• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 2,664 Views, 268 Comments

Raindrops' Wrap Up - Arkensaw Pinkerton

Raindrops is about to have a very, very weird winter wrap-up. A choosable path adventure!

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Chapter 39

Enough! Somepony is taking responsibility for this, and they're taking responsiblity for it right now. You burst out of the bushes, hovering in front of the stage and interrupting Twilight. Everypony's staring at you.

"Alright!" you shout, your fury overcoming any stage fright you might have had. "Somepony left this big weird book on my steps this morning and I want to know who it was right this instant! It's completely bucked my Wrap Up!"

You could hear a snowflake shatter in the silence that answers you. Twilight clears her throat behind you and Rainbow Dash looks like she's ready to kick your head in; half the crowd looks shocked and the other half appalled.

"Uh, if this is your book please come up to the stage after we've finished the plans. Miss, could you clear to one side?" Twilight asks from behind you. You're having none of it.

"No, I will not clear to one side! I want to know who thinks they can just interrupt the Winter Wrap Up with a giant book!"

"Obviously you think you can," you hear Cloud Kicker mutter loud enough to carry across the crowd.

"Oh, you think this is funny, Cloud Kicker? Did you do this? I bet you did!"

"Raindrops, stand down." The boss sounds pretty serious, but you've got your feathers well and truly ruffled.

"No I will not stand down! Not until the culprit confesses!"

"Stand down or I put you down, Raindrops."


There's a chromatic blur from the vague direction of Rainbow Dash and an incredible impact on the left side of your face before you've even finished enunciating the word.


You wake up in your bed, with an icepack pressed against your aching jaw.

"Whu?" you murmur, sitting up straight. Sweet Celestia, that stings! The boss really packs a wallop.

"Oh, hey, you're awake!" calls a familiar voice from your kitchen, and a moment later your neighbour Roseluck appears with a plate of daisy sandwiches balanced on her back.

"Twilight Sparkle said you'd need something to eat as soon as you woke up. I'd have made soup but I didn't know how long you'd be out- let me know if it hurts too much to chew."

She slides the plate onto the bed and you realise how ravenous you are. You wolf down a couple of the sandwiches before you think to ask any questions.

"What happened?" you ask around a full mouthful. "Did Rainbow Dash hit me? Did I miss the Wrap Up? Am I fired!?"

"Uh, you screamed about a book in front of everyone, yes, yes, and no, you're not fired. The book was a magic book. Miss Sparkle thought it might have damaged your mind- Rainbow Dash knocking you out was the best thing that could have happened to you. Miss Sparkle undid whatever spell the book had cast on you and I volunteered to come back and look after you."

You chew on another sandwich for a moment. It's tangy and crisp with a really lovely peppery aftertaste.

"Did I really miss the Wrap Up? These are excellent, by the way."

"Oh, er, thanks!" Roseluck blushes. "I put some rocket in them. I hoped you'd like it. Um, you did miss the Wrap Up, though. For the most part."

"For the most part?"

"Well..." Roseluck pulls open your bedroom window to show you a beautiful, snow-free Ponyville with one exception. Your garden is still piled with melting snow. "I know you look forward to it every year. So I asked if they could pile some up in the garden and leave you a little bit to do, if you felt up to it. We can just let the sun melt it if you're still a little woozy."

You take a look out of your window at your favourite job of the year, and at the proud mare standing by your curtains who's saved it for you.

"I'm not feeling woozy," you admit. "But I think we'll let the sun melt it tomorrow if that's alright. I've got some Sweet Apple Reserve in one of the kitchen cupboards- do you want to stay and toast the end of winter with me?"

She beams.

"I think I'd like that very much!" she says as she bustles off to the kitchen to get the apple brandy and glasses. You sit up in bed and take one last look at the snow outside, waiting for her to come back.

This really is your favourite day of the year.


You received a good ending! Raindrops and Roseluck are bonding over brandy.

To go back a step, Click here for Chapter 17.