• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 3,810 Views, 1,279 Comments

The Princess's Bit - Mitch H

Adventure is nothing but other ponies having a terrible time somewhere picturesque. But you take what you can get, when you take the Princess's bit.

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Absent Brothers

"My name is Turulorszag Hercegnő Gyongyi," said the shaggy looking griffon while her great tame pet monster looked curiously over her shoulder, "but ponies generally call me Lady George for short."

"I'd hate to think what they'd call you for long," laughed Lyra, trying to concentrate on the boring griffon, and not insult her by staring at the beast behind her. It wasn't often that you came across a Greater Roc.

And lived to tell about it.

"There's a list of titles as long as your left foreleg. Not as long as mine, or the list of titles belonging to your own princess, or so I'm told," the forgettable griffon said.

What was that they had strapped to the greater roc's head? Lyra wished she could look up at it and get a better look. Or even better, climb up that ladder over there and see if she could get a clean view of the great bird's wing-feathers. She'd heard that there were a good many 'roc's feathers' that had flooded the collector's market in the last year and a half.

None with any provenance to speak of, of course, which made them worthless for Lyra's studies, blast it all.

"I'm sorry, what, I was too busy staring at your roc. What did you do to get it so tame? I've never even laid eyes on a living Greater Roc! Let alone one that wasn't trying to eat everything on four hooves it could see!"

"Lyra Heartstrings!" yelled that stick in the mud from school wearing Lyra's old friend like a cape. "You know very well why you're here!"

"I do? Really? Have you ever met me, Twilight? When have I ever known what I was doing?"

"Lyra! Concentrate! Princess Celestia shipped you halfway across Equestria to help us with this problem. Can't you remember what you're about for five minutes?"

"To Human Hell with that, Twilight, I can't be bothered to fuss about what I'm supposed to be doing! There's a Greater Roc looking right at me! And I'm not seeing it from within its closing jaws! Not that I'd object to examining the anatomy of a Greater Roc from inside the gastro-intestinal tract - again! - but I suppose the acid and the chewing and the dying might be a bit of a downer."

"What! Why! How?" babbled Twilight Sparkle, the silly filly.

"Three very good questions," grumbled the other griffon from behind Lyra's sort-of-friend from school. This griffon was less boring than the one with the fascinating pet. Big specimen, clearly royal plumage.

That reminded Lyra.

"Oh, right, some sort of crypto-zoologic problem with princessly overtones, right? Is this about the griffish royal behind you? She looks young, I'm gonna presume some sort of heir from one of the lesser principates, or maybe a condado? Hey, there, cutie, what's your name?"

"Sergeant Gilda, you daft cu-"

"Gilda! Let me deal with Lyra. Sorry, Lady George, let me try again with Lyra. Give me a moment, and maybe I'll get that spell to stick on her this time… come on, Lyra. Let me fix you."

"Damnit, Twilight, you know I don't take 'fixes'."

"I know you claim you don't, Lyra, but - could you at least stop calling me by that name? Please? I haven't been Twilight Sparkle in nearly ten years!"

"Ugh. If you insist. It was always so damn morbid of you, 'Gleaming'. Like wearing the poor colt's mane-hair in a locket, or worse, something bigger." Would a winkie fit in a locket? Maybe more of a reliquary, like the old saints of Harmony. Lyra had once seen a mummified hoof that the Order of Order had claimed was Smart Cookie's rear left pronker…

"Lyra!" Gleaming Shield whined in embarrassment.

There was Lyra's old friend. Lyra almost paused in respect for that moment of real emotion, but screw that. "There you are! Come on, now, stop hiding behind that pose. Shiny would never have stood for it, you know!"

"Damn it, Lyra. Even Cadance doesn't call him that anymore."

"Well, you know I never did think she was good enough for him. I was going to marry him when I grew up! But no, he had to go mooning around after that big soggy pink blanket. She would have made him miserable."

"Lyra, you're the biggest fillyfooler I know."

"Eh, we could have made it work. He always had that twink thing going for him. I betcha I could have got him to dress up in a skirt and a saddle, and let me-"


"Ha! Knew I could get you to take that stick out of your ass, even if it was only to beat me like a pinata with it."

Oh, hey, that wasn't a Greater Roc. If Lyra wasn't mistaken… "Is that a True Turul wearing a coronet?"

"What? How? Why?"

"Three very silly questions, Twilight. Your blasted counter-curse scrambled my brains. It just wore off. I told you I have an idiosyncratic reaction to curses. Your silly fix nearly knocked my sweetmeats out of my skull. Huh. Huh. Look at that."

Lyra spun on her hooves and looked around the room for the now-missing dull-blue griffon. Nope, just the one juvenile royal.

"Hey, you up there! Are you the Hercegnő Gyongyi that just introduced yourself to my dumb flank about ten minutes ago?"

"Why yes, Magus Heartstrings. Thank you for catching up to the conversation at last."

"Ha! That's great. Twilight, the princess said she was smart, but she didn't say that she had a sense of humor! However has she put up with you for this long?"

"The winds only know," snarked the other royal in the room.

"Hey!" yelled Lyra. "Only I'm allowed to make fun of Gleaming Shield! Step off, you blasted predatory hidalgo! And why are you in that preposterous outfit. Wait."

Lyra spun again, staring at her friend. "Twi- Gleaming Shield! What are you doing in that historical reconstruction! Did you invite me to a costume ball again and not tell me I had to get dressed up?"

Twilight Sp- no, Gleaming Shield closed her eyes and visibly if silently counted to ten. "No, Lyra. This is not cosplay. The princesses - well, princess, now - commissioned me in a really, really old guards regiment. This is, I'm pretty sure, the appropriate garb for a Crystal Guardsmare."

"Cool, cool. Wow, look at it glitter," Lyra said as she trotted around her friend, staring at the shiny cloth. "How did the clothier get that gemlike look to it? Oh, geez, I just made the connection - they literally turned you into a 'Gleaming' Shield. Hahahaha! That's amazing!"

"Lyra! Pay attention. And stop yelling at Gilda. She's not a hidalgo, she's from Griffonstone. I guess that royal bastards are as common as rubble in the streets there?" Gleaming Shield looked at the supposed Griffonstonian for confirmation.

"More or less, captain ma'am. Magus Heartstrings, good to meet you-"

"Oh, don't bother with that. I'm not really a doctor yet. Well, they keep telling me to go over to the academy and defend my dissertation, and it'll just be a formality, but those dotty old shelf-rags won't let me submit my real dissertation, so bugger them with a length of chalk. They want one of my boring, lesser compositions. Won't let me submit The Bipedal Ape In Central Marezonian Iconography. As if it wasn't my very best work!"

"Maguses aren't just academics-"

"Yeah, but they mostly are. And really, the thaumic part of the job is foal's play when you literally can't be cursed." Lyra paused, and reconsidered. "Except apparently by you. What's up with that, Shield? Yeah, Shield. That trips off the tongue better than 'Gleaming'. Especially with the way you're just gleaming, standing there. Seriously, don't you have an undress uniform that won't make my eyes water?"

"Our fashionista is working on it," Gleaming Shield said, defensively.

"A fashionista, really? I know you Sparkles are made of bits, but damn, filly, you're really laying it out. Wait, Crystal Guard. I've never heard of that. But I've heard something like that. Where'd I hear of that?"

"It's some lost city-state in the Frozen North. Disappeared-"

"Eleven hundred years ago! The Sombrean Domination! Damn, yeah, I remember that! There was speculation that Cadenza was somehow a harbinger of that old story, you know? That broken crystal heart on her hips."

"That was always an ugly rumor, Lyra. You know her cutie mark was a source of pain to poor Cadance."

"Twi-Shield, everything is a source of pain to that mare. She walks through a world with razor-blades sticking out of all the furniture and the fixtures. I know you like her, but I got tired of her routine a long, long time ago."

"That mare, as you call her, is now the Duchess of Trottingham, and the garrison you're standing in, Magus Heartstrings," said the griffon in the sergeant's stripes.

"Hrm. No ma'am for me?" Lyra asked, slyly.

"No, Magus Heartstrings."

"Gilda! Behave. I think she doesn't approve of you, Lyra. Come on, let's talk about this. You've broken through the curse, that means you'll be useful. You'll be coming with us?"

"Oh, I don't know, depends on where you end up going. Will it be somewhere dangerous and full of strange and unusual characters and critters trying to kill me?"

"Almost certainly, yes," said Gleaming Shield.

"Excellent! Count me in!"

Hurricane Heartstrings blew out of Lady George's stable like she blew into it, whirling and setting everything at cross-purposes from what and where it ought to have been. Gilda looked up at the bemused turul, picking at her coronet, then she looked down at her exhausted unicorn.

"Captain, ma'am, are you sure we need her?" Gilda asked, softly.

"Yeah, yeah, I think it'll be for the best."

"Captain, ma'am, she's the antithesis of military discipline."

"As if you're some paragon, Gilda! You've gotten very stuffy since I gave you that sergeancy."

"I'm not sure 'sergeancy' is a word, captain ma'am. And I've always been a bit stuffy, you just haven't noticed until now. But this mare - she seems to delight in setting your back up."

"And you think she's stealing your thunder?"

"I think she's at least three of the winds in a bag, captain ma'am."

"I… don't think I know what that means. I should probably look into griffish theology at some point, shouldn't I?"

"I wouldn't bother, captain ma'am. It's mostly about familial murder, silly babble about winds and elements and debts. Aside from the business on the subject of debts, none of it is good for much of anything, except a useful vocabulary when it comes to cursing things. A great wealth of curses, griffish theology."

"What were we talking about?"

"Crazed academics shipping out with a military expedition to put a cursed foreign princess on a foreign throne."

"Nest," interjected Lady George. "We don't have a throne, we have a nest. Big, messy thing, the Great Nest."

The big turul sighed, sinking on her haunches into a brooding posture. "I'm not sure if this won't all be for naught. We're so very late in the year. I had no idea how long it would take to put all this together back when I agreed to the delay last winter."

"It's debatable how much of an expedition we might have gotten together with Princess Cadance's direct aid," Gilda said, defensively. It had been Gilda's objections that had put a period on that abortive run towards a slap-dash charge into Bugbear Territory.

"Don't get me wrong, Gilda. You were right at the time, and you're right now. It would have wrecked the Duchess's relationship with her 'aunt', and bought me no favors in Canterlot. And odds are I would have been torn to pieces by angry guards, if we ran into my brother instead of, what, five or six singleton subjects hunting the fjords and the taiga. If we were lucky."

"So instead, we're looking at a dead run eastwards with a single squadron of undertrained guards, and a retrofitted 'carrier' on its first flight," Gilda said, bitterly. She wasn't feeling great about how slowly everything seemed to be moving. Somehow, it had felt faster when she hadn't been responsible for any of it, last time.

But then, she had been the only green trooper involved in all the great movements and hard-charging all-birds-full-ahead actions. Somehow, it was different when the barely-fledged birds were depending on you, rather than vice versa.

"As I understand the problem, we have to make a show this year, though," Gleaming Shield said suddenly. "Even if we don't do anything other than get chased out of Turulian airspace. Turulorszogian? What's the right adjective, L-Prinzesin G-Gyorgyi?"

"Hercegnő Gyongyi, Captain Shield. Or Gyongyike if you're being affectionate. Or, just call me George like every other bird in this foolish archipelago does."

"Gyongyike? It sounds like it means something."

"Little Pearl, in Equish," George admitted, blushing. "You can see why I went with George instead."

"Why? It's beautiful!" Gleaming Shield exclaimed.

Gilda rolled her eyes at the two crab rolls being innocent and silly at each other. "All that put aside, captain ma'am, Lady George ma'am, why is it important to get our tailfeathers singed off?"

"Because," said Lady George, slowly and sadly like a mother to her retarded child, "When my confused, horrible brother gets up off of the Great Nest and sits brooding on the real nests, the eggs that hatch won't hatch healthy turuls, but screeching monsters thirsting for sapient blood. And if I don't make a visible effort to keep that from happening - even if I fail horribly, even if they simply drive me off with a few tail feathers lost in the attempt - well, that's better than just letting big brother Mátyás's illusions that he should have been born Márta carry all of those turul souls off into roc-borne Pokol."

"They need to see the attempt," Gleaming Shield said, grimly.

"Even if I lose badly, yes. But I'd prefer not to die in the attempt, young Gilda. Captain Shield."

Gilda looked up at the great bird.

"We'll do our best, Gyongyike," the griffon promised.

Author's Note:

Thanks for editing and pre-reading help to Shrink Laureate, Walker of Voids, Damaged, and the general Company.

And especial thanks to Walker Of Voids for help with George's Hungarian grace notes.

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