• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 6,948 Views, 219 Comments

Phoenix-born rising - the ascension of Sunset Shimmer [1st ed.] - The Voice in the Water

The day of ascension has come. After 100 years, a new pheonix shall hatch, and with that, one child with great potential shall be chosen to be reborn in its flames. But, when a young orphan is chosen, it throws everything into chaos.

  • ...

The coronation - phoenix-born triumphant

*Solaria royal palace, six years later*

Sunset adjusted the hem of her dress again, trying to get everything perfect. Were her belts properly asymmetric? Her blouse wrinkle free? Her earrings and necklace matching? Ugh, she wished that Roseluck was here. She’d have been able to figure this stuff out.

‘Oh, don’t worry Sunny. You’re just going to finally be declared Duchess of the western territories. Nothing you need to worry about.’ A smug voice said in Sunset’s mind. ‘I mean, it's not like all of Solaria is going to be watching.’

Turning away from her mirror, Sunset glared at Philomena, the phoenix resting on her custom gold, ruby and topaz crusted perch. The perch itself was one of Sunset’s own pieces, made by the phoenix-born's own hand three years ago as a gift for her bond partner.

‘Don’t remind me feather-butt.’ Sunset sent through their bond, feeling a playful ‘shove’ back from the phoenix. ‘It’s not the coronation I’m really worried about…’

‘Right, it’s what we're dealing with before it.’ Philomena replied, her feathers fluffing out in irritation.

‘Yea.’ Sunset projected with a sigh. Turning her mind away from… unpleasant thoughts, her blazing hair divided itself into a half a dozen smaller flaming tendrils. Each one reached down to her makeup case and carefully began to pull out small jars and brushes, which, despite contact with her fire, remained unharmed.

‘You’ve gotten really good at that sun-butt.’ Philomena said as Sunset closed her eyes and borrowed the phoenix’s sight.

‘That’s what happens when you practice a skill, Mena. You should try it sometime.’ Sunset replied as her hair tendrils lifted her makeup and began to apply it to her face. Crushed topaz powder to bring out her complexion and make her glow. Onyx tinted eyeliner to accentuate the teal of her eyes. Coral lip stain to draw attention to her mouth. Each tendril moved with precision, applying the makeup with utmost delicacy.

'Please, I don't need to practice,' Philomena sent back with a playful tone as she puffed her chest out. 'I'm already perfect at everything I do.'

'Sure you are Mena,' Sunset sent back with a hint of mock condescension, 'sure you are.'

The two shared an unspoken laugh as Sunset cracked her eyes open. Looking at herself in the mirror, she twisted her head from side to side, looking for any imperfections. With a small smile, Sunset felt that she’d gotten it right, and, after returning her makeup to its case, relaxed her hair, allowing it to return to its natural cascade of living flame.

Sunset sighed as she stood to re-examined her dress. Full length and starting as a darker shade of the same teal as her eyes, the fabric formed several concentric layers growing lighter as it went up her body, and made to look like flowing water. Around her waist were four silk belts, each one knotted in a diagonal across her stomach, and tipped with fringed tassels. Her torso was covered with a simple, teal and gold-trimmed corset studded with polished aquamarines. Accenting the whole ensemble was a brilliant gold necklace with matching earrings decorated with a piece of red coral carved into the shape of a phoenix feather.

‘So, what are we going to do about… them?’ Philomena projected with an unusually serious tone, her wings rustling with irritation. ‘We both know that a lot of them still have it out for us. Especially the ones who wanted to expand their influence out west.’

'We don't show fear, and if it comes to it, we put them in their place.' Sunset’s eyebrows furrowed in irritation as she thought back over the last six years, and to the headache waiting for her once she was appointed.


Sunset was still riding high on the bonding between herself and Philomena. Raven, Roseluck, Dylis and Amara had led the new phoenix-born from the stage and out of the amphitheater, making sure she was constantly flanked by the Duchess's personal guards. They were quickly and efficiently loaded into a carriage, and whisked away towards the royal Solarian castle.

Sitting in the carriage, Sunset marveled at the beauty and opulence of the vehicle. The cushions were so soft, and everything was trimmed in gold and velvet, including the perches that the two elder phoenixes were resting on. Gulping, she realized that just to decorate the inside of this carriage would have cost more radiants than she’d probably make in fifty years.

The feeling of homesickness soon began to manifest itself again. Feeling Philomena’s concern, she gently hugged the little phoenix to herself, drawing strength from their bond.

“Sunset.” Raven said, her voice its usual even tone. “When we arrive, we will be going to meet the Queen. Frankly, we have much to discuss, and much to prepare you for.”

Sunset looked up, her face fearful.

“I won’t lie, young one.” Roseluck said as she patted the young girl on the shoulder. “Your world is about to change forever. Your ascension has most likely thrown the plans of many powerful people into disarray, and may have made you some dangerous enemies. But, Queen Celestia will know what to do.”

“So… what happens to me now?” Sunset said as she scratched Philomena under the chin, earning a few happy squeaks from the firebird. “Doesn't being a phoenix-born meant that I’m more or less nobility now?”

Raven and Roseluck shared a brief look.

“In a sense. You’ll be given a title when you come of age. Most likely you’ll be a Duchess, like Roseluck.” Raven said, “But, the title alone isn’t enough to protect you. You will need to be trained. Politics. Combat. Leadership. Magic. There are skills that many of those who would attempt to harm you have at their disposal, and you, frankly, are ill prepared to face them as you are now.”

“Raven and I will do what we can.” Roseluck said as she looked out the carriage’s window. “But, it will be the Queen who will be providing most of your tutelage.”

“Queen Celestia!?” Sunset screamed, startling Philomena, “But… but she’s the Queen. Why would she be the one to teach me? I’m nobody compared to her.”

“Don’t be so sure about that." Roseluck chuckled. "Did you know that every ascendant learns under the Queen’s tutelage to prepare them for what they’ll face in the high court? Even Raven here was taught by the Queen when she first bonded with Dilys.”

“It's true Sunset.” Raven said as she crossed her legs and scratched Dylis behind the head, earning a happy trill from the phoenix. “For the foreseeable future, you’re going to be the Queen’s personal student. She’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

There was a brief pause as Sunset let what she'd been told sink in. Once again, she looked at Philomena, gently scratching the little phoenix under her chin.

“…can she teach me forging and smithing too?” Sunset said in a quiet voice.

The two elder phoenix-born shared a look, before turning their attention back to Sunset.

“If that's something you'd like, I'm sure she could be convinced. But why would that be a problem?” Roseluck asked as she regarded Sunset.

“…smithing and forging aren't a pursuit fit for the nobility.” Sunset said quietly.

"And you think flower gardening is?" Roseluck said with a warm laugh. "Sunset, sweet child, even after all these years, I still love personally tending my garden. You'd think that I was rolling around in bile-worm slime the way some of the other dukes and duchesses act when they hear that I would "lower" myself to touching dirt."

"And," Raven whispered as she leaned forward, "don't tell this to anyone else, but Celestia helped create the art of forging. You couldn't ask for a better teacher."

"Really?" Sunset said with wide eyed joy.

"Really. I'm sure she'd be happy to give you a few lessons." Raven said as she leaned back into her seat.

Looking down at Philomena, Sunset smiled. Perhaps things could work out.


Sunset’s world was wracked with agony as she clutched her stomach. The pain was like nothing she’d ever felt before, and her screams rang out through her dining room as she rolled around on the floor, desperate to make the pain stop.

‘Sunset!’ Philomena desperately cried through their bond, ‘I've found Raven and the Queen! They're on their way! Hold on! Please, Sunset! Hold on!’

Sunset tried to reply, but could only send a short feeling of ‘I’ll try’ through her bond with her phoenix. She could feel Philomena pouring her own inner fire into Sunset, desperate to keep her bond partner alive. It was working, but the young phoenix couldn’t keep it up for long. Even with her massive well of inner flame, Philomena was still only a year old, and couldn’t keep this output up indefinitely.

Just as another wave of pain pulsed through Sunset, causing her to vomit up the tea she’d been drinking, the doors of her private chambers burst open. Moments later, Raven rushed in, soon followed by the massive and regal form of Queen Celestia, the great winged centaur dropping to her knees as she bent over Sunset’s convulsing form.

“Sunset!” Raven cried as she cradled the young phoenix-born. “Sunset, stay with us! Damned darkness, what’s wrong with her?”

“Give me a moment.” Celestia said. Lifting one of her hands, she began weaving it through the air in a small, elegant dance. Moments later, a golden light enveloped Sunset, which slowly turned purple around her stomach and heart.

“It's wrath-vine poison.” Celestia said with a growl. “We need to get her to the bathtub immediately.”

“Yes, your highness.” Raven said as she scooped Sunset up in her arms and took to the air, a tendril of black fire lashing out from her head and slamming doors open as she went. Reaching the washroom, Raven gently laid Sunset down in the tub, then stepped back cautiously as she heard Celestia approach, the centaur having to duck under the door frame to enter.

‘Sunset! Can you hear me?’ Philomena called through their bond. ‘Queen Celestia will help you. You’re going to be okay! You hear me?! You’re going to be okay!’

Sunset could only send a soft assurance to her partner as the next wave of pain hit her, causing the world to fade away for a moment. All she wanted the pain to end.

“She’s fading!” Raven yelled somewhere far away. Far away from the pain.

“Step back.” the Queen ordered.

A strange sensation began to envelop Sunset. It was like being covered in a envelope of warm, viscous liquid. The sensation was pleasant and soothing, taking her mind away from the pain. The agony was still there, but the warmth made it somewhat bearable. Reaching out through her bond, she searched for Philomena. Moments later, she felt the phoenix reply. No words were needed. Her partner was there for her. She was always there for her.

The heat penetrated into her body, slowly making its way towards the two places the pain was emanating from within her. The heat wrapped itself around the pain, and in an instant, burnt it away, leaving only a strange drowsiness in its wake.

“I think she’s going to be fine.” Sunset heard a voice very similar to that of the Queen somewhere off in the distance.

“How did this happen?” Raven said from an equally far away place.

“I have a suspicion.” The Queen said in a shockingly cold voice. "Go check the tea she was drinking."

Sunset vaguely heard footsteps walking away as a pair of arms slowly slid under her and lifted her out of the tub. But she was too tired to open her eyes and see who it was. All she wanted right now was to sleep.

She felt the being carrying her somewhere, the motion accompanied by a slow staccato clacking, before she was laid down on a soft surface.

‘Philomena…’ Sunset weakly called through her bond.

There was a flapping of wings and a weight landed at her side, before something warm pressed itself up to her and snuggled under her chin.

‘I’m here Sunset.’ The phoenix said through their bond. ‘I'm right here.’

Sunset’s arms somehow found the strength to gently hug the phoenix to her chest, before she felt the subtle weight of Philomena resting her head in the crook of Sunset’s neck.

‘I’m right here.’


Sunset set down her engraving tools and looked at the frame of her latest creation. Small, golden, beetle-like, the little mechanical device sparkled and glittered in the light of the crucible’s flame. Rising from the bench where she’d been assembling her creation, she sauntered over to her forge, and placed it on the raised altar in the center. Stepping back, she shed her work apron and clothes, replacing them with a set of crimson robes composed of long, flowing strips of silk decorated with fire-caller runes.

Now came the tricky part.

‘You sure you’re ready for this Sunset.’ Philomena said through their bond as she watched from a safe distance. ‘The last one didn’t work out so good.’

Sunset smiled at Philomena’s concern.

‘I’m sure Mena.’ Sunset said. ‘I know it’ll work this time.’

‘If you say so.’ The phoenix quipped back.

‘And if it doesn’t, we learn something from the failure. Nothing wrong with that.’ Sunset reassured her partner.

'Well, hopefully this one doesn't explode like the last one did.' Philomena snarked with a gentle push through their bond.

Sunset smiled back, before taking a deep breath, then turned to the other occupant of the room: Queen Celestia.

The great centaur was seated next to Philomena’s perch, regally sipping a cup of tea as she watched Sunset.

“I’m ready, your majesty.” Sunset said with a slight bow to Celestia.

“Of that, I have no doubt.” Celestia said as she took a sip of her tea. “Please, begin. I’m eager to see if your little invention works.”

Nodding, Sunset allowed herself to begin to move to an unheard melody as she began her forging dance. It began with slow steps as she began to circle the altar, her body barely weaving as she began to channel her inner fire, but soon shifting to a elegant and flowing full body dance as she poured herself into her flame. To imbue her creation with mobility, she summoned her determination. To give it cunning, her curiosity. To make it hers and hers alone, she filled her heart with love and loyalty. These feelings she fed into her inner fire, allowing it to blossom and burn bright.

As she fed her flame, her dance became wilder as she felt the fire wrestling for control, seeking to burst forth as it saw fit. The temptation to let it burn as it willed was intoxicating.

Sunset focused her mind and clamped down on the fire. No. The fire did not control her. She controlled it. The fire was her’s. Not the other way around.

As she brought the dance back under control, her body began to move more precisely. Dipping, swirling, her legs and arms twirling around and around, she wove her fire. Soon, thin streams of luminous energy began to emanate from her body. Imposing her will once more, she tamed the flame. Focused it. And directed it into the little mechanical scarab on the altar.

She could feel her flame filling the runes she’d engraved on the inside of the device’s carapace, willing it to burn like a miniature rushlight.

Dipping and swirling around the alter again and again, she wove her flame into the device, until with one final flourish, she dropped to a knee and placed her hands on the ground, severing the flow of her flame and sealing the forging.

Sunset rose to her feet, panting for breath as she studied her work. The enchantments she wove were still settling into place, coalescing into their final form.

Then, there was a twitch in one of the legs.

Sunset held her breath.

Another followed as the little device slowly twitched and spasmed, before quieting.

‘Do you think it worked?’ Philomena asked through their bond.

‘I’m… not sure.’ Sunset said as she watched the golden beetle.

Slowly, the beetle lifted itself off the table and began to crawl around. It was working. It was working! Sunset almost wanted to jump up and down with joy, but contained herself. She had to behave properly before the Queen.

“Well done Sunset.” Sunset heard from behind, accompanied by the sound of soft applause. Turning, Sunset bowed humbly to her Queen.

“I couldn’t have done it without your guidance, your majesty.” Sunset said as she rose from her bow and regarded her sovereign.

“Please, there’s no need to be so modest.” The Queen said as she rose to her hooves and trotted over to Sunset. “You were the one to devise the enchantments and runes. I merely provided you with the guidance. It was your ingenuity and genius that made your project possible.”

“You flatter me, your majesty.” Sunset said with a blush.

‘Don’t let it go to your head, Sunset.’ Philomena snarked through their bond, ‘We still have to see how long it actually lasts.’

Sunset sent a small, playful shove through her bond, earning a giggle and return shove from the phoenix. It was true though. Sealing an enchantment permanently was still beyond Sunset’s abilities, so none of her creations lasted long. But, this was still an accomplishment. Most smiths couldn’t manage animating magic until they were masters themselves. Sunset had done so in under three years.

“Well, now that we’re done here, I do believe it’s time for your governance lessons.” The Queen said as she turned and began to walk towards the exit of the forge.

‘Ugh!’ Sunset groaned to Philomena through their bond as she began to remove her forging garments and slip back into her regular clothes. ‘Why can’t we just focus on forging. I hate politics.’

‘Because,’ Philomena said as she flew over to Sunset, whom extended an arm and allowed the phoenix to land on her forearm. Reaching up, Sunset scratched the firebird under the chin, earning a happy chirp in return, ‘you need these lessons so that you’re not caught with your skirt down when you take over the western territories. The Queen and Raven have been doing their best to keep the nobles out, but they’re persistent.’

Sunset sighed.

‘I know. I know. Those bastards still have it out for me. How many times have they tried to have me killed now?’ Sunset sent to Philomena as she began to follow behind the Queen.

‘Seven last time I counted.’ Philomena said as Sunset transferred her from her forearm to the special leather pauldron on her shoulder. ‘Two attempts with assassins. Four poisoning attempts, one of which nearly succeeded. Oh, and that really creative one with the frost-bomb left in your room.’

Sunset felt her anger rising.

‘I hate them all so much, you know.’ She sent as she finally caught up with the Queen. ‘I swear, one day, I’m going to pay them back for all of it, with interest. And, with any luck, that little device of mine is going to help.’

‘Oh?’ Philomena sent with interest. ‘How so.’

‘I’m still working out the particulars, but I’m pretty sure I can find a way to enchant them to spy on the nobles for me.’ Sunset sent with an internal smirk. ‘Think about the possibilities, Mena. Dozens of those tiny beetles, recording and sending me all sorts of juicy secrets and information. Information I can use to put those pompous asses in their place.’

‘Hmmm. I like the sound of that.’ Philomena sent as she rubbed her head against Sunset’s cheek. Reaching up, Sunset scratched the back of the phoenix’s neck.

‘Yea. Me too feather-butt. Me too.’



Sunset turned from her work bench at the enthusiastic cry, only to be scooped up in a warm yet bone-crushing hug, her vision obscured by a curtain of pink, curly hair.

“Hi…Pinkie…” Sunset managed to wheeze out. “It’s good to… see you… too.”

“Oh, I missed you so much! It’s been way too long!” Pinkie Pie all but wailed as she squeezed Sunset even tighter, swinging her back and forth.

‘Need some help sun-butt?’ Philomena sent with a smug tone.

‘Not yet. I’ll let you know if I do.’ Sunset replied.

“Pinkie, could yah put er’ down? Ah’d like a chance to visit with our friend, not have to ask for ah chiropractor.” A second voice drawled. Extracting her face from Pinkie’s hair, she spotted both Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“Hey girls.” Sunset wheezed out as her face shifted to a warm but pained smile.

“Sup Sunset. / Hey sugarcube.”

The crushing pressure on Sunset’s ribs abated as Pinkie put her down and bounced in place, clearly giddy to see her.

“Light above, how long has it been?” Sunset said as she hugged all three girls in turn.

“Four years. And just look at you!” Rainbow said as she circled Sunset, inspecting the young woman. “Who’d have guessed that little Sunset Shimmer of all people would have ended up a phoenix-born? And completely out of left field too.”

“It’s just ah shame that yah couldn’t visit or nothin’. If it weren’t for yer letters, ah’d have thought you forgot all about us.” Applejack said. “Not that ah’d be mad about that, because I would be.”

“Hey, Sunny’d never do that to us!” Pinkie said as she skipped over to Sunset’s work bench, picking up a metallic cylinder covered in runes.

“You got that right.” Sunset said as she walked up to Pinkie and gently took the object out of her hand and set it back on the bench. Grabbing the earth-weaver’s shoulders, Sunset guided her away from the numerous delicate, dangerous and/or expensive things on her bench. Letting Pinkie mess with her enchanting tools was just asking for trouble.

Ushering the others out of the workshop, she led them towards her study. “I may have had to move to Solaria, but Golden Tree’s my home, and you girls… you’re the closest thing to family I’ve got. I’d never throw that away. Don’t you ever forget it.”

Entering Sunset's study, the girls stopped to gawk at the room. Aside from the sheer opulence of the things in the room: couches, books shelves, tables and chairs, there were dozens of moving sculptures. Some of them were small, barely big enough to fit in the palm of a hand, while others were taller than the girls, even Applejack. And, in the corner, resting on her perch, was Philomena, who eyed Sunset’s friends with amusement.

“Still sucks that it took this long just to get to visit.” Rainbow said as she walked up to examine the moving sculptures. “You made these?”


“That’s pretty damn cool. Not as cool as me, but still pretty cool.” Rainbow said.

“I know Rainbow. I know.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “But yea, it took forever to get you girls cleared to enter the palace. Security around this place is crazy, especially after all the…”

Sunset cut herself off, but the damage had been done. All three of her friends were now looking at her, curious.

“Ah’ll the what sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

Sunset’s hair wavered nervously. She didn’t want to tell the girls about it, but… they were her friends. They deserved to know.

“I’m sure you know that the nobles weren’t happy about my ascension.” Sunset said.

“Yea.” Rainbow said sadly as she came back up to Sunset. “There was a lot of pretty terrible gossip that came out of Solaria about it. We didn’t believe most of it, but it was still awful to hear.”

“You don’t know the half of it.” Sunset said as she slumped down onto a sofa. “They’ve been attacking me constantly since I bonded with Philomena. Where I’m from, and how that makes me unfit to become a Duchess. My ‘impure bloodline’, because I’m an orphan. My ‘low class’ profession as a smith. Hell, even the ‘quality’ of the people I’m friends with. Not to mention how many times they’ve just tried to kill me.”

“What!?” All three girls screamed.

“It's true. I’ve had almost a dozen attempts on my life so far. Most of them never got close, but the first couple… well, the first time they tried it, they managed to slip me wrath-vine leaf.” Sunset said with a shudder. “If it wasn’t for the Queen, I’d be dead.”

“Oh Sunny, that’s awful.” Pinkie said as she hugged Sunset, far more gently than usual.

“Damn.” Applejack said, lowering her hat over her eyes.

“Bastards.” Rainbow growled. “I hope the Queen ripped them apart for that.”

“Heh, that’s the worst part.” Sunset groaned, “We only caught the person who slipped the leaves into my tea, not who hired them. And the list of nobles that want me gone is way too long to narrow it down.”

“So, what, those mean, stuck-up jerks get to keep trying to hurt you? That’s not right.” Pinkie growled as she hugged Sunset a little tighter.

“No. The Queen put more of her personal guards around me, and has been teaching me how to defend myself, both in combat, and in the house of nobles.” Sunset said as she leaned into Pinkie’s hug. “It’s still awful, you know. Everyone always dreams of becoming a phoenix-born. The prestige, the power… being one of the elites of Solarian society. But… now that I’m one of them, I see the other side of things.”

Gently pulling herself free of Pinkie’s hug, she walked over to Philomena and gently stroked her head. “I wouldn’t give up my bond with Philomena for the world, but everything around it? It… changes your life so much. I’m expected to be a leader now. Expected to rule. I thought I’d enjoy it, but… I don’t. I miss you girls. I miss home. I miss Tender Heart, Bronze Hammer and everyone back in Golden Tree. I’m going to be responsible for all of you soon. What if I mess up. What if I’m not good enough and the nobles find a way to ruin Golden Tree to spite me. I wouldn’t put it past most of them, honestly.”

“Sunset… do you trust us?” Rainbow asked.

“What sort of question is that, Rainbow? Of course I trust you.” Sunset said as she turned to her friends. “All of you.”

“Then trust us when we say we’re here for you. Sure, it might not mean much, but you don’t have to do this alone.” Rainbow said as she rose, her wings flaring out a little.

“She’s right sugarcube.” Applejack said before slapping her hands on her knees and rose from the couch. “Yah said it yerself. Yah’re family, and if there’s one thing we Apples do, it’s stick with family.”

“All of Golden Tree is behind you. You might not know it, but everyone’s super duper proud of you.” Pinkie said as she bounced off the couch and towards Sunset. “When they learned that you’d been chosen, there was a week long party to celebrate. You’re a hero back home, Sunny.”

“Girls, I…” Sunset said, but found herself at a loss for words.

“So don’t worry yourself none Sunset. We’re with yah, come thick or thin.” Applejack said as she clapped Sunset on the shoulder.

‘Heh, I like them.’ Philomena sent.

‘Yea, so do I.’ Sunset replied as she started to tear up.

Without a word, Sunset gathered her friends up into a group hug. This was what she was missing in her life.

“Thank you so much girls.” Sunset said as held her friends tight.


Sunset walked down the hallway towards her destiny, her dress flowing behind her as she did. Philomena was perched on her shoulder, her usual leather pauldron replaced with a far more extravagant rosewood one. This was it. The ceremony was only an hour away. All that was left was the Queen's confirmation before the nobility.

As she approached, Sunset found herself smirking with almost cruel relish. Six years. For six years, these bastards had been making her life hell. But now? Now they couldn’t deny her any longer. She’d survived their assassination attempts. She’d learned to play their game. She’d built her power base in her soon to be granted domain. Her reputation was secured, both among the general populace as an advocate for their plight, and among the trend setters in Solaria thanks to the Queen commissioning her to create new artistic pieces for the palace. And what the Queen wanted, the rest of Solaria did too.

And through her scarabs, she’d gathered enough dirt on the nobility that she could destroy most of them if their improprieties ever came to light. She'd made an example of a couple that were foolish enough to go after the Apple family and force them off their land last year. It still gave her a thrill to think that all it took was a dozen leaked bank records, a couple of threats to the right people, and the testimony of a clerk they'd coerced into "misfiling" some land ownership papers to completely destroy any chance of the Flim Flam brothers ever owning land in the west. Or anywhere in Solaria for that matter.

But, that was only fair. They threatened her family. She destroyed theirs.

‘Well Mena, you ready for this?’ Sunset sent to her partner.

‘As I’ll ever be Sunny.’

‘Good. Because here we go.’

With little fanfare, Sunset strode into the house of nobles, head held high as she regarded the others in the room. Seated at the highest level was Queen Celestia, her elegant form clothed in a dress custom made to fit her unique body, and bearing the royal crown, scepter and sun-sphere of Solaria.

Below her were the other phoenix-born, Raven Inkwell sitting closest to the solar monarch, with Roseluck, Spitfire, and Steel Sentry below her. Next to Roseluck was an empty chair, which would soon be Sunset’s.

Around the perimeter of the room were the other nobles, lords and dukes of Solaria. Sunset knew most of them now, if only through her espionage. A pit of vipers, all of them, but many she’d defanged through judicious applications of blackmail. Not the best way to make friends, but it was the best tool she had at the moment. And to be frank, she doubted any of them had any interest in being her friend. Not with how many times they’d tried to have her killed.

“Welcome, Sunset Shimmer.” Raven said as she rose, with Dilys perched behind her. “I trust you are ready for your confirmation.”

“I am, Lady Raven.” Sunset said, smirking a little as some of the nobles bristled at the familiarity with which she addressed Raven. But for Sunset, it was a deliberate move, to remind them just how close she and the senechal were. She was favored by Queen Celestia’s second. And there was little to nothing they could do about it.

“Very well. Please step forward.” Raven said as she took her seat.

Stepping onto the raised platform, Sunset looked around at the assembled nobility. Fire-callers. Earth-weavers. Sky-runners. Each one representing what should be the highest ideals of their race. Most of them made her sick. They weren’t leaders. They were parasites. Disgusting, fat parasites that sought to destroy anything that they felt was beneath them.

She would not bow before them ever again.

“Sunset Shimmer,” Raven said as she banged her gavel, “by right of ascension, you are hereby granted a place upon this august council, and the tile of Duchess of the western territories. Do you swear to uphold the law of Solaria? To serve her people and guard them against all foes? To pledge your life to your domain, and to serve the crown with all that you have?”

“I do, Lady Raven.” Sunset said as she bowed her head respectfully.

“Do any here have reason to deny Sunset Shimmer this appointment?” Raven said as she regarded the room.

Sunset could see several members of the assembly squirming in their seats. She knew they wanted to oppose. Just as she knew that their reasons were naught but petty complaints about Sunset’s former status as a commoner. But they wouldn’t voice them. Not anymore. Not when Sunset had so many of them caught in a noose of their own making.

“Nobody? Well, this is surprising.” Raven said with a chuckle, as she shared a knowing look with Sunset. After all, Sunset was more than willing to share with her friends, and both Raven and Roseluck had earned that particular title over the years.

“I do.” Came a voice from one of the benches. All eyes turned to a grayish pink earth-weaver with magenta and heliotrope colored hair.

“Very well, speak your piece, Lady Rich.” Raven said evenly.

“Allowing this child to take control of the western domain is unacceptable. She has not proven her worth as a leader, nor has she been given nearly enough training. Frankly, she should not have even been allowed to maintain company within this august assembly.” Lady Rich said with a sneer. “After all, she is not of noble blood. How could someone like her properly rule.”

There was a murmur of agreement in the room as the other nobles began to gather their courage. A glance from Sunset silenced many of them, but others, emboldened by Spoiled Rich’s words, began to rise as well to speak out against her.

“I see.” Came a calm, regal voice from above, instantly silencing all voices in the room. Looking directly at the noblewoman, Queen Celestia continued. “So, you feel that her training is insufficient. Yet, I was the one who trained her. And I was the one who decided she was ready. Do you believe my training is insufficient, Lady Rich?”

Spoiled Rich froze, before her eyes scanned the room. Nobody was looking at her.

“Of course not, your majesty. I simply do not believe that she is suited for the position. She may have the training, so graciously provided by your Majesty, Lady Inkwell and Duchess Roseluck, but she is no leader.” Spoiled continued. “She’s an artist. A smith. A scholar and mage. Her passion is creativity and working with her hands, not governance. As such, I do not believe that she will properly manage her domain. Better to leave her to her… frivolous pursuits and leave the management of the west to those properly suited for it.”

“Here here, Lady Rich.” Archduke Highblood chimed in as he rose. “She may have been… chosen by Philomena, but that does not make her worthy of being granted the status of royalty. At best, she should only be titled a demesne for her use, nothing more.”

There was an ugly murmur throughout the room. Looking up, Sunset saw Raven, Roseluck and Queen Celestia regarding her with anticipation. And she knew then and there that they would not come to her aid in this. No, this was Sunset’s fight to win or lose. She would have to fight for her station.

Clearing her throat, Sunset raised her head and addressed the assembled nobles whom all turned to look at her.

“By what metric do you define a capable leader then, Lady Rich and Archduke Highblood?” Sunset said as she looked to the two nobles that had spoken out against her.

“Hmph. You dare ask such a question child?” the Archduke scoffed. “A leader is one who inspires loyalty and confidence in their people. One who is willing to make difficult decisions to serve those they have had placed in their care. One who is able to consider many angles all at once, and find the choice that best serves their domain, not just for their own benefit, but for the benefit of those they govern. And I doubt you have such qualities, little girl.”

“I see. Then, let me speak to my qualifications, given the criteria you have laid down.” Sunset said as she took a deep breath. This was it.

“To your first point, a leader inspires confidence and loyalty in their people. These things I have done. Go out to the western territories, and ask just about any resident their opinion of me. I would be willing to wager that they would stand by me before they would stand by anyone else in this room other than Lady Raven or Queen Celestia. The people of the western territories know me, because I’m one of them. I was born among them. Raised among them. I came from the very bottom of the ladder, and while it is true that my rise was not of my choosing, I will not shirk my duty to them. They know I stand with them, and they stand with me in turn.

“You speak of inspiring the loyalty of the people, yet how many times have those under your domain cried out for succor against some great calamity in their ranks, and you did nothing. You, Archduke, do not inspire loyalty or confidence. You rule because of your birthright. But the nature of your birth does not determine your ability to lead others. Is that not right, Lady Roseluck?”

Roseluck’s smirk was delicious as she looked down at the Archduke.

“She speaks true.” Roseluck said “Need I remind you that I was not of noble birth when I was chosen by Amara. No, I was a simple flower gardener. And yet, the eastern domain has prospered under my care. Can you claim the same, Archduke?”

“Thank you, Duchess Roseluck.” Sunset said as she continued. “To your second point, you speak of making tough decisions to serve those in my care. I will admit, I cannot speak to my ability in this regard from direct experience. But, I would argue that should not be held against me, as I have yet to have the opportunity to practice it. A good leader learns as they go. They make mistakes. They falter, and stumble, but they learn. In the six years since my ascension, I have learned under the tutelage of her Majesty Queen Celestia and the good Duchess, and throughout all of the trials they have put me through, when it came time to make a decision, I was able to do so. Did I make mistakes at times? Yes, of course I did. But, I was willing to learn from those mistakes, those failures, and get back up again.

“If making decisions for the benefit of your people is a criteria for leadership, then I would say that most of you have failed in that regard. Lady Rich, when wildfires swept through your domain, you ordered the sky-runners charged with controlling the blaze to prioritize your personal holdings over the homes of your people. Thousands lost their homes to save one of yours. And you, Lord Skystream, when storms threatened to ravage your holdings in Cloudsdale, you chose to protect those sky-runners under your domain, yet left the earth-weavers and fire-callers to fend for themselves. I could go on, especially about you, Archduke, but I feel that I have made my point."

“You dare…” Lady Rich began, but was cut off by a sharp rap of Raven’s gavel.

“Sit and be quiet Lady Rich.” Raven said with a glare. “Sunset has the floor now, and you will give her her rights as she is due. Am I clear.”

“Yes, your grace.” Lady Rich said with a growl.

“To address your third point.” Sunset continued, shooting Spoiled Rich a condescending look. “I would again contend that I fulfill these criteria, not just from my lessons with the Queen, but because I am an artist and crafter. I do not know if any of you have ever stood in a forge before, but crafting is not so simple as hammering a chunk of metal until it becomes a new thing. You must understand your materials, know what is best suited to make what, make plans for what must be shaped and when, where to apply pressure, and where to relieve it. What can be combined to form something greater than the properties of its parts. To say nothing of the added complication of enchanting, knowing how to shape the materials to make them hold my flame. These are all skills one must have as an artisan, a forge master, and a scholar.

“I already look at many angles, and can come up with new solutions. I am able to be flexible, because it is required by the very thing I do. Can you all make the same claim? Can you say that your thinking is flexible, and able to come at a problem from many angles, or do you simply fall back on the status quo and tradition, seeking to maintain your power at the cost of the people you govern? There are those among you who have some capacity for the flexibility you espouse, but most of you are mired in decadence. The numerous attempts on my life are proof of that. I frighten you, because I’m something outside your tiny little world. And you want it removed. Well, I’m not going anywhere.”

The Archduke rose to speak, but was, yet again, silenced by Raven’s gavel.

“I have heard what I need to hear.” Raven said. “All of you seem to have forgotten that the Queen has the final say in this matter, not you. So, tell me, your majesty, what is your opinion of Sunset’s argument? Do you see her as fit to be a Duchess?”

Queen Celestia regarded Sunset for a moment, her face impassive and cold. Not at all like the warm looks she shared with Sunset in private when teaching her, or when the two of them were in Sunset’s forge. This was the look of the Queen.

“When Sunset first arrived, I had my doubts.” Queen Celestia said, “She was headstrong, yet timid, showed moments of courage, but lacked in confidence. But, as the years passed, and she was put through the crucible of not only my training, but the many attempts on her life, I saw a young woman rise to the challenge. A girl who would not be stopped. Yet, one that never forgot who she was, and still cared for her friends… valued them… not as pawns in a game, but as her peers.

“I have no doubt that Sunset will stumble as she learns how to be a true leader. That she will fail, and will learn from that failure. But, I trust in the choice Philomena made when she selected Sunset. A choice that some of you attempted to rob her of.” The Queen said, emphasizing the last point with a glare. “How fortunate that Sunset was in the right place at the right time, and proved more worthy than the others present, both through the strength of her fire, and the purity of her heart.”

Sunset and Philomena briefly shared a warm embrace through their bond.

“I see no reason that she should be denied her place on this council, or as Duchess of the western territories.”

“Well, then, I believe that is that.” Raven said as she rose from her seat and regarded the rest of the chamber. “Unless, of course, the rest of you wish to disagree further.”

Only silence remained as Raven surveyed the room.

“Good.” Raven said as she banged her gavel. “Sunset Shimmer, please approach the Queen and kneel.”

Sunset shared a moment with Philomena, before approaching Queen Celestia. This was it. The culmination of years of training. The moment when she would be able to return home. To go back to her friends and begin to secure the future for the western territories. To ensure that her people would be safe and protected against the machinations of the Solarian nobility.

She strode past the assembled nobles, not even acknowledging their presence.

Soon she would be a Duchess. She would answer only to the Queen. It would be hard at first, but she was sure she could make the western territories prosper. And, she would find a way to make all of these bastards pay for what they did to her. What they had done to her people over the years. Oh yes, she would make them suffer if they dared to cross her.

She made her way around the other phoenix-born, sharing a warm smile with Roseluck and Raven, and casual indifference with Spitfire and Steel Sentry, the latter of whom glared coldly at her. She needed to find a way to get into their good graces, and do so in a way that was not manipulative. She'd potentially be sharing eternity with them. No point in making it less pleasant than it needed to be.

Climbing the last of the steps, Sunset stood on a small platform before the Queen. Even after all these years, standing in the mighty centaur’s presence was both intimidating and soothing. The Queen had been so much more than a mentor to Sunset. She was a confidant, a shoulder to cry on, a protector, a mother… a friend.

Sunset dropped to a knee and bowed her head.

“Sunset Shimmer, you have proven yourself worthy.” The Queen said, her voice warm and maternal. “By the power of the Sun granted to me by the High Empress Harmony, I hereby declare you Duchess Sunset Shimmer of Golden Tree, ruler of the western territories.”

Lifting the royal scepter, the Queen touched it to the blazing crown of Sunset’s head.

“Arise, daughter of the Sun. Your destiny awaits.”

Author's Note:

And so ends the first chapter of Sunset and Philomena's story.

This isn't the end for these two, or for this world (which I still haven't decided on a name for). I will be coming back to them once I finish up my current project (which is winding down), and have finished fleshing out the rest of the world a bit. In the meantime, I'll probably write up some profile information on them, and their friends.

Thank you all for reading.

Comments ( 97 )

Twi??? Is that you???


Interesting . i take this is the end of the contest entry?

I can already see Sunset may be starting down a dark path. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." after all, and her intentions seem dubious at best.

I can't help but wonder how long the phoenix ceremony has been compromised and the phoenixes were forced to choose the least terrible candidate rather than one that was actually suitable.

Also, if I may make a suggestion for future chapters, maybe you could include some lore of the world in the author's notes at the end of the chapter, since this is an entirely different and unfamiliar world. Something like talking about the different races and their characteristics or how magic works, stuff like that.

Lastly, just wanted to say that while I'm enjoying this story so far, I'm a little concerned that it may be just a little too far from MLP, since it really only seems to have the names and personalities of some characters in common.

This was amazing and beautiful and wonderful and just, I can't wait for more. This was incredible.

Sunset smiled back, before taking a deep breath, then turned to the other occupant of the room: Queen Celestia.
The great centaur was seated next to Philomena’s perch, regally sipping a cup of tea as she watched Sunset.

Wait what
More importantly, adorable friendships and a beautiful smackdown.

Well, Twi's not Solarian. She's Selenian, and at the time of this story, is in the capital city of Night's Song. She's going to be getting her own story down the line.

It is indeed. But, I do intent to expand on it after I finish up my current ongoing story. And, I figure out more of the world. Right now, all I've got is Sunset, and the people around her.


I can already see Sunset may be starting down a dark path. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." after all, and her intentions seem dubious at best.

She is indeed. But unlike the canon Sunset, she's got Philomena, the girls from Golden Tree, Raven, Roseluck and the Queen to help keep her from going too far down the path to villainy. She may stumble along the way, but I think she's going to make a good Duchess for the people of the western territories.

I can't help but wonder how long the phoenix ceremony has been compromised and the phoenixes were forced to choose the least terrible candidate rather than one that was actually suitable.

It happens every so often, but Celestia and Raven are well enough connected, and know how to see it happening to prevent it from going too far off the rails. With this particular ceremony, Celestia knew what the nobles were planning. But, she let them think they were getting away with what they were doing, only to out play them in the end. After all, what's a more effective way to show them how far below her they are: confronting them with their blasphemous actions before hand, or letting them think they got away with it, only for them to realize that she out played them without their even realizing that she knew what they were doing, and pulling the rug out from under them at what they thought was their moment of triumph.

Also, if I may make a suggestion for future chapters, maybe you could include some lore of the world in the author's notes at the end of the chapter, since this is an entirely different and unfamiliar world. Something like talking about the different races and their characteristics or how magic works, stuff like that.

Well, at this point, I'm still working out most of the details, so I don't have a full dossier for this world. But, I'm writing such a world guide, and will be putting it out once I've got a few more things codified.

Lastly, just wanted to say that while I'm enjoying this story so far, I'm a little concerned that it may be just a little too far from MLP, since it really only seems to have the names and personalities of some characters in common.

Fair enough.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Yup, in this world, Celestia and Luna are centaurs. As is their mother, High Empress Harmony. There is fourth centaur, the younger brother to the royal sisters, but his name is never spoken for fear of drawing his attention. If he's ever spoken of, he's referred to as The Shadow King, or The Dark Prince.

So Celestia is a centaur huh?
And Sunset is already going bad. qq

I feel like you've written the first and last chapter of the first book in a much larger series, but skipped all the middle chapters.

I do hope you go back and fill in that gaping 6 year timeskip a little more sometime!

Brilliant story, one of the best I've read all year.
I have to agree, I am interested to see more of the intervening years.

It happens every so often, but Celestia and Raven are well enough connected, and know how to see it happening to prevent it from going too far off the rails. With this particular ceremony, Celestia knew what the nobles were planning. But, she let them think they were getting away with what they were doing, only to out play them in the end. After all, what's a more effective way to show them how far below her they are: confronting them with their blasphemous actions before hand, or letting them think they got away with it, only for them to realize that she out played them without their even realizing that she knew what they were doing, and pulling the rug out from under them at what they thought was their moment of triumph.

So that was a disguised Celestia that invited Sunset to sit with her in the first chapter than? If so than honestly, I think you got Celestia's personality down better than any other author I've read the story's of on this site.

But, that was only fair. They threatened her family. She destroyed theirs.

This is an interesting version of Sunset shimmer. She has the tools and methods of her old canon EQG self, but also has the friends and moral compass that she didn't have until after being blasted by a Rainbow of Friendship (TM). In fact, you could almost argue that she's progressed in a somewhat opposite direction from what she did in the movies; going from an idealist to someone more cynical and ruthless.

However, unlike canon Sunset, who chose to completely abandon her old self, this one has held on, which is a very good thing for the good people of Golden Tree.

I do have some questions regarding the nobility though. What do they actually do that lets them keep their power? Why hasn't Celestia cleaned house with the court, if their corruption and, to put it bluntly (and ironically), bastardry is painfully obvious whenever we've seen them?

I wouldn't say Sunset's really going bad, per sé. She's just learned how to play the game of Solarian politics, and play to win. Recall, the nobility has repeatedly attempted to murder, defame or go after her through her friends and homeland. I'd say she's got more of a live and let live attitude. Treat her fairly or with respect, get the same in return. Try to hurt her or the ones she cares about / is responsible for, she won't hesitate to return it in kind. Its just most of the nobility has earned her permanent ire because of what they've been doing to her for the past six years.

I may do a few one shots to fill in the details. I just had to be judicious with my narrative, since this is a contest entry and I'm limited to 15k words.


So that was a disguised Celestia that invited Sunset to sit with her in the first chapter than? If so than honestly, I think you got Celestia's personality down better than any other author I've read the story's of on this site.

:trollestia: : No, no, no… yes… yes, it was me.

That's kinda what I was going for: what would Sunset have been like if she had something there to keep her from going completely to the dark side. Here she's ruthless because she's had to become ruthless, not because she wants to be.

Regarding the nobility, Celestia has to be judicious in her application of force against them. The nobility is responsible for administration of the government, and management of state owned land (which is quite extensive since Solaria is similar to Europe in the middle ages). Celestia needs them to keep things running, and they know it. The Queen has to be careful with how much she can "correct" them without facing serious political repercussions, which is why she prefers to work behind the scenes and undermine the worst aspects of their behavior.

And through her scarabs, she’d gathered enough dirt on the nobility that she could destroy most of them if their improprieties ever came to light. She'd made an example of a couple that were foolish enough to go after the Apple family and force them off their land last year. It still gave her a thrill to think that all it took was a dozen leaked bank records, a couple of threats to the right people, and the testimony of a clerk they'd coerced into "misfiling" some land ownership papers to completely destroy any chance of the Flim Flam brothers ever owning land in the west. Or anywhere in Solaria for that matter.

But, that was only fair. They threatened her family. She destroyed theirs.

Yeah. Sunset is MUCH scarier when she is a good guy then when she is a bad guy.

World of the Reborn might be a decent name. Can't wait for more!

Looking forward to more!

Very nice. Wonder how many will have the temerity to act against her now.

I need more of this fan fiction... Its just SOOOOOO good!

Y'know, that's pretty good, and gives me a few ideas. If I settle on any of them, I'll cite you as the one who gave me the inspiration.

Thank you. I'm starting to brainstorm something for Twilight's side of things, but its in the very early stages of planning. And, I still want to work out more details on the world. Its easier to have a consistent setting when I've got myself a dossier on things.

Well, they may still give her trouble, but they're going to have to be far more subtle now, both because Sunset's not going to be in Solaria, and because she's a titled noble. They're still going to be a headache. Just not as direct a headache.

I have a question that popped to mind. Hypothetically speaking if Sunset catches one of the other "nobles" trying something while on her land does she have free right to punish them based on the crime committed?

Well, given her rank (Duchess is the highest rank of nobility under the Queen), she would have a great deal of legal and political clout to press charges. And, as Pinkie mentioned, Sunset is currently much beloved by the people of the western territories. Meaning she's got a heck of a lot of power in her domain.

That said, while she certainly could get away with simply punishing them, she's more likely to go the legal route, and use not only what she knows about that particular noble to destroy their reputation, but as a Duchess, she can bring the issue directly to Raven and Celestia, skipping over the lower courts.

Like I said, if they're going to go after her now, they're going to have to tread carefully.

Thats exactly what I meant :twilightsmile: Now while we know the "nobles" will try and be more careful, we ALSO know they will eventually get caught, I look forward to that a LOT :pinkiehappy:

hmm... maybe a few years down the road have Sunset find a young orphaned Twilight studying in the library and lead them on a path to Sunset adopting her?


Well, given her rank (Duchess is the highest rank of nobility under the Queen), she would have a great deal of legal and political clout to press charges. And, as Pinkie mentioned, Sunset is currently much beloved by the people of the western territories. Meaning she's got a heck of a lot of power in her domain.

That said, while she certainly could get away with simply punishing them, she's more likely to go the legal route, and use not only what she knows about that particular noble to destroy their reputation, but as a Duchess, she can bring the issue directly to Raven and Celestia, skipping over the lower courts.

Like I said, if they're going to go after her now, they're going to have to tread carefully.

Well, in your story, Sunset has shown a greater degree of ruthlessness then what you'd see in from an MLP Protagonist. She will NOT just befriend those who seek to hurt the people she cares about. She willing to FUCKING ruin them.

The issue here is that the nobility isn't a bunch of annoying snobs, but a bunch of corrupt elitists who will stamp on any challenge to their authority. It isn't enough for Sunset to be beloved. She must also be able to beat them at their own game.

Your version of Celestia isn't looking for someone who is skilled in magic, can make friends, and has been chosen by destiny (or in this case, a fiery bird). She spent years molding Sunset into someone who ALSO has sharp political instincts and can deal with a gaggle of corrupt nobles.

Like Catherine the Great, Sunset can't merely be loved by the people. She must also be feared. And she must be able to defend her position in public without Celestia's help.

Sunset isn't just a favorite. She has become someone who can make your life miserable if you cross her.

Without spoiling too much, Twilight's not a sun-gazer. She's a night-weaver. I.e., one of Luna's people. And her story will be something of a mirror to Sunset's.

Like I said, good is not soft. And frankly, most of the blame for how Sunset ended up can be placed squarely on the nobility's lap. Had they not gone after her the way they did, she'd probably have been more like her canon counterpart. But, since this is the state of the game she's been dropped into, she's got to be as ruthless as they are if she wants to survive. They just underestimated how good she was going to be at the game, and how innovative she is.

Sunny's going to be a force to be reckoned with, no doubt about it. And perhaps just what Celestia needed to start clearing out some of the rot in her government.

I was hoping for more; as more story, and not as in more from the story. Sounds like there will be sequels though, so that’s good. I really want to see more of this world and these characters!

Misread “night-weaver” as ‘light-weaver’ and was going to ask if you were a Sanderson fan. As it stands this story is already pretty Sanderson-esque, but I think I already said that. All it needs is a roguish father/older brother figure to mentor Sunset in the darker side of the world she assumes she knows and you’d be set.

I assume you're referring to Brandon Sanderson, yes? If so, I have to confess that I've never read his works. But, looking up his bibliography, it sounds cool.

And in regards to sequels, yes, I've got ideas. I want to finish up my current story (Wings of Dawn), before I really delve into this world. But, I do plan to continue with it.

Yes, I was referring Brandon Sanderson, and I would suggest him to anyone into fantasy fiction. Start with the Mistborn books if you do; Stormlight is better, but is tougher to get into.

Also, thank you. I’m looking forward to it, and I’ll be checking out your other stuff in the mean time. :yay:

That was great! I'm excited to see more of this world. I suggest "The Suns of Solaria" as the name of the 'fictional universe'. It may not fit what you have planned, so its just a suggestion.
Man, now I want a phoenix bond. I'm eager to see more when you get around to writing it.

DONE?!?!?!? No Way, you have to at least show her getting back at the ones that tried to kill her!!!!!!

Well, my entry to FoME's contest is done (there's a 15K word limit). Don't worry. I'll be back to this world in a little while, once I finish up some things and flesh out the setting a bit more.

Well that was pretty cool, I like it, it was unique and interesting.

Celestiaur was a surprise though :P

And looks like Sunset has a lil bit of that darkness in her like in the cannon, but it seems rightfully directed at dirtbags so thats ok.

It's a small thing, but I really like the idea of Radiants as a currency. It's a nice little touch.

I'm looking forward to see more of this world and of Sunset and her friends.

Interesting touch with the flaming hair tentacles. Not a perk I expected, but certainly one I can get behind. And the ingredients in those cosmetics speak volumes about both how far Sunset has come and just how much money the nobility has to throw around.

"And," Raven whispered as she leaned forward, "don't tell this to anyone else, but Celestia helped create the art of forging."

:trollestia: "At first, I just had fun making rocks melt. But then I noticed some bits melted before others, one thing led to another, and the next thing you know, I invented shiny things."
"You mean metal?"
:trollestia: "I know what I said."

Queen Celestia, the great winged centaur

... Excuse me, what? :rainbowderp:

“It's wrath-vine poison.” Celestia said with a growl.

So Sunset literally drank the grapes of wrath?

To imbue her creation with mobility, she summoned her determination.

You step on the gas pedal.
Your car is filled with DETERMINATION.
(Sorry, had to do it.)

“Not that ah’d be mad about that, because I would be.”

Wait, what?

And with that vebal evisceration, Sunset takes her place among the worthy. And the nobility. Important distinction there. I see hard times ahead for her, both in politics and in tempering her worse impulses. Revenge can take one over the edge all too easily.

I can only imagine what Harmony looks like of Celestia is a centaur...

In any case, fantastic work. A bit compressed by necessity, but you still covered the bases well. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.


Interesting touch with the flaming hair tentacles. Not a perk I expected, but certainly one I can get behind. And the ingredients in those cosmetics speak volumes about both how far Sunset has come and just how much money the nobility has to throw around.

Yea, Sunny makes quite a bit of money off her sculptures, jewelry and custom enchanted items. Even if the nobility hates her guts, because Celestia buys her custom pieces, if they want to stay in vogue, they need them too.

... Excuse me, what?:rainbowderp:

Yup, Celly's a winged centaur here. And so's Luna. As is their younger brother, who they don't speak of because he turned to evil.

So Sunset literally drank the grapes of wrath?

Y'know, I hadn't considered that pun. But, now I am.

And with that vebal evisceration, Sunset takes her place among the worthy. And the nobility. Important distinction there. I see hard times ahead for her, both in politics and in tempering her worse impulses. Revenge can take one over the edge all too easily.

I can only imagine what Harmony looks like of Celestia is a centaur...

In any case, fantastic work. A bit compressed by necessity, but you still covered the bases well. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

Celly trained her well. As for curbing her worst impulses, that's what her friends and Philomena are there for. But, yea, she's going to have political crap to deal with in spades whenever she brings things to the capital. I'm trying for a good is not soft version of Sunny here: piss her off, and you're in for a world of hurt. Treat her fairly, or with respect / kindness, and she's actually quite friendly. I mean, that is kinda her canon personality, just taken a little bit further due to her circumstances.

The High Empress is a sight to behold, no doubt. Then again, mortal minds can't really comprehend her completely, so nobody aside from her children really know what she looks like.

Thank you. I had the idea in the back of my head for a couple months now, so I'm glad its been well received.

skipping the training was a mistake IMO as that would have gone a long way to help us learn of this world

Good story, Lots of world building potential. Looking forward to seeing more of this.

If you're looking for something to help you organize i can suggest World Anvil as a good place to start getting your various ideas down and connected.

I use it to chronicle a D&D campaign I'm part of.

That's fair. Once the contest is over, I'll likely delve into the details about Sunset's training.

Glad you liked it. And thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into it.

"Arise, daughter of the Sun."

Is that purely ceremonial (as in all female Phoenix-born get it?), or is it more literal, with Celestia actually adopting Sunset?

Purely ceremonial. Sun-gazers are colloquially referred to as "The Children of the Sun" within their ranks, while night-weavers refer to themselves as "The Children of the Moon".

Fantastic work.

I just adore the world you've built for this and sincerely hope to see more in this birdverse.

~Skeeter The Lurker

This was great can't wait to read more


Sunset smiled back, before taking a deep breath, then turned to the other occupant of the room: Queen Celestia.

The great centaur was seated next to Philomena’s perch, regally sipping a cup of tea as she watched Sunset.

Is this a typo or is Celestia actually a centaur in this story? She was described earlier as an earthweaver, so are all earth-weavers centaurs? What do Sky-born and fire-weavers look like any distinguishing marks?


Dunno why you tagged me with that, but, yeah it is correct.

for more details.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Sorry I thought you were the author, I was like half awake when I wrote the comment my bad

Celestia is a winged centaur, as is Luna, and their mother High Empress Harmony. So is their younger brother, but they don't speak of him because he turned to evil. As for the woman in ch.1 she's Celestia in disguise using magic to take the form of an earth-weaver.

As for the earth-weavers, sky-runners, and fire-callers, they're humanoid, with a few slightly different features (hardier physiology, wings and soul gems, respectively).

thank you, the centaur thing kind of came out of left field there and left me scratching my head

When the contest is over. And I finish up my current project (which is winding down, but may be a little stalled due to mid-semester workload).

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