• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 2,374 Views, 33 Comments

Comedic Burst of Funniness - Lunatic God

Sometimes time travel is possible. Sometimes it goes wrong. Sometimes a futuristic soldier goes on a killing spree to reach the time machine to get back home, and begins an era of video game characters finding their way to Equestria. It happens.

  • ...

Entropy Zero 2: Declaration of Friendship

“The magical resonance detection matrix said the magical anomaly originated in this general area,” 3650 stated, scanning the area that used to be dense forest but was now a path of fallen logs and flattened thorn bushes, holding his gun with both hands. Behind him was his pony partner, also scanning his surroundings, clad in his golden armor and holding a spear. For some reason, all his fur was standing on end.

“Definitely seems like it," His pony buddy agreed, seeing the split trees and smashed branches. “But it could’ve just been the collective energy of wild clouds being dumped,” Stone suggested. “The Everfree is infamous for that.”

“I read the file. These energy dumps are never anywhere close to powerful enough to trip the matrix, so I suspect someone’s casting spells similar in complexity and power needed to that time traveling spell made by Star Swirl the Bearded.”

“Perhaps Trixie found another ancient unicorn artifact?” Stone asked.

“If it was, she would have surely made it known,” 3650 replied. “Besides, I already checked that lead. Overwatch determined she was nowhere near the Everfree at the time of the incident.” He gestured towards Stone with his left hand. “Your fur is on end, so that means there’s residual thaumic energy floating around, which also matches the MO of reality bending spells like Star Swirl’s.”

“So you’re suggesting someone time traveled?” Stone questioned, looking at 3650.

“As far as I can tell, no past events have changed, so that’s off the table.” 3650 thought for a moment.

“Twilight reported a similar residual energy when she activated the Xen grenade that brought me here, as well as around the arrival origins of all the people not native to this dimension.” 3650 turned to look at Stone. “I don’t know how or why, but I think someone’s using a Star Swirl level spell to pluck creatures from other dimensions and drop them here.”

Stone’s eyes widened, but before he could respond, they heard movement in a small nearby valley. 3650 whipped around, his gun flying up to point towards the small break in the trees that led to the valley. Stone raised his spear, sidestepping so he could see.

“Stay close." With Stone close behind, 3650 silently stalked forward, the both of them expertly avoiding twigs and stepping over fallen trees.

“... This seems familiar," 3650 noted as they approached the top of the dip.

“Bit for your thoughts?" Stone asked. 3650 stopped them for a moment.

“... Whatever we find, do not engage,” he told Stone. “We may just find best dragon.” They continued on, stepping over even more fallen branches and brambles.

“Dragons don't come out to the Everfree," Stone started. “What Makes you think we’ll find one here?"

“Because I'm looking at him," 3650 answered as he looked over the hill, holstering his gun on his right hip. “And he’s as beautiful as the day I last saw him.”

Stone trotted over, looking at what his partner was seeing.

“You see that absolute unit of a dragon?" 3650 asked, pointing momentarily. “He is the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, with an acetylene and oxygen shaped plasma charge that has never once missed, and- oh shit," 3650 abruptly finished as his gaze reached the dragon’s tail, motioning for Stone to follow before hopping down and sliding down the hill.

“What's up?" Stone asked, following the man.

“He lost his prosthetic tail fin in the crash, and he ain't movin’,” 3650 stopped and looked at Stone. “And a downed dragon is a dead dragon." Stone watched as 3650 turned and approached the head of the dragon.

“Toothless?" the man said softly. Or, as soft as he could with his heavily artificial voice. The dragon shifted with a low groan, opening his eyes slightly. After a moment, he spotted the human, and his eyes snapped open, his pupils slim and untrusting. He tried to rise, but fell with a groan.

“Shh, it’s okay,” 3650 whispered, tossing his gun aside and raising his hands, approaching very slowly. “I’m a friend. I won’t hurt you.” He took another step, but Toothless narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth hissing loudly. 3650 froze, then sighed and stepped back multiple paces, double his arms length from the dragon.

“Thought so.” 3650 stared at the dragon in thought for a moment, then slowly turned his head to look at the stallion. “Hey Stone.”

“Yeah?” The guard replied quietly, making the Night Fury’s big ears perk slightly.

“You’re cute and cuddly. Come make a friend.”

“Not all of us can make friends at the wave of a hoof, 3650,” Stone told him with a roll of his eyes.

“Just get over here,” 3650 stated. “I just need you to be like a..an ambassador, of sorts. He won’t trust you, but he won’t be nearly as scared of you.”

Stone raised a brow. “What makes you so sure?”

“You manage to keep me in check, and I'm a helllluva lot more prone to violence like it’s a second language.” He paused for a moment, looking back at the injured dragon.

“...I trust you, Colonel Stone Brick.” 3650 slightly turned his head towards the pony as he said that.

Stone’s brow lowered. He carefully laid down his spear, then carefully slid down. He walked around Toothless, watching the dragon’s eye snap onto Stone as he came into view beside the human, looking between them rapidly, before scooting away slightly.

“Give us some space,” Stone whispered to 3650.

“You got this,” 3650 whispered back, patting the pony’s mane before stepping back the equivalent length of the dragon’s body.

Stone watched him back away. Once the human stopped, Stone closed his eyes, took a moment to formulate his thoughts, took a deep breath, then reopened his eyes and locked eyes with the reptile.

“Greetings, Toothless,” he started softly. “My name is Stone Brick. The human over there says it's a weird name, but I think a name with only numbers is even weirder.” Stone chuckled lightly with a smile, hesitantly stepping forward with his right foreleg.

“Toothless… I know what you’re going through. You are in a strange, unrecognizable place, you are heavily injured and are missing a vital tailfin, and who approaches but a lanky and unnatural looking bipedal with a giant and scary red eye?” He took another step, moving his left hindleg forward.

“That’s how I felt too, when I first heard about him. The Princess informs me and my unit of a genetically engineered killing machine within the castle walls, then right after says that we treat him as one of our own?” Another step, this time his left foreleg.

“You are terrified, just like I was. But you don’t have to be.” A fourth step with his right hindleg.

“I put aside my fear and trusted him blindly, and my trust in him hasn’t once rang false.” He slowly raised his right foreleg, holding his hoof inches from the Night Fury’s nose. He was quiet for a moment.

“Toothless,” he whispered, too low for 3650 to overhear. “Please put aside your fear…” Stone slowly turned his head to face away from Toothless, closing his eyes. “...and trust us to help you.”

Toothless looked at Stone’s turned head, his slitted pupils slightly widened. He then slowly lowered his gaze towards the outstretched hoof, his pupils widening slightly more. Hesitantly, he closed his eyes, gently pressing his nose against the hoof with a low purr.

Stone smiled, opening his eyes and looking at Toothless, who had also opened his eyes and was now staring at him with wide rectangular pupils, his purring vibrating Stone’s hoof.

“Ho-ly shit,” 3650 breathed as he released the breath he didn’t realize he was holding, a tear rolling down his cheek. His body relaxed apart from his hands, which were clasped tightly on his chest, and his head tilted in awe of such a powerful moment.

Author's Note:

Man i love Toothless