• Published 30th Oct 2019
  • 3,715 Views, 257 Comments

A Deer Named John - Teapot Tales - Tael_Spinner

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SA1-C5: "Hi! I'm *Insert Name Here* and I'm a Former Human."


I sat up with a start. My head struck something above me. There was a deep throated yelp, but I paid it little mind as my gaze darted about. My breathing came in short, rapid gasps as I struggled to focus in the gloom. I tried to rub my hands against my face, but, the moment I raised my arms, my balance collapsed and I flopped down onto the firm mattress.

There I lay, snorting in breath after tiny breath through my nose, as I did my best to slow my racing heart. When calmness finally started to fill me, I opened my eyes in search of my balance’s betrayal. The answer was simple and right before me. Two slender, fur-covered legs, with cleft hooves at the end of each, lay on the firm pillow, barely making a dent in it.

The realisation I was still a deer hit moments later, so I did my best to sink further into the mattress. It didn’t work. I let out an annoyed snort and grumbled to myself, “Dreams suck.”

My gaze moved skyward as the sound and vibration of movement on the bunk above caught my attention. A throaty grunt and a groan reached my ears and my eyes flickered to the door for a moment. The crack beneath it betrayed the darkness of the tiny accommodation, allowing light to stream in and bathe half the floor in a golden glow.

I rolled my eyes. It was another day in this fantasy world. Another morning waking up without fingers or thumbs. Great…

With another grumble at that thought, I shifted to the side of the bed, taking care to keep my antlers low. Even if they were stubby, they could still catch on things. I did my best to soften the sound of my hooves on the floor before creeping the two steps to the bowl on the washstand.

I stared down into the bowl of shimmering water and, even in the dim light, I could make out the disarray of facial fur tossing and turning in the night had caused. Blinking a few times, I then used my hooves to splash some water onto my face before quickly shaking it off as it woke me further.

As I stood, watching the ripples in the bowl jiggle my still unfamiliar face about, something hard touched the top of my head. My breath caught in my throat and I nearly jumped out of my skin before a groggy voice reached my ears.

“Tiny antlers still hurt, little sister.”

Whatever was on my head forced me to turn and look up. There, with fringe all messed up and out of the way, my gaze became locked with the tired glare of a barely awake, and slightly angry, Jackie. Amazingly, his desire to sleep in every morning had made the transition from human to yak.

“Um,” I murmured, still feeling my deer instincts screaming in my head for me to run. Taking a breath to slow my suddenly racing heart, I let the breath out and sheepishly said, “Sorry.”

Jackie just continued to hold my head in place and glare at me for several long seconds. He even leaned down far enough from the top bunk bed that our noses could almost touch.

The awkward moment didn’t even end with the sharp sound of a hoof knocking on the door to our cosy living space. Thankfully, Jackie’s glare only lingered a few seconds more. He then snorted and nudged me toward the door. I did my best to not crash into the door from the strength of the shove, catching my footing just short of the door.

The knocking came again. Three fast, sharp taps. I drew myself up in time to hear Jackie thump to the floor on all four hooves. I glanced over my shoulder to see him approach the washstand, then turned my attention to the front door. Truthfully it was the only door we had. These temporary structures were really little more than glorified standalone bedrooms; each with a bunk bed and washstand. That was it.

Opening the door, I squinted as the morning sun struck me square in the face. As my eyes adjusted, I started to make out a dark pony-ish blob standing right in front of me. As I blinked away my temporary blindness, I was met by a voice which cut through whatever drowsiness still lingered within me.

“Good morning, former humans!” the blonde-maned, grey-coated pegasus greeted, her voice ringing in my ears with joy. “I have a letter for you!”

I stared flatly at the pegasus and her beaming smile, which was only out-shone by the rising sun behind her. Glancing at the envelope she held, I looked at her as I stepped further out of the door and said, “So, you know we’re former humans?”

“Uh-huh,” the pegasus nodded eagerly.

I arched an eyebrow. “You do realise none of us can read the language, right?”

“Of course!”

My quirked eyebrow fell at the overabundance of joy filling this mare and I waited for her to put two and two together. When she didn’t, I let out a heavy sigh and said, “We can’t read the language and you are giving us a letter…”

“Oh.” The pegasus didn’t remain surprised or stumped for very long. Neither did her smile falter.

Humouring her, I accepted the envelope, then did my best not to crumple it too much while unfolding it with my hoof. I smirked at the sight of the odd symbols and strokes, which made up the Equestrian written language, and was about to declare how right I was, when the oddest thing happened.

Dear John, I read. I felt my brow pinch and tighten in surprise before reading a bit more to confirm it wasn’t a strange coincidence. Current temporary resident of Ponyville. This letter…

My attention trailed off as I looked up at the pegasus, and said, my voice puzzled, “I can read this?”

“Of course!” said the pegasus. I caught a glimpse of her off-kilter lemon eyes before she closed them with another beaming smile. I don’t doubt I looked confused. “Silly. The parchment is special issue. Only those who it is sent to can read it.”

“Huh,” I said, turning my attention to the rest of the letter. While reading, I heard a loud splash from inside our tiny living space, followed by several heavy thumps coming closer behind me.

“Um, hello?” Ditzy said. I looked to her and found her cowering under the intimidating, yet hidden gaze of Jackie behind a curtain of very wet hair. A Jackie who, even having grumpily woken up only minutes ago, was practically vibrating at the sight of this pegasus mare.

I gently tapped Jackie on the shoulder and made my voice as stern as it could sound. “Calm down, it’s only the…”

I frowned and looked the mare over again. “Post Pegasus.”

The pegasus mare let out a cautious giggle and corrected me. “Mail Mare.”

“See,” I said, patting my hoof against Jackie’s shoulder. “Just the Mail Mare.”

Jackie turned to me, knocking the door with his butt and sending the door crashing against the side of the building. “But…But you…”

Jackie pointed a hoof at me then at the pegasus mare. “She… Der–”

He suddenly cut himself off by shaking his head violently. “Ditzy…”

“I’m dealing with it,” I said, doing my best to usher Jackie back inside. “Go get dry, then we’ll talk.”

Jackie glanced at the pegasus again then snorted at me before stomping back inside and slamming the door shut behind him.

“Sorry about that,” I said, doing my best to return to my reading. “He gets excited about things he recognises.”

“Well, I can’t say all have been as calm as you, Miss Deer,” said the pegasus. What little smile she managed to regain, fell as she regarded the silence left behind by Jackie’s departure. “I’ve had a few other former humans following me through town on my deliveries ever since they arrived.”

Looking to me again, she went on, “Although, it happens to others as well. It could be part of the reason for the counselling sessions these letters talk about.”

I felt a piece of my soul die hearing that. I shook my head and said, “For what it’s worth, Miss…”

The silent pause between us grew longer and longer. Me waiting for an answer to my prompt. The pegasus mare blinking at me as if she expected me to already know. When she finally realised I wasn’t teasing her, she gasped and gave a little blush. “Oh, sorry. After meeting so many who claim to know me, I sort of expect it now from you former humans.”

I crinkled my nose at that.

“My name is Ditzy Doo,” she smiled.

“And I’m John. Sorry if others have made you feel uncomfortable, Miss Doo.” I glanced pointedly at the door behind me.

“That’s all right,” she said, sounding slightly relieved. “From what little I’ve heard, some of us are famous in your world. I don’t know how or why. We’re just simply ponies living in Ponyville.”

I nodded before reading through more of the letter. I frowned at a part that I read before going over it again.

“Carousel Boutique?” I wondered aloud.

“Uh huh,” the pegasus mare nodded vigorously while still smiling at me. She turned and pointed a hoof at some point further into the town. “That’s Rarity’s place! She makes all kinds of clothing, but her speciality is fancy dresses, of course.”

My eyebrow shot up at that. Ditzy Doo was now grinning to herself and swaying side to side as if lost in her own little fantasy.

“Why would the counselling session be held there?” I asked. “Why not the town hall?”

Ditzy, still a little lost in her day dream, jumped when Jackie answered loudly through the door. “The room they would use at the town hall is under renovation. At least, that’s what I was told at yesterday’s session.”

I whipped my head to the side and stared at the door as it opened again. Jackie stepped out looking a little better groomed than before. He was definitely dryer. “You had one– Why didn’t you tell me?”

Jackie shrugged. “They’re invite only.”

Turning back to Ditzy, I found her taking to the air. She had a hesitant smile on her face as she waved at us, saying, “Well, I have many more deliveries to make, so I better be going. It was nice meeting you, Miss John.”

I waved my hoof which was still holding the letter. “Thank you for the delivery. It was nice to meet you too.”

Using the doorframe for balance, Jackie rose up on his hind legs to wave a hoof at the retreating pegasus mare before she was out of sight. “Thank you, Miss Doo!”

Once Jackie was back on four hooves, I fixed him with a hard stare.

“What?” he asked, nonchalantly.

I simply shook my head and drew his attention to the letter I held. “So, since you’ve been to one of these already–”

“So has Shield Breaker, Cremator and Comet Streak,” Jackie interjected, giving me an oddly smug smile.

I snorted at that. “Everyone but me. Sounds right.”

Putting aside my petty annoyance, I pressed on. “Do you know where this Carousel Boutique place is?”

“Of course,” Jackie said, striding past me. “Follow me, little sis.”

I mentally groaned at his comment but fell into step behind him as he led the way through the town. I did my best to pay attention to the path we took and the buildings we passed, but Jackie had ways of getting under my skin.

“While you’re there, you could always talk to Rarity about getting some clothes made.”

I blinked at the suggestion. That actually didn’t sound like a bad idea.

Jackie paused and waited for me to catch up before leaning close to me and whispering into my ear, “I’m sure Spears would love to see you all dressed up.”

My cheeks exploded with warmth. I opened my mouth to speak but coherent words simply caught in my throat as I tried to articulate how Jackie needed to drop the subject. “Urk.”

And, of course, Jackie spent the rest of our walk laughing at my reaction and teasing me further. Wish I could say my embarrassment had faded by the time we reached our destination and Jackie escorted me inside, but I was now pretty sure my cheeks were warm enough to fry bacon on them.

We were almost immediately confronted by a pale blue unicorn mare, who wielded a clipboard, in her copper coloured magic, as if it were a strange combination of sword and shield.

“Ah, Jackie,” the counsellor said, shoving her clipboard so close under my sibling’s chin that Jackie had to try and arch his back to avoid it scraping his fur. “Back for another round?”

She pulled her clipboard back close to herself and adjusted her glasses as she read one of the papers it held. She then floated a pencil up next to the clipboard, ready for use. “You aren’t on today’s list. But, I can add you in, if you’re so eager to make up for yesterday’s incident.”

I shot a questioning look at Jackie who coughed nervously before clearing his throat. “N-No. I’m fine. Just helping my sister get here on time.”

And, with those words, I instantly became the focus of the counsellor. She eyed me critically, even scrunching her nose as she appraised me. “Hmm. You must be John.”

I swallowed hesitantly. “Um, yes?”

The counsellor quickly scribbled on her clipboard. “Mmhmm, I’m Calm Mind and, as with previous sessions, I will be leading the group today.”

When she looked up again, Calm Mind blinked a few times at Jackie. Or, she would have, if Jackie were still there. I quickly flicked my head around only to catch a glimpse of my brother’s retreating rear as it fled through the closing front door of the boutique.

“Don’t forget about lunch!” he called, his voice fading as he escaped.

I stared at the now closed door, wondering what could possibly have happened yesterday that I missed. It was only when I felt the presence of a pony standing next to me, accompanied by the sound of a pencil scratching at paper, that I realised I was still in the presence of Calm Mind.

I turned to face her and forced a wide grin onto my muzzle.

“No offence,” Calm Mind said, continuing to write on her clipboard. “But, I’d prefer things were more sedate today compared to your brother’s antics, yesterday,”

Seriously. What did I miss? Still under Calm Mind’s studious gaze, I swallowed heavily and cautiously said, “I, um, prefer that too?”

“Very good.” Calm Mind’s attention returned to her clipboard, leaving me to stand there, awkwardly wondering what to do next.

Glancing beyond Calm Mind, I could see a circle of chairs, seven of them in total, arranged around a low coffee table. Only one of the chairs was currently occupied and that was by the plainest of plain looking ponies I had so far seen. He had no horn, nor did he have wings. He was just a beige coated stallion with short black mane and tail. He sat slumped in his chair, staring at the coffee table with a faraway look in his eyes.

There was a white unicorn adjusting draperies and the seating to make them just so, while a beige earth pony, whose mane and tail were an interestingly dual toned pink and dark blue, was busy setting some platters of little cakes and candies on the coffee table.

Eyeing the food, I turned to Calm Mind and asked, “Is this to go for very long? I have friends I’m meeting for lunch and–”

“Hmm?” Calm Mind mumbled, looking up from her notes. “Oh, it shouldn’t take more than the morning, I can assure you. So long as everyone behaves themselves.”

“Right.” I smiled warily before looking around the room again. Exactly what did Jackie and her group do to make such an impression on this pony?

As my gaze drifted further, a melodic hum tickled at my ears and I turned in search of its source. Once I found it, my brow furrowed at the sight. It was coming from a gryphon whose body and wings were the deepest charcoal grey. Her underbelly and head were the softest white with feathery tufts sprouting from her chest and the back of her head.

She sat near a drape, which normally would have given privacy to a customer as they changed outfits, but was presently pulled back to give greater space to the room. The gryphon seemed focused on two loose papers she held. One in each set of talons, while more peeked out from an open satchel on the floor in front of her.

She seemed so lost in her tune, and with reading whatever the papers contained that, when another gryphon approached her, she hurriedly gathered up her papers and started inserting them into the satchel with an odd mix of speed and care.

“So,” said the second gryphon, drawing out the word as the first one fastened the satchel shut before slinging the strap over her shoulder; a talon still pressed protectively to the satchel itself. The gryphon with the satchel spun about, keeping low to the floor, before coming face to face with the other gryphon. The look she gave was the most intense I had ever seen, even on an actor in an action movie.

The second gryphon took a moment to shake off a chill, which visibly ruffled her own feathers. Smoothing her feathers down a bit, the second gryphon pushed on with what she had come to say. She clicked one set of talons, then pointed at the first gryphon.

“Ekks, if I remember right?” she asked, doing her best to put on an air of confidence.

“Drake,” the first one hissed back.

“You remember my name?” asked the second gryphon, sounding a little surprised, but genuinely happy.

“Memorising things is part of the job.”

Drake nodded to herself. “Of course, of course, Miss Secret Agent.”

Ekks’ eyes narrowed on Drake. “What do you want?”

“Can’t one gryphon greet another without hostility?”

Ekks’ tail lashed sharply behind her. “Get to the point.”

Drake shrugged. “Was just wondering what you were reading? Looked like it was making you happy.”

Ekks gripped her satchel even tighter to her side. “Never you mind.”

Drake shook her head and turned away with a dismissive flick of her tail, saying, “Right, right, keep the tools of your trade secret. Even from fellow former humans turned gryphons.”

Once she was alone again, Ekks let out a breath which sent a shudder through her body as she visibly tried to relax. I watched as Drake retreated to one of the chairs, frowning at the apparent animosity between the two gryphons.

Just as my attention drifted to a cerulean-coated pinto pegasus who sat gazing longingly out of a window, the door behind me and Calm Mind burst open. I quickly turned in time to see a Prussian blue pony form enter the boutique holding their membranous, leathery wings over their head like a cape and hood. As if sensing the right moment had arrived, this bat pony mare threw back her wings and, with a dramatic toss of her head and mane, declared, “Wait no longer, for I, Evening Moon, have arrived!”

An awkward silence filled the boutique. I found myself staring at the newcomer, an eyebrow arched in question of her antics. The silence stretched on and Evening Moon remained posed in the open doorway until Calm Mind cleared her throat and stepped forward.

“Ah, the new arrival,” Calm Mind said, holding the clipboard in her magic as she ticked off the final name on the list. She gave Evening Moon her sternest gaze, adding, “You were expected here for the session two days ago.”

Evening Moon swept a wing over her head, deftly adjusting her mane, before proceeding further into the boutique. “Ah, yes. You see, this world is so wondrous, it stirred in me such inspiration, I simply had to pause my journey and commit these ideas to parchment.”

She held up a hoof and glared at it, as if accusing it of some sinister act. “I am not accustomed to doing so without fingers, so lo, I was waylaid until my thoughts were safely inscribed for future reference.”

I glanced at Calm Mind. She appeared to be paying little attention to the latest arrival. Apparently, she was more interested in checking and rechecking the names on her clipboard.

“Please take a seat,” Calm Mind said. “We will begin shortly.”

We all followed the instruction and once we were settled, Calm Mind spoke again. “Before we begin, I would, once again, like to thank Miss Rarity.”

Calm Mind paused to gesture to the white unicorn with the perfectly primped purple mane and tail. “For the use of her boutique in holding these sessions.”

Those of us with hooves clapped our front ones together. The two gryphons, being far luckier, did so with their talons. Rarity blushed coyly and gave a curtsy even though she wasn’t wearing a dress.

“It is no problem at all, darlings,” Rarity declared. “You are all most welcome. Perhaps, with what I have learned these past few days regarding your affinity for clothing, some of you may wish to speak with me about such matters? After your session is complete, of course.”

“Thank you, Miss Rarity,” said Calm Mind. “I would also like to thank Miss Bonbon for providing the refreshments.”

The beige mare with the dual coloured mane and tail smiled and bowed faintly as she deposited another two bowls of sweet things on the coffee table.

Once Bonbon had departed to prepare some drinks, Calm Mind went over the basics of what was to happen. In truth, it was a meet and greet mixed with orientation. After which there would be a tour of Ponyville; something I hoped wouldn’t take too long, or I really would be late to meet up with the others.

First to speak was Evening Moon. The bat pony of dramatic flair was originally an amateur mystery writer named Tori Evelyn. She has found it quite fitting that she became a creature of the night, as that was when her muse was most active. Calm Mind suggested that she try adapting her stories to be read by ponies, an idea with which Evening Moon enthusiastically agreed.

Next came the gryphon named Ekks, and, despite the interaction I had witnessed earlier, she came across as far more jovial than I expected. Maybe there was some history between the two gryphons? I looked at Drake while Ekks continued talking. I don’t doubt that Drake was listening, but she kept her forelimbs folded across her chest while staring at the floor in front of her.

Unsurprisingly, Drake was somewhat more subdued than Ekks when it came for her moment to speak. I watched as Calm Mind scribbled down more and more notes and I started to wonder if she would run out of paper soon. The only thing I caught from Drake was a half-hearted attempt of a joke about her name being Drake and her somehow not becoming a dragon. The confrontation with Ekks must have really got to her.

The quiet plain pony, Calm Mind called Richard, said nothing when his turn came. He just sat and stared, focused on nothing in particular. He slowly blinked a few times before Calm Mind moved on to the next in the circle; the pinto pegasus with the cerulean coat. Although seeming withdrawn, this pegasus, who went by the name Mix-up, was actually rather open about many things. He just seemed a little distracted, his gaze often drifting to the nearest window.

“There isn’t much of interest back there,” Mix-up responded when asked about his life as a human. He gestured broadly with a hoof, adding, “There is far more of interest here. Being able to take a cloud and twist it to any shape of your desire.”

He looked to the window again. “Although, still rather plain, like at home. I’d like to bring a little colour to this world, even on a cloudy day.”

Rarity, who had been listening in, apparently, moved to stand in front of Mix-up. She placed a hoof on his shoulder, smiled at him and said, “Who says that you can’t, Darling? Speaking artist to artist, if that is your dream, then you should go out there and make it happen.”

She gazed out the window behind Mix-up, a thoughtful look in her eye. “After all, the weather has been rather drab lately.”

She peered at the pegasus from the corner of her eye. “Perhaps what you want is exactly what we need?”

Calm Mind pressed her lips together and thought for a moment. “Maybe we can schedule a visit to the local weather patrol for you? See if they have any ideas for you. Maybe even visit the Cloudsdale Weather Factory if you are interested enough.”

Mix-up’s eyes brightened at the suggestions before sitting back to quietly ponder the idea.

“John,” Calm Mind said, bringing all eyes to focus on me. “Anything to share?”

I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. “Not much I can really say. Pretty much like everyone else has said, with only a few things different. I was in my final year of high school. Like everyone else, I ended up here thanks to a prop of a statue at a convention, along with my friends and my sister. Sombra made us drink from his teapot and it transformed us. Now, my best friend is a dragon, my sister is my brother and a different species, and I’m a female deer when I was once a guy.”

Some of the others giggled at my telling while a few nodded their heads sympathetically. Drake even managed a smile as she raised and flexed both sets of talons teasingly at me. Well, I may not have Cremator’s comedic flair, but it was good to see some of the quieter creatures here finding a little humour in my story.

“Anything else?” Calm Mind asked, pencil poised in her magic.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I miss my parents, playing basketball and having hands. Although, I can control plants now, which helped me accidentally escape from Sombra after he didn’t think I was worth wasting a helmet on.”

And suddenly all eyes were on me again. Even Richard, who had been silently staring at nothing, turned his attention to me.

“Wait,” Ekks said. Leaning forward, she narrowed her gaze on me. “You escaped Sombra?”

I nodded hesitantly.

“You’re the deer the guards talk about.” It wasn’t a question. Ekks continued, “If I had a hat, I’d tip it to you, friend.”

“So, you escaped Sombra’s dungeon?” Drake asked. “How’d you do it?”

“All right, everypony,” Calm Mind said, tapping the tip of her pencil against her clipboard as she tried to grab our attention. “We need to keep on track. If no one else has anything relevant to contribute…”

She glanced at each of the former humans in turn, before referring to her clipboard again.

“All right. Once we have been over a few things, we will head out on a tour of Ponyville,” Calm Mind explained. “Help familiarise everyone with what is on offer. Like the marketplace, town hall, the library–­­­”

At that, Evening Moon let out a gasp and sat bolt upright, her ears just as on point as the rest of her. “Library?”

“Er, yes,” Calm Mind stammered, trying to regain her focus. “Ponyville has a library.”

But, Evening Moon was no longer listening. Instead, she tapped at her chin with a hoof while loudly musing to herself. “Ponyville library. Hmm…”

Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp as realisation struck. “Twilight Sparkle?!”

I flattened my ears at the sheer volume of her shout. She began to rub her hooves together as a flood of thoughts slipped out of her.

“Ooo, captive audience? Access to information about this world?” Evening Moon let out a squeal of delight. “I believe I’ve found what I’m looking for to adapt my works for ponies!”

She leapt from her seat, but her hooves never hit the floor. Instead, the copper aura of Calm Mind’s magic completely surrounded Evening Moon, before pushing the exuberant bat pony back onto her chair.

“Sit down,” Calm Mind said forcibly. “We will be visiting the library once we are finished here.”

Bonbon suddenly stepped up beside Calm Mind and began to whisper in the counsellor’s ear.

While that was going on, Richard did his best to scoot his chair closer to mine. He then leaned toward me and said, “You got out.”

It took me a moment to realise what he was talking about. “Um, yes.”

“You know where Sombra is, where he has the others.”

For someone who had been silent through much of the session and, by Calm Mind's own telling, had previously not spoken a word, the pony had a strange intensity about him.

“I-I wouldn’t–”

He cut me off with a single nod of his head as he pressed on. “You know the way. Where the mirror back home is.”

My breath caught in my throat at that as my memory dragged me back to that cell. Damp air, the dim light. The bipedal dog creature coming toward me. I shuddered and squeezed my eyes shut. Then the sounds replayed. The rumble of earth. The shattering of glass and heavy metal ‘tong’ as the mirror frame slammed down. It was my nightmare playing again. Only this time I was awake.

I let out a ragged breath as I tried to centre on the voices around me.

“Hey, now there’s a thought,” said someone.

My chest heaving in relived terror, I looked past Richard to see the others focused on me, particularly the two gryphons and, most of all, Ekks. “You’d be able find the way back there.”

They didn’t give me a chance to speak before Drake chimed in. She cracked her talons and said, “Ooo, a chance to pay Sombra back for what he did to us? Count me in!”

“Wait, wait,” I said, my voice just as flustered as my flailing forelegs. When the others finally gave me a chance to be heard, I did my best to explain things. “I was running for a couple of days through mountains and forests in a place I have never been before. What little I recalled, I passed on to the guards who helped me when they finally believed me about Sombra. I don’t actually know where his dungeon is. I crawled out of a hole in the ground that I accidentally made with some plant roots.”

I looked at each of their faces and watched as the spark of hope I had unintentionally given them began to fade.

Then Ekks spoke up.

“Hmm,” she murmured, stroking a talon under her beak. “Sounds to me like I might need to go get a little chummy with the guards. See what they’re doing about this.”

She looked at me and nodded in gratitude. “Thanks, John. I’ll see what I can find out.”

Richard’s head swung around to face Ekks. “If you do, tell me. Yori needs me. I have to find him!”

Drake reached out and gripped Richard’s shoulder with a talon, before smiling broadly, and saying, “We’ll do our best.”

“We?” Ekks asked.

“Yes, we,” Drake replied pointedly. “You aren’t the only one wanting to get back at Sombra.”

Ekks snorted to herself. “Kid, I don’t need you getting hurt on my watch. This gryphon flies solo.”

“If you shared some of your secrets with me, maybe I could help you?” Drake suggested, pressing the curve of her beak aggressively against Ekks’ own.

Ekks simply chuckled. “If you can prove yourself useful, then maybe you can tag along for a while.”

“Good,” Richard said, giving another, single nod. “We have to back each other if we ever want to get home and be human again.”

Drake sat back in her seat, folded her forelimbs across her chest again, and gave an emphatic snort. “Darn right I will.”

I looked at the others, Ekks and Drake especially. I really hope what I said doesn’t get them hurt. A familiar voice cut the silence which followed, as Calm Mind cleared her throat. Bonbon had finished speaking with her and stepped back to let the session continue.

Calm Mind’s gaze swept around the circle of former humans. Then, she nodded to herself, closed her eyes, and let out a deep breath. Having re-centred herself, Calm Mind pressed on.

“All right,” she said, rising to her hooves. “Perhaps now would be a good time for a short break.”

As the others started to stand, and Richard turned to approach me, Calm Mind called out. “John. Could I have a few words?”

I eyed Richard, who appeared hopeful that I would stay, probably to talk more. I sighed and said, “Sure.”

I caught a glimpse of a harsh glare Richard shot in Calm Mind’s direction before I moved to follow the unicorn to one side of the room. Calm Mind checked to make sure the others were busy chatting among themselves before she focused on me.

“Look,” Calm Mind began, her voice the kind of hushed whisper only used to talk to a fellow conspirator. “I’ve had Richard at each of the group meetings, along with a few one on one sessions, and he has never joined in before this morning.”

She glanced over her shoulder at Richard, then fixed me with a concerned gaze, before speaking again. “I was wondering, if I could ask a favour of you?”

I felt my eyebrows shoot up in question.

“Look, I’ve been worried about him. I didn’t know any of what I overheard him saying to you and the gryphons, yet it was something about you which sparked him off. So, I was wondering, if you could look out for him for a while. See if you can get him to open up further?”

I tilted my head to the side and looked at Richard again. He appeared to be slipping back into his routine of staring quietly into space like he had been when I first saw him. His worry for his friend, his desire to get back home safely. They were things I understood and could empathise over. His drive to find the mirror, however, and how he might react when he discovers the truth, sent a chill racing down my spine.

I drew in a breath to steady myself, then let it out, before looking at Calm Mind again. “I don’t know if I’m the person for the job…”

I watched as a glimmer of hope winked out of the counsellor’s eyes.

“But,” I said, looking to Richard again. “I can give it a shot.”

With those words, Calm Mind’s mood lit up, along with her horn. I felt the tingle of magic around me as I was dragged into a forceful hug by the unicorn. “Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I’m sure he’ll do better with support from others going through the same things he is.”

When she released me, I nodded hesitantly. “Even better if we can free his friend.”

Calm Mind nodded her agreement. “One step at a time.”

Turning to the rest of the room, she raised her voice to announce the next part of the session, the group tour of Ponyville. I, however, focused on Richard and began to wonder how I was going to do this…

Author's Note:

Although I hate how long this took to write, I'm decently happy with the result. Even if the guest characters sort of ran away with things for a bit there.

With regard to the guest characters, very much welcome back. You are all so much fun to write.

Things are moving again and I am so happy to be back bringing you all new chapters, not just fixes.

There is one thing. You may have noticed the character name Yori dropped in there. Yes, it is one of my characters, but I am trying to decide what he should be. The options are Pegasus or Kirin. I have been considering putting it to a vote so, if anyone wants to say which they would rather see, they can say so in the comments.

To more chapters sooner rather than later,


P.S. - One of the oldest jokes in the story is to be officially stated in the next chapter. It is a terrible joke which has been hiding in plain sight. You have been warned.