• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 2,819 Views, 70 Comments

Kerfuffle's Lower Left Limb Kerfuffles - BronyWriter

Ever wonder how Kerfuffle lost her leg? The Mane Six are curious as well.

  • ...


Twilight Sparkle sighed happily as she watched the ponies of Hope Hollow celebrate their first Rainbow Festival in years. Everything had come together better than she had hoped. The Festival was in full swing, the town had its colors back, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, everypony looked happy. She nodded in contentment and looked to her friends who were standing around her.

"I'm so glad that this all worked out," Twilight said with a smile. "It's so amazing to see a whole town come together in love and friendship." Twilight shot a knowing glance in the direction of the newly engaged Mayor Sunny Skies and Petunia Petals, who were chatting with Kerfuffle. "Especially love, in this instance."

"Oh, I quite agree, darling," Rarity said as a group of foals ran by them, laughing about something or other. "And to see ponies start using their special talents and abilities to help the town certainly doesn't hurt matters."

"Fer sure," Applejack replied with a nod. "'Specially Torque Wrench. That gal has talent like Ah ain't never seen before."

"And Mister and Missus Hoofington baking those awesome, wonderful, tasty, delicious pies!" Pinkie chimed in before tossing a piece of said pie that had seemingly come out of nowhere into the air and swallowing it all in one gulp. She "mmmed" in contentment and rubbed her belly. "Apricot. Yummy."

Rainbow scoffed in amusement before looking in the distance where Barley and Pickle Barrel were performing a few basic tricks. "Yeah, it's pretty awesome, alright. Those two have some talent. Wouldn't surprise me if they actually became Wonderbolts!" She chuckled and buffed her hoof on her chest. "With a little help and guidance from yours truly."

"In any case, they all seem really happy." Fluttershy's smile somehow produced a cute little squeak as a trio of butterfly's flitted past the group. "I can't wait to come back next year."

"Oh, me neither," Rarity said as the group stopped in the middle of the town square to pony-watch. "I'm certain that Kerfuffle will have come up with several wonderful designs." Rarity perked up a bit. "Oh, that reminds me: I simply must get her address. I'd love to keep up a correspondence with her."

"Well, I'm heading over to talk to the mayor before we go anyway," Twilight said with a shrug. "I can get Kerfuffle's address while I'm over there."

"Well, that sounds like a plan then," Rarity said with a smile. "In the meantime, I suppose that it would be silly for all six of us to just stay together through the whole festival. I for one suggest that we all go and explore!"

The other five all nodded and the group went its separate ways. Twilight kept her course and walked up to where Mayor Sunny, Petunia and Kerfuffle were all talking. They seemed as happy as the rest of them, and as Twilight approached, the all began laughing at some joke that one of them had told.

"Hello, everypony!" Twilight said as she approached. "It looks like you're all having a good time."

"Oh, the best!" Sunny Skies replied. "I don't think we've ever had a Rainbow Festival as good as this one! You and your friends have really done a wonderful job. We couldn't have done it without you!"

Petunia smirked at Sunny and nudged him on the side. "Oh, well you were the one who proposed, silly. I think that might have a lot to do with why this one is the best."

Kerfuffle giggled and stomped her hoof on the ground. "Oh yah. That was pretty neat, Mister Mayor, sir. That and I got ta meet Rarity!" Kerfuffle let out a happy squeal and flapped her wings. "The Rarity!"

"Well she was happy to meet you too, Kerfuffle," Twilight said. "On that note, actually, Rarity was hoping that she could get your address? She wants to keep in touch."

Kerfuffle's eyes and smile widened and she let out another happy squeak. Her wings flapped hard enough that she actually levitated a few hooves. "Oh. My. Goodness! The Rarity wants ta talk ta me?" She giggled and landed. "Oh yah! Let me get that address for ya, then!"

"We'll leave the two of you to it," Sunny Skies chimed in. If you don't mind, me and my..." He blushed and leaned in closer to Petunia. "Bride-to-be are going to see more of the festival."

"Oh, I don't mind at all," Twilight said, levitating a quill and a piece of scratch paper out of the small, thin saddlebag at her side while Petunia and Kerfuffle giggled. "I'll catch up with the two of you later."

As the two walked away, Kerfuffle took the quill and paper to quickly scratch out her address. When she was finished, Twilight took them back in her magic and placed them back in her saddlebag.

"Oh, by the way, I never properly thanked you for these!" Twilight said, flapping her wings to show off the wing covers that Kerfuffle had made for her. "They're absolutely beautiful, and really comfortable, too!"

"Oh, pshhh, it's nothin' ta write home about." Despite that, Twilight couldn't help but notice the small blush on Kerfuffle's cheeks. "Glad ya like them and all. I've been waitin' fer the opportunity ta actually show them off and now..." Kerfuffle grinned and motioned to Twilight. "Here ya are!"

"Well, I think they're beautiful, Kerfuffle, and my friends and I can't wait to see what you come up with next year."

Kerfuffle let out another happy squeak and fluttered her wings again. This time, Twilight couldn't help but glance at her left hind leg. The lower half was missing, replaced by a wood and metal prosthetic. She only glanced for a brief moment, but when she looked back up, Kerfuffle had a knowing smile on her face.

"You can ask, ya know."

Now it was Twilight's turn to blush. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"It's alright." Kerfuffle snorted. "Ya don't think ponies don't notice? I know ponies get curious with somethin' like that."

"Right, but I didn't want to be... you know..." Twilight scraped at the ground with her hoof. "Rude, or anything like that."

"Oh, pshhh, it ain't rude at all," Kerfuffle said with a wave of her hoof. "Everypony notices it at some point. So... would ya like ta know what happened?"

"Oh..." Twilight flinched back. "I mean... if you're--"

"It's fine," Kerfuffle replied. "It happened a long time ago. I barely even notice the leg is gone some days. Anyways, it all started when I was a scientist for the Canterlot Royal Institution of Technology, Science, and Magic."

Twilight gasped and her eyes widened. "Wh-what?! The Canterlot... That's the most prestigious scientific department in Equestria!"

"Oh, you betcha! Good ta know you've heard of them. Now, it was back when we were trying to research a cure for a disease..."

* * * *

Kerfuffle placed the beaker down on the table and fired up the Bunson burner. She patted her mane to make sure that it was still in its tight bun before adjusting her safely goggles.

"Alright. Test number two-seven-one." She glanced around at the half-dozen other ponies in the room. "You all ready?"

"Yes, Head Researcher Kerfuffle," said a nervous looking young stallion holding a clipboard and pen in his magic. "Everything appears to be in order."

"Good. Now hopefully this doesn't blow up too badly. We're on the right track." Kerfuffle uncorked a vial and brought it closer to the one she had just placed on the table. She gave the Bunsen burner one last check to make sure that it wouldn't go out in the middle of the process before tipping the second vial into the first one. Before even a single drop could be poured, she heard one of the other researchers gasp.

"Head Researcher Kerfuffle, you're about to mix an acid and a base!" She gulped. "Y-you know what happens when you do that, right?"

"Oh yah, sure as I'm standin' here I do! I'm just hopin' that the fire is gonna cancel all of that out, but I gotta mix 'em in before they go on the fire or things are gonna get real nasty in here. So..." The other researchers slowly started to back away as Kerfuffle poured several drops of one vial into the other. The yellow liquid in the first vial instantly turned green as the second liquid was added. Everypony else took another step back.

"Alright, now we just gotta add it to the fire here, and..." Kerfuffle frowned. "Oh for goodness sakes. Where did I put my tongs?" Kerfuffle turned around to the table behind her and perked up when she saw them sitting there. "Oh, silly me. Some days I'd forget my own head if it wasn't on my shoulders. Now--"

"Head Researcher Kerfuffle! Look out!"

Before Kerfuffle could even begin to turn around, a massive explosion rocked the room, sending her flying into the opposite wall. Instantly it felt as if she was on fire, and she screamed in pain as she fully tried to think through what had just happened.

"Head Researcher Kerfuffle, are you okay? Are you... oh my Celestia!"

* * * *

"So yah, silly me." Kerfuffle shrugged and reached out a hoof to close Twilight's mouth. "Anyways, they got most of me all fixed up except the leg here. That was too badly damaged ta do anything with."

"W-wow. I mean, I just..."

"Yah, it wasn't the greatest day ever. Moved past it now. At least I didn't die, right?"

"I mean... yeah, but..." Twilight frowned. "You don't get an explosion if you mix an acid and a base. They neutralize each other."

"Oh, you betcha they do!" Kerfuffle replied. "It's just that I can't say exactly what we were doin'. Can't even tell ya the disease we were tryin' ta cure."

"Why the secrecy?" Twilight asked, cocking her head.

"Oh, enough about silly me," Kerfuffle said with a wave of her hoof. "If ya don't mind, I'm gonna get some apricot pie before it all runs out!"

With that, Kerfuffle turned and walked away in the direction of the food stands, leaving Twilight standing there watching her go.

"Canterlot Royal Institution of Technology, Science, and Magic." Twilight shook her head and began walking away. "Head researcher, too. You never know with some ponies..."

Author's Note:

No joke, I saw Rainbow Roadtrip twice and, somehow, I never noticed that she only had three legs. It was when I was playing the MLP Gameloft app and an ad came on for her that I went "hey... wait a minute!" I checked and, sure enough, three legs. It was at that point where I said to myself "Man, now I really want that story!"

And then I realized I could write it. So here we are.