• Published 2nd Feb 2020
  • 2,215 Views, 553 Comments

Thicker Than Water - Krickis

Life for a band on tour always brings fresh challenges. Fluttershy is ready to meet them, having grown confident as a band manager in the past two years. It’s just about the only thing she’s good at, after all.

  • ...

16 – Things to Smile About

Chapter Sixteen
Things to Smile About

No matter how many times they did it, Rainbow never got tired of that encore. The audience would go wild as she and Windfall battled back and forth in their guitar solo duet, which culminated in the band exploding back into the song’s final chorus.

“Good work out there,” Rainbow said to Windfall as they walked backstage. “Always knew this guitar battle was a good idea.”

“Oh yeah?” Windfall grinned and shoved Rainbow playfully. “Always?”

“Hell yeah! I know awesome when I see it.”

“Right.” Windfall rolled his eyes and shook his head, then walked on ahead of Rainbow.

“Not bad out there,” Lightning Dust said as they walked backstage. She was leaning back in a chair with her hands behind her head, Flash and Short Fuse sitting in the room around her.

“Not bad yourself,” Rainbow said with a grin. “The Washouts put on a great show tonight.”

“Of course we did!” Lightning grinned proudly. “Like I told you, pretty soon you’ll be the ones opening for us.”

“Don’t count on it,” Rainbow said as she grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off her face. “Ten years from now, you’ll still be opening for us.”

Although truthfully, Rainbow didn’t believe that. Oh sure, Bitchette would never open for The Washouts, but The Washouts were sure to have their own headlining tour someday. The first few weeks of the tour had proven to be quite a success, and their fans were going crazy for The Washouts.

“My drums were too quiet again,” Short Fuse said, his eye twitching.

“That’s ‘cause you never speak up at soundchecks, mate,” Rolling Thunder said as she walked in from somewhere behind them. “Fans coming in.”

Short Fuse stamped his foot. “Soundchecks are stupid!”

“Keep it cool in front of the fans, Fuse,” Lightning Dust reminded him. He grumbled something rude in response.

Flash smiled. “And about the soundchecks, that’s how you get your instrument to sound good.”

Short Fuse groaned.

“We gotta do them anyway,” Rolling Thunder said with a shrug. “Might as well make use of them.”

“Tell you what, I’ll help keep an ear on how you’re sounding tomorrow,” Flash offered.

It didn’t seem to placate Short Fuse, but few things ever did.

Slowly, fans entered the room. There was the usual chorus of how great the show was, requests for autographs, and people wanting to drink with the band.

They grouped together in their usual smaller clusters as their fans came backstage. For how different the two of them were, Windfall and Short Fuse always got on incredibly well. Maybe it was because they were so different. Windfall was a chill guy, which probably helped Short Fuse keep his anger in check. It was also possible that Windfall was happy to have a guy friend after spending several years mostly touring with women.

Gilda and Rolling Thunder enjoyed getting together and talking politics. Gilda seemed to find it nice to have someone there who actually knew and cared about the political side of punk rock. Surprisingly, Lemon Zest liked to join them from time to time. As far as Rainbow had been aware, Lemon Zest had no particular political leanings, but she was proven wrong once there were politically minded people around.

That left Rainbow, Flash, and Lightning to group together. Rainbow enjoyed the sense of normality that Lightning brought with her, it reminded her of the good old days. Likewise, Flash was an old friend from back in high school before life got so complicated.

Although everyone on the tour was fun to be with – even Short Fuse with his temper – Rainbow was particularly happy to have Flash and Lightning Dust. More familiar faces on the tour helped a lot, especially in light of the past few months…

“Uhm, I really liked the show tonight,” a young woman said to Rainbow.

“Thanks,” Rainbow said with a grin. “Always a good thing to hear.”

“I’ve got both your CDs, you’re like, my favorite band.”

Rainbow wondered if she’d say that to any band she saw live, but then, she did bother to buy backstage passes just to see them. “That really means a lot to us.”

Lightning Dust butted Rainbow out of the way. “Still listening to Bitchette? Gotta get with the times, The Washouts are where it’s at these days.”

“Oh, I really liked your band too!” the woman said. “I never heard of you before, but I bought your CD after your set!”

Lightning Dust winked. “Go on, one listen of that and you’ll toss those old Bitchette discs into a fire.”

“Yeah, or she’ll just play our collab on repeat.” Rainbow pushed Lightning Dust back out of her spotlight and turned to the fan. “Trust me, it’s pretty much the reason to get the CD.”

The fan laughed. “I’m sure you all could become my second favorite band.”

“Ha!” Rainbow grinned.

“Yeah, you say that now, but The Washouts are a real punk band. You’ll see.”

“So, uhm…” The woman twirled from side to side, making her skirt sway a bit. “This is embarrassing, but I was wondering if I could get an autograph?”

Rainbow grinned. “Of course!”

“Sure thing!” Lightning Dust said at the same time.

The two frontwomen locked eyes and glared at each other.

Rainbow put an arm around the fan. “She came to see us, she didn’t even know who you were until tonight!”

“She bought our CD!” Lightning put her arm around the fans other shoulder.

The fan was laughing and looked between the singers with a broad smile.

They went back and forth until Flash stepped in to save her. “Hey, I’m Flash, I’m The Washouts’ guitarist. How about we all sign something for you?”

Flash and Lightning Dust signed her CD, then they made the rounds to the others. Meanwhile, since she didn’t have a Bitchette CD, Rainbow grabbed one of the setlists that had been posted around the stage for the band to keep track of what song they were supposed to be playing and signed that.

“We’ve gotta settle this somehow,” Lightning Dust said once everyone from both bands had given out a signature. “I say we have a band battle at one of these shows.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’ll either be rehearsed and prove nothing, or it’ll be improvised and chaotic as fuck.”

“We can have the audience cheer for which one did the best. Whoever gets louder cheers wins.”

It wasn’t that Rainbow was afraid of doing something like that, it was just… “I dunno. Battle of the bands is kinda a sensitive subject.”

“Bullshit, you just don’t want to lose!” Lightning Dust pointed a finger accusatively.

“I know what she’s talking about,” Flash said. “It’s probably not a good idea right now. And anyway, can’t we just agree both our bands kick ass?”

“No!” Rainbow and Lightning said together.

Flash sighed and grabbed Rainbow by the wrist. “Come on, I’m separating you two.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes but followed him anyway. “Okay, mom.

Someone behind her laughed, and she turned to see the fan from before. She looked embarrassed to be seen. “Oh, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Rainbow put on a grin. “No worries, backstage is all about the fans! You enjoying yourself?”

“I am, I was just wondering, uhm…” She blushed. “Maybe I could get you a drink.”

Rainbow was pretty sure where this was going, but she decided to not assume anything. “It’s an open bar back here, but we can grab a drink.”

She led them to the bar, where the three of them each grabbed a beer and sat down. “I can’t believe I’m drinking with the Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow grinned and popped open her beer. “Yeah, I get that a lot.”

Flash leaned in and whispered loud enough for Rainbow to hear him. “Usually from herself when she looks in the mirror.”

Rainbow reached across the fan to punch him on the shoulder.

The fan giggled and blushed again. “So, uhm… what are you doing after you leave here?”

Oh yeah, Rainbow had definitely been right about where this was going. She took a drink of her beer. “Sorry, but Fluttershy wrote the gay song. She’s my sister, and she’s not here tonight.”

“Oh.” The fan’s face grew even redder, and she looked down into her lap.

Rainbow clapped her on the back. “But hey, I’m flattered! And believe me, you’re not the first person to make that mistake.”

“I just… I’m sorry!” The fan got up and ran off without even taking her drink.

Rainbow reached out after her, then deflated as she disappeared into the crowd. She turned back around and took another drink of her beer. “There’s no good way to break that to people.”

Flash switched seats so he was sitting beside Rainbow. “Does it bother you to have people assume that you’re gay?”

Rainbow shrugged. “No, it bothers me that people think it bothers me! I don’t give a shit, but people act like they disappointed me by thinking I might like girls.” She flipped her rainbow-colored hair. “Like, I get it, you know?”

“Yeah.” Flash drank his beer. “Guess you probably get it a lot though.”

“All the time. I don’t know if it’s more because of the hair or Broken Mirror.” Rainbow finished her beer. She didn’t see a trash can, so she left the can on the table.

Flash smirked. “So is it all girls, or do you get guys trying to hook up with you too?”

“Mostly girls. The guys probably also think I’m gay.”

Flash laughed. “Probably for the best. You don’t want to sleep with random people.”

“Speak for yourself, I wanna get laid from time to time.”

Flash laughed harder. “Yeah, okay, fair.”

Rainbow laughed as well. “But yeah, you’re probably right. Better to stick with people I know.”

Flash nodded. “I agree. I haven’t had any girls throwing themselves at me, but I don’t think I’d really go in for that. Felt pretty shitty after my last casual hookup.”

“I think Windfall’s had some girls go after him, so it’s not like it’s just gay girls. You know, if you ever change your mind.”

“Nah, I’d rather be in a real relationship.”

“You ever get a stable girlfriend?” Rainbow glanced away. “Other than high school, I mean.”

“No. A few flings, but I was busy trying to not flunk out of college.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, fair. Well hey, maybe something can work out for you on the tour.”

Flash finished his beer and threw the can into the trash can that Rainbow had failed to see earlier. He turned to smile at Rainbow. “You know, I’ve kinda been hoping for exactly that.”

Rainbow punched him on the arm and grinned. “You could totally land a girlfriend! You’re the lead guitarist of a fucking band now, it doesn’t get any cooler than that!”

Flash smirked. “What about lead guitarist and lead singer?”

“Look, if you wanna date me, you could just ask.”

They both laughed, and Rainbow checked the time on her phone. “I should go check on Fluttershy.”

“Yeah…” Flash looked down at the ground. “How’s she been doing these days?”

It was a point of frustration that Rainbow needed to answer that question. In the past, Fluttershy was so present at their shows that she was basically another band member. But now? Now people needed to ask Rainbow how she was doing.

“She’s, you know.” Rainbow fidgeted in place. “She’s hanging in there.”

“Good. Say hi to her for me?”

“Yeah, of course.” Rainbow called for a taxi and then stood up.

“Or hey, want me to come with you?” Flash asked. “Maybe another friendly face would help.”

“If she was anyone else, I’d say sure. But Fluttershy is, well… I think it’s better if I go alone.”

“Fair enough.” Flash scratched at his neck. “I’m just worried about her. We all are, you know?”

“Yeah, I know.”

Flash waited with her until the taxi came, then saw her outside. Rainbow wasn’t sure if he was just that old fashioned or if he thought she’d have a change of heart and tell him to come along with her anyway. Either way, once she was in the taxi, he could only wave her off.

“Ah, the Bitchette show,” the taxi driver said as they drove away. “I wanted to go, but I couldn’t get the night off.”

Rainbow grinned, happy she got the chance to make someone’s night. “You’re a fan?”

“Yeah, got into them about a year ago.”

“What’s your favorite song?”

“Hmm…” He thought for a moment, then said, “I’d say No Life.”

Rainbow sang the chorus of the song, and he looked at her more intently. “Wait, are you…?”

“Rainbow Dash, lead singer.”

“Oh my gosh!” The driver’s face lit up and he watched her from the rearview mirror. “I can’t believe you’re in my cab!”

Rainbow laughed. “Hey, always cool to meet a fan.”

They talked about the band and what it was like to play with them the whole way to the hotel. He seemed genuinely ecstatic to have met her, and when the ride was over, he asked for a picture.

So they got out of the cab and stood on the sidewalk to snap a quick picture, then he shook her hand and went on his way.

It gave her something to smile about on the way into the hotel. Which was good, because she needed things to smile about these days.

That wasn’t fair, not really. Rainbow had plenty of things to smile about. She had a successful band, she was on tour with friends, people genuinely loved to see her. All in all, she had it made, and she knew that.

She only wished she could share some of those good feelings with Fluttershy. Rainbow checked the notes in her phone to find Fluttershy’s room number and rode the elevator to her floor.

She took a deep breath when she reached Fluttershy’s door and braced herself for what she might find inside. Whatever it was is what it would be, so she knocked and waited for Fluttershy to answer it.

When she did, she had a guitar strapped to her back. “Oh, hi, Rainbow.”

“Hey, Shy. Working on a new song?”

Fluttershy stood aside, so Rainbow walked into the room. The guitar was a seafoam green V-shaped model, and it had been Fluttershy’s for three years. It was old, but she insisted on using that one instead of trading up, no matter how much money they made.

“Maybe. It’s not much of a song just yet. Maybe just an intro.”

Rainbow smiled. Now she really had something to smile about. Fluttershy seemed to be sober, and she didn’t look like she’d been crying or anything of the sort. “Cool! You should totally play it.”

Fluttershy nodded and played what she had. Like she said, it wasn’t much of a song yet, but it would make a good introduction.

“Got any lyrics in mind?” Rainbow asked.

“No, just that.”

“You know, Lightning Dust said sometimes Rolling Thunder writes the lyrics before they come up with the music.”

“Really?” Fluttershy took a seat. “I really like her lyrics. I want to try writing more stuff like that.”

“Like political stuff?”

“Yeah. I think… I think I have a lot I’d like to say about the world. I’ve seen a lot of shit, it might be nice to get some of it out.”

“Yeah! And we got the new album we need to write for.”

“Yeah…” Fluttershy looked off to the side. “Uhm, actually I wanted to talk to you about that.”

“Sure, what’s up?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “I have a lot I want to get out. More than just a few songs, but I don’t want to dominate the next Bitchette album when I’m not even in the band.”

“Hmm…” Rainbow put her hand to her chin. “Three guitarists might be a bit much, but I guess you could join the band.”

Fluttershy smiled, which was what Rainbow had been hoping for. “I think I want to do an album.”

It wasn’t that shocking, but somehow Rainbow was still shocked. “You mean like your own thing?”

“Mmm, I was thinking, maybe if you wanted to…” Fluttershy twiddled her fingers. “Maybe we could do it together? Just the two of us?”

“We don’t play drums, Shy.”

“Yeah… I was going to ask Lemon Zest to teach me, but we might have to program them. I’ve made a few drum beats on the computer.”

“I guess that’s true.”

Rainbow didn’t say anything else right away, so after a moment, Fluttershy said, “I mean, you don’t have to. I just… think I could be more open if you’re there with me.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just…” Rainbow scratched her neck. “I mean, we’ve got the next Bitchette album to do, right? And then we’ll be touring with that.”

“Oh, we don’t have to tour.” Fluttershy’s mouth worked through a couple different variations of a frown. “Actually, I think I’d rather not tour for it. I… don’t want to be on the stage. But I’d still like to do one.”

“So what were you thinking we’d each do for it?”

Fluttershy shrugged. “Just whatever needed to be done. We both play guitar, bass, and sing. I can play the keyboard a little. I was thinking we could write each song as a duet, no matter who wrote it.”

“Well… sure, why not?” Rainbow smiled as an idea occurred to her. “If we write some stuff on the tour, it won’t take away from the Bitchette writing sessions.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I have so much inside me, I think I could write for both albums easily.”

Rainbow laughed. “Yeah, well, if I’m on it, I wanna be able to write some of it too. You can do most of the lyrics if you want, that way it’s all your story. I’m happy just helping here and there and working on the music.”

“That sounds perfect.”

What sounded perfect to Rainbow was that if they started this project on the tour, then it would give Fluttershy something to focus on that wasn’t a bottle of alcohol. Maybe it would be just the thing she needed to get out of this funk she was in.

“Let’s get started then,” Rainbow said. “Here, hand me the guitar, I wanna play around with that melody.”

“Alright.” Fluttershy took off the guitar and handed it to Rainbow. She started playing the melody that Fluttershy had shown her and made little changes here and there. “What about something like this?”

They both got sucked into the songwriting session, and the two of them were up late into the night. That was a problem for Fluttershy these days, not sleeping enough. But for once, Rainbow wasn’t worried. This seemed like a healthy outlet for Fluttershy, and for once, Rainbow got to be involved with that in a way she was actually confident.

It may only be an intro, but Rainbow hoped this would lead into a brighter song for Fluttershy’s future. At the very least, it did give them something to smile about.

Author's Note:

People sometimes ask me what Bitchette sounds like, but what I really wanna know is what this side project sounds like. If I were a musician I’d probably make albums for all these artists, but definitely for this Rainbow-Fluttershy project lol