• Member Since 29th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen May 30th

Draco Rex Solis


Thousands of years ago, there was a war for Hell, not a civil war, but an invasion from another realm, this realm was only know as The Warp. From it, 4 self proclaimed gods sent waves of millions of chaotic beings called Daemons, creatures born from the most pure form of Chaos, hellbent on destroying everything their masters ordered them to.

Arachne, together with many realms that were connected with Hell, tried to defend against this onslaught, but they failed and Arachne herself was captured, tortured, corrupted and twisted to serve her new lords. However, before she fell, she used her life-force to activate 6 powerful, ancient amulets, forever locking her destiny, she proclaimed that when the Night King freed her from her doomed destiny, 3 would rise against the Dark Lords, freed from their corruption.

That happened a thousand years ago.

Hello there everyone, first time writing here on Fimfiction, so there may have a few spelling errors, which can be slightly aggravated as English isn’t my first language

Here I will be putting extra characters that will appear on the history:

1-Nighmare Moon

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 14 )

You’re going to need an editor. While the story is good, there are a lot of grammar mistakes.

Could you please point then out? English isn't my first language, so sometimes a few words here and there get changed.

Edit: and thanks for commenting, also, as far as I noticed, my biggest problem is with the words "THEN" and "THEM", while Word helps you a few times with them, the majority gets overlooked.

Daemons and chaos gods? In my DOOM!?

Sound like war hammer had a kid...... I like it

Sorry about the delay, I had a brainstorm for 2 other stories which I already started to write, one being inspired by "Lonesome by Lord Despair", and the other being a story that is a bit different than the others here ( at least from the ones that I have read ).

Chapter 3 will come in this week ( hopefully tomorrow or after that ), and after that will come a small spoiler for a few stories that I plan to do, then I plan to do a 3 chapter update, they being chapter 3 part 2, a time jump in chapter 4, and I still am thinking what I will do for chapter 5 , but I think that the speak of one of the secondary characters that appeared there is a bit cringe, but not so much.

Don't worry about me stopping writing, I have just found this fandom, and I don't plan to leave anytime soon.

Cool bro, I'll wait for ya then

This makes very little sense (1. All the main characters are barons? 2. They are the good guys and... THE DOOM SLAYER! is the bad guy?) Other than the slight confusion still a fantastic fic looking forward to more!

(If the doom slayer could talk)
*blows mauraders head off*
Doomguy: "GG EZ."

Ehhh, no, 1: 1 Baron and 2 Hell Knights; 2 Doom Slayer isn't the villain, I will explain more in a flashback chapter, this story is inspired by Doom, but the Doom from THIS story isn't the same as the official lore, like I said previously, I will explain what are the changes later.

And thanks for liking the story and for commenting and for following me.

Edit: Also, the description gives a hint on the path that this story will take.

Like I said before, sorry about the lack of updates, I hope that, once I release the other two three stories that I'm making, I will try to release them in a weakly schedule, the first chapter for one of them is ready, but as it doesn't have anything from the series, I will make one or two chapters before releasing, it, the second one I'm just starting it to write, and the third I haven't even created a "story book", I will make a blog post maybe today or tomorrow giving a sneak peak on these stories.

And don't worry about this one, I will keep working on it.

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