• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 2,388 Views, 24 Comments

The Universal Traveler - Jason Monroe

Sometimes we wish that we could become our characters. Other times our characters wish they were us. What happens when a writer dies and becomes a character that he made? What happens when that character is weak to magic and in Equestria?

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Chapter 16: A Swift Recovery

Jason's POV

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, noticing the purple canopy of a bed. My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up before wincing in pain. I looked down and noticed that my entire body was covered in burns, which told me all that I needed to know. Someone had tried to use magic on me after I lost consciousness from exhausting a lot of my soul energy with that bit of soul magic.

"No wonder Sans is always sleeping. Soul magic is fucking exhausting." I muttered to myself before channeling angelic energy into my hands and gliding them over my body, causing the burned skin to fall of before being replaced by new skin. I sighed when I reached the whole in my left side. When it came to wounds caused by magic, my angelic healing could only do so much. I sighed before someone entered the white room that I had been placed in, which seemed to be some sort of bedroom. I turned to the door and saw Luna walking into the room with my students behind her. They all seemed to be looking at the ground in sadness.

"Why the long faces?" I asked while smirking, causing them all to look up at me with wide eyes. Luna was about to say something before my three students jumped onto me with tears in their eyes. I smiled as I hugged the three women and allowed them to cry into me. After about ten minutes of crying, my students fell asleep while laying on me. I simply let out a small chuckle before teleporting out of the bed, which made me stagger a bit due to my exhaustion. Luna looked worried when I staggered, but I quickly put my hand up in order to reassure her that I was fine. I motioned for her to follow me as I quickly left the bedroom that I had been put in. Once we were out of the room and the door was closed, I turned back to Luna with a smile.

"It's wonderful to have you back moon butt. I hate that I had to leave cake flank alone for a thousand years, but I had to train my students and I couldn't risk having Celestia try to kill me out of grief. Unfortunately I will now have to explain something to you and her that is to stay between the three of us. This information is so serious that I am going to be taking you and your sister into my pocket universe, which I don't usually do because of the number of weapons in there that are capable of doing massive damage. I have an ion cannon in there, not that you would understand what an ion cannon is or how it works. To put it simply, a single blast from an ion cannon could, at minimum, destroy the moon. Anyways, let's go." I said while smirking before clapping my hands, quickly teleporting the two of us to the throne room.

We appeared in between Celestia and a noble that had recently started complaining about his 'worries' concerning the announcement of five 'country bumpkins' being given awards for saving Equestria. The guards immediately surrounded me and pointed their spears at me while the noble fell on his ass from my sudden appearance.

"Halt creature! You dare to try and attack Princess Celestia in broad daylight?!" Shouted a guard wearing a gold lined set of purple armor that had a magenta six-pointed star on the front. From what I could remember from watching the show, this little idiot was named Shining Armor and he excelled at making shields. I just chuckled while tuning out Celestia, who was yelling at her guards for pointing their spears at me. I grabbed one of the spears that were being pointed at me and used my shape shifting, which is more like a complete control over every molecule of my body, to make my chest harder than titanium, before crushing the spear against my chest. The sound made everyone stare at me with wide eyes as I let go of the spear, revealing that it was now little more than a stick with a metal casing on top.

"You seriously need to teach your guards how to better recognize threats, Tia. If a being shows up in broad daylight to attack someone that has the power to move the sun, they are either extremely stupid or extremely powerful. I don't think I need to point out which one I am." I said while yawning a little before I felt something impact my left arm, which was accompanied by a searing pain. I smirked before looking at Shining Armor.

"Ah. Well aren't you a foolish being. If I didn't have important information for Tia, I would take you outside and beat you until you understand just how outclassed you are." Was all I said before my right hand glowed white with angelic energy. I smiled as everyone tensed up before an ethereal set of white armor formed around my body.

"What kind of magic is that?" Celestia asked, causing me to smile as I turned to face her.

"That's part of what I want to talk to you about. I trust you and Luna enough to give you information that you could use to permanently end me. Of course that means we will have to go somewhere that I know no one else can enter without me being informed of their presence." I said calmly while smiling, only for Shining to put a dome over me to stop me from reaching Celestia. I turned back around to face him and saw a smirk on his face.

"Nice try creature, but you won't be getting any closer to the princess. Go ahead and exhaust yourself while trying to break free. You'll just pass out from a lack of air and we'll throw you in the dungeon." Shining proudly announced while I kept myself from laughing at his stupidity.

"Are you done? Good. Now I'll show you why this pathetic excuse for a shield doesn't matter to me." I said before shape shifting into a ghostly form of myself and phasing through the floor. I came back up outside of the shield, right behind Celestia's throne. I returned to my human form and listened to Shining getting chewed out by both Celestia and Luna until I heard him leave the room. I smirked before jumping onto the top of Celestia's throne, causing everyone in the room to stare at me. Celestia was, understandably, creeped out when everyone kept staring at her.

"So now that gleaming asshole is gone, can we go have that chat?" I asked, startling Celestia and causing Luna to laugh at her sister's reaction. The guards that remained in the room did nothing because of what they had just witnessed.

"Why do you still do that?!" Celestia shouted as I laughed my ass off from her reaction. Before Luna was banished I had made a routine of randomly appearing behind Celestia and scaring her. I didn't do that with Luna because her senses were always much sharper than Celestia's.

"I do it because it's funny. Now I need your guards to leave so we can have our chat." I said, causing the guards to run out of the room in fear. I just stared at the door as it closed.

"Huh. Well then. Anyways get in this bag." Was all I said as I took my pocket universe off of my waist and shoved Celestia in it. To say that Luna and Celestia were shocked would be an understatement. They had seen me use my pocket universe to store items before, but they had never seen me use it to store living beings. Once Celestia was inside, I turned to Luna and quickly teleported over to her and shoved her in my pocket universe. Once they were both inside, I teleported back to the room I had woken up in and quickly wrote a letter to my students before going into my pocket universe.

Celestia's POV

I couldn't help but feel nervous as I found myself standing on nothing in a black void that had various random objects floating around in it. Never before in my life had I experienced being in a place where I can see objects in front of me without feeling anything move. It was completely silent and I was worried that Jason had decided to punish me for trying to use the elements on him all those years ago. Those thoughts were pushed out of my mind as Luna appeared out of a strange portal that closed behind her. After a few seconds Jason appeared as well, though he held his side and staggered a bit before smiling at me and Luna

"I welcome you to the place that only myself and my brother can get to. This is my pocket universe. To put it simply a portal was made to a universe that was almost destroyed and my brother figured out how to stabilize the portal before connecting it to multiple small coin bags so no one would suspect anything. Because the portal connects to a universe that is supposed to be destroyed the only way in is by entering one of the bags." Jason explained before walking past me and Luna with a smile on his face. "I often come here to calm down. It's also where I store my mansion." Jason said before motioning towards a beautiful white mansion that was far bigger than the estates of most nobles. Despite it being smaller than Canterlot castle, I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping at the fact that Jason owned this massive building. Jason had always refused to accept plots of land before the parasite corrupted my sister and I now understood why.

We made our way to the front door of the mansion, only for a man that was just as tall as Jason to open the door. The man had neatly combed black hair that stopped at the back of his neck. He wore a standard black and white butler uniform as well as a black blindfold covering his eyes.

"Greetings master Monroe. I sense that you have brought two guests with you this time. Shall I prepare some drinks for the three of you?" The man asked while smiling at Jason.

"Yes. I would like some bourbon mixed with root beer and my companions would appreciate some tea and coffee." Jason said while smiling before the man nodded and walked down the main hallway of the mansion before turning left into what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Jason, who was that? I thought you said that you didn't like the idea of having servants." I said while looking around the hallway and noticing pictures of Jason and different people that I had never met. I was confused at the sight of one picture in particular. It was a picture of Jason standing next to someone that looked exactly like him, except his hair was neatly combed and he wore a black and white tuxedo as well as a black fedora with a white band. The two looked like they were celebrating in a bar as they lifted up mugs of alcohol.

"That was Alexander. My father forced me to take him with me. He is able to leave whenever he wants, though only I can let him back in. I have to check in with him every day so he can send a message to my father informing him of my well being. I honestly hated the idea at first, but me and Alexander have long since become good friends. Oh and don't worry about the blindfold. As a demon he has a unique ability that allows him to see the souls of living beings. He isn't blind, but his eyes are a dead giveaway that he's a demon. That's why he hides them under a blindfold." Jason said while walking inside. Luna and me followed him before finding ourselves in a massive room that had a strange black rectangular object on the wall, which Jason later told us was a television, as well as a dark red couch that was facing towards it. In front of the couch was a coffee table that was made out of jade with three chairs around it that matched the color of the couch. Jason sat down in one of the chairs before motioning for us to sit down while talking.

"Please take a seat so I can start answering your questions while we wait for our drinks."

Author's Note:

Conglaturations! You guys got a much longer chapter to make up for the shorter ones. Please leave questions for Celestia and Luna to ask in the next chapter.