• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
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Just a pony lovin' guy



Sunset has put the past behind her. Chrysalis hasn't.

Entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 17 )

This is full of some very interesting ideas! :pinkiehappy:

Back in the car, Dash had already tucked into some cheese puffs. “Y’know, Chrysalis was pretty nice way back before you showed up. Always thought you were the bad influence on her, not the other way around.”

“Can we not play the blame game?” She started the car and eased back onto the road. “No one comes out looking good.”

“You came out lookin’ pretty good.”

This was a fantastic exchange, particularly coming from someone like Rainbow, usually so unperceptive.

There aren’t a lot of buildings in Manehattan with roof access. Some people think it’s a liability issue. Roofs aren’t safe, so building owners could be held responsible if someone tried out for a Darwin Award and wasn’t met with a half-dozen locked doors along the way. Actually, it’s a little less humanistic than that.

It’s expensive to build a roof that’s meant to support people for long periods of time. Coding for it means extra support beams, different materials that aren’t likely to wear under foot traffic, permit charges out the wazoo, and more maintenance than is usually worth the note on the apartment listing.

This was one of the more interesting and enjoyable cold opens to scenes I've read, and I liked how it fitted the rest.

“The night I came through the portal,” she said, through a bit of hesitation. “I’m almost positive she was going to burn down the school.”

A choking sound escaped from Dash’s throat, and she took a few moments to cough out the soda she’d inhaled. Sunset just rested her chin in her hand and tapped her cheek, waiting. She’d come to terms with this years ago.

“What!?” Dash asked, before she’d fully regained her composure. “Are you serious? That’s like...that’s insane!”

“Chrysalis had some glass bottles in her backpack when I met her. She told me they were soda. They weren’t.”

There were a few long seconds of near-silence between them, interrupted by muffled, trailing coughs before she finally responded, “Wow.”

“Yeah, wow.”

This... doesn't sound all that extreme, given half the other stuff that's gone on at Canterlot High? Lots of schools have lost a building or two to arson, it's kind of predictable when you have delinquent teens cooped up there all day. And far less scarring for everyone involved than the things Sunset did at CHS, or than she fears Chryssi will do to Other Sunny.

Even Dash kept more or less quiet, and Sunset felt unexpectedly comforted for having the mostly disaffected presence around to share gritted teeth and relieved sighs with.

This was a nice touch, and a sweet moment!

An arm wrapped gently around her waist. A chin rested itself on her shoulder, and a cheek pressed warm against her own. A hand slid a key into the lock.

“Hello, my love. It’s wonderful to see you again.”

But this was much sweeter! :pinkiehappy:

Directly below her, instead of finding Chrysalis injured or worse, was a fire escape. In the time it had taken her to cross the short distance, Chrysalis had disappeared.


This was an interesting story. I liked the plot, the setup of both relationships, the characterisation of Sunset and Rainbow. Chrysalis' characterisation was slightly harder to judge, as we mostly only saw her from afar, but she managed a good balance between understandable and threatening. I wish Other Sunset had waited just a moment longer before coming into Chrysalis' apartment, as it sounded like there was about to be a 'but' there of Chrysalis being disheartened with just using Other Sunset for revenge.

I must say I didn't like the wings thing. It felt very deus ex machina, and kind of broke the tension of an otherwise-grounded-in-reality story. I'm also not quite sure we saw enough of Chrysalis being Chrysalis and doing diabolical things for the final line to really have the impact it needed.

But I liked the story as a whole, I liked its balance of action and drama, and more than anything I liked Chrysalis as something more than a one-note villain or a comical failure. Especially one who lives to lie another day :yay:

Thanks for writing!


Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you enjoyed!

I do wish I'd been able to come up with a good enough reason to push in another Chrysalis flashback. Probably could have fit one in between chapters 2 and 3, or even 3 and 4. I just couldn't get the creative juices flowing enough to come up with a cohesive scene that would have served its purpose. There is definitely a lot more to explore here.

I do understand where you're coming from, from an objective point of view, with the whole arson thing. But to Rainbow Dash this wasn't some supernatural magician from another world, or magic wood elves or whatever happened in the movies. This was just Chrysalis, a kinda weird girl whose style Dash might have liked. I wasn't trying to elevate her to superdemon levels. The fact that school buildings are occasionally burned down and the fact that the person you knew was planning on doing it are two different things, like the difference between knowing that murder happens and hearing that your neighbor murdered someone.

Also, it's funny you mention not liking the ponying up, I've gotten the opposite criticism in the past because I don't like using the canonical magic powers the characters develop in one of the movies. Can't please 'em all, I suppose! :rainbowwild:

Also if you haven't checked them out you should go read Dappled Shores and possibly some of the other recentish stories I have on my authorial list okay I'm done with the self-promotion

Thanks again!

9835646 Another flashback might have been good, yeah, though it's hard to know for sure without seeing it :twilightsheepish: That might have upset the balance of Chrysalis being stable enough for Sunset to be with for that long but unstable enough to be dangerous, so I could see arguments either way.

That's a good response about arson, changing how Rainbow saw her and stuff. And Rainbow initially being ok with Chrysalis is something that maybe another flashback would have helped with, yeah? That was certainly an interesting angle, that Chryssi wasn't so bad until Sunset came along.

The fact that school buildings are occasionally burned down and the fact that the person you knew was planning on doing it are two different things, like the difference between knowing that murder happens and hearing that your neighbor murdered someone.

I'm less sure about this, though. Murder seems an enormous shift in thinking, something that would totally and irrevocably change the lives of everyone involved. Whereas a few petrol bombs thrown at a school would cause, what, an insurance claim? A year in temporary classrooms while the building is rebuilt? So while I agree that that's a great contrast from the magical happenings at the school, it still doesn't seem anywhere near the same level of damaging for the students as Sunset's antics before the first EG movie.

Also, it's funny you mention not liking the ponying up, I've gotten the opposite criticism in the past because I don't like using the canonical magic powers the characters develop in one of the movies. Can't please 'em all, I suppose! :rainbowwild:

I don't think there's anything wrong with using those in a story, but it ties to what you said in your previous paragraph. You'd made an effort to keep Chrysalis grounded as a human villain, separated from the magical and the supernatural and not elevated to demon levels. So the magical powers then used to thwart her plan don't really feel like they belong in the story?

Also if you haven't checked them out you should go read Dappled Shores and possibly some of the other recentish stories I have on my authorial list okay I'm done with the self-promotion

Do those stories have Chrysalis in...? :trollestia:

Yeah, I can understand that. I looked at it differently when I wrote it, but it's definitely a valid question about the apropos...ness...Aproposity? Of using it as a sort of resolution.

On the other hand she's used it just to punctuate a song that she was singing for 10 hours straight as the sun rose up from the exact position it set in when the song started, so it's not like they're sacrosanct. Either way, I'll keep it in mind moving forward!

And as far as you know she is.

Man, Rainbow and Sunset are surprisingly good partners-in-crime here. Fun thriller, and a really good job of hindsight-characterizing the twisted relationship those two had.
Spoiler comments:

  • Feels like there's seeds for a sequel in here—not sure if that was intended, but I'm intrigued~
  • Applejack saving the day with a precision-strike holler is *chef kiss*.
  • In Chryssi's defense, Vodka is a very versatile liquid to have around. Just maybe not in your school bag at night?
  • Rarity's going to shit an entire intact red clay brick if she finds out about this

Best a' luck in the contest!

Author Interviewer

So this is basically a story about Sunset stalking her ex. Who she never broke up with. For ostensibly noble reasons, but other reasons besides.

I like that.

Author Interviewer

Needed a few more qualifiers in that action scene to keep straight which Sunset was which. :B

Otherwise, this was good. I hope those dinner promises turn into something more. :D

Y'know, that was probably what I spent the most time fussing over and I'm convinced that I could never get the balance between properly explaining and overloading the qualifiers just right. Kinda wrote myself into that one eh?

It was tense, it was good.

That's an angle I wouldn't have thought of - if you can't get back at the pony-in-human-world, get back at the human.

Yeah, Chrysalis is the sort of person (in any universe) that will notice someone stalking her.

I can see that burning down an empty school building is much different than hypnotising someone off a rooftop .. but it is in Chrysalis' character to be able to cold heartedly control someone like that.

Good story :)

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