• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,576 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...

Alright I'll bite, whats a Cutie mark?

Spinel was just kind of waiting for something to happen as she lay in her bed when she heard voices, one belonging to Applebloom with two new ones, Spinel moved for the first time in hours and looked over the edge of her living area and watched as Applebloom lead her two complains into the barn.

"...and she can jump like, super far," Applebloom said to her friends.

"I dunno," The orange one said scratching her chin "Jumping isn't that impressive, certainly doesn't make her a cool as Rainbow Dash,"

"Scootaloo I think we really need to talk about your worship of Rainbow dash," The white one said, with Applebloom agreeing.

"What? I don't worship her," Scootaloo snapped back.

"Hey Scootaloo did you like the movie?" the white one said in a mocking tone "Oh it was OK but I bet if Rainbow dash had been in that situation she would have won that race in half of the time," as the two argued over whether or not Scootaloo was obsessed with this Rainbow Dash Spinel jumped down and startled Applebloom.

"Oh geez," She said taking a deep breath to calm herself "You scared me," Spinel looked down at Applebloom and silently pointed to her still arguing friends. "Oh yeah, Hey!" Applebloom screamed the last part and her friends looked over at her, shutting up once they saw Spinel. "This is Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle,"

"Oh wow," Sweetie said as she looked up at Spinel in awe. Scootaloo stared in awe for a second before coughing.

"Yeah, she looks kind of cool," Spinel raised a brow.

"Kind of?" she asked before Applebloom jumped in, looking at Spinel with puppy dog eyes and earning a squint back.

"What do you want from me?" she asked in suspicion.

"Well, I just thought, since you don't seem to be doing anything, I'd be nice to come and invite you to come with us while we help solve a Cutie mark problem," Applebloom shook her front hooves in what Spinel took to be the pony version of Jazz hands. "What do you say?" Spinel put her hand on her chin and put the other on her side before nodding.

"Alright I'll bite, whats a Cutie mark?" the three stared at her blankly.

"I can't...I can't...I just can't," Scootaloo said in disbelief.

"What do you mean what is a Cutie mark?" Applebloom demanded, "It's what a pony gets when they find out who they are!"

"Once again I am forced to ask this," Spinel took a deep breath before pointing to herself and saying loudly "Do I look like a pony to you?"

"Well no, but even non-ponies know about Cutie Marks,"

"Well I hate to burst your pride in your own species but save the fact that your race seems to come in 4 variations I don't know jack diddly anything about Ponies," Spinel shrugged as she added "Although I assume your herbivores,"

"How can you not know anything about Cutie Marks? Eveypony knows-" Spinel cut Sweetie off with a simple.

"Not a pony," She patted the upside-down heart on her chest "I'm a Gem," Spinel pointed at Applebloom "And you have peaked my interests so I shall be joining you on this Cutie mark thing on the condition that you give me a better explanation as to what they are," Applebloom grabbed the hand Spinel was using to point at her with and shook it merrily.


"...and that's about it," Spinel and Applebloom were sitting outside the home of the filly the CMC was helping, Appleblooms explanation had taken longer than she had thought it would, mainly due to the sheer number of ponies that had been gawking at Spinel.

"Alright I can see why this might be...important to ponies, seem's to represent maturity...I think," the two got up and walked into the home, inside was a filly who had a book for a cutie mark and was in mid-dialog.

"... this powerful force of death tried to take the princess souls and only failed because of an unnamed intruder," The Filly turned the page and was about to continue when Scootaloo spotted them and jumped at the sight.

"Oh look Applebloom and the living cartoon are here," Spinel squinted at that as Applebloom made her way towards Sweetie, who was talking to the fillies father.

"So what's the problem?" Applebloom asked as the filly in question flipped through the book to what Applebloom assumed was the spot she had left off at before starting over for her audience.

"Code blue" Sweetie said, a look of irritation apparent on her face, Applebloom sighed and looked over at the father, sharing Sweetie's look of irritation.

"The number of times I've had to say this is ridiculous," Applebloom rubbed her temple before saying clearly "We help ponies find out what their cutie mark is or help them adjust to a cutie mark they didn't want, we don't help the parents convince their children that they got the wrong cutie mark,"

"But it's not the right one," The father said angrily "I've spent countless bit's on Piano lessons, my Daughter is one of the best Pianists in her school, she's supposed to grow up and be a famous musician not a...a...a Librarian!"

"Well did you ever stop and ask your daughter if she enjoyed playing the Piano? or if she only did it cause you wanted her to?"

"Who cares if she enjoys it or not, She's good at it!"

"Oh for the love of..."As Applebloom and Sweetie belle set forth on the long and repetitive task of a parent who had tried to live their dreams through their child and failed Scootaloo and Spinel stared silently at each other.

"You really pink," Scootaloo said, breaking the silence.

"So is Pinkie," Spinel replied simply, "What's your point?" Scootaloo shrugged.

"Pink isn't exactly the coolest of colors, now blue, blue is a sure-fire sign that your awesome, pink on the other hand..."

"I get the feeling you're trying to start a fight with me." Spinel said leaning down and getting very close to Scootaloos face "I can assure you that a fight is the last thing you want from me," Scootlaloo scoffed.

"Please, if you try anything Rainbow Dash will bash you into the ground faster than Pinkie can say Party," Spinel glared at the small orange Pegasus but before she could do anything Applebloom screamed out.

"We are leaving!" The two looked over to see Applebloom glowing red with Sweetie matching her as they left the Father who followed them with desperate pleas.

"There must be something you can do! I'll give you anything you want!" Applebloom turned on the spot and pointed to his daughter, who was too lost in her book to notice or care what was going on.

"I want you to ask her what she wants to do, not what you want her to do!" With that Applebloom stormed out of the house, once the CMC and Spinel had all filed out of the home Applebloom took a deep breath before deciding on what to do to take her mind of how much of her and her friends time had once again been wasted.

"Hey Spinel, want a tour of CMC Headquarters?"