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Thwarting my plans?

Author's Note:

Contains a crossover with Deltorix

Currently; Celestia, Luna and the Four Horsemen were sitting in the throne room. Twilight and her friends had just left to return home to Ponyville.

“With how long it's been from your trip,” Celestia started “I just realized you four have been completely altered.”

“That point was already made,” Luna stated

“It has; but now that Twilight and her friends have left, it's just the six of us alicorns,” Celestia replied

“Well; not entirely true,” Discord said, entering the room

“What do you mean by that,” Celestia questioned

“Easy, Celly,” he said with a chuckle “They have the appearance; but none of the abilities to go with it. Besides; there's three ruling alicorns with you and Lulu along with the one in charge of the Crystal Empire.”

“Mi Amore Cadenza. It's been so long, I've forgotten about the Crystal Empire,” Luna answered

“If I remember correctly; their guards were nothing more than servants,” Celestia chimed in “It'd be too easy to eliminate them; especially when Cadence was always the weakest alicorn.”

“Perhaps it's better we aren't the same,” Death offered

“As Nephilim; we never had a need for magic spells in the same way as you do. To top it off; Death and I were the only ones that used some semblance of flight,” War added

“Not entirely true,” Strife interjected “I can manifest the same phantom wings as you. They're mostly for gliding down from raised areas, anyways.”

“As much as I don't like her; we must not let Cadence fall,” Celestia decided “That puts our enemies too close to our kingdom.”

“On the idea of guards, I have something that might help,” Luna started “Death; I will need your assistance to complete this.”

“Lead the way,” Death said

“Where you're going; we're coming with,” Fury stated, leaving no room for argument

“I suppose I should go as well,” Celestia muttered

Luna led the six of them out of the throne room and down the hallway towards a door hidden in the hall. Once through; they continued down a staircase ending at a chamber. Inside was various vials on the shelves; along with a covered object laying on a table, and a suit of armor on the floor. War, Strife and Fury turned their backs to everything; hoping for plausible deniability.

“On…off,” Strife muttered “On…off. Off works.”

“What are you doing,” Fury hissed

“Trying to see whether or not my charm should be kept on and which looks better,” he answered

Luna removed the cover to reveal the unarmored body of a guard strapped to the table. Looking closely; the section between the neck and torso revealed the body had been decapitated. To add further injury, the body was also sliced around the waist. Stitches were used to hold the wounds closed.

“Welcome to my workshop,” Luna announced

“Lulu, what is all this,” Celestia asked in disbelief

“After the massacre of the guards by the demons, I had to do something,” Luna started “I took one of the bodies and sewed the pieces together.”

“This is unethical,” Celestia complained “What would anyone say about this if they were to find out?”

“Well; what would you do,” Luna retorted “Draft all the males in Equestria? Most of them wouldn't be able to hold a weapon and it would be next to impossible to get them here to train; let alone actually training them in a short amount of time. The next best thing is to use an already existing guard.”

“What do you need me here for,” Death questioned “He has already passed through the Well of Souls.”

“I know you can summon creatures to help you,” Luna pointed out “Twilight wrote that in her letter to us after seeing them as she and Spike entered.”

“And you want me to summon a ghoul,” he asked “For what purpose do you need one?”

“I had hoped to mix your ghoul and some necromantic magic to resurrect the body,” Luna offered “They would automatically be instructed to obey our orders, regardless of which of us gives them. Even better, is the fact they will continue fighting in the event they are decapitated. They'll just pull themselves together to continue.”

“Your plan is turn that body into a creature known as a Wicked,” War asked “In layman's terms; a zombie?”

“Yes,” she said with a sigh “Desperate times calls for desperate measures.”

“Even if you manage to turn this deceased guard into a zombie; it's just one,” Celestia argued “What do you plan on doing to remake the legion?”

“Let me worry about that,” Luna offered

“I can't do that,” Celestia replied, shaking her head “I have to know.”

“I'm sure you're aware of the cave deep in the Everfree Forest,” Luna started

“You're going to the Mirror Pool and making copies,” Celestia finished


“Let's get this over with,” Death stated

Concentrating for a moment to get used to the new body; Death felt his Nephilim power flow through him as a single Ghoul was summoned and emerged from the ground. Once it was there, Luna let her horn glow when the Ghoul was close to the body. Both princesses and Death watched as the corpse started to glow before the Ghoul started to fade and flow through the body. The guard opened its eyes to reveal completely white irises, without any pupils.

“Where did you learn how to learn necromancy,” Celestia demanded “It's not in any book in the castle.”

“I learned by doing,” Luna answered casually “Besides; what else was I supposed to do for a thousand years?”

“That explains the ‘when’ but now I need to know ‘how’ you did it,” her sister pressed

“I made friends with some creatures that already occupied the moon. They would watch as I would practice with one of the younglings,” Luna answered simply “After quite a while, I was able to kill and resurrect a creature at will.”

“Let me help with your next problem,” Discord offered, popping out of nowhere and summoning a portal “This leads directly to the Mirror Pool. Take the body and send it through and have the others return here. It'll last as long as you need it.”

“If we're going to do this, I'm changing the armor,” Celestia stated “It needs to be different as I don’t want to be associated with this.”

“If you don't mind; we'll retire to our rooms,” Death declared

A quick blast from her horn changed the gold armor into silver as any trace of sun symbols vanished. The body was given a spear to hold before being unstrapped. Luna levitated the body and stepped through the portal.

“And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared,” Luna recited

After finishing the incantation; Luna gently lowered the body into the water and waited a moment for the duplication to happen. Just as promised; an identical clone popped out of the water.

“You; return through the portal,” Luna ordered

Without question the freshly arrived clone followed the order as another was on its heels.

“The start of our new guard,” Discord joked

Another portal was opened to the castle’s courtyard as Discord closed the one leading to the room. Over the next three hours, more soldiers filed through the portal and automatically formed ranks; leading to an estimated two-thousand five hundred guards in total.

“That's enough,” Celestia called

“You're right,” Luna answered, heading through the portal “How many do we have?”

“Our total is 2,500,” Celestia said as she joined her sister before the portal closed behind her “More than we had previously.”

“Princess Celestia,” a voice called “Are you here?”

“Dammit. I forgot about him,” Luna muttered

To the surprise of the sisters; Shining Armor was standing outside the gates to the castle. After the incident with Tirek; he decided to spend the time with his parents.

“What? How? When,” he asked dumbfoundedly

“It's not something you need to worry about,” Luna offered “What is important is we have a guard.”

“Whose orders will they follow,” Shining asked, switching back to ‘Captain’ mode

“Mine; along with one other,” Luna answered vaguely

“As long as we don't have a repeat of what happened before,” he muttered

“I doubt that will be the case; but at least we have protection,” she replied


“Well, brother; I do declare Project Squeezy to be complete,” Flim declared

“Tomorrow we will take it into the nearby town of Ponyville,” Flam decided “See whom might need help.”

“Indeed. A small town like that is a bit easier to work with. We might be newcomers there and they probably haven't heard of us.”


The next day; Applejack was setting up her booth for selling the barrels of apple cider that were made after Tirek’s attack on the town. Her friends had been split with Pinkie, Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity waiting in the line and Twilight trying to keep everything orderly.

“You know what I love about August,” Dash asked

“What is it,” Fluttershy asked

“CIDER SEASON,” Dash announced to a cheer

A loud rumbling headed down the street caused everyone's attention to be turned. As it got closer; the rumbling was revealed to belong to a train-like vehicle with multiple tanks on the back, being driven by two ponies.

“Mares and stallions; fillies and foals of all ages. Allow us to introduce ourselves,” a voice called

“I am Flim and this is by brother Flam,” he added

“What do you want,” Twilight demanded

“What we want is to help out,” Flam replied “Making cider by hoof is too troublesome.”

“And we would like to help you,” Flim mused

“And how do you plan to do that,” Applejack asked

“With the help of the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000,” Flam announced proudly, gesturing towards the vehicle

“That doohickey can't replace the tradition of hard work,” Granny Smith argued “We've been doing it this way for generations.”

“This ‘doohickey’ as you so termed it can remove the apples from a tree and juice them in seconds flat,” Flim answered

“Sis, Granny, Mac; you got a minute,” Apple Bloom asked

“What's on your mind, Bloom,” AJ asked

“Let's talk on the side,” Bloom said

Each of them headed into the orchard a few trees down from the road to have a private conversation that wasn't likely to be overheard.

“If that machine is as good as they say it is; why not use it,” Bloom asked in a low voice

“Nope,” Big Mac stated “Tradition.”

“AJ, could I offer an unbiased opinion,” Twilight asked, heading to join them

“Whatcha thinking, Twi,” AJ asked

“Why not accept the offer,” Twilight started

“But,” Mac started, only stopping when she help up a hoof

“As I was going to say; perhaps you could use the machine to actually create the cider, but still harvest the apples by hoof,” Twilight concluded

“I don't like it,” Granny reiterated “It ruins our legacy of hard work.”

“If we use it; we're still doing half the work,” Bloom offered

“I support it's not too bad,” AJ added “Unfortunately; this can't be put to a vote as it's two for and two against.”

“Have you come to a consensus,” the brothers asked together as the Apples and Twilight returned from their huddle

“Just a question before we answer that,” AJ started “How much do you get out of this if we work together?”

“Perhaps we do a 75/25 percentage in your favor,” Flim suggested “This is your land and apples. We're just assisting.”

“I guess that's fair,” Granny commented “It still needs to be made official.”

“Very well. We'll wait until the end and head to Canterlot to get the princesses to sign an official document,” Flam decided

“Cider season is officially open,” AJ proclaimed

A few hours later; the line had reached the halfway point before running out of cider. Twilight had taken down the names of those remaining to make sure they received some the next day.

“Alright girls; are you ready,” Twilight asked “For our trip to Canterlot; that is?”

“It has been a few weeks since we've seen them,” Dash pointed out

“And I need to have witnesses in regards to the contract as Mac and Bloom aren't able to represent the Apple family,” AJ added

“I'm guessing you're all ready to go,” Flim asked

“I'd have suggested taking the Squeezy to Canterlot; but I'm not sure such a long drive is recommended,” Flam commented “It only seats two.”

“Train it is,” Twilight decided

With that; the group headed down to the station and paid for their tickets. A little while later the train pulled into the Canterlot station. After the walk up the hill; they were stopped outside the castle gates.

“We're here to see the princesses. Open the gates and let us pass,” Twilight announced before a guard shook his head

“What's wrong this these guys,” Dash asked “He shook his head for the wrong answer. You're supposed to nod and let us in; stupid!”

“Insulting him isn't going to let us in faster,” Rarity chastised, before turning towards the gate “Do be a dear and let us in; won't you?”

Once again, the guard seemed to ignore any pleas from the group regarding letting anyone inside.

“Um; has anyone noticed their appearance,” Fluttershy asked

“Ooh, I know,” Pinkie started, sticking her head through the fourth wall



“Never mind,” a defeated Pinkie replied

“Well; this isn't good,” Flim mused

“I've never seen the princesses deny anyone before,” Applejack added

“That's because they're new guards,” Luna said, heading outside “Let this group in.”

Following the order of their creator; the guards grabbed the gates and opened them as Twilight led everyone inside. Once past the gates, Luna led the group to the throne room before taking a seat at her throne. Flanking the thrones were not guards as originally designed, but the Four Horsemen. Each had their weapons within reach as they stood there.

“They look menacing,” Flim muttered

“Indeed,” Flam confirmed

“Greetings. What brings you here,” Celestia started

“We noticed your new guards,” Dash said “They seem to be idiots not to recognize us.”

“They also seem to have different appearances,” Pinkie chimed in

“How did you get new guards so quickly,” Twilight asked “Shining said they were killed when the demons attacked.”

“That isn't something you need worry yourself with,” Luna countered “Why did you need to visit us? Not as if we don't mind the company; of course."

“We came here to write a contract between the Apple family and these two stallions,” AJ said, returning to the topic

“Flim and Flam at your service, princesses,” Flim stated as the two bowed

“Why would you girls work with these snakes,” Strife asked

“We haven't done anything,” Flam argued

“Why would you insult these two,” Fluttershy asked “What have they done wrong?”

“They're members of the Seven Sins,” Strife replied

“We do admit we are the Sin of Sloth; but we don't have anything to do with the others,” the brothers said in unison

“We'll give them the benefit of the doubt right now,” Rarity decided

“If they do decide to do anything wrong; we'll turn them over to you,” Dash added, as the girls nodded in agreement

“I’ll help keeping an extra eye on these two,” Discord stated, popping out of Twilight’s mane

“Why would you do that,” she demanded

“I've sworn to help protect Equus,” Discord said “What? Would you rather I came out from someplace else?”

“Just drop it,” she said with a sigh

“Let's get this started,” Celestia decided “Applejack; you're representing your family, right?”

“Yes, princess,” AJ replied

“This agreement is between the Apple family and the brothers Flim and Flam,” Celestia dictated as a quill wrote “With the Apple family being represented by Applejack Apple.”

“My brother and I wished to help out the Apple family with a device known as the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000,” Flim explained

“The profits are to be split seventy-five percent to the Apple family with the remaining twenty-five percent going to Flim and I,” Flam added

“All profits of cider production are to be split 75/25 in favor of the Apple family by use of the machine known as the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000,” Celestia continued “Would both parties sign here?”

Applejack headed to the throne and signed her name as the only available representative for the family before the brothers did the same.

“Perhaps; those here as witnesses and I'd guess your bodyguards should sign as well,” Flim offered

“I agree to do so,” Twilight said “Let's go girls.”

“I speak for my siblings when we decline to sign,” Death stated firmly

Following Twilight’s lead each of the girls signed the contract under the section for witnesses with Pinkie’s being the biggest signature. Once everyone had signed; both Luna and Celestia added their wax seals to finalize the contract and make it official.

“We never did get your names,” Flim mused, addressing the Horsemen

“Not important,” War grunted

“Despite what you think of us; we really aren't the same as the others,” Flam offered reassuringly

“I haven't heard anything that convinces me otherwise,” Death retorted

“Since there are plenty of witnesses here; we can tell you everything we know,” Flim suggested

“Go on,” Luna pressed

“In regards to the rest of the seven; we are led by a pair known as Grogar and Daybreaker,” Flam started “The others are Cozy Glow, Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek; although the latter hasn't returned.”

“My siblings and I know who they are. What we'd like to know is what they are planning,” Death asked “As for Tirek; I saw to his death with my siblings assisting.”

“Unfortunately; we can't be of any help,” Flim replied sadly “None of them trusted us to actually let us in on anything.”

“Where do they meet at,” Strife asked

“Multiple locations. One's in the Badlands that belongs to Chrysalis and her hive. The others I'm not sure of,” Flam offered

“Not sure of? I suppose a few ounces lead wouldn't help jog your memory faster,” Strife retorted, reaching for a pistol

“They're out of the area of Ponyville,” Flim said quickly “Supposedly near the dragons is the main cave where they meet. It was the last place we were before getting sent away.”

“Anything else you're neglecting to mention,” Fury asked

“Nothing I know of,” the brothers answered

“What do you plan to do with the others,” Twilight asked

“We were instructed by the Charred Council to protect Equus,” Death answered “The best way to do that is to eliminate them.”

“Considering how much you've revealed to us; I'm not taking any chances,” Luna started before a dark blue glow enveloped the brothers

“What did you just do to them,” Celestia asked

“Simple. They are unable to reveal anything to the other members,” Luna answered “If they try to do so, the results are more than likely to be grisly.”

“I don't think we have much a choice,” Flim muttered in a whisper

“We can't go back or they'll probably torture us,” Flam added

“Looks like we're staying here,” they said together aloud


“Where are those two lazy idiots,” Grogar demanded

“Golly, master Grogar,” Cozy started “Are you sure about those two?”

“I'd say they aren't coming back,” Sombra offered “Good riddance to them.”

“With Tirek gone for so long; we have to assume he was defeated somehow,” Daybreaker stated “Sombra; it's your turn now. Take over the Crystal Empire.”

“Of course my mistress,” he said with a bow “Watch for my letter soon.”


Having been given his orders; Sombra teleported himself directly to the Crystal Empire. Without any hesitation; he headed to the center of town where he'd more than likely find the current ruler. To his astonishment; any stained glass windows with his image were removed and replaced with images of Mi Amore Cadenza.

“It's been too long,” he said in awe “Thanks for keeping my throne occupied in my absence.”

“This throne was never yours and will never be,” Cadence argued

“My dear princess; don't you recognize me,” he asked with a hint of sadness in his voice

“That's impossible,” she replied shaking her head “You disappeared so long ago.”

“Back when you were barely in training over a thousand years ago,” he confirmed “And since I never abdicated the throne; I should still be considered the rightful ruler.”

“It was decided that I would become ruler to fill the vacancy,” she countered, before levitating a scroll over “The law was changed to reflect that.”

Taking a look at the scroll; Sombra was able to confirm that Cadence was indeed correct. Further into the scroll under laws was one that brought a slight smirk to his lips.

In the event of marriage to an eligible suitor; whichever has the highest title shall become ruler of the Crystal Empire.

“My dear Cadence,” he started

“Cadenza,” she corrected “You are not permitted to use such a friendly tone of voice with me.”

“Mi Amore Cadenza; I wish to ask for your hand in marriage,” he stated formally

“What are you playing at,” she demanded “What trick have you pulled?”

“Nothing. You wound me with that remark,” he answered sincerely, putting a hand over his heart “I have always admired your beauty. It just took an absence of a millennium to realize that.”

“Leave me for now,” she decided “I will be keeping an eye on you to see whether or not the so-called ‘Dark King’ is worthy of marriage.”

“Well; she want to keep an eye on me, it's only fair I do the same,” he thought

As he left; Sombra allowed a small black droplet to fall onto the floor. The drop made its way towards Cadence without being noticed. He decided to head into the library and let the others know while the drop did its work.

I have successfully made my way to the Crystal Empire. Phase two of the plan consists of marrying the current princess. Will inform you of my future success.
King Sombra

The note was sent to Daybreaker with a simple flash from his horn. Sombra knew the attack on Canterlot couldn't happen until he had taken his rightful place as king; regardless of how long it would take.
In the throne room; the black droplet made its way into Cadence’s body by making its way into a nearby drinking glass. Once ingested; Sombra would be able to implant her with darkness that would change the Crystal Heart into a receptor for spreading his darkness into everyone else.


“Looks like Sombra is successful,” Chrysalis mused, reading the letter

“This puts us closer to our goal of conquering Equestria,” Grogar said

“If it wasn't for the impatience of Tirek; this would have been further along,” Daybreaker retorted “Now we have to start all over again.”

“Speaking of; Cozy and Chrysalis will be the next part of the plan,” Grogar decided

“Golly; what do you need us for,” Cozy asked curiously

“You two are going to sneak into Canterlot and cause distrust in the population,” Daybreaker instructed “We'll tell you when to get ready.”


After sending the letter to his conspirators; Sombra decided to grab a history book and see what transpired in his absence. Other than the agreement to retain boundaries with Equestria; Sombra found himself written out of history. Wanting revenge; he'd have to take over and make the changes himself.

“What have you been doing,” Cadence questioned, looking at the materials

“I sent a letter to a friend of mine,” he answered simply “I let them know I arrived safe so they didn't worry. After that; I gave myself a history lesson.”

“If that's the truth,” she accused

“I have no reason to lie about a simple letter,” he admitted “Nothing I have said has been a lie; either.”

“I've made my decision,” she announced

“Oh? That seemed quick for an important decision.”

“I have agreed to marry you,” she answered

“When would you want to hold the ceremony?”

“Around Hearth’s Warming. Given this is such an important day; the ceremony should ideally be held where a large gathering of love could be used to continue to power the Crystal Heart,” she explained

“That is reasonable,” he agreed “That way we would have time to finalize the guest list and get the city decorated.”

“And with a few months ahead of us; we can solidify our relationship,” she finished



“It's hard to believe it's been nearly six months since the Horsemen got here,” Twilight mused

“Not only that, but Hearth’s Warming is also approaching,” Rarity added “I still need to get my gift for them finished.”

“How'd everything go with Flim and Flam,” Pinkie asked

“They've kept to their contract from months ago and together we've managed to speed up cider production,” AJ explained “We may even buy the machine from them and pay them back in full.”

“What'd you plan on getting Death and the others,” Fluttershy asked

“Robes like the one I originally made for Death when he and War first arrived,” Rarity answered “I just simply used the model dimensions for Princess Celestia.”

“You know the four of them actually are bigger than Celestia; right,” Dash asked rhetorically “Nearly head and shoulders in height; not counting War’s bulky armor.”

“That makes it better,” Rarity countered “The height differential works in their favor.”

“I don’t get it,” Dash commented dumbfoundedly

“Since it doesn't reach all the way to the ground; they don't have to worry about stiffness when moving around,” Twilight simplified

“That sounds reasonable when you put it that way,” Dash admitted “What about colors?”

“I'm reusing the purple for Death,” Rarity decided “War’s will be red; but the other two I'm not sure of.”

“Strife feels like silver would fit him,” AJ mused “Especially with his pistols.”

“Ooh, ooh,” Pinkie started “What about orange for Fury?”

“That would work well and complement her hair,” Rarity agreed “Thank you both for the suggestions.”

Having the spark of inspiration assisted by her friends; Rarity raced back to the boutique to get started on the projects. Levitating the necessary rolls of fabric; three identical templates were drawn before the fourth was made bigger by a quarter. Over the next few days; each of the three robes were finished as Rarity worked on them simultaneously. With those out of the way; the last one was started.

“That was a workout,” she said out loud “Both magically and physically. Sweetie Belle; could you grab the boxes for me?”

“Got it,” Sweetie called

With her younger sister's assistance; Rarity folded each robe as Sweetie Belle placed them in the boxes and sealed them. Before either could react; the door was opened with a rainbow blur following behind.

“Took you long enough to finish,” an impatient Dash stated

“This was a special order that required finesse,” Rarity countered

“Let's just get these to Twilight’s castle,” Dash muttered “You take two; and I'll get the others.”

A few minutes later; they approached the library as Pinkie wrenched the doors opened and dragged her friends inside.

“We should be on our way by now,” Twilight chastised “You cut it a little close.”

“It couldn't be helped,” Rarity said “The gifts are done and we’re here. That's all that matters.”

“Bye, Spike,” Twilight said “Take care of the library while we're gone!”

“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered “What else am I supposed to do when you leave?”

A few minutes later; the sound of a carriage was heard as a pair of guards pulled it to the door. Rarity climbed in first and took one of the boxes; followed by Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. Once Dash and Twilight took their respective seats; the guards were ready for departure.


“Death; would you and your siblings follow me please,” Celestia asked

“Where exactly are we going this time,” Fury asked

“That's one question taken care of; but how's about 'why' are going somewhere,” Strife chimed in sarcastically

“It's a surprise,” Luna answered “We'll be heading to the dining room.”

With that; Celestia led the group down the hall into the designated room. The tables in the center of the room in which the Horsemen reluctantly took their seats had a Christmas tree in the middle. Each weren't sure what to make of what they were looking at.

“Our guests should be here soon,” Luna added cryptically “The guards are under orders to let them in.”

Due to their orders to get there as soon as possible; the guards took off at a quicker pace and arrived fifteen minutes later. Unfortunately; the occupants were in for a very rough ride in the meantime.

“That was fun! Do it again,” Pinkie exclaimed

“Let's not,” AJ countered “That was rougher than it should have been.”

“Come on. They're waiting for us,” Twilight stated

“Where? I can't read minds last time I checked,” Dash asked sarcastically

“Where would you think it would be held,” Rarity asked

“Where there's plenty of room for people to gather,” Pinkie answered to the other's confusion “The dining room, duh.”

“Let's get going then,” Dash stated impatiently

Twilight took the lead with Rarity and the others in line behind her; each keeping the boxes behind their backs as Fluttershy trailed behind. A simple knock at the door gave them the reason to enter.

“Death; on behalf of my friends and the princesses; we'd like to give you these,” Twilight announced, as the girls handed the boxes over

“What's the occasion,” Strife asked

“HAPPY HEARTH’S WARMING,” everyone said together

“What is this ‘Hearth’s Warming’,” Death asked curiously

“A day to celebrate the joining of the three tribe of ponies,” Celestia answered simply

“Don't you have any holidays you celebrate,” Pinkie asked

“No. Since our creation; there hasn't been anything to celebrate,” Death said

“Well; consider this a gift to you as a way of saying thanks,” Rarity offered

“Thank you,” War said “It fits perfectly.”

“I gotta admit; I do look good in silver,” Strife mused

“It's a bit different than the armor; but it works,” Fury added

“Thank you again for the robe,” Death added

“Why don't you invite your dragon friend,” Pinkie asked, removing the wooden controller

“Why not,” Strife mused “I know something we could use.”

“Care to answer,” War asked

“You'll see.”

“How'd you get that token,” Death asked

“It's my secret,” she answered vaguely

“Strife; why don't you take the honors,” Death offered

“Send Invite,” Strife stated

For the second time; a golden screen popped up with an image of a door. The doors started to morph from its two dimensional shape into three- dimensional and opened to reveal a slightly familiar red dragon holding a staff pointed towards the Horsemen.

“You could put down the wee pointy stick,” Strife offered “We're friendly here.”

“Good to see you again,” Deltorix said, wiping his brow “I thought I was going to be attacked. What can I help you with?”

“We have been celebrating what they call ‘Hearth’s Warming and I figured there was something we could use,” Strife explained

“I have to thank you and War,” Deltorix replied “I won't get into the complicated details; but your tokens really saved my ass.”

“Good to hear,” War said with a smirk

“You mentioned me buying you an item,” Deltorix started “What were you thinking of?”

Strife walked over and whispered what he wanted. After a nod of recognition; Deltorix got to work tapping a screen only visible to himself. Soon after; a red box started to manifest itself out of pixels before completely solidifying.

“Here you are,” Deltorix announced “Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“What was so important you couldn't tell us,” Fury demanded

Strife opened the box to reveal four orange crystals that featured a spiral design on one side. He casually tossed one to each of his siblings in turn as they caught them in mid toss.

“Crystals,” War stated simply

“Wrath crystals to be precise,” Deltorix explained “Just hold it in your hand and concentrate and it will help you reach your ultimate forms. Even better; is they're rechargeable. You'll have to wait twenty-four hours between uses, though.”

“Similar to what Vulgrim gave us before fighting Tirek,” Death mused “Thank you for these. Our contract is complete.”

“Hope they help you on your mission,” Deltorix called before departing through the door


“My lady,” Sombra started “Are you ready?”

“Of course,” Cadence replied “The town’s decorations are finished and my dress is the last thing to put on. Allow me to send the an invitation to Princesses Luna and Celestia.”

“I doubt my friend would be able to join as they are too far away.”


“Lulu; a message just arrived from Cadence,” Celestia announced

“What's it say,” Luna asked

“She invited us to the Crystal Kingdom for a wedding between her and Sombra,” Celestia answered

“Let us go in your place,” War offered

“If this Sombra is a member of the Sins; he must be eliminated,” Death stated

“Can't we go with,” Pinkie begged “It's Hearth’s Warming after all.”

“I'd like to see the architecture there,” Rarity added

“It would be nice to see this mysterious kingdom,” Twilight chimed in

“I suppose I could let the six of you go along with a few guards,” Celestia relented “Death; the four of you will go in our stead to the wedding. If this Sombra is as dangerous as you say; kill him if you have to.”

“Consider it done,” Death replied with a bow of his head

Celestia led the group towards the carriages as two guards were hooked up to each carriage to pull them and another two climbed inside to actually protect the girls. Twilight and the girls climbed into one while Death and the others moved towards the other.

“Just a minute you lot,” Discord directed

“What's the holdup,” Dash demanded

“The four of you can't have your weapons visible,” Discord stated “I have the solution.”

Six clear crystals were summoned by Discord as each floated towards the weapons. With a snap of his fingers; the weapons vanished as the crystals changed. A purple one with the shadow of a scythe fell into Death's hand as an orange one with a whip went to Fury. Strife’s pistols Mercy and Redemption were sent into individual clear crystals that were labelled with an ‘M’ and ‘R’ respectively as War’s Chaoseater and Armageddon blade did the same in red crystals with a ‘C’ and ‘A’ instead.

“There now; all done,” Discord announced

“How do we get them out,” War demanded

“Simply hold the crystal in your hand and concentrate. The same goes for storing them as well,” came the answered “This way; no one knows about the weapons and only you can summon them.”

“Let's get a move on,” an impatient Dash called

“Come on,” Death directed

With no other interruptions the carriages took off as the guards drove through Canterlot and further past the snow-covered mountains near the boarder of the Crystal Empire. Once inside the area proper; the guards slowed to a regular pace before stopping to let their passengers out.

“Wow,” Rarity exclaimed “Look at that architecture.”

“That's why it's called the ‘Crystal’ empire,” Dash pointed out sarcastically

“All that crystal is flawless,” Rarity retorted “That can't be carved without leaving some kind of tool mark behind.”

“It's time to get going,” Twilight said “The wedding will be held outside the castle in the center of town.”

“Keep your crystals within reach and try not to cause excess casualties,” Death said in a low voice as the others simply nodded “Don't use that crystal if at all possible.”

“Amazing,” Rarity continued “Even the residents are crystal ponies.”

“Look at that,” Twilight added “The infamous Crystal Heart I've read about.”

“I don't see much in the way of crystal,” Dash pointed out “It's just black.”

Currently on a pedestal in front of them was a huge heart made out of crystal. Coming up from the ground was black material that covered over ninety percent of the heart, leaving just the round top exposed.

“That doesn't look good,” Fluttershy whispered “Nor does that.”

As the group continued towards the center of town; two black spires were positioned by each entrance of the main plaza.

“I'm disappointed,” a feminine voice stated “Princess Celestia couldn't be bothered to show up to my wedding.”

“Princess Celestia sent us as diplomats,” Twilight replied “Sorry for my rudeness. Allow me to introduce myself and my friends. This is Applejack…”

“Howdy your highness,” AJ offered

“Fluttershy,” Twilight continued, who could only offer a wave in recognition

“Pinkie Pie.”

“Hi there,” she said “May this wedding be happy.”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey,” Dash started, before getting an elbow from Rarity “I mean, hello princess.”

“And finally; Rarity.”

“A pleasure to meet you, princess,” Rarity said with a curtsy

“And who are the four of you,” Sombra asked

“Name's ‘Hotshot’,” Strife answered quickly, improvising on the spot “This hotheaded sister of ours is…”

“Finish that line brother and you will regret it,” Fury threatened

“My sister's name is ‘Hothead’,” Strife answered hastily, before taking a moment to think “The big guy's name is ‘Warren Peace’ and finally we have ‘Gore Grimskull’.”

“That actually fits,” War muttered

“Nice to meet you all,” Sombra said dismissively “We hope the representatives of Canterlot enjoy the wedding.”

Not caring to continue further conversation; both Cadence and Sombra headed to a podium erected in the center of the plaza as a clergyman followed behind them to begin the ceremony.

“We are gathered here today to join Mi Amore Cadenza and the ‘Dark King’ Sombra in holy matrimony,” the clergyman started to applause “Joining us are representatives from neighboring Canterlot. Now; do you, King Sombra, take Mi Amore Cadenza as your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do,” Sombra announced confidently

“And do you; Mi Amore Cadenza, take King Sombra as your lawfully wedded husband,” the clergyman continued

“I do,” Cadence replied in a slight monotone voice

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the clergyman finished

Sombra watched as the last portion of the black material spread over the Crystal Heart, completely covering it. To go with the newly blackened Crystal Heart, the sky overhead started to darken ominously.

“Finally,” Sombra said cheerfully “Hail to the king! Long live King Sombra!”

“What did you do,” Twilight yelled

“I'm taking what's mine,” he answered “None of you could ever begin to understand!”

“You really do live up to your Sin,” Strife joked “You're one greedy bastard.”

Twilight and the others watched as Sombra lit his horn and all nearby crystal ponies had their eyes turn black and made their way towards the visitors.

“What are they doing,” Rarity asked

“Simple. They're going to stop you from interfering in my plans,” Sombra retorted “Now that I am in charge of the Crystal Empire; I will take my forces and head to Canterlot. Afterwards; my friends will defeat the princesses and we'll rule all of Equestria.”

“You four,” Death ordered “Protect them!”

Each of the four undead guards took their place surrounding the girls as they; along with three of the Horsemen; were crowded together. One of the crystal ponies struck one the guards, causing it to double over before a second kicked it in the head; seemingly breaking its neck as it was turned backwards.

“He's dead,” Fluttershy said sadly

“What the hay is it doing,” AJ demanded

“What it was told to do,” Death answered

The girls watched as the injured guard started turning its head back to the correct position with sickening accuracy. In the meantime; War removed his robe and tossed it towards his brother and moved just as Sombra created multiple black spikes to form a cage that prevented any further escape.

“Warren, was it? Your friends are going to die,” Sombra taunted “Not right away, mind you; but they are going to suffer in the meantime. How long do you suppose they will last without oxygen?”

“Just ‘War’ is fine,” War replied simply “My siblings will be fine; but I want you to know one thing. I will kill you.”

“That's actually funny,” Sombra said wiping an eye “What can an alicorn like you do against the Dark King!?”

“You believe yourself to be powerful; but you have no idea what real power is,” War argued

“Do tell,” Sombra retorted “What do you think real power is?”


“We're doomed! Do-hoo-hoo-hoomed,” Rarity choked through sobs“We're not getting out of here!”

“Can't you three do anything,” Dash demanded

“Not in a confined space,” Strife answered

“Just stop,” Death and Twilight stated

“Fighting is just going to expend more oxygen,” Death elaborated “Just remain calm. War will figure a way to get us out.”

“What did you do to the guards,” Dash demanded

“We'll save the explanations for another time; if you don't mind,” Strife stated


“I'll give you one chance,” Sombra taunted “Hit me as hard as you can with your best spell. Not quarter strength or half strength. As. Hard. As. You. Can.”

“I don't need magic to destroy you,” War replied

“Do you really believe you can beat me without a sword,” Sombra continued, drawing his claymore

War reached towards his belt and removed one of the crystals Discord gave him to hide his swords. Wanting his signature blade, Chaoseater; he allowed the blade to be summoned, much to Sombra’s shock.

“Where did that sword come from,” Sombra demanded “What kind of spell did you use!?”

“Why should I tell you anything?”

“You're a funny guy,” Sombra taunted “It's a shame I have to kill you.”

“I've heard the same taunt from many others in my lifetime; and none of them are alive.”

Both readied their swords as the bewitched Crystal ponies formed a perimeter around them to allow an area to fight before Sombra charged at War. The side of Chaoseater was brought up to block before a wild swipe was taken in retribution as Sombra moved.

“Too slow,” Sombra taunted “Do you really think you can beat me with a cumbersome blade?”

“You talk too damn much,” War stated

War drove Chaoseater into the ground, allowing blades to shoot out in a circular formation. The force of the eruption caused the Crystal ponies surrounding them to be thrown backwards. Without any room to maneuver; Sombra allowed a black spike to lift him up just as the blades passed.

“Nice trick; but there won't be a repeat,” Sombra stated

Before War could remove his blade from the ground; Sombra charged in and slashed at War’s chest; only for stone to cover his body in response.

“What are you,” Sombra demanded, repeatedly slashing War

“Your doom.”

Sombra stopped his assault and gave a wide berth as War finally yanked the blade free from the ground. Before the former could react; War summoned his chain on his forearm and started to drag the Dark King to him while holding Chaoseater at his side.

“Go to Hell,” War stated

With that; the blade was thrust into Sombra; killing him. The black material surrounding Twilight and company; along with the rest of Crystal Empire shattered onto the sidewalk as the Crystal ponies returned to normal.

“What happened? Where’s Sombra,” Cadence asked, shaking her head “I just had a really weird dream. I dreamt I was under some kind of control.”

“It was no dream,” War replied “As for Sombra; he's dead.”

“What was the last thing you remember,” Twilight asked

“The last thing I remember was meeting him months ago,” Cadence answered “Everything from that point until now is just a blank.”

“Looks like this marriage has been annulled,” the clergyman stated “Hail Princess Cadence!”

“That's two down,” War mused

“How do we figure out who's next,” Strife asked “They're going to be more protected now than ever.”


“Get going,” Daybreaker ordered

“What about Sombra,” Chrysalis questioned “He hasn't contacted us for a while.”

“We need to split up. The last thing we need if for whoever killed Tirek to catch us unaware,” Daybreaker stated

“Cozy will continue from the Badlands into Equestria properly. Keep your head down while there,” Grogar stated “No need to draw unnecessary attention to yourself.”

“Yes sir,” Cozy answered

Following a bow of acknowledgement; the two stretched their wings and took off from the cave. Despite being on dragon territory; agreements were made not to result in violence between them. One of the dragons that was already in flight lowered itself to allow Cozy Glow to land while a second assisted Chrysalis. Although both could probably fly the distance; the assistance across the ocean was appreciated.

“I hate this,” Daybreaker muttered as a tear dripped

“It had to be done,” Grogar offered reassuringly

“And yet it feels wrong,” she said

“Good thing everyone left,” he stated as his original demeanor returned “They'd see their leader go soft!”

“Never,” she stated, wiping her eyes defiantly “I can't afford to show weakness."