• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 450 Views, 23 Comments

The End of Time - Leondude

The last and most epic tale in The Captain Goodking Saga is here! In an effort to stop the maniacal Kronos, Doctor Whooves recruits many of Equestria's heroes (and Captain Goodking, of course) to help him.

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Chapter 2 - The Extraterrestrial Menace (but nopony knows that)

The equine allowed Laeyoon to enter his home. Laeyoon stared in awe at all the technology within the equine's home, and especially noticing the abundance of clocks and electrical thingamajigs in the room. While some bits of it looked primitive by the standards of both the Republic and the Sith Empire, he was impressed that a member of a technologically challenged race could make stuff that wouldn't be out of place on somewhere like Raxus Prime (even though Raxus Prime was a junk planet). Then again, Dathomir was no Coruscant so he really shouldn't judge a race on their technological abilities.

"Did you make all of this?" Laeyoon asked in amazement, although it was hard to notice his amazement since his tone didn't change that much.

"Why yes indeed, my otherworldly guest. I have been studying science my whole life, finding new ways to revolutionize the lives of pegasi and Earth ponies. But of course, I can't leave out the unicorns so I have invented this device that can easily help them if they ever want to become Time-Turners!"

As the equine picked up a device from the table right next to him, Laeyoon looked away and burped before looking back at this eccentric pony as he held the device. It was mainly red and white and had wires of all sorts of colours sticking out of it, as well as some sort of communication device. Two communication devices, come to think of it.

"It's a name in progress but I call it the 'Timey-Wimey detector'!" the equine shouted excitedly. "It's a device makes notifies the user with a sound whenever a temporal anomaly appears, or to the laypony, it goes ding when there's stuff."

"Impressive," Laeyoon said, trying to sound as courteous as possible. "Most impressive. Maybe not as impressive as the other stuff in this room but still pretty impressive."

"Great wickering stallions! I have been telling you about my accomplishments and yet I've never given you my name! Call me Doctor Whooves!"

"Given the naming conventions of this system, I wouldn't be surprised if your first name really was 'Doctor'," Laeyoon deadpanned. "Now that you have introduced yourself to me, I am Lord Laeyoon Oude of the Sith Empire. I am a zabrak from the planet Dathomir. The Sith saw I had great potential and I went from being a lowly Nightbrother to being enrolled in the Sith Academy."

Doctor Whooves' blanked out as he tried to process all of the new terms Laeyoon threw at him. "Who are these 'Sith' that you speak of?"

"An order that retains power through passion. And since love and friendship are very passionate things, I can assure you that the Sith Empire would be right up your alley as well as the rest of this world's inhabitants' collective alley."

Laeyoon obviously and deliberately neglected to tell Whooves that the Sith believe peace is a lie and that the princesses of this planet have no interest in negotiating with a tyrannical regime that takes pleasure in hurting those around them. He also neglected to tell him that the Sith have a habit of betraying one another, a habit that he thinks is a bit idiotic (and he's the kind of guy that tends to murder people on a whim). While he won't deny he has betrayed a few people, they were merely because it was a temporary alliance and the person he betrayed was associated with the Jedi, the Republic or Darth Baras (or they just annoyed him, like that grovelling little kiss-arse from when he first arrived to Dromund Kaas with Vette). And even though he hates getting betrayed himself, he's actually counting on Jaesa betraying him one of these days, even to the point of fantasizing about it while relaxing in a hot tub on Naboo drinking a glass of Sullustan wine. Nevertheless, depending on any possible corruption within this planet's ruling government and how gullible Whooves is, perhaps he can convince Whooves to join his side. Just like how he convinced Jaesa to give in to the dark side. After all, having the ability to feel other people's emotions as well as their true nature and yet being forced to repress hers must have been torture for Jaesa. All he did was set her free. It was then that he had an idea.

"These unicorns, pegasi and Earth ponies you speak of. What exactly are they?"

"Interesting question! They are the various kinds of ponies that exist in Equestria, with me being an Earth pony for I have no wings or a horn but I do have a mean buck! And as for the unicorns, they are the ones with swirly but majestic horns on their heads and pegasi are the ones with wings. But they are nothing in comparison to the greatest pony of all! The race of pony that has the magical potential of a unicorn, the flight of a pegasus and the strength on an Earth pony. The alicorn!"

"Ah, so you rule based on race then? I understand."

"Well, not exactly. The unicorns are the ones that can use all sorts of magic, given practice of course. The pegasi are in charge of the weather, and the Earth ponies specialize in agriculture and construction. And as far as I can tell, all the alicorns are princesses."

"So your society has a caste system then?"

"Not exactly. Everyone is treated equally and I have been working on a cutting ed-"

"Mate, I grew up having to protect a wrinkly old Nightsister's arse because I was born with horns, a spear and a pair of choobies. Until the Sith came, I wasn't even allowed to practice the same magic as the Nightsisters. So when I tell you that what you have is a caste system, that means you have a caste kriffing system!"

Whooves looked at the livid expression on Laeyoon's face. Being unfamiliar with the customs of Laeyoon's home, he must have accidentally struck a nerve. Maybe if the extraterrestrial allowed him to finish his sentence, he might have had more of an understanding of how Whooves' research can benefit all of ponykind. Thankfully, he knew how to remedy this (or at least he thought he knew).

"You appear to be confused, perhaps I should introduce you to one of the princesses so they can help explain things better to you."

"I wouldn't recommend that. They might consider my appearance to be menacing and they'll think I'm some sort of monster."

While Laeyoon really doesn't like speciesism, courtesy of having to put up with enough of it from those bloody humans within the Sith Empire, (except ironically for Darth Malgus, ironically), he won't deny that there's something satisfying from being called a monster. Even more so in that people don't call him that because of his appearance. They call him that because at the end of the day, he's a psychopathic attack dog for the Sith and anyone else to show him who to kill and who will be next. Suddenly, Whooves had another idea.

"Try not to misinterpret this but have you ever considered going into the Redemption Class in Princess Twilight's School of Friendship. I'm not saying that because I think you're evil. Far from it! I thought I might suggest it because it's filled with characters that look intimidating but are actually gentle souls at heart. Although I won't deny some of the fellows there have done some bad things but at least they're willing to give friendship a try."

Laeyoon tried not to laugh at the idea of a "Redemption Class". In the empire, what the equines called "redemption" they call "treason". And treason is usually punishable by death. Nevertheless, he decided to play along in the hopes of gaining Whooves' trust.

"I suppose I shall visit this 'Redemption Class'. Maybe it might help me understand this culture a bit more. But first, I'm going to need my beauty rest."

Whooves then quickly showed Laeyoon to his bedroom. It had blue walls and a ceiling painted like they were the stars in the sky. There were also posters of clocks and other timekeeping devices littered throughout the bedroom. Whooves then pulled out a sleeping bag and a pillow from under the bed and handed them over to Laeyoon.

"Hopefully, this will be comfortable enough for you."

"Feels comfortable enough."

Laeyoon and Whooves then layed down on the floor and in the bed respectively. Laeyoon also took his clothes off and snuggled into the sleeping bag and rested his head on the pillow. While Laeyoon's idea of comfort would be resting on his bed fantasizing about Vette in a golden bikini, he figured this was more of an improvement than being stuck in a forest barely getting any sleep out of fear of any of the creatures in that forest trying to eat him. He hoped to himself that the inhabitants of this planet are unfamiliar with the concept of touching one's self.

Author's Note:

Another difference between Laeyoon and Maul. Like me, Laeyoon is absolutely vulgar. Well, maybe not that vulgar but still something you'd expect from a lower or middle-class gent rather than a bloody Sith Lord.

Finally, we're getting somewhere! Even though it's only been two chapters but still. (sniffs in deeply like air was bag of cocaine) The plot THICKENS! :pinkiehappy: