• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen June 8th

Inferno demon Dash

Showing you the darker, more realistic side of MLP in my writing. Smoking, swearing and being a bastard, but that's nothing new with me. Got a cigarette?


Discord makes a deal with Cupid, the god of love to switch their godly powers for a day in the hopes of having fun and being nosy.

He never realized the concept of love was so hard.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )
Comment posted by Cyann404 deleted Oct 20th, 2019

This was hilarious and adorable in all the right ways.

Thank you. I'm very glad you liked it. I had so much fun with it.

What is love? Discord don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! No more!

*Alondro rises up out of your bathtub bobbing his head to the side repeatedly while wearing a manic grin*

Spike should just tell Scootachicken and Gabby that he's got two... you know... and they can each be loved simultaneously! :rainbowwild:

Dragons got what it takes! :moustache:

Also, I coulda sworn Flutters had a thing for Harry the Bear... :yay:

Love is far more chaotic than mere chaos could ever hope to be.

Or at least, romantic love is. It's based upon desire and infatuation, often becoming domination and obsession. Selfishness lies at its core as it rapidly devours its driving force, flaring brightly over and over and wobbling unstably from one phase to the next, and it often burns out in a spectacular explosion destroying or driving away everything close to it; or collapses upon itself, becoming utter darkness and devouring the objects of its obsession.

True love is selfless, and wishes for naught but the happiness of its objective. It's far more subtle in its workings, and vastly more enduring. Those bound in the orbits of true love will endure ages, even if they never touch.

So, like romance is a supergiant, while true love is a red dwarf... no, not the British sci-fi comedy show.

I am so good with metaphor! PRAISE ME!!! :flutterrage:

Some people do that. I just find it weird personally plus I doubt they'll take it well even if he did joke like that lol. And that would be weird and funny.

Never but really impressive thought processes. I could see Twi trying to break it down like that.

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