• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 14,826 Views, 721 Comments

My Life As A Royal Changeling - Tangent

A middle aged brony finds herself inexplicably replacing Chrysalis as the new queen of the hive a few decades before a certain pony prophesy comes to fruition. Now the new queen must decide what direction to take the kingdom she inherited..

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Chapter 10

“So, what am I looking at here?” Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe prompted, as she resisted the urge to poke at the crystals and rocks on display before her.

“These are various types of self-levitating minerals, my Queen,” Honeydew explained excitedly. “This one is referred to as skystone, this one as loftstone, these are cloudstone and cloud crystals respectively, this is stratite, and this is… Oh dear. BEAKER! YOU LEFT YOUR LUNCH ON THE TRAY AGAIN!”

Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe blinked, then looked up. Sure enough, Honeydew’s assistant was floating around near the ceiling of the cavernous laboratory, tumbling through the air as if he were weightless.

“Self-levitating, you say.”

“Yes, my Queen. Normally these minerals are naturally buoyant in the air and will drift around with the wind, although some formations will hold a static position in the sky.”

“I notice that, other than the sample your assistant apparently ate, none of these are floating.”

“Oh, that’s the fascinating bit, my Queen! Apparently the self-levitation is a naturally occurring form of expressed magic! Which, as you should know, the anti-magic properties of your throne automatically absorb unless they originate from a changeling. However, with even just a little infusion of changeling magic, any one of these mineral samples will levitate for hours at a time! Think of the possibilities! We could design our airships to do without those pesky envelopes!”

“And yet Equestria continues to use envelopes for their airships, despite the fact that a third of their population could easily gain access to these rocks.”

“My Queen, I feel that I should point out that some of these minerals were extracted from Equestrian airships.”

“Which, no doubt, also had envelopes.”

“Well… Yes, my Queen.” Honeydew admitted.

“And where did the samples that were not previously part of an airship come from?”

“Oh, that’s easy, my Queen! There’s an area not too far from here to the west where floating islands fall after drifting into the Badlands from over the Macintosh Hills! It’s been very convenient to gather samples to study since the islands tend to break apart on hitting the ground!”


“Yes, my Queen?”

“You may test small craft outfitted with these minerals, but our primary airships will be designed to be fully supported by envelopes whether or not you succeed in designing or replicating a system that can work without an envelope. One will serve as the back-up to the other.”

“As you command, my Queen,” Honeydew conceded, trying not to sound disappointed. Well, at least she got the go-ahead to make small craft without those pesky ropes and envelopes that Beaker kept getting tangled up in. She supposed that would have to do.

*O o O o O*

Moonbeam found that she was actually starting to get used to the bug-pony appearance of the changelings, and was even beginning to be able to tell some of them apart as the days went by. Not that she knew more than a few of their names, as Captain Mayhem’s company was just a bit too large for her to have memorised them all just yet, but they had a mix of the professionalism she expected soldiers to have and the casual comradery (and occasional interpersonal hazing) she had seen among various cliques back at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

And, unlike those cliques, the changelings were apparently willing to push a bit further past her shyness to include her in whatever they were doing.

“No, Flake, that particular type of cave lichen isn’t edible,” Waterbug sighed in exasperation as Flake started scraping some of the glowing green substance off of the walls.”

“But ponies eat this stuff,” Flake responded, “I heard Vertex and Frons talking about it back at the hive.”

“It’s a mildly toxic hallucinogen with little nutritional value. If we feed this to Moonbeam, she’s going to be tripping for days and end up hungrier than before she ate it. We need to gather the more stringy lichen.”

“Are you sure? It doesn’t glow nearly as much, and at least the stuff I’ve been gathering is green. Ponies eat green.”

“Argh… Hey, Moonbeam, you do have at least some survival skills right? Either knowledge or spells that help you determine what is safe for you to eat?”

“Ah, yes?” Moonbeam replied. “I mean, yes, I do. On both counts. Both knowledge and spells.” She appreciated that the changelings were helping her gather more food for herself, but she kind of hoped that the other groups that were also doing so were more like Waterbug than Flake, as Waterbug was at least keeping the fact that she was a pony and not a changeling in mind. She wasn’t sure what changelings ate, and given their prominent fangs, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to know. Not that ponies couldn’t eat meat, far from it, but few chose to do so, and even then it tended to be more because of health reasons due to either living or working in high altitude conditions where the air was naturally harder to breathe.

Her diet back when she was attending Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns had included far more fish, poultry, and squirrel than she was strictly comfortable with. Give her a lowland diet any day, with plenty of grains, fruits, veggies, and maybe the occasional serving of pork, ham, or bacon. Because at least pigs weren’t cute! Oh those poor campus squirrels...

“So which of these lichen are safe for you to eat?”

“I bet it’s the green ones!” Flake interjected. “They have a nice healthy glow!”

“Actually, Waterbug is right about those,” Moonbeam pointed out, then hastily spoke up again as Flake deflated. “Although they do have some medicinal uses! I just wouldn’t want to eat any of it unless I needed to, and even then only in very small amounts,” she elaborated while holding her forehooves so close together in front of her as to almost be touching.

“Oh,” Flake shook off his despondency, dumped his bucket, and then started scraping the stringy lichen into it.

Only to have Waterbug knock the bucket out of his hooves.

“Dumb-ass! Clean the bucket and your hooves first!”

Moonbeam shook her head and went back to examining the various lichen, using her magic to pluck the types she knew were edible and placing them in her saddlebag for later. Sure, it might not be much social interaction, but it was still more than she had back in Equestria, and overall she was just happy to be included in even this much.


Moonbeam and Waterbug dropped everything and grabbed Flake in their magic, galloping as fast as they dared all the way back to the main base camp.


Moonbeam wasn’t certain whether or not Waterbug was going to murder Flake after this, but she was going to very politely suggest to the captain that the two be separated for a while...

*O o O o O*

Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe felt a small surge of pride as she observed the testing of the very first airship constructed completely by and for changelings. Sure, the undercarriage was more of a dinghy, the propellers were hoof operated, there were no sails, and no place to install any sort of magically self-levitating rock, but it was all theirs from start to finish. All in superlight black resin shaped into a vague bug-like form, slung under a green silk envelope that was doing its job adequately, and crewed by three changelings who at least seemed to know what they were doing.

It was probably a plus that Beaker was still drifting around weightlessly back in the lab the magic rocks were in.

“This is wonderful, my Queen!” Honeydew exclaimed, ecstatic that the latest test was going flawlessly while her Queen was here to see it. The first few test flights hadn’t done so well. Nothing serious, just some minor incidents and maybe a crash or two, but after a few adjustments and changing up the participants for some who had actually served on forgein airships before, many of these issues seemed to have been resolved.

“Who designed the aesthetic?” Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe asked as the tiny airship was put through its paces.

“That would be Elytra, my Queen. She has been working with Tarsal, who has become very familiar with the superstructure of various airships we have available.”

“I see.”

“Er… Do you disapprove, my Queen? I could have Elytra transferred to a different project...”

“No, leave her in place. I wish to see where she is going with this style. She, and any other changeling who wishes to add stylistic flair to any proof of concept designs may do so, as long as the final result remains functional and competitive.”

“Competitive, my Queen?”

“I’ll have someling bring you a rundown of airship types and functions. If we are going to explore this field, I want us to do well. I…” Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe blinked and tilted her head as she returned her full attention to the test. “Did the test ship just vanish?”

“Aha! I see they got the stealth system to work! Good! Good!”

“Very impressive. What method are you using?”

“I believe that this attempt involves inducing a pigmentation shift in the silk and resin. As you can see, or perhaps not see, it is surprisingly effective for such a low magic method. It helps when most of the materials involved are produced by changelings.”

“Very nice. I approve.” Whatevra finally caught sight of the camouflaged airship, almost invisible against the same color sky. Not perfect, and she was sure that some pegasi and griffons would be able to spot this method with greater ease, but the idea had merit even if the advantage wasn’t absolute.

And then the tiny airship reverted to full visibility and started to drift.

“Oh dear,” Honeydew observed, “it appears that the crew exhausted themselves maintaining the effect.”


“Yes, my Queen?”

“A stealth system shouldn’t have a detrimental effect on the health of the crew. Or passengers. Fix it.”

“Yes, my Queen!”

*O o O o O*

Moth and Gypsie looked up as Waterbug and the pony, Moonbeam, rushed into the camp’s medical station carrying Flake between them in their magic. Flake, for his part, was drooling and radiating awe and excitement in equal measure. “What did Flake do now?” Moth asked as the two set Flake on the cot.

“He licked some mildly toxic hallucinogenic cave lichen,” Waterbug reported.

“It was green and glowy and tasted like plaid!” Flake added with enthusiasm as he stared vaguely in Moth’s general direction.

“How much did he lick?” Gypsie asked as she and Moth started examining their patient.

“At least five times the recommended safe dose mentioned in the Equestrian Field Medicine Journal,” Moonbeam stated. “At least for a standard poniform of his approximate mass. I don’t know if any of that applies to changelings.”

“Gypsie, break out the medical gel, we’re going to do an emergency flood and purge. Waterbug, take Moonbeam and report to Captain Mayhem. Flake, get back down and stay put, or Gypsie and I will bucking tie you to that cot!”

“Ooh, kinky!”

“Flake, I know for a fact that you don’t even know what that means,” Moth retorted.

“Sure I do! It means tied up, or bent out of shape, or something like that, right?”

“How about you lay down, get some rest while Gypsie is getting the medical gel, and I’ll tell you… basically never.”


O o O o O

Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe found Humblebee waiting for her atop the hivespire upon her return to Jasper. Dismissing her escort, she turned her attention to her advisor. “Anything to report, Humblebee?” she asked as she headed inside.

“Yes, my Queen. Captain Mayhem has requested permission to return to the hive for a few days in order to clear up some issues.”

“Anything immediately outstanding that might warrant an early return at this point?” Whatevra asked. The expedition had been going fairly well to date, as far as she knew, and even the impromptu introduction of an actual pony guide into the unit earlier in the week hadn’t prompted Mayhem to ask to return.

“Captain Mayhem mentioned something about acquiring some pony specific supplies if one was going to continue being part of the expedition. Apparently they need to resupply their medical gel as well. On a related note, I believe there was also some mention that it might be a good idea to pod Flake for the safety and sanity of everyling involved.”

“Give the go-ahead. I’ve been wanting to meet Moonbeam anyway, and this is as good an opportunity to do so as any.”