• Published 9th Sep 2019
  • 13,000 Views, 2,415 Comments

The Triwizard Pony - tkepner

When he was nine, Harry became a unicorn when he fell through a portal into the Everfree Forest outside Ponyville. Now, the Goblet of Fire has hauled him back to Hogwarts, still as a unicorn. A unicorn taught by Twilight.

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Ch. 20 — Official Notice

Author's Note:

Hit 700 Likes on Tuesday! Thanks!
Here’s a chapter to celebrate!
Next goal, 800 Likes for early release of the next chapter!

My Ko-fi account is available if you would like to show any physical appreciation for this story.

Ch. 20 — Official Notice

The fillies spent the night in the Gryffindor Fourth Year dormitory. Harry spent the night in a warm glow — not literally, of course — relishing what they had told him. Just knowing that his mum really was looking for him made him want to dance for joy every time he thought about it. Which was about every ten seconds. He settled for just wriggling in delight.

While he had told everyone, with complete confidence, that his mum would look for him, there was always that little niggling doubt at the very back of his mind that maybe she wasn’t. That maybe she was glad to be rid of his weirdness, strangeness, and annoyance. To find out that she was looking for him brought him great joy. And a grin that threatened to stretch from ear to ear.

That, and knowing his herdmates were not that far away, kept him excited and happy long after curfew. That it might take two years was mildly disappointing, but it could be as quick as tomorrow. But with Discord so quick to shuffle the fillies to him, he doubted it would be any time before the end of this tournament.

And when they got back, they would turn Equestria on its ear with impossible magic!

Sunday morning, at breakfast, the Equestrians took turns answering questions about what had happened the previous night — they hadn’t arrived at the Common Room that night until almost curfew. Which meant they had a long and rather leisurely breakfast this morning.

Getting used to having fingers was . . . a challenge, at first.

Scootaloo was rather put out that her wings were gone in the morning, she couldn’t use them to pick things up as she normally did. And Harry refused to keep giving her wings all day long. He had other demands on his magic that were more important — such as making it up to and through the seventh year classes. And she would be sitting in classes and not flying most of the day during the week, anyway.

Afterwards, the fillies, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Professor McGonagall struck out for Diagon Alley. It wasn’t going to take nearly as much time, as the professors had found nearly everything they needed, except wands, a few incidentals, and clothing, from items recovered from the Room of Requirement. And they wouldn’t need to visit Gringotts, either, as Discord had indeed given them a rather large sack of galleons.

That the coinage was proper galleons and not just gold coins left the professors more than a bit disturbed. From where had the creature gotten the coins? Harry and the fillies’ insistence that the God of Chaos, in all likelihood, had simply created them did not put the professors at ease. If anything, it worried them more. Transforming gold from something else was possible, the Philosopher’s Stone proved that, but creating it from nothing? That was impossible even for magic. Or, at least, if should be.

A message the night before had warned both Ollivander and Madam Malkin that three more students would drop by today.

Their first visit was to Twilfitt and Tatting’s. With the three witches helping, one to an Equestrian, it didn’t take long to get them outfitted with a complete wardrobe of casual wear and underwear. With wicking, temperature, and minor tear-repair spells included, of course. The blouses all had alterations for wings — Scootaloo wasn’t going to be the only one flying, after all.

“SOCKS!?” exclaimed Apple Bloom, embarrassed. The three fillies blushed, to the wizards and witches surprise, as they stared at the display on the wall.

“Yes!” Harry firmly said. “Unlike ponies’ hard hooves, humans’ feet are thin skin. Humans wear shoes to protect their feet from sharp stones and sticks. But shoes are stiff and can give you blisters as they rub against your feet, so they wear socks. And socks keep their feet warm in winter.”

You wear socks all the time?” Sweetie Belle said incredulously to Hermione, as her blush deepened.

Hermione gave them a wondering look, lifted her robe slightly, and stuck out a foot, with trainer and sock clearly visible.

Harry blinked, he had never seen anyone blush all the way down their neck as the three fillies were doing. For a moment, he thought Sweetie Belle was going to pull a Rarity, and faint.

They turned as one to him. Scootaloo glared at him with narrowed eyes. “Don’t you ever tell anyone about us buying socks!” she growled.

“And so many . . . .” Sweetie Belle said faintly, swaying slightly.

“Wait for us at the counter,” ordered Apple Bloom in a low tone, and pointed to the front of the store.

Harry waited patiently, back to the counter and saleswitch, until all the purchases were bagged and shrunken, before he turned and started hoofing over the galleons. The girls placed their purchases in his expanded rucksack.

The three witches picked up a few items, and two-pairs of blouses with the wing alterations, each. This time on Harry’s sickle. Which he felt was fair, they were helping him, after all.

The three former ponies wore a complete set of clothes out of the store. It was easy to see that the “winged” blouses were going to be the coming fashion rage as Scootaloo ruffled her wings and attracted more than a little attention as she then hovered beside them. And the three fillies were still blushing at wearing socks, even if they were also wearing shoes.

Then it was on to Madam Malkins, who was more than happy to supply the three with a complete set of robes, each. She was thrilled to see that her preplanning for optional wings worked as well as she had hoped. And that the three witches with them requested her to alter their present robes.

Then came the dreaded apothecary for their potions kits.

It was a white-faced trio, immediately afterwards, that slowly made their way into Ollivanders, not too much before lunch time.

This time, Harry was ready and looking for the creepy old wizard with silvery eyes. So, he and Professor McGonagall were the only ones not to jump when the man suddenly appeared. “Fir and dragon heartstring, nine and a half inches,” said he wizard as he appeared at their side, looking at Professor McGonagall, “Is it still serving you well?”

She smiled at the old wizard, “Still working well, Mr. Ollivander. I have three new students for you today. One, Miss Belle,” she put her hand on the girl’s shoulder, “used to be a unicorn, like Mr. Sparkle, here.” she nodded at Harry. “Miss Scootaloo used to be a pegasus.” She nodded towards her. “And Miss Bloom used to be what they call an earth pony.”

Ollivander looked at the three girls for a few moments, before turning to Harry. “Holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple. Have you had any issues since the wand weighing?”

Harry mutely shook his head.

Ollivander quickly questioned the three witches, getting the answers he expected. Then he turned to Scootaloo. “Pegasus?” he said.

Scootaloo nodded, “Miss my wings,” she groused. They had faded shortly after leaving Madam Malkins.

It took them almost three-quarters of an hour to finish.

An eight and three-quarters-inch walnut and unicorn hair wand was the best fit for Sweetie Belle. “A good, consistent wand for charms, for the witch with clarity and focus,” Ollivander said.

Scootaloo ended up with ten-inch maple-wood with pegasus feather wand. “This is a traveller’s wand, most excellent for transfiguration, picky about its owner, but best for the person full of imagination and originality,” explained the strange wizard. He smiled at the wand. “An experiment from my youth. I had a feeling it would find a use, someday.”

Apple Bloom’s wand was, naturally, Applewood with a dittany stalk, at nine and a half inches. “An outstanding wand for healing and working with plants,” Ollivander said delightedly.

The three were waving their new wands, with brilliant multi-coloured sparks flying from them, while the other girls watched with smiles and giggles. Professor McGonagall almost had a smile.

Harry said, “Alright, listen up.”

The three turned to him questioningly.

“Hold your wands like this,” he demonstrated what he meant, “Scoots, remember what it felt like in your hands when you gathered that cloud last night? Bloom, remember what your legs feel like just before you kick an apple tree? Sweetie Belle, you know how it feels to send magic to your horn.” He faced each girl as he said that.

They all three nodded eagerly.

“Okay, think about that feeling going down your arm into your hand and into the wand. Think about the magic in the wand. Feel the magic in your wand. Then say, lumos!” His wand tip began to glow.

Lumos!” the three chorused.

All three wands gave a quick flicker of light that went out as soon as the girls realized it had worked.

“I did magic!” whispered Apple Bloom. She looked at the other fillies.

Professor McGonagall and the three witches had wide grins at their reactions.

“I can do magic!” breathed Scootaloo, amazement and wonder clear in her expression.

We can do magic!” corrected Apple Bloom, with a huge grin afterwards.

Sweetie Belle giggled. “We can do magic with wands!

Their grins were easily as big as Harry’s.

“We can do magic, magic, magic,” the three began to singsong, “We can do magic, magic, magic.”

They held their wands up tips almost touching, “Lumos!” they sang.

Harry had never thought that he had been missing something, besides the obvious, since coming to this world until he heard the muted sounds of invisible instruments begin to play. The three fillies launched into a Harmony song

“I can make things bigger,” sang Scootaloo as she pointed her wand at a box on the counter and made it grow.

“I can make things smaller,” sang Apple Bloom as she pointed her wand at another box on the counter and made it shrink.

“I can make small things bigger on the inside,” sang Sweetie Belle as she pointed her wand at an open box on the counter, and then stuck her whole arm in it.

Then they sang, “We can do magic, magic, magic.”

Professor McGonagall had a surprisingly developed soprano, and Ollivander startled Harry with a unexpectedly deep baritone for such a slim build. That the three young witches could harmonize so well on the chorus wasn’t that startling, but their expressions were hilarious.

By the time the song ended and they stopped dancing, the three fillies were on the counter-top and five other wizards and witches had come into the small store.

There was dead silence for a moment as the last note faded away. The six cats that had been dancing and prancing with them — in black coattails, top-hats, and with canes — either jumped back onto the counter or walked to join their fellows before they slowly turned back into the tops and bottoms of the fillies’ wand boxes. The various magics cast in the store by the three fillies during the singing changing the colours, shapes, and sizes of things slowly faded and reverted back to normal. Then the three former ponies hopped off the counter as the wizards and witches just looked at each other. The exhilaration quickly turned to embarrassment. The wizards and witches either tried to sneak out, or pretended they had come in to get wand holsters or cleaning kits.

The professor and students just . . . stared as the grinning and happy fillies admired their wands, bouncing on their heels. Even Ollivander looked taken aback at what had just happened.

When they were the only ones left in the store, Hermione blurted out, “What was that?”

Harry and the fillies snickered. “Never thought I would miss that,” Harry said nostalgically. He sighed. “That was Harmony magic at work.” He looked at the others. “When ponies have very strong emotions, they can’t help but sing. And their magic sings with them. Everyone who is close joins in to share the joy.”

Hermione looked at him, bug-eyed. “But . . . music?”

Harry shrugged and nodded genially. “That’s Harmony magic at work.” He grinned. “And didn’t you have fun?”

With guilty expression the girls, and professor, nodded.

Then he bought wand holsters for everyone. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that last time,” he said shaking his head as they headed for the cauldron shop.

They ate at the Leaky Cauldron before heading back to Hogwarts, as it was too late for lunch at the school.

۸- ̬ -۸

The first thing Harry did when they got back to their Common Room was to teach Apple Bloom and Scootaloo how to use Hayscartes’ Method, and then the wings spell. It was going to be much more difficult for the two to make their way through the first year books because they didn’t have years’ worth of experience casting magic. Many of the concepts and things that unicorns almost intuitively knew, they had to learn from scratch. On the other hoof, with Harry and Sweetie Belle coaching and cheering them on, they were highly motivated.

And while the Hayscartes’ Method would help, their limited experience with it wouldn’t really make that much difference for several months. It would take time and many attempts for their magic, and memories, to adapt to the spell.

Fortunately, Harry and Sweetie Belle being able to directly share the spells would advance them quickly.

Then while they were working with Hermione, Luna, and Ginny on learning first year magic, Harry spent his time carefully sewing the protection runes into their clothing. There was no way he was going to let them wander around with obvious vulnerabilities!

After dinner, he transfigured some of the cast-off metal from the Room of Requirement into duplicates of the suits of armour scattered throughout the castle, sized and shaped for the fillies, of course. Enlisting his room-mates’ help, they got all three suits completed that night.

Of course, he had to promise to take them all to his “gold mine” both days next weekend. But, still, it was well worth it.

The room was sort of crowded, but the girls insisted on keeping Harry in sight.

The witches were fascinated at what the boys were doing and continually came over to watch.

“It’s like leggings!” Hermione exclaimed as she tried on the lower half of the armour. At everyone else’s curious looks, she cast a few alterations on the armour to make it a simple matter of sliding on the armour like tight-fitting jeans and sweaters instead of the labour-intensive hooking, latching, and tying that the armour-suits in the castle used. Or how the ponies’ armour had to be worn.

A few other alterations, and they had only two pieces to put on. They were like tight-fitting two-piece footy pyjamas that left only their hands and heads uncovered. Which also made toilet trips much easier — a factor Harry had not considered.

And, along the way, Harry and the fillies explained just what herdmates meant: they were all betrothed and meant to get married next year when they were of-age in Equestria.

“You get married at fifteen?” Hermione said, aghast, as the rest listened, gobsmacked.

Harry shrugged. “Ponies are born walking and start talking in a few days, so they are about two-years ahead of humans in physical development. They start school when they’re three instead of five.” He looked back at the piece of armour he was working on. “So, fifteen for them is like seventeen for you.”

Scootaloo sighed. “Yeah, we’ll all be fifteen in seven months.” She looked at Harry with a smile and licked her lips. “Harry will be in eight. Really sucks to have to wait.”

Harry blushed.

The three fillies walked over and started to nuzzle and hug him. He felt his face getting hot and blessed the fact that the robe all students were required to wear did such a good job of hiding his reactions.

“Celestia,” Harry whispered. “I missed you three!”

“Yeah,” said Sweetie Belle, softly.

“We missed you, too,” said Apple Bloom, gently.

Scootaloo just tightly held him.

Sweetie Belle moved back to her book, with a sigh. “Not everypony gets married that young.” She paused and frowned. “Well, very few do, actually. But we’ve known Harry for years and we know he’s the one for us.”

The other two gave Harry another squeeze, then returned to their books, nodding.

Harry’s blush intensified as he looked down at the armour piece in his lap that he was painting runes on. He studiously refused to look directly at anyone, but with a pony’s wide vision he could easily see everyone’s reactions.

The three witches sighed. “How romantic,” Luna said softly. The other two witches agreed.

Harry’s room-mates looked at him with evaluating expressions. And a bit of envy at having three girl-friends. The thought of being married at fifteen, however, they clearly considered daunting.

By the time a Prefect came to chase the girls back to their side of the tower, they had managed to finish the armour and only had to wait until morning for all the runes to fully charge.

Harry was thrilled that his herdmates were now as well protected as himself — well, actually, better considering he had used re-formed authentic armour.

۸- ̬ -۸

Late that night, he woke as someone approached his bed. “Who’s there?” he said quietly.

It was only as they answered, and he recognized the voices, that he realized there were three of them.

“We couldn’t sleep,” Scootaloo whispered.

“It’s just too . . . strange,” said Apple Bloom, just as quietly.

“Can we sleep with you?” Sweetie Belle said softly.

Still not fully awake, he mumbled, “Sure.” He slid out of the middle and lifted the sheet.

The closest hopped into bed with him and snuggled against him. One went around the bed and climbed in from that side. The third draped herself across one of the others and laid her head on his chest, just as they did at home during sleep-overs. He had missed them, and it was wonderful that they were here with him like this. He felt a tension he hadn’t noticed slide away. He wasn’t alone, anymore.

It did not take long to fall back asleep.

۸- ̬ -۸

He woke suddenly the next morning as he heard Seamus exclaim, “What the bloody hell?”

“Huh?” Harry said groggily, lifting his head to look around. At first, he was confused at seeing the girls, but then he remembered them waking him in the night.

He looked over at Seamus, who was sitting in his bed staring at Harry. Or, rather, he was staring at the individuals who were in Harry’s bed. The girls must not have closed the curtains after getting in the bed with him. And they had kicked off the sheet.

Seamus looked back. “Why, Harry,” he said, “are there girls in your bed.” He paused a moment. “And why are they starkers?”

“What!” came the exclamations from two other beds as Dean and Neville swept their bed curtains aside. Ron’s curtains remained closed. If not for the selective silencing charm on his bed, Harry knew they no doubt would be hearing only snores from him. Ron was not a morning person.

“Is it morning, already?” Sweetie Belle said and sat up.

“Yeah. Must be. Celestia’s got the Sun up,” said Scootloo. She sat up, yawned, and stretched.

“Just another five minutes,” mumbled Apple Bloom, and tried to burrow closer to Harry’s back.

Harry was almost fully awake now. Right. The girls had come in last night. And, normally sleeping nude, they had thought nothing of doing that in their room. And then came in here to join him, sleeping together as they had done for years at sleepovers.

He sighed. It would take a while to get them in the habit of always wearing clothes. He shook Apple Bloom gently. “Time to get up girls. And you need to get back to your room and get dressed. Remember, everyone wears clothes!”

“Aw, do we have to?” mumbled, Apple bloom, finally sitting up.

Scootaloo bounced out of the bed and immediately exclaimed, “Celestia! That’s cold!” And hopped back onto the bed and grabbed her feet to start rubbing them.

Harry cast a warming charm on them, and got a grateful smile in return.

“Nonetheless,” Harry said to Scootaloo, and the others, “You have to go back to your room and get your clothes. If you have any problems, the other girls can help you.”

It took a bit more chivvying, and two additional warming charms, but he finally got them out the door. “And don’t forget the armour,” he called out as they exited the room.

Dean, Neville, and Seamus watched, blushing bright red, speechless.

Harry could track their progress by the progressively fainter startled exclamations from students as they made their way to the Common Room and then up to their room.

“Are they always like that?” said Dean.

At Harry’s puzzled look, Dean elaborated, “about not wearing clothes.”

Harry flopped back on the bed. “We’re ponies. We have fur. Clothes are reserved for status and to show off. And to stay warm in the Frozen North.”

“They didn’t look like ponies to me,” muttered Dean.

Harry shrugged. “The God of Chaos changed them, to make things more chaotic, I imagine. Making them humans instead of leaving them as ponies will confuse people.”

“And they really don’t care that they’re . . . showing off their bits?” said Seamus incredulously.

Harry shrugged as he sat up on the bed and yawned. “Breasts are not much of an exciting point to ponies, and their tails are more than thick enough to hide their privates.” He frowned. “The fillies literally do not understand why anypony should care about whether they are clothed or not.” He pulled his underwear on and robe over his head. “And unless you were to be really obvious about trying to look up between their legs while they were on stairs as people, they wouldn’t notice anything they thought unusual.” He grinned. “In fact, they’d just think you were admiring their cutie marks.”

“Cutie marks?” The wizards exchanged confused looks.

Harry sighed. “Did you see the marks on their hips?”

All three shook their heads, no. Their attention had been on other attributes. And, quite possibly, it was the first time any of them had seen a girl naked. It certainly had been Harry’s first time.

He sighed. “The girls have marks on their hips, here and here, placed by magic itself.” He pointed to his own hips. “Foals, babies, don’t have those. As they get older, their magic matures. Then, when they find the one thing that they enjoy doing the most, that they are especially good at, their magic gifts them with a mark that shows that.”

From their still confused expressions it was clear they didn’t understand.

“Okay. For example, my mum’s big brother, Shining Armor, is a unicorn. One day, when he was about the age of a third-year, a building collapsed. He jumped in as it came down and cast a shield spell that saved lives. And held it long enough for them to be rescued. Just as soon as they were safe and he let down the shield, his cutie mark appeared! He was just so proud at saving lives, and wanted to keep doing that. His mark is a shield with a purple star on it, and three stars above it. He joined the Guard. He can cast the strongest shields in all of Equestria, and he once cast a shield over the entire capital and held it for weeks.”

Now they looked doubtful.

“Sweetie Belle’s sister is Rarity. Her passion and talent are fashion, she discovered it when she was making costumes for a school play. Her cutie mark is three diamonds.”

“And the girls’ cutie marks?” Dean said.

Harry smiled happily. “Their cutie marks are all shields, with three vertical stripes in colours that match their manes . . . hair. Scootaloo’s has a lightning bolt over a wing in it, Apple Bloom’s has a heart inside an apple, and Sweetie Belle’s has a musical note on a star in the shield. They really like helping others get their cutie marks. Plus, Sweetie Belle has a great singing voice, Scootaloo is a really fast flyer and excellent at thunderclouds, and Apple Bloom has a great heart and is wonderful at construction.”

The three took a few moments to mull over the information.

“What’s yours?” Dean said.

Harry shrugged. “I don’t know, yet. I haven’t found any one thing I like to do the most.”

By then they were ready to go downstairs, and the others clearly wondered if Harry was taking the piss with them.

From the furious looks that Hermione levelled at the fillies as they came down to join the boys in the common room before heading to breakfast, it was clear she knew about them spending the night in Harry’s bed. As well as their state of dress at the time. And their room-mates were just as obviously stunned at their casual attitude towards wearing clothes. Not to mention their matter-of-fact attitude towards actually sleeping with him — and as a group, no less!

They were just finishing up breakfast when a woman and two men came through the Great Hall doors. The woman, a square-jawed witch with close-cropped grey hair and a monocle, looked very serious. She was clearly the one in charge as she led the two men towards the Head Table. The men with her were dressed casually, and wouldn’t have looked out of place in Diagon Alley. One of them was a tall black man with a gold earring.

Professor McGonagall, at the Head Table, stood and came around it to meet her. The newcomer showed the professor a parchment, they consulted for a few moments, then turned and headed for the Gryffindor table. It rapidly became apparent to Harry that they were headed towards him. Especially as the Professor was pointedly looking at him.

When she stopped only a few steps away, he quickly stood on his rear legs and faced them.

The professor gave him a terse smile. “Director Bones, this is Prince Harry James Potter Sparkle. Prince Sparkle, this is Director Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.”

“Nice to meet you, Director Bones,” Harry said cordially.

The witch studied him carefully as she said, “Nice to meet you, too. These are my associates, Auror Shacklebolt and Auror Williamson.” Auror Shacklebolt was a bald, tall, broad-shouldered, black wizard, who was wearing a single gold hoop earring. Auror Williamson was a scarlet-robed man with a ponytail.

She glanced at the table. “I hope I’m not interrupting your breakfast, but I wanted to talk with you before classes began.”

He smiled. “I just finished, actually.” He tilted his head slightly, “I’m not in trouble, am I?”

“Nothing of the sort,” she said curtly. “I would just like to talk with about a rather unusual box a Hogwarts elf delivered to my department this morning.”

He nodded approvingly. “Good. I was wondering what would happen when Bit finally delivered the first box.”

The witch’s eyebrows went up at the word, “first.”

“Mr. Sparkle,” McGonagall said, “I was thinking that it would be best for the girls to attend the first-year classes until we get a feel for where they are in their learning.”

Harry looked at his herdmates, who gave varying shrugs of ‘Sure, why not?’ He turned back to the professor. “Sounds good to me.”

He looked to the Aurors. “Where would you like to talk?”

“There is a small antechamber beside the entrance,” Professor McGonagall said. “You may use that.”

The four nodded and started for the doors as she told Hermione that she would be in charge of the three newcomers for the day. He then heard Hermione start instructing the three that they would have to hurry back to the dorms to get their supplies for Transfigurations and Herbology.

There were several chairs and a meeting table in the room, Harry saw as he entered. He also noticed the portrait of a wizard in a Quidditch uniform on one wall.

“Before we start,” Harry said, “is this supposed to be a private conversation?” He pointed at the portrait. “Because I’ve been told that all the portraits report to Headmaster Dumbledore anything important they hear.”

“Not especially,” the Director said. “But as a matter of policy, I don’t like people who are not a party to my conversations to be listening in.” The two aurors had already cast a couple of spells on entering the room. “I already knew that about the portraits, but thank you for the warning.” This time she actually smiled.

They settled around the table. She placed a wooden orb about the size of her fist in the middle. “This is a recording crystal, so we don’t have to worry about handwritten notes,” she explained before sitting back. “Now then, Mr. Sparkle. Could you explain a bit more about why you sent the crate to me?”

He smirked. “Actually, it would be easier to just show you.” He stood up and motioned to the door.

After staring at him a moment, she sighed and stood to follow him. She grabbed the recording device. When she stood, the aurors cancelled their spells. A few minutes later they were standing in Harry’s mail room.

“Oh, my,” Bones said as she surveyed the room. She noted the desk where Bit worked and walked over there, Harry and the aurors trailing her.

Harry explained what he had instructed the house-elf to do. “Of course, all this should have been done years ago, shouldn’t it? But Headmaster Dumbledore told me he was too busy,” Harry said scornfully.

The woman looked at him steadily. “Yes. I saw your full-page declaration in the Daily Prophet.” She sighed. “Unfortunately, as your guardian, what he did, while deplorable, was completely legal.” She turned and looked back across the room. “Also unfortunately, while we will happily dispose of the dangerous items sent to us, far too much time has passed to catch those responsible for sending them to you.”

“I expected as much,” he said. “However as Bit works closer to the present that will no longer be true. And you can use the older items to establish a track record, if some of the more . . . persistent . . . offenders repeated themselves.” He raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Can you not?”

The Director nodded her head. “I wonder if you would be willing to tell me a bit more about how you came to be in this tournament, and where you’ve been for the last thirteen years?”

Harry was more than happy to express his displeasure at being in the tournament. And how unpleasant it had been at the Dursleys. And he went into far more detail than he had with the Hogwarts staff. He had the ear of the head of the local Guards, and he was going to make the most of it! And he had a better understanding of the wizarding world, now, than when he had first arrived.

He made liberal use of his projection spell to show them things he had seen and heard.

۸- ̬ -۸