• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 988 Views, 18 Comments

My Little Adventurers: Camaraderie is powerful - MrAquino

MLP:Fim but retold in the world of Dungeons and Dragons (With some creative liberties)

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The sounds of war were heard outside of the walls of Canterlot. Canterlot's own army was on it's last knees, keeping back the invading orc hoard from breaking down the castle walls and breaching the towering kingdom. Most of its residents laid inside the castle itself, cowering, unsure what was going to happen next. Sprinting as fast as he could, a lone soldier in golden armor ran through the near empty halls breathing hard before opening the door at the end of the hall, leading to a balcony. Looking over the balcony was a woman, an elf, from her pointed ears and slim build. She stood at 7 feet tall, towering most of, in not, all her subjects, with a regal white dress on with golden highlights, and angelic like hair that waved on it's own with hughs of blue, pink, green, and turquoise.

"Your majesty!" The soldier spoke, giving a respective bow as he got onto one knee. "The Orc invaders... there's to many. We can't fend them off! We need to evacuate the kingdom and find a-!" He was silenced as the woman lifted a finger. She picked up a teacup and sipped it, placing it back on it's plate.

"Get everyone inside." She ordered. "I'll deal this myself."

"B-But your majesty! Y-you're the last of you kind! You can't go out there on your own! You'll die!"

"... I'm not the last. And Corellon will aid me. Get everyone inside and don't come out until it's over." The soldier saluted before getting back up, but stopped and turned to her.

"We're sorry, your highness. We failed you." She turned back to him, but gave a faint smile.

"You have not failed me. We didn't know they'd attack." The soldier gave a slight smile in return, but focused on the task at hand, running down the halls and back outside. The elf woman went into her room near the balcony, with her hands glowing yellow as her gown was taken off, and on her was armor, looking similar to her gown, but tighter looking, and with more sharped edges at her elbows and knees. Looking to her side was am alter with a starburst crystal on it. With her sword in her right hand, and a shield with a sun emblem on it in the other, she knelt down to the alter on both of her knees. With an incense in one hand, she lit it up with a small flame from her fingers and set it up in front of the crystal before putting her hands together in a prayer.

"Father, I ask of you to give me the strength needed to defeat my enemies and keep my people safe. If today is the day that I am to die, then I will gladly be taken to you before put back on this earth in a new body." She stood back up, walking down the hallways and down into the main hall. All of the peasents, rich and poor, stared and gawked in awe to see their queen in armor, and fear as her soldiers ran inside, many sustaining an injury, ranging from minor to fatal. The various staff members went to work in healing the soldiers, using a mix of medicine and magic. Despite her own heart pounding, the queen walked out of the castle doors, seeing the kingdom's own gates creaking and cracking as the orcs kept bashing their way in, with the unified chanting of "Gruumsh".

"Close the doors!" She ordered. The castle's staff followed, closing the castle doors and locking it. She walked ahead, using her own magic to set her own sword and shield ablaze.

CRACK... CRACK... CRACK!!! Each one, the kingdom's gates cracked, with more war mongering roars. Her own heart paced with each crack. Then the gates flew open wide, destroyed, as Orcs began to march their way in. Each one in colors ranging of grey to green, wearing crudely made hide leather, with huge under bites that had tusk-like canines protruding from their lower jaws. The charge was short as they all saw a lone warrior woman standing in between them and the castle, with a sword and shield on fire.

"Oi! Why'd everyone's stoppin'!?" One of the back orcs asked impatiently.

"Someone's standin' in the streets alone." One of the front orcs answered. "Seems they got guts."

"Wait a minute... it's a bloody elf!" Another Orc yelled. "We missed one, boys!"

"I, Queen Celestia, am offering you all one last chance." The lone elf spoke. "Leave right now, and you will all live. Stay, and die." There was a small pause, followed by one orc laughing, which was followed by all the orcs laughing. It lasted for a few minutes before it died down.

"Tell you what, love," One of the Orcs spoke "You surrender yourself over to us, and we can kill you here now, and let your people become out slaves. Sound good?" Celestia had a stern look on her face.

"No one will become a slave. Not over my dead body." She got into a battle ready position, lifting her shield in front of her, and her sword behind her.

"Oh well, you asked for it. WAAAAAGH!!!" The orcs charged at her, flailing their weapons around wildly. Everything went slow for Celestia, as she took in a deep breath, as a single drop of sweat rolled down her nose and dropped to the floor. As soon as the bead of sweat landed on the floor, Celestia ran straight towards the orc hoard. She rolled under the orc hoard, confusing the front orcs, rolling into the center, lunging her fiery blade into the chest of the first orc. All the orcs backed up as they saw their brother scream in a mix of fear and agony as he was caught on fire, as Celestia pulled it out and rolling backwards, lunged her sword through the bottom of another orc's jaw, with the tip of the fiery blade piercing through the top of his skull, spraying blood everywhere.

"GET HER!!!" One of the orcs swung her club at Celestia, with the elf quickly raising her shield for protection, blocking the attack successfully. She pulled her sword right out, and slided down the orc's hand that wielded the mace, cutting it clean off, with blood spraying everywhere, across the floor, and Celestia's face. Said orc screamed loudly, handing on to it's bloody stump before falling to the floor. One of the orcs was too busy looking at his fallen brother, that he screamed when he saw a bloody Celestia charging forward, delivering a clean cut across his neck, followed by the head falling to the floor, and the body falling limp to the floor.

"DON'T LOSE TO A BLOODY ELF!!!" Various orcs charged at her, swinging their clubs and maces at her. Celestia saw them and raised her shield, blocking the attacks, though her shield began to dent with each attack. She pushed one back with her shield, quickly taking it off, jumped onto the fallen orc, and using her own strength, slammed the sharp ends of the shield down the orc's waist, making a gurgling scream come from the orc. The elf's tactics changed as she used her weapon with both hands, quickly slicing off an orc's exposed leg before finishing him off with a stab down his creaming throat, silencing him forever. She quickly dodged an attack before running deeper into the hoard, sliding across the bloodied floor before jumping onto another orc's shoulders, stabbing him in the back before jumping onto the sword, partially cutting the orc in half. She didn't see as a warhammer hit her in the chest, knocking her breath out and making her slide back a few feet.

"The Elf's defenseless! First one to kill her becomes the next Warchief!" Despite hurting all over, Celestia got up, her armor busted, but she didn't stop. She cracked her neck and knuckles, charging at an orc, grabbing one of his tusk-like canines, ripping it out of his mouth, and using the sharp end to stab him in his eye, making more loud screams. She pulled the same tusk out, tackling another orc, and proceeded to stab them in the chest multiple times. An orc grabbed her from the back, which prompted Celestia to swing her legs across the orc's neck and throw him to the floor, legs still across his neck, and snapped his neck with ease.

The orcs who were still alive backed away in fear, as Celestia got up, covered in their blood. But then there was a chant. "Ar-Gul... Ar-Gul... Ar-Gul... Ar-Gul... Ar-Gul... Ar-Gul..." The chanting got louder as walking in, causing the horde to part way, was another, more larger orc, with the heads of Celestia's soldiers on spikes on his shoulders, still bleeding, like they were trophies. His right eye was missing, an obvious sign that he killed an elf before, or many. In his hand was a mace, bloodied already.

"YOU!!! ELF-SWINE!!!" He shouted loudly, pounding his chest "I should thank you for killing my weakest soldiers! Really! If they can't kill the last elf alive, then I should have all the glory to myself!" Celetia picked up a sword and readied herself. The orc warchief charged at her, clashing against her blade, just having enough strength to keep him at bay. "You know what I'm gonna do to you, elf? I ain't gonna just kill you, first, I'm gonna break your legs, then I'm gonna rip off yer arms! And finally, I'm gonna eat your head, and use your skull like a chalice!" Celestia only chuckled.

"Sorry, but I'm gonna have to crush your dreams." She gave him a good headbutt, knocking him back a few feet. He looked a bit dazed, but swung her club at him. Celestia dodged the club, jumping over and slicing him in his shoulder. The Orc quickly grabbed her and slammed her to the floor, stomping on her chest. She wheezed upon being stomped on, with her attacker letting out a victorious roar.

"See boys!? Gruumsh will bring glory to us after all the elves are dead!!!" Celestia braced herself as she felt herself as she was picked up by her feet and thrown onto the floor, slamming to the ground multiple times, her bones feeling like they were broken. She was thrown back to where she began, past some of the dead orcs, with Ar-Gul approacher her. Though she was injured, Celestia got up. "Ain't no use in fighting anymore, your majesty. Time to die."

Celestia pulled out some sulfur and wrapped it into a ball. in her hands. "Fireball." She simply said. A bright streak flashed from her fingers and to the warboss. A roar of explosions and flame erupted, with him running on fire, suffering from severe burns. The Elf walked past the burning orc, grabbing his own mace and finishing the job, breaking a leg, causing him to fall to the floor. The last thing the orc saw was his target swinging his own mace at his face. The orcs who saw this quickly turned and ran away, frightened at what this elf could do. "Heal." She instructed herself, followed by all her injuries going away almost instantaneously. She walked to the gates, and outside, saw a huge army of orcs outside, ready to attack with their war wagons. She took a deep breath and raised her right arm into the air, pointing at the sun that laid overhead. Her hand closed in a fist as the sun began to darken, shrinking even, until everything was pitch black, and the only source of light was a small ball in Celestia's fist. She slammed her fist into her chest, and in seconds, the queen began to glow, and her body began to expand. All of the orcs outside watched as Celestia turned into a giant in their very eyes, towering her own castle, and was the only source of light, as if she was a goddess in the flesh.

"HEAR ME NOW, ORCS!!! RETURN TO YOUR HOME NOW, OR SUFFER MY WRATH!!!" There was a collective pause, followed by the screaming of orcs running away. A huge collection of "Cowards" were heard, followed by the roars of Orcs charging. Celestia pulled out a chunk of phosphorus "Wall of fire." She dropped the phosphorus to the floor. In a huge burst, a gigantic wall of fire errupted from the ground, surrounding the entire kingdom. All orcs caught in the flames were immediately turned to ashes, and those nearby suffered burns immediately. The rest only watched in horror as the giant Celestia started to march forward, stomping on both the orcs and their war wagons, destroying all that was around.

It was only a few minutes, but all the surviving orcs ran away, too scared to suffer from Celestia's fiery wrath, ran back north, to the mountains of whence they came. The fiery wall around Canterlot went away, and the sun returned steadily, as Celestia shrunk back to her normal size, back to her normal height, cleaned up, as she approached the castle doors. The doors opened, with everyone thanking her for saving their lives. She lifted a hand up, silencing everyone. One of the soldiers approached her.

"Yes, your majesty?" He asked.

"... Please, clean up the mess outside." She ordered. "And give me a few hours of silence. I'm really tired."

"Yes, ma'am. Right away." All the soldiers that weren't suffering from fatal injuries got up and ran outside, ready to clean up, with the civillians joining. Amongst the crowd, was a young Half-Elf girl, about 8 years old, with purple hair and a magenta stripe in it, who watched in awe as her queen walked back up to her personal quarters, yawning, in broken armor.

"Twilie? Are you alright?" A young boy's voice asked. The little girl snapped out of it and turned to another young half-elf, a boy with short blue hair, around 11 years old

"Uh, yeah, Shining." She replied. "I just... need to get back to my studies."

"Same. The Guards did their best.. who knew orcs were that violent?"

"Now kids," Their mother, another half- elf with gray-purple hair spoke. "Let's go home and thank the gods for what they've done for today."

"Yes, mom." Both kids spoke.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy it. And, for that added extra flair, if there was an opening, I think this would work.

Oh, and here's a guide to elves and orcs, though the orcs won't be returning for a while.