• Published 21st Oct 2019
  • 5,586 Views, 113 Comments

”Wait, I’ve Slept For How Long?” - Mornings Dew

It's been a terrible week, in Craig’s opinion. Firstly, he woke up in a cave covered in dust. Secondly, he can’t remember when Equestrian became so advanced. And lastly, the most terrible, his own daughters don’t remember him!

  • ...

4) Screaming With New Friends ✔


One Week Later

An excellently preserved red open book flew from panicking cloven hooves.

”You’re leaving?! You can’t just leave!”

Craig hummed to himself. ”Why do you balk with such abhor? We believe We can leave, We do not the issue.” The only male Alicorn in the small library named Wooden Hoods turned his head toward the Kirin beside him, who also happens to be the oblivious overachiever, Sharp Stone. ”We art taking Our cousin with Us.”

It had been a week. A week of endless tests and examinations Craig has had to endure. A week of being observed and spoken to like some object. He’s getting ill from the Kirin that often crowded him.

Stone blinked stupidly, and looked a Craig in surprise. ”You are?” He asked, remembering the word "cousin" is the same as "friend" for Craig.

River Side, in her currently panicked stupor, hurriedly stuttered a reply. ”You ca-can’t take him! Also, he’s my friend!” She emphasized, taken aback by the King’s words.

Stone shifted his attention back to River. ”I am?”

”The young lad is Our cousin and thine comrade did agree to journey with Us.” Craig rebutted firmly, and stubbornly, attempting to convince his loud and equally as stubborn company to let him leave with his new companion.

”I did?”

”Be silent, my friend.”

”Okay, my Lord.” Was the blank reply. He simply nodded without question to his new intimating friend.

River stomped a hoof purely from her bubbling anger. Staring at the, quite possibly, god in front of her, she began warily. ”With all do respect, my Lord, we cannot just let you go. I can’t do repeat testing with you absent! You’re the first male Alicorn in… ever! In all of recorded history most likely! That’s why we need you to do basic tests on, then you can go.”

Craig’s muzzle scrunched in confusion. What world is this Kirin dreaming of? There are plenty of male Alicorns! However, he opted to stay calm and vocally repeat his desires. He didn't get in fights often, for good reason.

”Hath We not given enough? We wish to leave.” Craig made sure to speak calmly, because if his wife found out she would give him the look. Beside that however, he was not going to move in favor of others.

River grunted, knowing full well that the conversation would land where she doesn't want it to. They were both on a mission, one wanted information and the other wanted freedom. Which she really should have expected when she and other Kirin tested him the first time. She observed Craig every part of the day and night— hush, she’s not a stalker— and in her conclusions, she noted that Craig was, in only a few ways, an extrovert. He only talked when he needed too, though. She theorized that since he was a king, he knows how to react and what to say in whatever conversation he didn’t start himself… erm, which weren’t many.

Clearly, neither of them were going to budge. Thus, she needed to come up with a solution that solved both their problems. It isn’t something she couldn’t do, and she really wanted more answers to her hundreds of questions… Hmm, perhaps…

It would be a hassle, sure, but in the name of science, you have to be willing to give up anything! The only down side is Sharp, does the idiot really have to go with the Lord?

Sharp Stone abruptly sneezed.

Disgusted, Craig’s wings bristled. “Cov'r thy that from which we speak, fool!” He yells, bringing up his shaggy furred hoof.

”I-I’m sorry, my Lord!” Stone asked forgiveness, clasping both of his hooves together. ”Please don’t hurt me!” He bowed in anxiety and hoped the Lord’s hoof didn’t land on him.

”Know thine lodging, mortal!” Raged the king. Wood cracked underneath the angry Alicorn, along with poor Stone.

River placed a cleft hoof on her chin while Stone howled in his suffering. Well, then again, the Lord — or Craig— won’t leave without the fool and he can’t really tolerate being spoken to like an experiment, she never means too, but it's just how she treats her studies. She sighed. She really didn't have any other choice.

”Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow-”

”Alright. Here’s what will happen.” She started as she trotted across the room. ”I will let you go, as you know that you are my ’charge’, relatively speaking.”

Craig blinked. ”Art thou confessing that We may depart ’long with Our cousin?” He lifted his hoof off of Stone.

River’s cloven hooves clopped on the old wooden planks before she stopped. ”Yes, but on one condition.” She explained. Reaching down, she picked up her book from the rigid floor.

Craig cheered and clopped his hooves, or more like stomped, against the ground in excitement. Amongst his excitement however, he stepped on the unfortunate Kirin, Sharp Stone once more.


”Huzza! Freedom! Now, what is thy request, dear River?” The cocoa-colored Alicorn looked on in anticipation.

River, stopped and standing against the bookshelves, looks at the Alicorn standing before her. Brown, unkempt fur reigned the stallions physique, strong muscles exceedingly well hidden under the long and aged, scrambled fur. The most astonishing fact of his body, is that his fur is in fact nearly five inches longer than a pony should possibly ever have, and due to that fact, his cutie mark is a bit indistinguishable on his body. Cutie marks have a distinct texture of fur that is different compared to the rest of the body and is easy to find— if you feel around for it, for example— and is a deeply researched topic in pony culture. The fact that natural, ambient magic could change the biology of a particular area of a pony’s body is absolutely and amazingly fascinating.

Yet, during the tests, after a few Kirin that studied pony biology passed by his flank, and though they could see a bit of the cutie mark they felt no evidence of one. Everykin was in disbelief while the Alicorn was laughing loudly to himself.

River grumbled. She will not let something so uncanny slip passed her. ”Hm. I’ll be willing to let you go, with the acceptance of letting me come along with you.”

Needless to say...

Craig reared his head back. ”Pardon?”

… the King wasn’t all too joyful of the news.

Oh, no no no! This won’t do! A fuse lit in his mind. No, he will not be accompanied by a mare that treats him like some object! He felt his canines grow insignificantly as a spark of burning magic spurred in his chest. He paused, particularly in fear. Paralyzed and dismayed, his mind hurt. Was he really getting angry over nothing? Over the curiosity of a child? No, of course not. He couldn’t, could he? Why is he angry? He shouldn’t even be annoyed! Tis’ just a child wanting to understand what it doesn’t.

Craig’s fur shot up when her voice growled. ”Children are not "its," dearest. Watch yourself.” She spoke, and all in that strange alteration of Ponish.

Oh dear. We apologize… We believed thy consciousness was elsewhere…

”Do not worry, my dear. I am not angry at you. I found you just yesterday, actually. You... panicked, I guess I should say, which made me aware of you.” Her words ringed in his mind. He was quite used to the feeling of having an occupant telepathically in his mind. It was the feeling of a dull ache at the back of his head, except inside his cranium. It was the subtle feeling you get after someone pokes harshly at your head. It annoyed him to no end.

The weak pressure in his mind rolled it’s nonexistent eyes in response.

In Craig’s mind, silence reigned for only half a moment. ”Now be careful, sweetheart; I came since your magic jumped suddenly. You know what happens.” His mate warned him.

We understand.

It wasn’t five seconds since he threw back his head, then, subsequently sighed in apprehension. At least his beloved wife was aware of him being awake and watching over him. The knowledge brought him much comfort.

”Please know that I won’t be watching all the time, dearest.” She said abruptly. Well, now he felt like crying. ”So don’t call me simply for your entertainment. I will be busy with… duties. Love you!”

His beloved wife quickly fled from his now cautious mind with a hearty giggle. Craig’s fur stood. Whatever she is planning, he thought, ‘tis’ uncanny.

“Tch. She’ll be looking over Us... Periodically.” Craig muttered under his precious short breaths, quite like the oldness of an aged stallion, but was loud enough to be heard.

Stone, recovering from the brutal stomps inflicted upon his person, gently lifted his hurting head. His long, tangled mane brushed over his squinting forest eyes. ”W-wait. You mean she’s coming with us?”

Craig blinked and shifted his heavy eyes towards River, a look of hope was waiting in anticipation and rested as her expression. Craig sighed and turned away from the Kirin in slight irrigation. ”Yes,” he answered. ”She will come along... as company.”

River Side and Sharp Stone shared expressions: a large, excited smile faced a painfully strained, but joyous grin.

Luna blinked heavily and mumbled a response. ”…Truly?” She couldn't comprehend it. When did it start?

”Yes. I don’t understand either. She’s just been acting… crazily excited, I suppose are the appropriate words.” Celestia winced as a loud squawk erupted beside her, from within a golden cage standing proudly inside her bedchambers.

The Moon Maiden watched the cage with wide eyes as it’s shacking was caused by the phoenix residing within it’s bars. Another squawk was screamed from Philomena’s red-ish, orange beak. ”Hath thou spoken to her yet? When did this first occur?”

Celestia wilted, turned, and silently trotted toward her large plush bed. It was there waiting for her. ”The day before I left.” she replied quietly, her magenta eyes shimmering in confused concern. After a pause, she continued as she took off her regalia. ”At noon in the guest room, I was doing a bit of paperwork, you know how it is, declining a few of the nobles ’requests’? Well,” she said as she rambled and her horn sparked alive in bright golden magic. Grabbing her crown with a quiet thought, Celestia lifted it and held it in front of her face as it floated there in her magic field.

”Just as I was about of finish with them and retire for the next sunrise, she startled me by crashing into the window!”

Luna nearly jumped as her mane frazzled somewhat. ”What!” She snappily craned her neck to face the jumpy phoenix, a large smile still on Philomena’s face. ”You fool! Thou hast harmed thyself?!” Philomena crowed in response and Luna looked back at her sister, ”What is she saying?” she asked.

The Sun Monarch stared at the Moon Monarch, stunned. ”Lu! Have you questioned how she managed to travel to the Griffin Empire in just three days? Or how she found me in the exact room I stayed in? Either she teleported or never rested on her journey, and I doubt she is capable of doing either; I have no clue how she did it.” Celestia rested her crown with the rest of her regalia. The absence of that weight that’s always on her head made her feel like she wasn’t as important than she really is. She sometimes believed it was a nice feeling to have, just to not feel as bad as she did.

”Whenever I attempt to communicate with her, she’s always blubbering incoherently about something. But the thing that really concerns me is that the only thing that I can understand is something that she keeps repeating.”

Luna snorted in irritation and lightly stomped a hoof on the soft carpet that adorned the floor and circled her Sister’s bed. ”Well?” she prodded, visibly impatient. ”What is she saying, dear Sister? Thou hast yet to tell Us.”

Celestia took a breath. ”’He’s coming.’”

”…” Luna blinked. ”… Pardon?”

”That’s what she’s been saying. The words ’he is coming’ is what she is constantly repeating.” Celestia turned her head toward Philomena as the phoenix continued to thrash within her expensive cage, too happy to be upset. ”She knows something and she’s too exited to wait for it. I don’t know who she’d be so excited to see.” She glanced at Luna; her sister had a thoughtful look on her face as she too stared at the phoenix. ”What do you think, sweet Sister?”

”Hmm… We do not know what to think.”

Their voices diminished, but their thoughts were nowhere near to stopping. The only thing that prevented the chambers to become completely silent was the constant thrashing of the third noisy occupant as her wings flapped about without any real pattern.

Celestia grunted abruptly, which caught the attention of her sister. ”Luna.” she quietly called.

Luna stared, and said nothing. ”Hm?” She knew that if she spoke, she wouldn’t let her sister think of what to say. It was little moments like these with her that a simple hum will do.

Instead of answering, Celestia let go of herself and let her body fall upon her large, soft bed. A creak could barely be heard as the sheets surrounded her. Her wings stretched across the bed from both sides of her white, aching barrel. Celestia felt it rise up and down. She couldn’t remember the last she was fully relaxed, even if she were by herself. Her mane silently laid upon her bed as Luna watched, slowly forgetting the question that hung in the air.

Celestia didn’t want to say it but… ”Do you…” she trailed off, listening to her words being muffled by the soft, delicate sheets. She slowly blinked, and only once. No words came to her. Celestia felt so helpless, lost. She only hoped that Luna, her beautiful sister, would understand.

...She snorted. Of course her sister would understand.

Luna, after a long pause, trotted to the bed and climbed on it. Careful not to step on her sister’s large wings, the Moon Maiden snuggled into the pristine white fur.


The older sibling turned her body to lie on her back, one wing wrapped around her sister’s barrel. ”… Do you remember that letter from the Kirin? The one last one from the Shine Clan, specifically.” Her last word was muffled by her sister’s mane as she nuzzled Luna’s head that rested just under hers.

Luna immediately moved her head away from Celestia’s soft fur and muzzle to glare at nothing in particular. ”Of course. T'was sent a week ago. We, hath not forgotten.” Her sea eyes sharply looking into her sisters lavender ones. Terrifyingly, it held an infinitesimal spark of suspicion. ”Why?”

The Sun Alicorn listened to her pet phoenix’s insistent squabbling. Her free ear flicked from the irritating noise, as the other was sandwiched between her and the sheets as she stared back at her sister’s eyes. ”What do you think?” asked Celestia politely.

The blue Alicorn wanted to look away, but simply placed her muzzle back into her sister’s soft fur. ”We do not believe it true…”


Luna mentally grunted. She sometimes hated how easily Celesta could read her. She… hoped. She hoped their… father existed. Contrary to her thoughts however, she replied with, ”We know that we have no father.”

Celestia hummed, and wrapped her long forelegs around her sister. ”We as in you? Or as in us?”

Luna’s heart skipped a beat. Is she saying…? ”W-what do you…” Her jaw tightened as she forced her mouth shut. Luna felt her sister’s fur against hers as Celestia shifted on the sheets. She felt her older sister lightly kiss her forehead, right under the base of her horn.

”I think, we do. I believe we do have… a father.”

Neither could believe the words that were said. So, they hoped. They hoped beyond hope that they did, in fact, find a missing father. Their father.

A "Ha!" resounded the room. "Never though I'd ever say that." The Sun Princess gleefully chortled.

Silence finally reigned within the bedchambers. Philomena having tired herself mere seconds before, yet still had that joyous, face-splitting smile plastered on her visage as she looked out an open window. Philomena watched the cloudless sky shift with the world as she hopped on her claws, all the while having that delirious excitement and longing thrive in her chest. The curtains near the golden cage shifted left and right by the draft from the glass doors opened ajar to a large marble balcony.

Celestia smiled happily as her legs intertwined with her younger sister’s, and her giant white wings surrounded the smaller Alicorn. She nuzzled Luna lovingly once again, it far being the last one given.

And, at last, the loving older sibling spoke to her confused younger sister with a bit of wonder in her voice after the long, comforting silence. “Let us send a letter back to them… I want to see our father. I wonder what he’s like, and I sure you do too. Besides that, though,” she chuckled. “we still have quite a bit of duties left to do.”

Luna miserably groaned into her sister’s fur.

Alright! Woo! Yeah! Let’s go! Woo!”

Craig’s sharp ears flicked in slight discomfort and irritation as Stone voiced his enthusiasm. His large brown, cumbering body leaned forward in slouchy exasperation; he was not in the best of moods at a new revelation.

It was the morning after, and the sun once again hung in the sky, it shining pridefully in the heavens, past the various clouds that ruled the clear blue overhead. Many things shined as well, opposite from the sky. Plants and insects thrived on the ground as rich soil provides nutrition to the life that lived under the claimed skies.

One thing that didn’t shine however, was the father of that same sun that bothered him to no end. King Craig, or — as he prefers to call himself— the great ruler of his queen’s glamorous flank, found himself loathing the extra luggage he would be taking with him on his journey. By that, he means an extra pony. Well, not pony— a Kirin. A female Kirin, to be specific. He doesn't really get along with any female of any species, honestly, and he knows that, that fact alone will chomp happily on his brown flank sooner rather than later. Unless, however, they were a close friend or relative— or a young filly, since he is good with children. Kind of. A little bit.

Craig was startled harshly out of his questionable musings when he nearly toppled over by Stone landing on his back from… somewhere. ”Wow! How exciting! We’ll be heading to Canterlot you said, right my Lord?” The Lord grunted in annoyance.

”Er… verily, child. We are heading to meet my kin.” Craig would have rolled his eyes if only had known that expression existed. Instead, they narrowed as the obnoxious child of a Kirin wiggled on his back and disturbed his messy— very not preened— wings. "We would have gone sooner, by myself, had my kin replied." He added crossly.

”Stone! You get off him right now, you hear me?!” shrieked his, ahem, extra luggage from plenty afar.

Since River Side was so far away, this lead to Stone not catching at she had thrown: a hidden threat. Not like he would have understood if he did hear. The Kirin laying atop a slightly aggregated king paused as the scream reached his ears. Those ears then swirled toward the loud voice’s direction, the Kirin turning his head away from the King— much to Craig's immense relief. ”What! What did you say?!” Stone screamed back in response, having not been able to process what his old friend had told him.

Such an irritating beast, the King mentally grumbled. Then, the old stallion had a brilliant idea. Swiftly, the old king positioned his large wings underneath the unsuspecting Stone leaning above him in less than a second, and sprung them upwards with a strength that rivaled one of those ’scorpion lions.’ Or… What were they called? Martichora? No, that was his wife’s old, dead friend, back in the day… Ah, yes! Manticore is the name!

”W-woa— wwaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa!”

The Great King of Equestria laughed uproariously at the expense of the tiny, little Kirin boy as he was launched into the air. Craig enjoyed the spectacle of such terror. Oh, and screaming. Many much screaming.

”Craig! That isn’t very nice, dearest.” The King nearly winced. ”I am in a rush currently, dear. Here. This should lead you to our daughters. Don’t be so mean now. Love you.” The male Alicorn blinked in confusion. What did she—?

Abruptly out of nowhere, Craig sensed a large amount of concentrated Universal Magic— magic that manipulates the world— tugging him very far northwest. He could nearly see the strong magic pulling at his magical pool; he felt the very center of his pool latching onto the universal magic, like a tough rope. That thick rope latched onto, what he now knew as, Midnight Guardian, a…

… A royal guard? Why would it lead to a royal guard? Why is he royal? Wasn’t it just called being a guard? Craig shook his head and grumbled loudly. Too many questions!

aaaahhhhahhaha! Wooo!"

The King sighed tiredly. He knew now he only just riled up the falling Kirin.


Can’t the Kirin fall on the ground instead of him?

”Wow, now that, was fun!” laughed Stone. ”You’re so soft, too!”

The Alicorn didn’t feel any pain. Just major discomfort, and was very annoyed. Again.

A satchel and sack fell on the grass beside the two males. ”Stop playing around, you two. Stone,” River called, which successfully caught the attention of the pony- erm, Kirin in question. ”the Lord wants to head to Canterlot as soon as possible. Come with me to see the cartographer, we’ll need him for a map to Canterlot.”

Stone squinted his eyes for a moment. ”Oh. Okay.” He began to move off of Craig and paused as the King opened his mouth. ”Wait.” Said Stone abruptly, unknowingly interrupting Craig. ”Why do I have to go with you?”

River rolled her eyes at her oblivious friend. ”Don’t start, Sharp. Come on.” She urged.

Craig’s occupant sighed. ”Alright.” Stone didn’t have the chance to get off his furry ride however, as a large brown wing stopped him from doing so.

”That will not be necessary, children. We already recognize where to turn.” Craig politely informed them.

”Wait, really?” Asked Stone incredulously. ”Aw, thanks man.” There he went, calling him this ’man’ once again.

River stared at the large Alicorn. ”Wait, why didn’t you say this before? We could have left earlier!” she glared. Mostly because she spent a bit on the map she specifically asked the cartographer for.

The Great Ruler of His Queen’s Glamorous Flank huffed, once again annoyed. ”Do not ask thine questions, child. Fetch thy map if't thy pref'r, however we do not require it.”

”Well, I will, then.” And with a puff, she stomped away.

Stone unexpectedly laughed after a few moments. ”That’s how they usually walk away from me.”

Craig craned his head around and looked at Stone incredulously, who perched on his back, laughing at his own joke. ”Son, that is sad.”

Stone laughed even more loudly as his head fell back.

”Uh, are you sure about this, my Lord?”

”This is perfectly safe, child. We appreciate thy concern.”

”And fun!” Helpfully added Stone.

River turned away from the irritating males, as much as she could, actually, since she was laying right on the Alicorn of the two. ”That concern wasn’t for you.” She angrily grumbled to herself as she glanced at the two large— not preened— wings at her sides.

The other from the irritating duo, Shape Stone, stood excitedly under the large brown Alicorn. ”This is so going to be so thrilling!” He giggled as Craig wrapped his forehooves around his scale-y, furry barrel.

”Art thy ready, children?”

Stone answered immediately. ”Yes!”

River, unfortunately, answered too late. ”No!”

Once he heard Stone yell, Craig shot into the air. He heard two screams right after. One of exhilaration, and one of terror. Craig laughed as the wind whipped his face. Flapping his mighty wings, he felt the terrified River Side practically try to chokehold him when she realized they were in the air. He decided to scream with his new friends.

He knew then, that it was going to be a very good day.

Author's Note:

There they go! I wonder what they will encounter on their journey to Canterlot. And what’s up with Philomena?

Hey, remember when I said that hopefully this next chapter wouldn't take as long as the previous?

Hm? What was that? You do? Well, apparently I lied. :moustache:

Because of the long delay, here was a longer chapter for your patience and trouble. :twilightblush: Also, please point out any typos or errors that you many find. Thanks!

I hope I made your Monday a little better. Until next chapter! :trollestia: :heart:
Edited March 5th, 2021