. “It's been years, but they have flown by so fast… Ever since Final found you, I raised you and your brother like one of my own. Alongside my own as well.” She put a hand to Silhouette’s cheek. “ You know Final saw something special in you two. I could find nobody better to take care of our people now. You’ll do the best you can.” Eventide sighed. “I can ask nothing more of you.”

Silhouette pulled the woman in for a hug tightly, which she returned.

“My Silly girl...” Eventide said. “I’m so proud of you.”

Pulling apart Silhouette backed away sadly, adjusting the bow on her back.


Both looked up when Lovely Twilight ran to them from the house. Her eyes were still red from crying. “Mommy! Where's everyone going!? You said there are monsters coming, it’s not safe!”

Eventide knelt, letting her child run into her arms. She held the girl tightly, before standing up and transferring her to Silhouette’s arms. “It is not safe here, my lovely. Everyone is leaving for the caves. You’ll be ok down there.”

The girl looked to Silhouette in confusion, but her attention was drawn back to her mother when she kissed her head.

“Promise me you’ll be good for Silly?”

Lovely glanced to Silhouette again, who forced a tight smile. “I guess?” She offered.

“That’s my girls, I love you so much!” Eventide pressed her forehead to Lovely’s.

“I love you too,” Lovely said back

Eventide stood back, clutching her skirt with a white knuckled grip. “Take care of her Silhouette. I pray you make it to the Crystal Mountains safely.”

Silhouette bit her lip, but bowed slightly to Eventide, then started down into the cave system. Lovely twisted in her grasp, looking back over their shoulder.

“Wait. Wait, when are you coming mommy?”

Eventide turned away, face tight.


The two disappeared into the darkness. Though the girl’s calls could still be heard. Eventide took a deep, heavy breath, shuddering slightly, before she straightened her posture. All that was left of the village were the houses, items that were left behind in the hurry, and four humans climbing the rock face above the cave.

“You boys should get inside,” Eventide said, looking up at them. “I’ll close the entry.”

“What, and leave you all alone mum?” Her oldest son asked with a crooked smile.

“Not on your life! Dad’ll beat our hides thin in the afterlife if we did that!” His Twin added, just getting to the top of the rocks.

“The more of us those beasts must fight through, the more time the others have to escape!” The Third said sternly. “We are of more use here, then down in the caves.”

Her youngest son just gave her a thumbs up.

“Lord, they’re all like their father…” Eventide muttered, shaking her head. “If that’s what you’ve decided, just know there is no going back once done.”

“When have we ever backed out of a hopeless situation?” The eldest asked. “We were born into one!”

“This is just a Thursday,” His twin said.

Eventide could have scolded them, but she knew the twins were just trying to lighten the mood. Besides, she didn’t want the last thing she said to them to be criticism.

“Are you boys ready?” She asked.

“Got the braces mum!” Each boy took hold of a log, keeping a torrent of rocks above the cave’s entry in place.

“Then let them go.”

With a great heave the logs were pulled free, rocks tumbling down in a cloud of dust in dirt. It was a thundering noise, shaking and rattling until the entry was little more than another slope.

It would take days for even a vampire to dig out.

The boys quickly came down.

“No way they didn’t hear that,” Her eldest said, pulling out his sword.

“Hush Donjon Key,” His mother shook her head.

All the boys fell silent, save for the wind whistling in the trees. They circled, pulling out weapons, with Eventide’s coming from her belt loop. They braced when they heard a low growl emitted from the trees.

Everything was still.

When a large monster burst from the woods, claws outstretched-

Donjon Key caught it with the edge of his silvered tipped blade. The beast caterwauled into the night, burning and turning to dust upon contact with the metal. More emerged from the woods, running towards them with the same fury and bloodlust.

Eventide took a few on at once, cutting and slicing through flesh, which quickly became air and ash. They were well equipped for such a battle, but Eventide knew the only reason they were seeing such early victory was because these were nothing but the peons. Low level vampires that were likely human slaves, turned just recently, to tire them out before the real fighter arrived…

Or, judging by the amount that were streaming out of the woods now, to overwhelm them with the sheer numbers of enemies alone.

The fight got harder, Eventide found herself starting to lose breath. She and the boys were separated, Eventide barely keeping up with the sea of enemies before her. They were beginning to thin, but more powerful vampires were starting to appear. Soon it took two hits, then five, then more to take down one enemy.

Suddenly a scream erupted on the battlefield. One that Eventide knew well, as it belonged to her youngest son.

“Dusk Shine!” She broke through the crowd, killing vampire after vampire just to try and reach the direction of the sound.

Oddly she only took out a few more before they backed away, giving her room.

Eventide eyed them suspiciously, but any thoughts of trickery left her when she saw what stood beyond the mass of monsters before her.

First was her son, injured on the ground, missing his arm. He had likely blacked out from the pain…

However, standing over him, looming like a reaper of death, was the vampire matriarch. The Queen. She wore a white, flowing dress that was stained by flecks of blood, her sword still poised from striking. The monster pulled Its gaze from her son on the ground, to lock on Eventide.

She felt like an ant.

Yet what ant would bow to any creature threatening its nest?

She screamed, angry and violent. Moving forward, her sword raised, ready to cut through the beast’s neck-

There was a flash and Eventide found herself jerking forward, her weapon falling from her grasp. She gave a strangled gasp, blood dripping from her mouth. Her free hand came down to grasp at the large, steel sword that impaled her just below her rib cage. She curled inward, heaving slightly as it made itself at home.

The vampire queen stared down her, holding the steel sword’s hilt tightly. She shifted, easily lifting the human off the ground by the sword, and held it up on an angle. Eventide gagged as gravity pulled her down the sharp blade slowly, inch by miserable inch of steel cutting through her body until her ribs met the sword guard. She wheezed, the speckles of blood in her mouth becoming a river. So much it started to drip out her nose as well.

The beast held her higher, looking Eventide in the eyes.

Where. Is. She.

It was an order. Not a question. The creature’s voice colder than the steel in her hands, eyes glowing in the darkened night. It took Eventide a moment to understand what the thing wanted. Her confusion must have been evident as it snarled.


Eventide’s eyes started to dim, but she chuckled slightly, voice little more than a whisper with a speared lung.

“You’ll never know…”

She spat in the vampire’s face.

The beast blinked through the blood and mucus, saying nothing. Instead it adjusted its hold on the blade, took Eventide’s arm in her hand...

And cleaved her clean in half.

The body dropped to the floor.

The queen reached out beside her, where an underlying appeared with a cloth for her. She wiped her face and sword clean before dropping it to the ground. She didn’t glance at her lesser vampire as she spoke. “Report.

“Your majesty,” It bowed deeply. “Four of the five humans are dead. We only have this one left.” He gestured to Dusk Shine behind them, still bleeding out.

She spared the human a glance. “Clean him up and add him to the stock.

“Of course my lady!”

And what of the other humans?

“Ran like cowards my lady! Into the caves!” The underling hissed. “Covered the way with stones.”

Dig. It. Out.

The Underling bowed again, backing away before issuing her orders to the horde. The digging began, but their numbers were low now. It could take a while. The Queen watched them work unblinkingly, not willing to lose sight of her hunt.

Something rustled behind her and the vampire growled deep in her throat.

My, my! Is that how you greet all your allies?” A creature asked as it emerged from the trees, body pitch black and eyes narrowed.

She snorted out her nose. “Pesky Bee.

Cutting,” The creature said mockingly. “But not wise if you ask me. After all, you are all alone now with your sissy gone.

SHE will return-

I’m so sure,” The creature clicked. “ But that may take a long time, if at all. You know your kingdom is too large to manage alone dear, but I could help you.”

Are you just here to pick at the remains of my life?” She snarled. “Be gone vulture.

Mmm, apologies,” It hissed and started to back away. “ Best of luck catching those humans, but they’re craftier than you think… If you need any help with them- or anything else- you know where to find me.” It slunk into the woods once more. “Now Lone Vampire Queen Celestia.”

Queen Celestia bristled, hair almost rising and spiking in her rage. She gripped her sword tighter and set her jaw. Looking down she found a toy horse, big enough for a child to ride. She reached out to her side with her free hand, until another underling cautiously approached and handed her a torch.

Celestia lowered the torch, lighting the horse aflame, then she kicked it viciously into a nearby home. A few seconds later, it began to smoke.

Burn it all.

The horde started to work quickly at her word, but the queen’s eyes locked back on the wall of earth before her. She moved closer, purposely stepping on Eventide’s remains as she went.

“M-my lady?” An underling asked when she got close enough.

I don’t want a trace of these rats left. I’ll get them all, even if it means I have to burn this forest to the ground and shatter the mountains.

If she couldn’t have her sister back, then she wanted all of Final Stands accomplishments to burn to bitter ash. Gods she hoped there was an afterlife, so Final Stand could see her actions and suffer.

For eternity.


Present Day.

It took Twilight a few seconds to recognize him, he had changed so much.

Five years ago, Shiney had been a string bean, with a slightly choppy haircut and an awkward stance. Standing before her now was, a toned, tall, and strong human being, hair finely cut and clothes ironed, though his hair was still that navy blue, just like dad’s. He smiled instantly when he saw her.

She just tackled him into a hug, almost squashing herself to his chest.

Shining Armour chuckled, hugging her back just as tightly. “Twily! Is that you?” He lifted her off the ground slightly. “You got so tall!”

“Y-yeah!” She gave him a simper. “It’s me!”

“You sure? I dunno…” He feigned suspicion and set her back on the ground.

Twilight punched him in the shoulder.

“Ugh!” He winced and laughed a little, rubbing his arm. “Yep! It's you alright! Now you just hit harder.”

“I missed you so much!” Twilight smiled and sniffled slightly. “Even your doofy sense of humor.”

“Hey I resent that!” Shining scoffed. “My humor is dad level at worst-”

“And at best.”

“Why I outta-” He grabbed her in a light headlock, mussing her hair and skewing her glasses. Twilight giggled and tried to wriggle free until Shining released her of his own accord. After righting her glasses Twilight looked back up at him, her smile drooping a little.

“I really did miss you, you know?” She said, eyes looking a touch misty.

Shining Armour deflated a bit as well. “Yeah, I’d imagine.... I’m sorry Twilight, I just couldn’t stand Grandma's tight grip on the family reins. I needed to go out, find myself…”

Twilight frowned. “I- it would have been nice to get a letter sometimes.”

“I didn’t really know what to say.” He scratched the back of his head. “When you make a show of storming out like I did, you can’t really send a casual letter.”

“I guess, but we were really worried…”

“... Ok, dropping off the radar was a kinda dick move,” Shining admitted with a wince. “But if grandma even had a sniff of where I was, she would have tried to drag me back by my ear.”

“...” Twilight just stared back at him sadly.

“Aw Twi, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Then why didn’t you stay in contact with me?”

Shining looked to the ground. “Sorry Twily, Grandma kinda had her hooks in you. I wasn’t sure if she could get info out of you or not…”


“Hey! That doesn't mean I should have just ghosted you like that.” He said quickly, holding his arms open. “Tell you what, if I promise to never do that again would you be willing to forgive your jerk of a big brother?”

“There's a possibility.”

They hugged again.

When they pulled back again Shining offered her a crooked smile. “So what’s been happening since I left?” He glanced over to the wall that cut them off from the dining room. “Sounds like the same stuff as before.”

“Same argument, different kid,” Twilight explained, glancing to the wall as well with a grimace.

“Accepted to college already?”

“Maybe a few steps back.” Twilight explained. “They’re not happy in my choice of companions.”

“Oh hey!” He smiled at her. “You got some friends outside the compound?”

“Compound!?” Twilight chuckled.

“Might as well be if you ask me.” Shining snorted. “They giving you a hard time?”

“Mmmm, Grandma is-”

“Say no more.” He grunted, pounding his chest. “Your big brother is here to be the family scapegoat once more.”

“What do you mean?”

“Trust me, after I’m done talking to them, they won’t even remember you were born,” Shining said, dusting his fingernails off on his shirt. “Stand back and watch the master shit stirrer at work.”

“And you're sure you won’t disappear again afterward?” She fretted, going to stand in front of him and blocking his path. He had just come home...

He blinked, but set his face into a commanding and frim expression. He carefully placed two hands on Twilight’s shoulders. He leaned down to her level and looked her straight in the eye. “Twi, I promise,” He said seriously.

She stared back for a few seconds, then nodded, slowly stepping out of his way.

She really hoped he was telling the truth.

Shining, meanwhile, looked back at the dining room archway and took a deep, bracing breath. With one last adjustment of his collar, he straightened to almost military posture, and marched forward.

Twilight followed shortly behind, biting her lip.

Instead of speaking, Shining just walked to the entry and stood stock still before the bickering people in front of him, quietly waiting for them to notice his arrival.

Twilight watched behind him. Grandma and mum were way too into their argument to even sense he was there, but it only took dad a few seconds to see him. He was taking a miserable looking sip out of his drink when he glanced up, then choked violently. He sent most of the liquid out his nose and onto his shirt, eyes never leaving Shining form. He coughed a bit, unable to speak.

As his father collected himself, Shining locked eyes with him before nodding to his mother and grandmother. The message was clear.

Can you make them stop for five seconds?

Night Light opened and closed his mouth like a dying fish until his teeth clicked together. He took his wife’s blouse in his fingers to give it a few yanks.

She tried to swat him away until she was pulled out of her argument with a deep groan. She glowered down at her husband darkly. “What!?”

He wordlessly pointed to Shining and both women looked over.

The room fell quiet.

Dad was obviously still in shock, and still trying to work out any of his drink left in his lungs. He blinked a few times, clutching at the table cloth with his hands.

Grandma was also bewildered at his sudden appearance. She put her hand to her chest, clutching at the broach there over her heart. The way her shoulders lifted, it looked like she was raising her hackles, andher mouth was in the shape of an O.

Mom recovered the fastest.

“Shiney?” She asked in a small voice, eyes wide. She looked frightened, like he was more of a ghost than anything else. Mom inched out from behind the table, hands hovering in mid air. “Shining Armour!?”

Shiney watched her come over before offering her a small smile. “Hey mom.”

Mom crumpled.

She threw her arms around him and wept, clutching her son as tightly as she could. As if letting go meant he’d melt away into thin air, never to be seen again. Shiney returned the hug just as tightly, resting his chin on her head. She was crying so loudly that Twilight almost couldn’t hear Shiney speak to her.

“I’m here mom, I’m here.”

“S-son!” Dad was next, standing up from his chair and stumbling over. Shining opened one of his arms so his dad could join the hug, and the older man wasted no time doing so. He was just a bit less teary than his wife.

But not by much.

“Look at you!” Nightlight laughed, though the tone was somber. “You’ve grown so much!”

“Yeah, it's been a while.” Shiney smiled at him and patted his back. “I missed you guys.”

“WE MISSED YOU TOO!” Velvet wepted loudly. “WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!”

“Mom, it’s alright.”

Twilight inched closer, just in time for her dad to pull her into the group hug. She smiled at the reunion, but her eyes were drawn to the corner of the room. Grandma was standing there and looked a little awkward. She was toying with her broach and trying not stare, frowning sadly.

Shiney noticed her before sighing. “Get over here grandma, I missed you too!”

Soft Twilight blinked, surprised by his words, but was quickly across the room to join the hug. Shining shifted his head to press it against his grandmother’s. The only sound was Velvets sobbing but even that was slowly ebbing away.

“Oh! Oh look at you!” Velvet whimpered and reluctantly pulled away. Her eyes glancing over her son for any signs of injury. “You're ok! I was so worried…”

“I know mom, I’m ok though.” He rubbed her shoulder. “I can take care of myself. Learned from the best after all!”

Velvet snuffled and wiped at her eyes. However she also hit him lightly in the chest. “You never called!”

“I know!” Shiney admitted, hands up in defeat. “I should have, but…” He pettered off.

“Pride runs a bit too well in this family,” Soft sighed, adjusting her glasses. She returned to her seat at the table, taking up her drink. “I think I know a thing or two about that.”

“And then some,” Shiney said, looking away.

If Soft heard him she had no reaction beside sipping from her glass. Velvet, however, groaned. “Shiney…”

“I know! I know,” He grumbled. “Look, I came to visit for a bit. Not staying too long- BUT i’m not just gonna drop off the face of the earth again,” He finished quickly before his mother could interject.

“You're not coming back?” Twilight asked, a bit disappointed.

“Well, no. Not in the same way!” Shining smiled at her and put his hand on her shoulder. “I mean, I have a job and a house. Don’t really want my room back.”

“You have a house?” Night Light asked in surprise.

“You have a job?” Velvet asked at the same time.

“Yeah, I mean I am 26.” Shining shrugged. “I finished up at the academy with some scholarships, got a job at the precinct in Mid Canterlot. The house part wasn’t that hard either, I mean in the city anyway! I also had some help with that, I didn’t do it on my own…”

“My baby is a police officer!” Velvet cried, though it was clear she was proud.

“In Mid Canterlot!?” Soft said in shock. “Are you out of your mind!? You’ll be killed!”

“The last officer killed in Mid Canterlot was a bank robbery gone wrong, and he was a monster,” Shining groaned, frowning at his grandmother. “I’m fine.”

“Well still, I could get you a job with security here, they pay very well.”

Shining took a deep breath, but seemed to steady himself. “Grandma, I know you love me, and I know you're worried, but I’m happy with my job and I’m ok. Thanks for the offer though…I know it would have taken a lot of work to get me in.”

“Well at least let me get you on the waiting list for houses! It's quite the wait right now, but since you have family here already it could be sped up.” She raised her glass. “It’s very safe here-”

“And I respect that,” Shiney said with a bit of effort to stay calm. “However, I don’t think it’s best for me.”

“Shiney, honey,” Velvet looked to him, worried. “I know you like it in the city, but Everfree does offer a bit of peace of mind.”

“And a homeowners association,” Her son said with a smirk.

Velvet’s eye twitched at his words.

“Honestly, you guys, it's not that scary out there!” Shining said, looking around him. “Sure there's the odd jerk, but that's true anywhere! It’s not as bad as you think!”

“Its not,” Twilight said, withering when the adults turned to her. She winced. “It’s really not!”

Soft grunted, putting a hand to her face. “What is happening to this family?”


“I will say it until I am blue in the face!” Soft snapped. “Monsters are dangerous!”


“Sure, but humans are just as dangerous!” Shining argued. “What about Blue’s family?”

“We don’t talk about them!” Soft said quickly.

“Oh of course! We can talk about all the bad things the monsters can do, but when humans start hurting one another your little association sweeps it all up under the rug!” Shiney frowned.

“Humans have a tendency to have more mental and physical illnesses due to our history!” Soft snapped. “It happens when you're treated like animals and bred like them to! A limited gene pool will do that!”

“WHICH is why we can’t just hide away here or it’ll get worse!” Shiney argued.

“ALRIGHT!” Velvet stepped between them. “There is no end to this argument! Please! Shining just came home!” She looked at her mother. “He’s made it very clear mom, he doesn't want to move to Everfree! We need to accept that.”

“Velvet, he’s going to get himself killed!”

Velvet glanced at her son, looking worried, but forced herself to speak. “That's his risk to take, and his decision to make.”

Soft huffed, shaking her head.

“Thank you,” Shining said, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not that big of a risk, but I promise you I am being careful.” He seemed to pause, biting his lip. “Not to mention I can’t really live in Everfree soon anyway…”

Soft slowly looked up at him. “And why… is that?”

“Well. I’m getting married.”

Twilight blinked a few times. “What?” She asked.

“What?” Her dad echoed, just as surprised.

“WHAT!?” Mom spun around on her heel to face him, eyes wide.

Grandma’s glass dropped and shattered on the floor.

Shiney looked around, a little perturbed. “What? You don’t think I could get a wife?”

“Wife-wh- ma- wha-!!” Velvet staggered back into a chair. “Married!!??”

“Son that's amazing!” Nightlight said first, taking his son into another hug. “This is incredible! You're getting married!”

“Whoa!” Twilight came out of her stupor next. “I’m getting a sister in law!”

“M-ma-” Mom grugled, head in her hands and slumped forward in her chair.

Soft was just trying to breathe steady.

Twilight ran over and shook her mom. “Come on! He’s getting married! This is a good thing mom!”

“Y-yes! Yes it is!” Velvet said, still sounding shocked. “I just- oh my god!”

“Who’s the lucky lady!?” Night Light asked quickly.

“You mean unlucky lady.” Twilight chuckled.

“Quiet you!” Shining scoffed, waving her off.

“What is she.”

Everyone looked at Soft.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“You can’t move to Everfree because you're getting married,” Soft said flatly, glowering up at them. “So she’s not human. What is she?”

Shiney crossed his arms. “She’s my wife.”

“Soft it doesn't matter!” Nightlight said, shaking his son. “Shining Armour is in love! That’s all that’s important! If he likes her then so will I!”

Shining sent his dad a thankful smile.

“If Shining likes her she must be great!” Twilight agreed.

Soft just groaned, rubbing her eyes in frustration.

“What is she like!?” Twilight asked, trying to ignore her grandmother for now. “What does she do?”

“Well, she works for the school board! She works as a temporary guidance counselor when a school needs a substitute. Right now she’s at the Hooffield Highschool just outside of the city, filling in for a maternity leave. They specialize in agriculture and animal studies. Lots of hooved and nature monsters there.” Shiney shrugged. “She was in marriage counseling for a while, but she wanted to work with kids more.”

“Where ARE you going to live?” Soft grunted, shaking her head.

“My fiancée and I bought a nice row house in the historic district. We moved in together a year ago,“ Shining said, then put his hands on his hip, looking at Soft out the corner of his eye. “And it's very nice, it has a great security system grandma.”

Soft huffed a little, though her shoulder dropped a twitch.

“When is the special day anyway?” Nightlight asked.

“Few months down the road.In Fact-!” Shining pulled some envelopes from his pocket. “I got some save the date invitations right here!”

He handed one out to every member of the family, even Grandma Soft. Twilight looked over the shimmering, golden envelope with a smile.

“They’re pretty!” Twilight said, opening it up.

“My better half picked them out,” Shining snorted with a smile. “I trust her excellent taste! She picked me as a husband after all.”

“So only one misstep.”

Shiny elbowed her lightly in the shoulder with a playful expression. She giggled and managed to fish the invite from its holding.

‘You are cordially invited to the wedding of Sir Shining Armour to Mi Amore Cadenza, taking place on the 15 of July. Events begin at 1 PM, with the ceremony and a celebratory party afterward.’

“That’s so soon!” Velvet remarked as she and Nightlight read theirs over.

“We should have some money saved away to help out!” Nightlight said. “So if you have any last minute additions you want to add just let us know!”

“I think we got everything! It’s a pretty small ceremony. Family and close friends!” Shiny explained. “As for gifts we’d rather you just donate to a charity in our name.” He glanced around before adding, “Buuuuutttt a nice chocolate bar or coffee card would be a nice surprise.”

“Sold!” Nightlight said, marching into the kitchen. “I’m putting this on the calendar right now!”

“Married,” Velvet mumbled, still a little dazed. “I can’t believe it…”

“Neither can I,” Soft grumbled, rubbing the side of her head. She suddenly stood, putting the invite away carefully in her purse. “Thank you for dinner Velvet but I need to go home and… think.”

Velvet didn’t seem to notice what her mother said but nodded anyway.

“I’ll call you later on when I have my head back on straight.” She sighed. “It’s been one hell of a day.” As she headed for the door she stopped before Shining Armour with a slightly tired look. “Thank you for the invitation to Shining Armour, I’ll be sure to clear my schedule.” She patted him on the shoulder. “It’s good to see again and in good health.”

Shining exhaled heavily but had a small smile on his face. “You too Grandma.”

She stared at him a moment longer, then made her way to the front door. Twilight heard it shut before Shining shifted. “So, I said I wasn’t staying too long, I should probably go to-”

“Hold it!” Velvet said, a little panicked. “You just got back after being gone for so long! Can’t you just stay a few hours?”

“Aw, mom,” Shining said softly. “I promise I won’t disappear.”

“I know… I just-” She seemed to struggle to think of an excuse.

“Your mother made some mousse!” NightLight shouted from the kitchen. “You wanna stay for a bowl!?”

“Mousse eh?” Shining looked a bit conflicted. “Well I promised Cadance I’d try and lay off the sweets, gotta fit into my tux… but what the heck!”

As he slid into a seat mom ran to the kitchen to get the dish together. Twilight took a seat next to him, glancing over the invitation she had gotten. When Shiney tapped her shoulder she looked up at him.

“Told you they’d forget you were born,” He muttered to her with a smile.

Twilight just gave him a smirk back and nudged him with her foot under the table.

Between the eating of Mousse and talking about wedding preparations, Shiny found himself staying much later than he intended. They looked at Twilight’s school photos he missed. She went next door to get Spike so they could meet. He went to see his dusty bedroom and practically squealed when he saw his comic collection just as he had left it, save for one Spike had somehow gotten his teeth on and chewed up, leaving Shiney to dramatically scream, much to his family’s confusion. He was impressed his ant farm was still alive though, thanks to Twilight’s care, and had been very excited to see his old action figure of Brutish Force.

“They don’t even make these anymore!” Shiny smiled, holding the toy up high.

“Well, it’s your stuff Shining. If you want to take it to your new home in the city, we can have it delivered, or drop it off,” Velvet offered with a smile.

“Aw, that be awesome!”

The plans were mostly up in the air for that, but the rest of the night was spent reminiscing on the couch on old times until after midnight. Though it had been hours, Twilight felt like he had just arrived moments before. It was a bit sad to see him getting ready to leave once more. Thankfully he dialed their numbers into his new phone, sending them each a text so they all had his number now.

“We’ll have to get together sometime,” Velvet said, “Maybe go out for dinner, our treat! We can get to know your fiancée!”

“She’d love that!” Shiny smiled. “It’s a bit busy right now with the wedding prep and her covering menterity, but I’m sure we can find a night that works with everyone!”

“You’ll come back to see us soon though, right?” Twilight asked, worried she was being a bit clingy. “I-if you have time…”

“Hmmm, do I have time for my favorite sister? I dunno….” Shiny said, tapping his chin and looking doubtful, though his tone was joking.

She snorted.

Shiney laughed as well. “Yeah, of course I’ll come by again real soon! I own you a bunch of birthday presents don’t I? We can get ice cream or something, maybe with the whole family.” He pulled her in for another headlock, noogieing her head teasingly. She struggled in his grip, giggling all the while.

“Shiney! Come on! Stop!” She said with a smile. He finally let her go, giving both his mom and dad a hug as Twilight straightened her glasses once more.

“I’ll talk to Caddie and we’ll see if we can find a day to get together!” Shiny said. “It’ll be fun!”

“It’ll be nice to spend more time with you! We’ve missed you so much,” Velvet said fondly. “Just send us a date and we’ll make it work.”

“Well alright then!” Shiny smiled. “I’ll text you before the end of the weekend! You guys take ok, and Spike right?” He pointed down at the dog, who straightened at the attention. “Take care of Twily till I get back ok?”

Spike barked, face very serious.

“Good boy!” Shiny gave his head a rub before heading to his car. “See you soon guys! Love yeah!”

Twilight and her parents waved to him as he backed out of the driveway and headed off down the street. Once his car turned the corner, Velvet sighed.

“Oh, our little boy went and grew up without us.”

“It’s true, but we can still be there for him now!” Night Light said, putting his arm around her. “What do you say we go and find a good gift idea online? I’ll get us some wine.”

His wife chuckled. “Stop reading my mind!”

As the two headed in Twilight couldn’t help but smile. It seemed Shiney had spoken the truth, for the moment, at least, mom and dad didn’t seem to remember she was in trouble…

Hopefully that meant he was telling the truth about sticking around.

Sent from Sunset Shimmer: 7:30 AM

Wow. Thats crazy! Your parents really didn’t remember you’d been sneaking out after all that?

Twilight blew a hair from her face.

Sent from Twilight Sparkle: 7:31 AM

They’re really excited Shiney is back! I mean, so am I, I even forgot I was in trouble for a bit there. They spent the rest of the weekend looking at gift ideas and texting him. There's still no good date for us all to get together, but we’ll find one.

Indeed the rest of the weekend had been pretty quiet! Even grandma hadn’t called to check back in again. It was a quiet, calm few days where Twilight had done her homework, played with Spike and listened to her mum and dad’s plans on what to do when they met up with Shiney’s fiancée. So far they were hoping for dinner and bowling as a first introduction. Really though, whatever she wanted to do was fine. They did want to make a good first impression.

Sent from Sunset Shimmer: 7:34 AM

Well I’m really happy for you Twilight. I know he was gone for a while. However you should bring the topic back up before your parents remember on their own. It’s not going to go away on its own.

Wasn’t that the truth? Twilight figured that she’d have to face the music eventually. She had friends now and she really wanted to keep them. From how the conversation had been going, before it devolved into Grandma and mom having another fight, it seemed like her parents were open to the idea.

They weren't happy with her, but they we’re willing to listen.

Sent from Twilight Sparkle: 7:36 AM

I know, I gotta tread lightly though. I feel like it's a conversation that could go either way. Maybe best to do it without my Grandma around though.

Her mom was less likely to get a hernia that way.

Sent from Sunset Shimmer: 7:37 AM

Well try and group chat us all later! I’m sure the girls have some ideas on how to help. Rainbow has gotten out of trouble with her dad tons of times, and Rarity knows a thing or two about sweet talking the parentals.

Twilight chuckled as she read that going to text back-


Twilight spluttered when something lightly struck her in the back of the head, glasses dropping from her face. Thankfully they ended up in her lap. She scrambled to put them back on as someone yelled from far behind her.

“Ah crap! Sorry!”

She turned to see them, shaking a bit as the bus hit a pothole. It was another Monday morning and another full bus ride back to Crystal Prep. Kids were still riled up from the weekend, chit chatting and catching up. A few in the back had taken to tossing around a soccer ball, which had just pelted Twilight in the back of the head. From her seat she could even see a few kids sleeping, drawing on the walls and rough housing with each other.

Twilight was tempted to complain to the bus drive, but the last time she did that he said, and she quoted, “Don’t make me tap the sign.”

Twilight glared at the ‘sign’ posted above the driver’s seat.

‘Don’t talk to the driver’

Twilight winced when the ball hit her again, the kid calling out apologies, just as a paper plane flew down the aisle.

It was like some Lord of the Flies BS in here.

Well, she supposed survival of the fittest was better than the ‘Bunny’ technique her bus driver used in elementary school.

Twilight sighed before returning to her phone.

Sent from Twilight Sparkle: 7:40 AM

I will, thanks.

The bus ride wasn’t much longer than that, thankfully. It pulled up to the usual stop and everyone started getting their things together. Twilight shouldered her bag and backpack, heading for the doors, when a sea of students flooded up around her, rushing for the exit at the same time. Twilight floundered wildly, caught in the stream. She frantically tried to get her footing again as she was carried away to the doors.

“Ah! Help!” She shouted as they approached the stairs.

The busdriver tapped the sign, not looking at her. Twilight sent him a glower before she was spat back outside. Somehow, by chance, she landed on her feet, stumbling a bit from the force. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath-

When someone purposely shoved her from behind.

She yelped, falling to the walkway roughly, bags going with her. Her glasses fell off for the second time today, but she managed to find them a few seconds later. She hefted herself to her hands and knees, listening to someone chuckle as they walked past her. Looking up she saw it was Nettlekiss. One of Kamikaze’s gang and someone less than happy Twilight had managed to get the girl kicked out of school…

Nettlekiss locked gazes with Twilight as she went past, then scoffed and flipped her off.

Twilight blew the hair from her face again, getting to her feet. Right! That was still going on.

She picked herself back up, dusting off her knees and picking a few rocks from her skin. Twilight grunted and continued onto the school, something in her gut telling her today was not going to be the best day.


As she walked Twilight spotted Moondancer up ahead, walking slowly with her bags, a cup of coffee held in both hands. Despite the mid day May weather, she held it to herself like it was the only warmth she had left, bags under her eyes. Twilight frowned and ran to catch up.

“Moondancer, are you ok?” She asked, squinting at the other girl.

“No, no talking,” Moondancer mumbled, blinking one eye at a time. “Not alive yet.” She took a generous sip from the steaming cup. Twilight was sure that, had she been more awake, Moondancer would have felt the burn from the hot drink.

“Why are you so tired?” Twilight asked, giving her an apologetic smile when Moondancer glared at her.

“Was playing Prophecy Of Power all weekend.” A dark grin came over Moondancer’s face. “ I made at least three twelve year old cry. It was a very good night.” Then it dropped. “Course I didn’t watch the clock and only got two hours of sleep for today.”

“The fates can be cruel and order unkind,” Twilight smirked, nudging her roommate.

“Go away!” Moondancer groaned deeply, taking another violent mouthful of her coffee.

They stumbled up the dorm steps and Twilight fumbled with the keys to unlock the door, Moondancer watching groggily. Once inside they made their way to their rooms and put their things away.

Twilight leafed through her books and papers, finding everything she needed for her classes. Her book report was due today, then she had a test in the afternoon during self defense… she should practice her bobs and weaves during lunch.

Twilight sighed. This close to summer break everything started to get busy, especially with end of term exams were getting closer and closer. Twilight carried her backpack out into the living area, looking at Moondancer's door. It was open and she was already gone, likely having some early activity in class today. Twilight turned back to the front door and adjusted her bag, only to pause when it opened and Lemon Zest spilled into the room.

Lemon looked tired as well, dumping her things on the floor behind the door. When she looked up and saw Twilight there she paused, eyes wide and nervous. For a moment Twilight was confused until she recalled last Friday again.

Right. That was also still going on.

Well, after this weekend Twilight was in a much better mood to handle this. The last time she had seen Lemon she had been too tired for anything else school related, so she had blown the girl off in favour of retreating to the bus.

Now she was in a better mood.

“Hey Lemon,” Twilight offered her, keeping her tone light.

“Uh, hey…” Lemon scratched the back of her head, eyes darting.

“You wanna walk to school together?” Twilight asked, gesturing to her bag.

Lemon looked confused, but nodded hesitantly. “Uh, sure… I guess so. If you want to.”

Lemon quickly grabbed her backpack and the two of them headed back out towards the main school. Lemon was shifting and chewing on her lip, not looking at Twilight directly. She realized that, for as much as she had been worrying about Kamikaze all last Friday, that Lemon may have been worrying about facing Twilight all weekend. They had not left things in a good way… Twilight wasn’t even really mad at her.

She had been a little rude.

“So, listen,” Twilight began, catching Lemon’s attention. “I’m sorry about blowing you off in the stairwell.”


“Well I kinda pushed right past you without stopping to talk,” Twilight explained. “I was so tired and grumpy afterschool on Friday, I didn’t really think-”

“Whoa, hey whoa!” Lemon turned to stare at her. “Are you apologizing? To me!?” Lemon pointed to herself in emphasis.

“Um, yes. I am indeed.” Twilight blinked. “I was rude. I’m sorry. I hope it didn’t bother you too much this weekend or anything…”

“Bother me- What!?” Lemon shouted, hands in the air. “Twilight, I bailed on you! I let Kamikaze almost make a second mouth of your throat!” Lemon winced. “I kinda deserved to be brushed off, maybe even more than that!”

“Well, that’s not your fault.” Twilight shook her head. “I wasn’t mad at you last week, I was just done with the day. It was crazy and I was tired…”

“What do you mean you're not mad!?” Lemon asked. She stopped walking to grab Twilight by the shoulders, giving her a little shake. “I ABANDONED YOU”

“Like I said, that's not your fault. I may have done the same thing in your place. Kamikaze has that effect on people. She makes you freeze up. She’s unpredictable. I’m scared of her too.” Twilight shrugged. “How can I be mad at someone for not doing something, if I couldn’t do it either? That's asking too much of another person.”

Lemon stared at her, frowning. “Well… It still didn’t feel right after.” She turned away and they both began to walk again.

“If it helps, I’m not upset with you.”

“I think I’d feel better if you were…”


“Yeah… no… I dunno.” Lemon scratched her cheek, looking out over the empty founder’s pedestal still in front of the school. The statue of Crystal Heart was still behind the art building, being fixed. Lemon sighed. “It’s complicated.”

“Life tends to be that way.” Twilight smiled sadly.

They rounded the bend and headed for the doors. Off to the side Twilight could see the outdoor exercise area with a few of the morning gym courses warming up. One group was the fencing class. There were five or six students practicing lunges, with Prefect Fleur talking to the instructor.


Right. That was also, ALSO still going on.

“Has Fleur seemed ok to you?” Twilight asked, looking to Lemon quietly.

“Perfect Mc Fleurrie?” Lemon asked, brow raised. She peered over at the exercise yard. “I haven’t seen anything off. Last time I saw her she was her usual, well meaning, but bossy self.”

“Hmmm.” Twilight looked back at the girl.

“Why do you ask?”

“Well… can you keep it a secret?” Twilight asked.

“Ugh sure?” Lemon said, looking suspicious and concerned.

“Well, last Friday, when I ran off to the bus, I saw her talking on her phone,” Twilight explained. “Sounded like a boyfriend or something.”

“Oooh!” Lemon said, wriggled her brows. “Lover spat?”

“No, it was pleasant.” Twilight frowned. “It just, they were talking like the guy was already working, and had business meetings to go to. Like he’s older than us.”

“Oh,” Lemon said, reilization crossing her face. “Older. Ok…” Lemon hummed. “I mean, Fleur is almost eighteen. She can, kinda make her own decisions… maybe? I guess it's ok to be worried, but the girl knows fencing! If anything happens she can just slice n’ dice him, right?”

“I guess so,” Twilight sighed.

Lemon pursed her lips and made a popping noise before speaking again, looking uncertain. “Look, I won’t say anything, but if you got a bad feeling, then talk to her about it!” Lemon weaved her head back and forth in thought. “Maybe it’s not as bad as it sounds? You did just hear one conversation.”

“I guess that's true,” Twilight admitted. “I just don’t want to underestimate how much trouble she could be getting into. What if I don’t say anything and she gets hurt! Or worse…”

“Yeah… Not acting when you should can be a horrible kind of regret,” Lemon mumbled.

Twilight chewed on her cheek idly.

Oh dear….

After they parted ways Twilight made her way to her morning classes. Math and English passed as they normally did and her teacher was very pleased with the look of her book report. In between though, the halls were filled with whispers and watching eyes. Kamikaze had not returned after the weekend. She wasn’t in any classes and her dorm room had apparently been emptied. Why she was suddenly gone was no mystery, but now Twilight seemed to be the talk of the school. Somehow she had gotten the blood hungry girl removed. Some people were very pleased with this result.

Others were not.

After lunch Twilight sat down in Science, twitching when someone jabbed her with a pencil. Turning around she found Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap, as usual.

“Dude, what the hell,” Indigo said flatly. “Do you know how much trouble you're in!?”

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked, completely bewildered.

“Word around school is that Kamikaze was booted, permanently,” Sugarcoat explained. “And that you were the one to do it.”

“I didn’t even tell on her though! Fleur did that! All I did was get a knife pulled on me…” Twilight said, eyes darting.

“Try telling that to her old clique!” Indigo explained, waving her hand vaguely. “Without Kami they’re all bark and little bite. She was the insane powerhouse that ran this school like a well greased machine. Now they can’t get away with jack.” Indigo frowned. “ They are not happy.”

“Namely with you.” Sugarcoat said with a shrug.

Twilight sighed, already tired. “Well, you said it yourself. All bark, little bite.”

“Doesn't mean they can’t kick your ass Sparkle,.” Indigo grunted. “Just cause they can’t skip or hustle lunch money as easily doesn't mean they’re any less mean.”

“I’d suggest you fake an illness and hide out in the nurse’s station,.” Sugarcoat said flatly. “Before it’s too late.”

Ahhhh….. Crud!

“Why me….?” Twilight moaned, laying her head on her desk.

“I dunno, but just watch your damn back!” Indigo scowled. “Lemon was worried about you this weekend and I don’t need her worried the rest of the week either!” The girl crossed her arms. “Stresses me out.”

Twilight sighed. “Well, she has nothing to worry about now. Whatever happens I’ll just deal with it alone.” Twilight crossed her arms and put them under her head. “I always do…”

Indigo and Sugarcoat shared a look behind her, but Twilight didn’t see it.

After science Twilight made her way across the school grounds and to the gym. Her last class of the day was Self Defense and she just needed to get changed. She was hoping her practice during lunch would help her, but given Ms Trenchbull’s standards she’d be lucky to get a B. Twilight shivered as the winds picked up and when she looked up she could see the cloudy morning sky was gone in favour of some dark, rolling clouds.

Suited her mood today just fine.


She paused, looking up to see Prefect Fleur approaching her. “Hey, what’s up?” Twilight asked, not sure what the girl could want.

“I just wanted to make sure none of Kamikaze’s old crew were bothering you,.” Fleur said as she came over. “Word around school is that they’re not very pleased with how things turned out.”

“I’ve heard, but besides some pushing, nothing has happened.” Twilight sighed.

Fleur glanced down at Twilight’s skinned knees with a raised brow. “I’m sure.” She huffed before looking back up. “If they do anything though, let me know. I’ll set them straight.”

“Thanks Fleur.”

“Anytime Twilight,.” Fleur smiled. “I gotta look after my underclassmen.” She patted Twilight’s shoulder. “Till then, I’m needed in English.”

“H-hold on, Fleur.” Twilight grabbed the girl’s hand before she could leave. “Can I ask you something?” Twilight grit her jaw.

“Ugh, you just did,.” Fleur said jokingly.

“Oh-wha-!” Twilight spluttered and Fleur gave a soft laugh.

“Go ahead Twilight, it’s fine.”

Twilight froze before sighing. “Right, well… I was just wondering… Are you- Wait no, that won’t sound right!” Twilight struggles for a few seconds. “Ah, what I mean to ask is, do you have a boyfriend?”

“Boyfriend?” Fleur seemed leery at this. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, I kinda, sorta, mmmaaayyybbbeee-” Twilight swallowed. “H-heard you talking on the phone at the bus area last Friday.”

Fleur blinked.

“It sounded like you were all ‘lovey dovey’ and you were talking about him being in meetings and working…” Twilight continued.

At this Fleur instantly paled and she grabbed Twilight by the arm. She yelped as she was dragged around the back of the building. Fleur released her to pace for a moment and Twilight had a few seconds to rub her arm before the Prefect turned back to her.

“Who have you told!?” She asked quickly. “What else do you know!?”

“Th-that’s it!” Twilight stammered, hands up in surrender. “I don’t know anything else and the only person I told was Lemon Zest, but only because I wasn’t sure what to do.”

Fleur mumbled and started to chew her nails a little. She was clearly frazzled and Twilight winced at the nervous actions.

“Listen, Fleur, is he like, a LOT older or is he…?” She left the question open ended.

Surprisingly Fleur waved the question off dismissively. “Oh he’s only twenty three! It's a family business, he’s being taught the tricks of the trade by his father.”

Ok, Twenty three… Not too bad…

“Still not the best though…” Twilight frowned. “Are you worried your parents will freak out?”

Fleur looked at her in surprise, then gave a very loud laugh, though she still looked a bit stressed. “Oh, that is rich! My mother is TEN years younger than my father. If anything me dating a budding, rich business man would make her over the moon.”

“But?” Twilight asked.

Fleur stalled and mumbled to herself, scratching her face. “But… he’s not exactly… human.”



“That’s not a bad thing.” Twilight shrugged.

“Not many around here would agree,” Fleur sighed. “An older, gentleman monster dating a slightly younger, human woman isn’t how fairytale relationships usually turn out.” She got a bit of a fond smile on her face. “However in this case he’s been more than a prince! We’ve been together for almost five months and he refuses to even kiss me anywhere but the cheek or the hand.” She sighed. “ We’ve talked about it a lot but he wants me to graduate university before we start making big plans.”

She came closer to Twilight and grabbed her hands. “If this were to get out it could ruin everything for me. My parents will lock me down. My social status could be affected. Scholarship opportunities. University applications. Who knows what other problems this kind of gossip could cause!”

She leaned in, Twilight twitching back at the intensity of her stare. “I need you to keep this to yourself! Please, please, please don’t say a word!”

“I understand why you're worried Fleur, it's just… Are you sure you're ok?” Twilight asked. “I mean, I trust your judgement, but I’m just worried.”

“Oh Twilight, that's really nice of you,” Fleur smiled. “I know it's a bit sketchy but I’ve never felt like this before. I love him a lot and we really connected. He’s given me a lot more respect than some of my own family members. We’re moving very slowly and I feel very secure! Please don't worry! I’ll be ok!”

Twilight hummed. “I guess. I won’t tell, but only if you give me your phone number. I’ll feel better if you have somebody to talk to that knows, just in case.”

“Aw, Twilight!” Fleur chuckled. “That's so sweet! You don’t have to do that!”

“Well, it would make me feel better about it,” Twilight said. “Besides, you always had my back, I should have yours.”

And honestly, it would. At least if Fleur needed help then she had someone to call instead of worrying about how she was going to explain everything. Sure, Twilight wasn’t sure what she could do to help, but it was better than nothing.

Fleur just laughed brightly before taking Twilight’s phone and typing in her number. “Well I guess if it will make you feel better, but only if I can return the favour.” She handed it back after she was done and Twilight sent her a quick text so she could get the contact as well. “No matter how small, right?”

“Right!” Twilight agreed.

Fleur put a hand to her chest. “I’m glad you came to talk to me instead of making assumptions, Twilight. It means a lot.” She patted the teen on the shoulder. “However we had best get to class before we’re late.”

“Ok, I’ll talk to you later then!” Twilight smiled and held her phone up. As Fleur walked off back to her class, Twilight looked down at her messages and sent a quick one off to.

Sent from Twilight Sparkle: 1:11 PM

Have a good class!

Twilight tucked her phone back in her bag and headed towards the field before the gym building. The wind blew again and Twilight shivered, getting a bit cold. May was such a turbulent month, you never knew if it was going to be steaming hot or freezing! Either could happen, sometimes on the same day. Well June was right around the corner…

Twilight looked back at the school quietly.

Things seemed to be improving around Crystal prep. She was on better terms with Lemon, Moony and even Fleur. Were they friends? Maybe just a step below? Well, either way, she didn’t feel as isolated as she used to.

Yet, even with the more friendly setting and lack of her usual bully, Twilight found Crystal Prep to be lacking. As for what it was lacking…

Well, certain monsters came to mind.

Everything was the same, both here and at home. She was trapped in a rut and didn’t even know it until Sunset stumbled into her life, bringing her friends with her. Everytime she had left to spend time with them, in the outside world, Twilight found herself wanting to return to her bubble less and less. Sure Everfree and Crystal Prep were safe, but without a little risk what was there to gain?

“You got some friends outside the compound?”

‘However you should bring the topic back up before your parents remember on their own. It’s not going to go away on its own.’

Twilight sighed. She should, she really, really should. Her parents should know she wasn’t happy here, why she wasn’t happy here, why she met her friends and how wonderful they were. Both were a part of her life and she wanted them to peacefully coexist.


It seemed like a pipe dream though. How could she combine the two? She could change schools, but the only real way that could work is her parents drive her into the city everyday, if she woke up at the crack of dawn to catch a bus, or if she went to an entirely new boarding school all together. The last one not even fixing any of the problems because it will be, once again, far from her friends.

There wasn’t much else she could suggest without being outlandish or sounding crazy. She could only hope her parents would just let her keep meeting up with them.

Which seemed unlikely.

Twilight sighed, reaching for her pocket to get her locker key, almost at the door of the gym-

When someone tackled her!

Air whistled out of her and she fell to the ground. She landed on her side, shoulder taking the brunt. Disoriented, Twilight shifted to her back, trying to figure out what just happened, only to get punched in the head.

Oh my gosh, ok, this is happening!!

Instinctively her arms came up to block her face, just in time to avoid another hit. Twilight’s head rang as her attacker tried to punch her again and again. She squawked when they grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked. HARD.

“You stupid jackass, you ruined everything!” Her attacker snapped, clearly female and clearly pissed off.

“Get her Nettlekiss!”

“Yeah, kick her ass!”

Oh good, all of Kami’s old crew were there. Now it was a party. Someone tried to kick her as Nettlekiss kept ramming her head and arms with blows. Something mumbled in the back of Twilight’s brain, under her headache, until it clicked.

Oh yeah, my lessons.

Twilight hooked Nettlekiss’s left leg with her right and rolled into it. Caught off guard, Nettlekiss fell to the side while Twilight rolled on top. Twilight stumbled and fell forward, but was able to stick her elbow out and land a lucky hit on Nettlekiss’s solar plexus, knocking her out of breath. Before she could do anything else, someone grabbed Twilight’s hair and yanked her off of Nettlekiss.

Twilight yelped and stepped towards the one who yanked her, using the momentum to elbow them, half out of surprise at being grabbed and half lost in the memories of the horrible night Kamikaze made that video. The girl grunted angrily, taking the blow and threw a hook, catching the side of Twilight’s face and sending her glasses flying.

Suddenly the girl made a noise and let Twilight go, though she could still hear fighting going on.

“Leave her alone!”

“Lemon!?” Twilight shouted in shock.

She got no answer, but was swiftly overtaken again by some of the other girl’s in Kami’s old group. Nettlekiss grabbed Twilight and tried to force her to the ground, but Twilight caught her leg, causing them both to fall. Before either could recover, another girl kicked Twilight, knocking her off balance. Before the new girl could follow up, she was hit by a backpack and turned to face whoever threw it. Twilight and Nettlekiss rolled a few times, thrashing to try and get the upper hand over one another.

It was now just the two of them, locked in battle, kicking and punching and pulling hair, trying to break free. Twilight made a frustrated scream when the other girl pulled her hair hard enough for there to be a small ripping noise. With a mighty twist she brought her leg up and kicked as high as she could.

Somehow she managed to kick her in the mouth.

Nettlekiss screeched angrily.

Yeah, how does that shoe taste you jerk!?

All around them was chaos. Twilight could hear numerous fights happening at once, the voices running together too much for her to know who all they were. She knew Lemon Zest was here, but other than that, she was clueless. It didn’t help that some students were just standing by, chanting ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ as loud as they could. She did hear one girl shouting that she was being BITTEN but Twilight didn’t recognize the voice.

Twilight then actually managed to get overtop of Nettlekiss, but she knew she couldn’t hold it long. So instead of trying to punch her, Twilight snorted.

And spat on her.

Partly to shock her, partly to disgust her, partly to distract her-

-and partly to repay her for all the bullying.

Boy did it work judging by the horrified noise the other girl made.

“OH MY GOD!!!” She coughed. “IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!!!!”


Well, happy accident.

The girl loosened her hold on Twilight’s hair and she took the opportunity. Twi grabbed her by the wrist and yanked it away. She held the arm across Nettlekiss’s body, locking her free arm down at her side. Twilight then punched the girl in the chest.

She might have missed the face if she aimed there.

Nettlekiss squirmed under her, cursing and using her legs to try to kick at Twilight from behind. Twilight reeled her arm back for another hit, when a large hand grabbed her by it and yanked her up and away from Nettlekiss.


Twilight went stiff, eyes wide when she recognized Ms. Trenchbull’s voice. All around her the other students fell quiet as well. Not a soul dared speak as the large woman panted, sounding like an enraged animal.

Thunder rang out over their heads.

As Ms. Trenchbull took stock of the situation, someone nudged something into Twilight’s free hand. She confusedly took the object and realized they were her glasses. She managed to get them on with one hand, frowning when she realized they were cracked and not sitting right on her face.

All around her were girls, just as equally roughed up as she was. Lemon Zest was there, covered in bruises. As was Indigo Zap, which was odd. Surprising there was also Moondancer, sporting a ripped sleeve and a battered look, standing next to her, clearly the one who found Twilight’s glasses. She must have been on her way to self defense as well and saw what was happening.

What took Twilight’s attention though was her tight breathing. She was wheezing and blinked, surprised that she hadn’t noticed this before. A quick look around finds her bag on the ground nearby. Twilight turned, looking up at Ms Trenchbull’s red face, knowing she’d have to likely ask the woman to let her go if she wanted her inhaler.

Thankfully it was then Ms. Trenchbull chose to release her.

“Get your shit together!” She shouted, all the girls scrambling for their things at once. Twilight managed to get a puff or two of her inhaler before Ms. Trenchbull screamed again. “You're all coming with me to the Principal's Office. NOW.”

The vein in her neck was bulging. Not a good sign of things to come.

As they were herded back to the sidewalk, Ms. Trenchbull leering over them, they passed Sugarcoat standing on the sideline, holding Indigo’s bag in her hands.

“You guys are in a lot of trouble,” She said flatly.

“What? Nooo,” Indigo groused sarcastically, taking her things back.


They picked up the pace after that, eyes locked on the ground as Ms. Trenchbull kept forcing them onward. Not a soul spoke and Twilight swallowed tightly.

Well, she had been right. Today was not going to be a good day.

And it was about to get way, way worse.

Author's Note:

So. That was a while...

Life got so busy and the Covid happened and well, suddenly its Halloween again! I promise doing these updates once a year is not what I want, or we'd be here a while... I really want to do the next update sooner than that and I'll do my best! I'm really sorry guys...

Anyway, I hope this chapter wasn't too much hype for people. Nothing too big happened and it likely wasn't the family feud you wanted, but we are moving along. We'll have more of the main six in the next few chapters, this is kinda more set up stuff.

Also as a side note I know Fleur's relationship is kind of sketchy (Or suss as the young people may say) *I honestly don't know, I'm not young anymore* but its more of just a nice side story. Fancy is a nice guy in this, but be careful out there young people! Most older romantic interests in real life don't work out well...

Special thanks to Blazeblast4 for editing once more! Also for writing a chunk of the fight scene. Man do I suck at those!

Thanks for reading guys!