• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 470 Views, 2 Comments

Wendigo - Anonomis

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“Alright girls,” Sunset started “We have a tough task in front of us.”

“Whatever it is; we can handle it,” Dash commented

Sunset, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were currently sitting in the former’s pickup truck as they started to leave Canterlot to head into the mountains.

For five years now; the Canterlot Anomaly Research Society had been after the occasional outbreaks of Equestrian creatures that emerged when Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle had inadvertently brought magic to the world. Under direct orders from both governments; the team was certified and instructed to investigate and hunt down any potential threats to the world.

“We're going after the wendigo,” Sunset started “What do we know about it?”

“The stories say the wendigo can mimic voices and can also take the shape of another,” Sci-Twi explained

“We'll need to be extra careful with this beast,” Sunset continued “We're going out to the mountain to talk to an eyewitness that said she saw something strange.”

“I still can't believe we're doing this,” Sci-Twi mused


“Congratulations on graduating high school,” Principle Celestia commented

The girls were standing outside of Canterlot High School now having to decide on their future endeavors at only eighteen years old. Sunset had decided to try and enter the police academy while the others were accepted into college under various scholarship. Four years later; the others had graduated with honors in their respective fields of study while Sunset managed to move through the ranks to become a SWAT commander.

“Um; what's that,” Pinkie questioned

A rift opened in front of them as a giant panda emerged with a stinger for a tail. Many of the nearby residents started running away as the creature flew after them.

“It says it's a bugbear from Equestria,” Fluttershy answered, listening to its growl

“That answers the question of ‘what’,” Dash replied sarcastically “Now ask it why it's here.”

“It says it,” Fluttershy started “Oh no. That is not good.”

“Spit it out,” Dash demanded

“It wants to kill anything in its way,” was the answer

“That's not going to happen,” a determined Sunset stated

Reaching to her right side; her .38 caliber pistol was removed from the holster as Sunset proceeded to fire a single shot into the body to get the creature’s attention. Once it turned towards her, a second shot was fired between its eyes; killing it instantly. A familiar face ran over to them after emerging from the regular Equestrian portal.

“Oh my goodness is everyone alright,” Princess Twilight asked

“What just happened here,” a voice demanded

“Commander Tirek,” Sunset started “A creature just emerged that was attacking citizens.”

“What are you doing here,” Tirek asked, turning towards Princess Twilight

“Trying to see what this is,” she answered, despite already knowing what it is

“A dead pest; that's what,” he answered rudely

After Sunset returned to the police station for her debriefing; the seven of them were joined by Princess Twilight on a trip to see the governor about what happened.

“I am the mayor; Vivian May. First off I'd like to congratulate you on your actions early this afternoon,” the mayor started

“Thank you mayor,” Sunset replied

“All of you please follow me,” another person demanded

For the second time in a matter of hours; they were being led to an unknown destination. A temporary rest stop of a private plane was next before continuing on.

“We're actually at the White House,” Rarity asked in awe

With a few members of the Secret Service leading; the eight girls were taken towards the Oval Office.

“Ma’am; I'm going to have to ask you to deposit your pistol in this box,” an agent said apologetically

Without question; Sunset removed both her main weapon, along with the pistol strapped to her ankle and a knife on her back. The trio was placed into a container a few agents produced that was sealed up.

“Geez Sunset; think you have enough,” Dash asked sarcastically

“I work in SWAT. Everyone has the same basic weapons setup,” Sunset stated

“The president will see you now,” an aid stated as the group headed inside

“Good evening ladies. I'm sorry to summon you here without warning,” the president started “I am Alexander Neighsay. My younger brother Vladimir is superintendent of your school district.”

“What is this about,” Princess Twilight asked, getting to the point

“This is about the incident from earlier today. The creature you eliminated,” he replied

“That was known as a bugbear,” Princess Twilight interjected

“How do you know about that thing,” he questioned

“The bugbear came from an alternate world known as Equestria,” Twilight answered “I am one of four princesses that are in charge there. Sunset Shimmer here is also from the same world.”

“Well; than I hope our worlds can work together with you as a diplomat,” he started “Especially with what I'm proposing.”

“What is this proposal sir,” Rarity asked

“The seven of you girls; minus your royal counterpart; will form a team tasked with eliminating these creatures. I'm well aware of your previous incidents; including a demon, three seahorse creatures, a portal creating fiend, and plant creature,” he suggested, opening up a file

“These were supposed to be kept quiet,” Sunset mused, picking up a photo

“Technically; no one has seen this until now. This is the kind of stuff that should result in experimentations,” he stated “Besides; this info was direct from my brother. He's trying to make sure nothing gets out.”

“What if we refuse this proposal of yours,” Applejack asked

“You go about your regular lives. Either way; this bugbear appearance doesn't feel like an isolated incident. I'm giving you the chance to investigate these incidents and eliminate them if they are deemed to be a threat,” he answered

“I'm in,” Sunset decided

“I will join. We can research new creatures to see what scientific advancements could be made,” Sci-Twi added

“Definitely count me in. I like whopping creatures butts,” Dash said

“I'm going to join to protect others,” AJ commented

“I don't want to see innocent people getting hurt so count me in,” Fluttershy chimed in

“Yes indeedie,” Pinkie added

“I'll join because of you girls,” Rarity decided “I don't want to be left out of your adventures.”

“On behalf of Equestria; I'll be happy to serve as diplomat,” Princess Twilight finished “One of these days; I'll try to get the other three princesses to come over for a face to face meeting.”

“Thank you for agreeing. I'll make sure your activities are off the books and you will have access to anything you need,” he said

With the meeting successful; the girls were sent home by plane as Neighsay got to work on funding.



“Alright girls. We're here,” Sunset stated

“Wherever ‘here’ is,” Dash added

Their current location was someplace in the mountains by a log cabin. In front of them was a female with deadlocks and tie-dye clothing.

“It's nice to meet you. I'm Sunset Shimmer,” she said

“Twilight Sparkle,” she added

“Yo! I'm Rainbow Dash; but you already knew that,” she said smugly

“Radical. I'm Tree Hugger,” she replied “I heard some, like; unknown creature.”

“What exactly happened,” Twilight questioned

“It was; like, last week. I went outside to listen to nature and I heard someone talking,” Tree Hugger started

“And that's unnatural why,” Dash asked sarcastically

“No one visits this portion of the mountain,” Hugger replied “What was stranger; was the voice sounded like my ex-boyfriend Sandalwood.”

“I remember hearing he died in combat,” Sunset mused

“It was three years ago,” Hugger confirmed

“Anything else that stood out,” Twilight pressed

“That's it; but I had a weird feeling about that,” she replied

“Do you mind if my team starts a night investigation around the cabin,” Sunset asked

“Of course,” Hugger answered “I'd recommend being careful.”


“Alright girls; we're going to search around the area and see what we find,” Sunset said in a low voice

“Why do you have to talk so quietly,” Applejack asked

“We're going after a creature that mimics voices. When we're out; we stay close and try not to speak as much as possible,” Twilight explained

“We'll use sign language to communicate,” Sunset added as the girls nodded in agreement

They returned to the truck as Sunset opened the tailgate to reveal a series of rifles for the team. After making sure the weapons were loaded; the next step was to grab headlamps and thermal scope. Fluttershy would be holding the thermal scope as they eased their way out into the forest. The snap of a tree branch immediately caused them to stop.

“What was that,” Dash signed

“Don't know,” Shy answered with a shrug

Applejack eased her way towards the sound only to come up empty. They figured this investigation would be a challenge; but probably didn't know just how bad.

“Hold up,” Sunset decided, holding up a hand

“Creature over there,” Shy added “Big one.”

Deciding it was her turn; Dash led the group towards the creature before it decided to run.

“Charge,” Dash yelled, only to face palm afterwards

As they ran after the creature; it began to sprint through the forest before disappearing from the thermal. Defeated; Sunset led the others back to the trucks to head home. About thirty minutes later; they arrived at the warehouse that was their base.

“So; what'd we learn,” Sunset started

“Dash needs to remember when to keep her mouth shut,” AJ replied bluntly

“Alright; I admit it. It slipped,” Dash apologized

“We have a disadvantage in the forest,” Twilight chimed in “The animal knew its way around in the dark.”

“Let's head to our rooms for the night. Tomorrow we'll meet our second eyewitness and begin night two of the investigation,” Sunset finished


The following day; both vehicles were loaded up as everyone drove back into the mountain. Their second eyewitnesses were the owners of Camp Everfree; Gloriosa and Timber Spruce.

“It's been so long since we were here,” Rarity reminisced

“We found our crystals and gained our awesome powers,” Dash added enthusiastically

“Right now it's time to focus,” Sunset reminded them

As they approached the camp; Timber waved to get their attention before leading them towards the mess hall.

“Thanks for coming,” Timber started

“We've heard strange things and saw something unknown,” Gloriosa added

“I have a video you need to see,” Timber stated, removing a small camcorder


The video starts by passing over trees before stopping at an unknown shape. The shape starts to change into another person and slowly walks away out of video frame


“Wow. That's some seriously nasty stuff right there,” AJ stated

“Indeedie. That's freaky,” Pinkie chimed in “Hey, that rhymed.”

“When was this video taken,” Sunset asked

“Yesterday afternoon,” Timber replied

“Did you see where it went,” Dash asked

“It left and I headed back inside the cabin. I didn't want to know any more.”

“There have been times I've heard a voice yelling for help. A few times it's sounded like my brother,” Gloriosa added

“As I was standing right next to her,” he clarified

“If I remember correctly; there's a cave not too far from camp,” Sunset mused

“Yes. That was where I found those stones imbedded in the rock,” Gloriosa said

“We'll come back tonight to see if we spot anything,” Sunset decided “Thank you for the information.”

Sunset led the girls back to the warehouse without saying anything. They watched in confusion as she retrieved her old contact journal.

“What's going on,” Dash demanded

“We need some advice,” Sunset replied vaguely

Twilight; we might have a problem

I don't know about problems there; but I found a portal to your world in a long buried cave

That doesn't seem like much

I was told that it existed during the early days of Equestria. The changelings knew about it

Get over here as soon as possible. We have much to discuss

I'll be at the school in ten minutes

“Girls; I'll be back in a few,” Sunset stated

“Care to let us in,” Rarity asked

“You'll all find out when I return,” was the answer

True to her word; Sunset returned to the warehouse with Princess Twilight in tow.

“What do you know about changelings,” Sunset asked directly

“They can change into another species,” Twilight started, stating the obvious “There were rumors that some could mimic voices. I've heard of rogue changelings not just stealing love from their victims; but also eating them.”

“That's not good,” Sunset said under her breath

“Anything to share with the rest of the group,” Dash asked sarcastically

“Not now; Dash,” Sunset replied simply

Dash walked over to the table and picked up the pistol Sunset carried with her and decided to point it at them.

“Yes; now,” Dash retorted “We're a team last time I checked. It ain't right to keep shit to yourselves.”

“Put it down,” Sunset said calmly

“Either you start giving answers; or I'll put a round in your girlfriend,” Dash threatened, moving the muzzle towards the princess

“Put. It. Down,” Sunset stated, enunciating each word

Dash found her hand shaking uncontrollably; signifying the hesitancy to follow through with her threat. Knowing this; Sunset reached over and took the pistol back from Dash and stuck it in the holster.

“Your plan wouldn't have worked for two reasons,” Sunset mused “One; the safety was on. And two; I don't keep a round in the chamber in the warehouse.”

“The portal I mentioned was found in a cave that also contained the Mirror Pond,” Twilight explained “I was told that it might have allowed access for a changeling to cross into this world.”

“That makes it even worse.”

“Would you give us some damn answers,” an exasperated Dash demanded

“Changelings look like four-legged armored bugs in Equestria. Goddesses only know how they could have changed in our world,” Sunset replied

“The video had the creature on two legs,” AJ pointed out

“If it is a changeling; it could have adapted to walking solely on the back legs,” Sci-Twi mused

“The hide is thick enough that during the invasion of the Crystal Empire at my brother's wedding; the royal guards found their spear tips to be useless against them,” Twilight added

“Each of us are going to be using armor piercing rounds in our weapons. If it is a changeling; we kill it on sight,” Sunset stated

“Are you sure,” Fluttershy questioned “We haven't killed any creature before.”

“Agreed. Many of the others we captured were alive,” Pinkie added

“I've read countless reports that state the wendigo is a killer. I'm not taking anything to chance.”

“I'm going to have to agree with Sunset,” AJ decided “We can't take chances with something this dangerous.”

“We're going to be wearing body armor just in case,” Sunset finished

“It'll clash with my looks and is uncouth; but I guess I don't have a choice,” Rarity added dryly

“What about me,” Princess Twilight inquired “What am I doing?”

“I was hoping you might join us,” Sunset offered

“I don't have any training with weapons,” was the response “There never was a need in Equestria.”

“Then why don't I stay here with Twilight,” Pinkie suggested “That way; she'll be safe.”

“I guess that's fair enough,” Sunset mused “You'll be okay here with just Pinkie?”

“We'll be fine. Don't worry about it,” Pinkie answered, by hanging onto Sunset and the princess

“Um; we are talking about the same creature; right,” the princess asked, wanting clarification “Changelings and this windigo.”

“Wendigo. It's pronounced as ‘when’ not ‘wind’,” Sci-Twi corrected

“Alright girls; let's get some sleep for tonight,” Sunset decided


Having moved on from the events from that afternoon; the girls started to get ready. Each strapped on the Kevlar vest on top of their camouflage clothes. Sunset added shin and thigh guards along with forearm protection out of habit.

“Alright girls; get your clips full,” Sunset directed, placing a ammo box on the table

Once everything was finalized; they began their return trip to Camp Everfree. Timber and Gloriosa agreed to use the camp as a base for the mission.

“Here's a map of the area,” Timber said

“Looks like a ravine here and a cave on the other side,” Sci-Twi pointed out

“How do we get there,” AJ asked

“There's a bridge that crosses over. I don't know how well its lasted,” he replied

“Damn. It's really dark out there,” Dash complained, looking out a window “How are we going to see anything?”

“We have infrared lights and a thermal tracker,” Fluttershy replied “We should be ready.”

“Let's get this hunt started,” Sunset decided

“Um; how do we communicate with each other,” AJ asked

“This time; we're going to linked to one another,” Sci-Twi answered “We'll use climbing gear harnesses and keep a line.”

After each of them hooked up; the trek through the forest began. Fluttershy was up front as Sunset followed behind with Dash, Rarity, AJ and Sci-Twi ending. For safety; each had eighteen inches between one another.

“Hold up,” Shy said, tapping Sunset

“What's going on,” Sci-Twi whispered, as the message passed forward

“Ravine,” came the answer

“Wait. There's movement on the other side,” Shy hissed

On the thermal was the heat signature of some kind of creature. She watched it turn around and head deeper in before disappearing.

“There was something there,” she said, turning her head

“Lead the way.”

Needing to get to the other side; they carefully walked down the side for almost 250 meters before a bridge became visible. Not wanting to take a chance; Fluttershy knelt down; taking the others down with her due to tension in the rope.

“What are you doing,” Sunset questioned

“Crawling. I don't want us to fall,” she replied

Fluttershy unclipped her harness and made her way to the other side. After withdrawing a small flashlight; the beam was used to assist the others in getting over.

“The bridge was fine,” Dash hissed

“I couldn't tell in the dark,” she replied

Before they decided to continue; the thermal was checked as a heat signature was heading towards them. Hearing the movement; each of them gripped their rifles in preparation of the worst.

“Twilight; is that you,” a familiar voice called

“It's me; Shining. I was worried about you,” he said

Instead of getting an answer from Twilight; Sunset took the butt of her rifle and smashed it against the nose of their visitor. An injured Shining proceeded to run off though the bushes.

What was that about? That was my brother

Remember what we're after. Don't trust what you see and hear

With the incident behind them; they returned to the priority of the cave further up ahead. As they entered; the walk slowed to a crawl in order to not draw attention to themselves.

“Ugh; this place is so filthy,” Rarity mouthed to no one in particular

Fluttershy had to stop the group as the area they entered was littered with human bones. The group had to quickly and quietly create a path through the area before they continued.

Sunset quietly removed his harness and started to slip into a nearby chamber in the cave. Letting her eyes adjust to the darkness; multiple pod-like structures could be made out as a creature noisily devoured meat from a human arm. Having gotten some idea as to what was ahead; made her way back to the others.

“It's here,” she whispered

“What's there,” Dash asked

“Pods. I'd guess it,” Sunset started

“Say no more,” Sci-Twi said, shaking her head

Dash pointed to AJ, Sunset and herself before making her index and middle fingers move in a walking motion and ending with pointing to one of the firearms.

“We need to stop it from returning,” AJ added

“Lead it to me and I'll trap it,” Rarity said

“Let's do it. Everyone else stay hidden,” Sunset decided

With their plan set up; Sunset would lead the girls inside to confront the Wendigo. Rarity would stay inside the chamber as a last resort while everyone else retreated to a previous room for safety. The girls had to steady their nerves as they readied their weapons and entered the chamber.

“Hey ugly,” Dash yelled, drawing their enemy's attention

“Way to go Dash,” AJ mused sarcastically “Now we lost the element of surprise.”

Dash proceeded to release a few bullets towards their foe; with each of them penetrating the body. If they were wanting any good news; it would have been the changeling decided to target the three of them.

After getting it away from its current meal; the battle truly began. Looking closely at the creature revealed a human-like skeleton topped with animal horns. Despite the appearance; the skin seemed to resemble plate armor with overlapping plates that seemed near bulletproof to regular ammunition.

“This is one tough sumbitch,” Dash stated

Without warning; the wendigo launched itself at Rainbow Dash before turning itself into a copy. Both ended up rolling around as they fought for dominance.

“We heard the commotion from the other chamber,” Rarity said as she and AJ entered

“Um; which one of you is the real Dash,” a dumbfounded AJ asked as the Dashes stood up

“I AM,” they said in unison

“So; how do we determine the right one,” Sci-Twi pointed out

“I have an idea,” Sunset mused

Everyone watched as she opened a pocket and removed something. Thinking ahead; her crystal was packed in the event her worst fear came true. After putting it on; she headed over to each ‘Rainbow Dash’ and put a hand on their shoulder; starting with the one on her left facing her.

Memories from the past came flooding back to Sunset. Her first time playing soccer against the athlete followed by a guitar duel for right to lead the Rainbooms. Satisfied with the answer; she decided to check the other one for fairness.

Sunset saw the memory of the changeling entering a cave in Equestria; only to emerge in the very cave they were in. Next she saw it kidnapping another human and devouring it; needing to let go to get the memory to stop.

“I've got my answer,” Sunset announced “You on the left; stand against the wall.”

“You've got it all wrong. I’M the real one and she's the imposter,” the changeling argued

In response; Sunset proceeded to shoot a single round into the leg; causing it to revert back to its original form as it tried to lunge towards Sunset.

“We need to stop it from attacking,” Dash said urgently

Rarity concentrated for a moment before placing a hand on the ground. A series of diamond plates shot up, causing the changeling to scamper backwards. More plates emerged from behind and its sides keeping it in one area. Before it could jump over the obstacle and continue its attack; a roof stretched over the top, forming a diamond cage.

“Good thing you two brought your necklaces,” AJ mused

“What should we do with it,” Sci-Twi asked

“It doesn't belong in this world and I don't think it's going to return willingly,” Sunset chimed in “Perhaps we kill it here and now.”

“I cannot stand by to watch it happen. It's not right to kill an innocent creature,” Fluttershy argued

“I could take care of the deed if you'd like,” Sunset offered “I'll need the help of AJ, Dash and Rarity to accomplish it.”

“What do you need us to do,” AJ asked curiously

“After Rarity drops the prison; both of you will have to hold it down,” Sunset replied

“Very well. If you believe it to be best,” Rarity said with a sigh

Reluctantly; Rarity dropped the shield as the changeling charged forward. Dash proceeded to shoot it; before helping to pin it face down on the cave floor. Sunset grabbed her knife and slid it between two plates in the neck around the area of the brain stem and spinal column. Fluttershy had to close her eyes as the changeling immediately stop struggling while it died.

“What do we do next,” Sci-Twi asked

“If this is from another world; we don't want it getting found out by anyone,” AJ added

“Give me a moment,” Sunset offered, removing a walkie-talkie

“Pinkie; could you initiate Zulu Bravo Tango at my location?”

“Are you sure,” Pinkie asked

“I am.”

“Alright,” came the reply “Be safe.”

“Let's get going,” Sunset decided

"Was that the best idea? They'll take credit,” Dash asked

“We did what we came here for. Besides; they don't get the respect as those that get to rescue a live creature,” Sunset replied

“If it weren't for everything we've been through; I probably would have joined the rescue squad,” Fluttershy stated

“Well; I am glad you decided to stick with us,” Rarity mused

“Let's save the sentiments for later,” AJ pointed out “They don't need anyone getting in the way.”

Once they were ready; Sunset led everyone back across the ravine towards Camp Everfree.

“So; how'd it go,” Timber asked

“Good news and bad news,” Sunset replied “Good news is the problem has been eliminated. Bad news is another group will be arriving shortly. They are under orders to let you know what's going on.”

“I'm glad it's over,” Gloriosa stated “It's been a nightmare to attempt to head into the woods.”

With their final confrontation over; a very relieved CARS team returned to the warehouse to close out the hunt.

“How'd it go,” Princess Twilight inquired “I was reading the previous files you collected.”

“It's over,” Sci-Twi answered

“What did you do with the changeling,” the princess added

“Its body will be collected by a disposal team,” Sunset said “Whatever they do with it is out of our hands.”

“It's a shame an innocent changeling had to die,” Fluttershy added

“It wasn't innocent. I looked into its memories and saw it devouring a body. There were more pods in the room that the crew were instructed to open,” Sunset retorted

“Let's just get our weapons unloaded and call it a night,” AJ offered

Comments ( 2 )

It's a bit criminal this one didn't get more traction. It's thrilling, well-written, and I loved the idea of EqG in a fight for survival against changelings.

I got drawn in because it reminded me a bit of the game "Until Dawn" from the description, but it turned just as good!

Thank you. I was watching the Mountain Monsters show so much the idea popped onto my head

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