• Published 17th Oct 2019
  • 4,484 Views, 43 Comments

A Note For You - DivineRoyalty

Princess Celestia leaves an encouraging and comforting note for you.

  • ...

From the Princess of the Sun...

Hmm… this barrier seems harder to breach than I first anticipated… maybe if I… Oh!

I’m here! Can you hear me?

...Perhaps not. Maybe I should have brought Luna along…

...Well, regardless. You will find this message soon enough.

Perhaps it would be prudent to write it down and leave it for you. The human… “inter-web-net” or however it’s called is quite the invention, I must say!

...Hopefully it will mean you’ll find this.

Greetings! My name is Celestia, former Princess of Equestria! I am writing this to speak to you through the only means I have at my disposal.

I need you to read this. Please. It is so important that you at least read these words if not hear them. I know this may seem odd, or perhaps impossible entirely, but I need you to know.

You are loved. Oh, my little human, how you are loved. I have observed your life and… well yes, some of your thoughts as well… and I must say, what I see brings me great sorrow. To see someone as worthy and as cherished as yourself think that you are worthless, meaningless, futureless… all of it breaks my heart.

I love you. Yes, you. I love you more than you could ever imagine, more than you could ever understand. I love you from the ends of your Earth to my Equus. I love you from the distance between the North and the South. I love you despite your failures, despite your wrongdoings--I love you no matter what.

I understand that you have seen dark days; I have seen them for myself. I want you to know that your lowest moments are not you. I do not see you as being a monster. I do not see you as being a mess-up. I do not see you as being anything but what you are: beautiful.

Yes, you are beautiful, my little human. More beautiful than my sun, or Luna’s moon. Your scars, both mental and physical, may remind you of a horrible past, but I say that they should remind you that you are a warrior. That you have bested those forces that seek to undo you. That you have stood tall in the face of the storm, and that you have made it as far as you have.

My little human, how I wish I could be there with you. How I wish I could stand by you as you walked through this life, comforting you and supporting you all the way. How I wish I could hold you: wrap you within my wings and pull you into my embrace, sharing an affection that I am certain would never die. How I wish I could warm you when you are cold, cool you when you are hot, comfort you when you are scared, and laugh with you when you are happy. How I wish I could share in your wonderful life with you for as long as you would live it.

But alas… although I may be as close to all-powerful as can be in mine own world, I am almost powerless in yours. I can hardly get this message to you now, and even then, I do not even know if it will reach you.

So, my little human, I have a request of you.

I need you to live. Live free. Live happily, joyfully, and to the fullest. I need you to cast off the burden of your sins and of your past. I need you to walk forth into today with vigor and confidence, knowing that you are worth it. I need you to go forth into every situation knowing that you are loved, that you are cared for, and that you are a good person. Even if you cannot always see it, even if you do not always know it, that is okay, as long as you practice knowing that you can.

Please. I really need you to.

In more than a thousand years of life, I have seen and known much. I have seen the armies of depression, and known the damage it can do. I have seen the power of regret, and known the toll it can take. I have seen the terribleness of constant anxiety, and I have known the effects it brings. That is why, my dear human, I need you to fight it in your life. I have seen and known the depths to which we can take ourselves purely by our own thoughts, and I have seen and known the pain it can cause ourselves.

You are so cherished, my little human. If by no one else, then by me. I love you. I will cherish you. I will care for you in what ways I can while I can. I just need you to be strong.

Stand resiliently in the face of adversity, my little human. Keep truth near to yourself as you go into battle, and know that if you do, you shall never be defeated. Although you may not win every battle, I know you will win the war. Depression’s armies will be vanquished, Anxiety’s forces shall be annihilated.

Think of me, my little human, when the sun shines down upon you. Its golden rays upon your skin will be my hugs, its shining upon your face my kisses. And know that even when it is blocked out by the clouds, it is still there, waiting patiently to see your beautiful face again.

When you smile, I shall smile with you. When you cry out in anguish, I shall weep with you. When you feel that all hope is lost, I will sit silently with you. And when you leap for joy, I will celebrate with you.

Your life is a beautiful one. It always has been, and it always will be. Please know that.

The spell’s power is waning, and I cannot remain here for much longer. I hope this note finds you well, and I hope that even this little gesture will comfort you. Know that I will be with you always and forever: as long as the sun shines in the sky.

I love you.

Comments ( 42 )


I'm glad! Thank you for reading!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!

How dare you let in onion cutting ninja ... Thank you.

I didn’t let him in, I swear! He just kinda... appeared...

Lol. Thanks for reading! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Unashamed to admit I cried. I really needed that.

Im crying and Smiling in the same time :pinkiesad2:

I am glad that I was able to help you! Thank you for reading!

Sometimes, that’s the best thing for us in the moment. I’m glad you enjoyed!

Plz stop the hurts

I'm not crying...my eyeballs just happened to have a sudden increase in moisture at the exact moment I finished this story...

...Yep, that’s Celestia. Hope it reaches its intended recipient.

I appreciate this very, very much. I needed it, and it almost made me cry at the end. Definitely teared up. Thank you, and thanks to Celestia

Never! Mwa ha ha ha!

I hate it when that happens. I command my eyes to cease moisture production, and they do not...


I love you. Yes, you. I love you more than you could ever imagine, more than you could ever understand. I love you from the ends of your Earth to my Equus. I love you from the distance between the North and the South. I love you despite your failures, despite your wrongdoings--I love you no matter what.

Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Can't possibly be for me. If she could see my thoughts, she'd want to send me straight to the sun. Indeed, wouldn't want me anywhere near her sister's moon (any of the three). So, again, I hope it finds its intended recipient.


I understand that you have seen dark days; I have seen them for myself. I want you to know that your lowest moments are not you. I do not see you as being a monster. I do not see you as being a mess-up. I do not see you as being anything but what you are: beautiful.

Yes, you are beautiful, my little human. More beautiful than my sun, or Luna’s moon. Your scars, both mental and physical, may remind you of a horrible past, but I say that they should remind you that you are a warrior. That you have bested those forces that seek to undo you. That you have stood tall in the face of the storm, and that you have made it as far as you have.

Thank you for writing this. It really helped me with how today is going. And I’m glad this also reached my mama, FabulousDivaRarity. I’m glad I found you and gave you a follow :twilightsmile:

Thank you for reading! I'm glad I was able to help you with your day!

Where did u get the picture? Is there one with Luna on it? Please tell me. Wonderful story.

What a sweet story :heart:


Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thanks! Thank you for reading!

Quite interesting and accurate to my life, only thing is, I know I have a future. Inability to decide is going to harm me heavily though. I’m considering going Army with the goal of 17C in mind, or just a college to learn Cybersecurity. There’s pros and cons on each side, and m working on my fitness ability for the idea I go military since that is my 5 point choice, with college also being my 5 point choice. I have had dark times which influence why military isn't 6 point choice. I consider myself an oddball, Wildcard mess up due to how frequently I make mistakes. When I’m living alone, I feel I’ll be more free, as I’ll know everything about my house. Perhaps it’s the control freak inside of me that hates being controlled and would rather have control. Who knows?

Regardless of what path you choose to go down, I know that you will do well. Take comfort in the knowledge that you can do anything you set your mind to!

Best of luck to you in whatever endeavor you choose to undertake, my friend! Peace be with you.


Everyone needs to be loved. Luckily, Celestia has love enough for everyone!

There's a lot of reason's I won't start or finish something. Lack of interest, apathy in general, deluding myself into not thinking it's worth the time, etcetera etcetera.

I won't read this because the first few paragraphs broke my heart.
Good job. Evoking emotion is a powerful tool. Thumb from this sadboi.

Why isn't this tagged with human?

Fixed. Thank you for pointing that out!

Thank you for reading!

Comment posted by deadmemes deleted Nov 7th, 2019

Just know that you are loved. Always.

Thank you for reading what you did! I hope you enjoyed it!

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Laughed so hard, I almost forgot to reply before pulling the trigger.

Know always that you are loved.

I'll admit it. Teared up some from this.

Honestly that would be great if you extend this to long romance story between them, but i get that only-letter point. Boah, this have some potential

Thank you for this.

Cheers mate.

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