• Published 28th Oct 2019
  • 3,266 Views, 607 Comments

Fillies and Monsters - Solaris Vult

After overhearing the CMC wanting to hunt monsters, Discord gives them and Diamond Tiara a chance in the world of Remnant

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Chapter 57: The First Battle

“What do you think, sister?” Luna walked in, she was wearing banded metal armor across her whole body, minus her head, it was made of a glittering, slightly iridescent, bluish-tinged metal, over which she wore a leather jacket and a blue and red cloak with her cutie mark on the back, her tail and mane were extra shiny and flowing, beside her floated a dual-headed lance, with a spiral groove going along both heads that make it look like a pair of horns, or possibly drills, attached to each-other, made from the same shimmering alien metal, on her face was the silliest pair of sunglasses Celestia had ever seen a pony wear. To her magically-attuned senses, she didn’t even need to look much further to see the myriad of enchantments, wards, and spells placed upon her weapon and armor, the thing could probably absorb everything even a pony as powerful as herself could launch at it, then send it all back with reflecting hexes, one would need to be careful not to harm themselves attempting to attack her sister… Still looked silly in Celestia’s eyes…

Herself on the other hoof, trotted into the throne room wearing a gilded suit of armor, hoof-spans thick in some places, with gargantuan pauldrons that felt no lighter than cloth, all of it made from a gold-like metal that seemed to shimmer from light within, across it were carved the faces of her pupil and her friends, the cutie marks of her family, Canterlot heraldry, the symbol of her guard, her own cutie mark, bas reliefs of phoenixes and eagles, and a twin-headed alicorn on the breastplate, even her tail and neck and horn was coated in gilded armor plates, each as thick as the base of a unicorn’s horn, and reinforced further with magic. Around her head was a golden halo, hovering in brilliant telekinesis and enchanted with all kinds of spells to shield her head without limiting her view, like a normal helmet… It was more a work of art than armor, but one would be mistaken for thinking such armor was ceremonial, it would take a heat far hotter than even Celestia’s own sun to melt it, and even having the whole of the crystal mountains dropped upon it wouldn’t be enough to put the slightest scratch or deformation into it. At her side was a spear, equally ornate and golden, with a blade longer than her own tail, monomolecular in sharpness, and with a large forty-millimeter rapid-fire cannon built into the spearshaft, but both ponies possessed a far more powerful weapon with their horns, they doubted, even if they were to be attacked by the largest and most ferocious of monsters upon landing in this alien world, that anything more would be needed… Even Discord would find it hard to defeat them now, if they had this back when he first took over, there wouldn’t be much of a need for the elements...

The two simply stared at one-another for a few moments, before both burst out laughing “You look absurd!” They both shouted in unison. After the two finished laughing, Celestia drew a chest from a teleportation spell, “I suppose I should slim down my armor a bit, and the halo is overkill, I admit, I’ll reduce it to a simple crown then, and the pauldrons are too thick, they need to be cut down… But still, as a proof of concept, it serves its function well…” She then paused, “As for you sister, I have brought this,” The chest opened, and Luna stared, jaw open and eyes wide in shock.

“Is that… Really… You kept it?”

“I have indeed, it would be foolish to waste it, I had Twilight purge the dark magic within about two months ago now, I had been refurbishing it since, and with the recent developments regarding Remnant, I have also vastly improved it” Out from the chest she drew a coat of silver mail, and plate armor colored the darkest black, the deepest blue, and the lustrous silver, including a silver crown and tail-plate, the full suit was a marvel to behold… Nightmare Moon’s armor, cleaned, polished, reforged, and improved.

A moment later, there was a loud clang, and the door to the throne opened, “Forgive me, I am late, I had some problems to deal with in my homeland…” Cadence paused as she caught sight of Luna and Celestia, then she started laughing, “What in Gusty the Great’s name are you two wearing!” She exclaimed.

Twilight took a seat on the arena, this Amity Colosseum was a marvel to behold, an impressive example of human engineering… She briefly wondered if next year, or the year after, they could host the Friendship Games in this amazing building, she was also quick to note the intricate magic worked into the building, the humans certainly didn’t know it, but the telekinetic power in that lifter crystal holding the building off the ground was impressive, although the shielding could still use some work... “Hope this isn’t as lame as watching Wonderbolt recruits…” Rainbow Dash muttered from her seat beside Twilight’s.

“I just hope none of the humans get too hurt in these games…” Rarity said.

“Our fillies will be down there, soon enough, let’s make sure we’re here for 'em’,” Spitfire continued.

The announcers, two of the teachers from Beacon, the ponies noticed, began “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, faunus as well, to the Vytal Festival Tournament!” As the announcers continued their speech, going over the rules and organization, something Twilight was paying close attention to, she pulled her scroll from a pocket in her armor, still hidden under illusions, and turned on the broadcasting, back in Equestria, Luna, Celestia, and Cadence were watching the show from an enchanted crystal, displaying the scroll’s feed across the castle floor. “And so, our first contestants, Team RWBY of Beacon vs Team VDNT of Shade!”

“Makes you wonder about the human’s culture that their world-wide sport is gladiatorial combat…” Twilight mused.

Down on the field, both teams walked in, and then the floor broke apart, several platforms, with artificial landscapes, rising into place… City and Forest. In the crowd, Scootaloo howled “Go get em’ Ruby!”

“I hope Weiss remembers those spells I taught her…” Sweetie Belle muttered.

“I simply hope we do not have to fight RWBY at some point in the future, they are capable fighters, and I don’t trust you blank flanks to deal with them…”

“Chill out Diamond, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses…” Apple Bloom replied.

“It does to me, we are the first ponies on Remnant, we need to show ourselves to be strong and capable, it would be an insult to Equestria if the first all-pony team were to lose…”

Ruby lept into action, bounding off into the air from a shot of Crescent Rose, and coming down in a flurry of slashes, Yang fired a volley of blasts from her fists, Blake disappeared from sight, and Weiss… She stuck her sword into the ground and raised her hands, a pale blue glow forming on her fingertips, and she pulled chunks of rubble from the city terrain and flung them at her foes with all her might, then she telekinetically gripped her rapier again and bounded off arcane platforms she had summoned, firing bolts of energy from the tip of her sword at the foes below, taking everyone by surprise. Weiss raised an arm and felt an icy wind form around the tips of her fingers, then lowering it, she shot a frozen blast toward a member of Team VDNT, knocking her aura below the level and bringing her opponents down by a team member.

Weiss was whispering to herself… “Remember the patterns, pull the energy from the environment, release.” As she did, she bounded off another transparent platform, she focused energy into her sword, she felt her aura acting as a conductor for the forces around her… That book of Sweetie’s was certainly something, if this was what her tribe of faunus was capable of- There was a crack and a burst of blue lighting shot from Weiss’ blade, striking another member of Team VDNT, Ruby had already dealt with another one, this meant there were only two left… Weiss focused her energy, thinking of the exact spot she wanted to appear, hold that energy, compress it, make it fold around you, then imagine yourself standing there… She closed her eyes, envisioning patterns in her mind while holding a crystal-clear image of her destination, run that compressed energy through the pattern, and-

With a concussive pop, Weiss snapped out of existence and appeared again behind her final opponent, the force of her arrival knocking him to the ground, there was a massive gasp from the audience. In the tower, Ozpin dropped his coffee, spilling it across the ground as he was unable to do anything else other than stare in shock. Weiss, down on the field, unaware of what her show of power was causing, simply summoned two walls of telekinetic force and smashed her final foe between them, causing just enough damage to knock his aura out.

“That’s magic, not just dust or semblance, actual magic!” Dinky was amazed, Silver Spoon had to calm her down upon seeing the Beacon student’s display.

Up in the stands, far behind the crowds, with a good view of everything, Cinder was actually taken by surprise… The Schnee girl, her, she had the power? This would mean a serious change in plans, very serious. Cinder stood and gestured to the three standing next to her, Cozy, Nyan, and Arbalest, the aliases chosen for Neo and Mercury, all nodded, realizing what must be going on.

Ruby, Yang, and Blake all stared at Weiss, dumbfounded, “Alright, when were you going to tell us you could do that?!” Yang said, shocked.

“That was… Terrifying…” Blake added.

“That was awesome!” Ruby was jumping around, “How did you do all that without glyphs!”

Glynda had seen everything from the stadium, suddenly worried, and very confused, she ignored Ozpin’s urgent call, already rushing to Beacon Tower… That was more than maiden power, she just, vanished, and reappeared!

Ironwood, from his airship, had also seen everything and stood stock-still, a chill, colder than Atlas winter, in his blood… Then, turning, he said, “Go quietly, don’t let anyone spot you, find the Schnee girl tonight and bring her to Beacon tower!” He paused, “Also, get one of the mantas ready for me, that’s an order!” And Clover, standing behind him, nodded.

Cinder barely dodged a guard as she brought her teammates into a storage closet in the maintenance section of Amity, “That was magic, she had-” Cinder’s heart was racing, there were no glyphs involved, and no dust, dust at least glinted as it was unleashed into the air, or could be seen in a user’s clothes or veins, this was magic, maiden power… “We need to change our plans,” She said, turning to the others, who all suddenly understood the severity of the situation.”

A robed and masked man, standing atop Amity, stared down at the events below. All records showed that humans haven’t had this kind of magical ability in eons, there were only two who had that level of magical ability… This was worrying… It wasn’t anything compared to the power his queen possessed, but if there were more of these humans- He turned, and in a burst of acid-green fire, vanished.

Twilight clapped, an amazing display of magical power, she recognized those spells… Machoof’s five-fold telekinetic barrier spell, Siegfried’s arcane-lighting channeling spell, and Twilight’s very own style of teleportation, as well as basic telekinesis, but with a level of power that was impressive for any creature her age, let alone a human… That was most definitely Sweetie Belle’s teachings.

From Twilight’s scroll, Luna’s voice came, barely audible to Twilight over the roar of the crowd “My my, seems these humans have some level of magical ability after all,” Luna smiled, looking through the hologram at the stadium below.

“Humans and Faunus are certainly impressive, especially in their technology,” Celestia said, admiring the red-cloaked girl’s scythe.

“I wonder if there are any humans who have alicorn-levels of power?” Cadence mused.

“I don’t think so, otherwise they would have annihilated those horrible grimm-creatures,” Celestia responded.

“Sand, coarse, rough, getting everywhere!” Tyran groaned as he trudged through the sand, in the distance was Shade Academy, the massive sandstone structure barely a shimmer on the horizon, “I will not fail you, your majesty…” He said to himself, “I always hated the deserts, nothing like the swamps back home… So dry…” This was the perfect time to strike, all those human and faunus students away to fight one-another in some silly holiday, the teachers distracted with their fascinating if silly devices, watching the tournament from afar, he wouldn’t fail his queen… He was given this mission, he would not fail it.

Salem’s smile vanished, replaced with a small frown, “That is something new…”

Author's Note:

Well, finally got back to writing this, I started this chapter months ago and finally decided to continue it... Weiss has shaken things up certainly, the Ponies' secrecy won't last much longer.

Comments ( 16 )

No fate survives two worlds. Even those of gods.

Luna's planning on piercing the heavens with that outfit, eh? I love it.

Hmm, seems like magic is already making waves. Just wait until they see what the Equestrians can do. Also, welcome back!

Herself on the other hoof, trotted into the throne room wearing a gilded suit of armor, hoof-spans thick in some places, with gargantuan pauldrons that felt no lighter than cloth, all of it made from a gold-like metal that seemed to shimmer from light within, across it were carved the faces of her pupil and her friends, the cutie marks of her family, Canterlot heraldry, the symbol of her guard, her own cutie mark, bas reliefs of phoenixes and eagles, and a twin-headed alicorn on the breastplate, even her tail and neck and horn was coated in gilded armor plates, each as thick as the base of a unicorn’s horn, and reinforced further with magic. Around her head was a golden halo, hovering in brilliant telekinesis and enchanted with all kinds of spells to shield her head without limiting her view, like a normal helmet… It was more a work of art than armor, but one would be mistaken for thinking such armor was ceremonial, it would take a heat far hotter than even Celestia’s own sun to melt it, and even having the whole of the crystal mountains dropped upon it wouldn’t be enough to put the slightest scratch or deformation into it. At her side was a spear, equally ornate and golden, with a blade longer than her own tail, monomolecular in sharpness, and with a large forty-millimeter rapid-fire cannon built into the spearshaft, but both ponies possessed a far more powerful weapon with their horns, they doubted, even if they were to be attacked by the largest and most ferocious of monsters upon landing in this alien world, that anything more would be needed… Even Discord would find it hard to defeat them now, if they had this back when he first took over, there wouldn’t be much of a need for the elements...

Glory to the the God-Empress of Ponykind!

The Empress protects!

10625139 NO! It's DAN KUROTO SHIN!

Or, you know, just call him God.

I did briefly consider making Celestia's weapon a flaming greatsword, but guardian spear fit her better.

I really can't wait until first (official) contact is made. The poor humans of Remnant will have no idea how to deal with this.
If both Celestia and Luna are going, who's going to maintain the day-night cycle back home?

Gotta keep magic secret and safe, but let's just go ahead and teach Wiess to teleport, nobody'll notice....

Cadance. Whit the same amulate Tiw resived in the show?

“I don’t think so, otherwise they would have annihilated those horrible grimm-creatures,” Celestia responded.

Who would dare to hurt the dark lord's children?

Hah, Sweetie threw a giant spanner in the works there, by proxy no less.

Quick note, you forgot the i in Tyrian.

And this is why discord sent them here to make beautiful chaos!

Zogg, I can't wait for more.

I get that Celestia's dressed as a Custodes, but what is Luna supposed to be.

So... much.. HERESY!

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