• Published 5th Sep 2019
  • 25,748 Views, 1,297 Comments

One hoof at a time - SkarinOfAtmora

After an urgent summon from Fancy Pants, both Celestia and Luna attend Day court. However, a new precedent is set when Fancy Pants presents a male alicorn to the two princessess, one he found dumpster diving behind his house...

  • ...

9 - Music of copyright infringement

The poor alarm clock stood no chance. On it's first ding Luna smashed it to bits an snarled at the broken contraption. She has yet to recover from her first coffee overdose crash. The last thing Luna remembers was walking with Orion through the castle, laughing their hearts out at how they pissed off Blueblood and then her alarm clock going off and being flung at the wall. Barely two hours of sleep and a full shift of Night Court made for a really grumpy alicorn princess. Like really, it's like somepony was messing with her with how busy court was. It was never ever that busy. Luna tried really hard to remember if she allowed some crazy pony requests to be granted in her half-asleep state.

Anyway, with pitch black circles under her eyes, Luna literally dropped out of way and crawled to her bedroom door.

"We shall hurt thee, Orion." the princess growled through clenched teeth and slowly got up on her hooves. Lazily opening the door she stepped into the hallway where two guards stood watch.

"Good eveni-BY CELESTIA'S BEARD!" one of the guards jumped after seeing their disheveled princess.

"Not. A. Word." Luna marched past the two guards and slowly descended the stairs towards the dining room. Some good breakfast, or dinner, depending who you ask, should be able to brighten her mood. Once in front of the dining room doors, Luna sighed in relief since there were no voices coming from inside. Peace and quiet.

The double doors opened just as her snout was a mere inch from it and she was greeted by a unicorn maid.

"Good ev-HOLY MOTHER OF-MMPF!" the maid didn't get to finish as Luna stuck her hoof in the maid's mouth with a death glare. The maid got the message and nodded furiously.

"Pancakes. Waffles. Extra everything." Luna removed her hoof and the maid scurried in a hurry towards the kitchen. Dragging her hooves on the marble floor, Luna finally plopped down on a midnight blue pillow and lazily grabbed the newspapers with her magic.





Luna looked at Orion's picture on the front page and scoffed, throwing the newspapers in a random direction. Curse him and his delicious coffee. Serves him right. For as long as she lives, Luna swore to never drink the vile concoction ever again!

"Coffee, your majesty?"

"Yes, thank you." well, an addict is an addict and after taking the first sip Luna was on the rebound. Oh how she relished in the black nectar of the gods that could wake the dead. This refined formula of Orion's was nothing short of revolutionary. How could they be so wrong and merely boil the beans in water? Orion deserved a medal for this contribution to ponykind. Luna was once again on a coffee high and didn't even notice her breakfast arrived. She was tired, yes, but after this cup the world shall brighten. Her exhaustion would fade away and she could properly resume her duties as Princess of the Night. Until this happened.

Diving to the ground like all hell broke loose and covering her ears with her hooves Luna was ready to tear the castle asunder.

"WHAT IS THIS HORRIBLE NOISE?" with her Royal Canterlot Voice, Luna shook the castle even more than the horrible sounds coming from somewhere in the castle. Was this another of Discord's pranks? If so, the draconequs was as good as dead. Not wasting more time, Luna searched for her sister and quickly teleported to her location.

To Luna's surprise she appeared in Orion's room, the stallion sitting on the bed with a cloth over his lap and playing a strange looking guitar that was connected to some sort of box. Her sister and the Elements of Harmony were also in attendance, hooves stuffed in their ears.

"WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON?" Luna yelled over the guitar sounds.

"LUCK? I WOULDN'T CALL IT LUCK, LULU!" Celestia shouted back.



"HOW BARBARIC!" Rarity tried to faint dramatically but it was just too loud. Luna glared at Orion who didn't even notice her presence, his hooves jumping on the guitar's neck faster than she'd ever seen anypony before.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?" Luna turned back to Celestia.


"WE ASKED HOW DID-oh to hay with this." Luna's horn glowed and a bubble formed around the mares, silencing Orion's playing. "Much better."

"I AM NOT A BEDWETTER!" Celestia shouted Luna's ears off before noticing there was a sound barrier. "Oops."

"Explain fast sister. Otherwise we shall send Orion into your Sun!" Luna stomped her hoof and some cracks formed on the ground.

"I am sorry Luna." Celestia nuzzled her sister's cheek affectionately. "As to how this happened, well..."

Not even twenty minutes earlier...

It was nearing dinner time, as Orion's stomach so loudly reminded them. Right on time too as he, the Mane 6 and Princess Celestia arrived at the castle gates.

"Wow. A walk really does wonders." Orion smiled at the shy pegasus walking on his right.

"Told you." Fluttershy smiled back and the group stopped at the stairs leading to the castle entrance.

"See Twilight? A little small talk goes a long way." Celestia smiled at her student who was still taking notes.

"But we tried that and he just up and left!" Twilight protested while watching Nibbler jump from Orion to Fluttershy and back.

"In retrospect, perhaps our idea of small talk, or rather our cultural differences were the trigger for his leaving." Celestia replied and hugged Twilight with her wing. "Let's tone down on checking and showing body parts around Orion. "

"We can do that." Twilight nodded. "What about your surprise? Do you think it will trigger some memories?"

"We will find out soon." Celestia then stepped forward and coughed lightly to draw attention to herself. "My little ponies, it is getting late and dinner time is upon us." all the mares and Orion moaned in disappointment. The guards really didn't care.

"Five more minutes?" Orion asked with a smirk.

"Please Princess Celestia." Fluttershy joined in with the most adorable puppy eyes she could muster.

"As luck would have it Fluttershy, there is actually something I wanted to show Orion before dinner." Celestia smiled and everypony perked up. "A surprise if you will."

"You didn't eat all the cake and we're having it for dinner?" Orion asked cheekily.

"I said surprise, not miracle." Celestia deadpanned. "If you all would follow me to Orion's room." instead of teleporting them like everypony suspected, Celestia took Orion's issues with teleporting into consideration and simply started walking to their destination. Celestia took the lead and everypony followed her through the castle.

"What do you think the surprise is?" Fluttershy asked.

"Pretty sure it's not cake. HEY!" he exclaimed when a multicolored tail whipped him across the snout.

"Rude." Celestia said over her shoulder. "And for your information, there is still cake. Probably. If you behave, maybe I'll let you have some. Here we are." Celestia just barged in with the rest in tow.

"Hey, isn't that-" Rainbow began but Orion beat her to it.

"No way! DUDE!" the stallion dashed towrds the white V guitar and hugged it tightly. "You even got an amp!" he then pulled the Maneshall amp into a hug as well.

"You're welcome." Celestia was delighted Orion liked his present.

"It's that weird lookin' guitar thang'." Applejack got closer and eyed the strange instrument.

"It's not weird looking! It's beautiful." Orion said with dreamy eyes.

"Then what's the hold up?" all eyes turned to Celestia. "Play something for us." then they were back to Orion, wide with anticipation and accompanied with huge smiles.

"Oh I can't play." Orion replied and went back to checking out his new gear. The room went so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"What do you mean you can't play it?" Celestia's teeth were clenched so hard behind a forced smile you'd think they'd crack.

"Not with these anyway." Orion wiggled his hooves and Celestia relaxed. She regained her composure and slowly walked towards Orion.

"I see. You must then use magic to-"


"I don't understand." Twilight was pretty sure Celestia popped a vein.

"It's complicated." Orion replied and sat the guitar on the bed. Celestia was now really close.

"Then uncomplicate it."

"I can't just- It's- ARGH! I'll show you." Orion sat on the bed, pulled a blanket over his crotch and positioned the guitar. "See these?" he showed his hooves once again. "How am I supposed to play with stumpy hooves?"

"Uhhh, like everypony else, duh!" Rainbow snickered.

"She's right, darling." Rarity spoke up. "We don't use magic for every single thing. And I'll have you know that the best violin player in Equestria is an earth pony and earth ponies don't have unicorn magic. She's simply the best."

"Better than all the rest? Let me guess, her name is Quarta?"

"Octavia, actually."

"Right." Oiron rolled his eyes.

"Now listen here mister." Applejack pushed the heavy amp and speaker combo to Orion. "Princess Celestia went through tha' trouble of buyin' you a gift so gosh dang it you will play it!"

"If you don't mind, that is." Fluttershy handed him the cable and plugged one end into the guitar while Rarity plugged in the other.

"You seemed to be entranced by the guitar so Princess Celestia thought it would trigger some memories." Twilight added and flicked one of the switches and the amp hummed to life. "The least you can do is-" her hoof reached for the other switch.

"Don't!" Twilight looked at Orion and got ready for rejection. "The tubes have to heat up first."

"Tubes? You know how this works?" Twilight rushed to Orion who gently pushed her away. She will get that knowlegde sooner or later.

"Is that a yes?" Celestia asked, now with a genuine smile.

"Can't guarantee it'll be any good." Orion sighed. "Got a pick?" on cue, a pick floated into his right hoof. "Just give me a minute." Celestia nodded and took a few steps back before the others joined her.

"I think it's working." Twilight said excitedly as she watched Orion fiddle with the knobs on the guitar and amp.

"We shall see." Celestia responded and observed the stallion who looked like he was playing something but no sound was heard on the speaker. "At least he tuned it properly." a thousand years of living and just as many operas gave Celestia almost pitch perfect hearing.

"But what is he waiting for?" Twilight asked and tilted her head. Just then Orion flicked the second switch and looked over the guitar.

"Buckson Ponycaster. Maybe if Fender made Gibson models they would stay in tune and the headstock would not break on every single one." he said to himself.

"What was that?" Celestia didn't quite catch his monologue.

"Nothing." Celestia raised a brow. "Yes, it's rude to mumble, just... Let me focus and figure this thing out." Orion the lowered his gaze and positioned his hooves. "How the hell do I do this..." he tried strumming and plucking a few notes to see what works. It took him a few tries before something strange began happening. "No way..." Orion's eyes were wide as saucers as his right hoof picked the strings with ease and his left followed.

"I think he's actually doing it." Rainbow said in amazement.

"Hooves, darling. They can do anything." what Rarity didn't know was that Orion was feeling phantom appendages pressing on the strings, not his hooves. An evil grin spread across his muzzle which got even wider after he pressed a button on the amp.

"What does distortion mean?" Twilight tilted her head in confusion. Orion then turned one of the knobs on his guitar all the way as a piercing screech resonated from the speaker and the first low E shook the castle. More is all you need...

"And then you arrived." Celestia finished the story. "Luna?" her sister's shocked expression worried her. "What is it?" Luna grabbed Celestia's muzzle and turned it towrds Orion. "By the stars..." a blood red glow with patches of black was beginning to shine on Orion's horn. Luna immediately dropped the bearrier and their ears were assaulted by loud, yet techincally perfectly played notes of a guitar solo.

"ORION! " Luna ran up to Orion but a stray bolt of magic stopped her from reaching him.

"YOU HAVE TO STOP!" Celestia joined in but was stopped as well when more and more red and black bolts fired around a clueless Orion who played with his eyes closed, completely focused on the guitar solo and not missing a note. Luna was ready to blast him with magic but Orion finished to solo with a long held vibrato and set the volume on the guitar to zero. Everypony rushed towards him with looks of concern.

"Art thee well?" Luna asked, still on guard in case more bolts appeared.

"Orion?" Celestia called but got no response. "Talk to me Orion." she gently nudged him and Orion opened his eyes like nothing happened, a content smile on his muzzle. "Is everything alright?" Celestia put a hoof on his knee as Orion just stared at the guitar in his lap.

"My dad bought one just like this on the day I was born." he said suddenly. "Mom was so pissed. He spent like two months salary on it." Orion played a smiple A minor making everyone flinch in fear of another bolt. "He said that once he saw me for the first time, he knew I was going to become a rock star." Celestia and Luna mustered up their courage and sat on each side of the stallion.

"And did you?" Celestia asked making Orion chuckle.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Orion, how dost thou feel?" Luna asked with concern.

"Pretty good, actually." Orion sighed deeply. "After all this time... It was better than sex. OW! DUDE!" now it was Luna who smacked him with her tail but it was on the back of his head. "Sheesh."

"No need to be crude." Luna chided before smiling. "We are glad thou art feeling better. Though we would have preffered a more... Gentle song for our wake up." Orion's eyes went wide.

"I am so sorry! I totally forgot you have the night shift!"

"Night shift?" Luna scoffed. "Tis' more than a night shift! I happen to hold court at night the same way as my sister does in the morn!"



"It's morning, not morn."

"I can still kill thee." Luna elbowed him playfully making Orion laugh.

"Speaking of kill, did I kill that solo or what?" Orion turned to Celestia excitedly who cringed.

"You certainly did... Something. "

"I know, right? At first I thought I couldn't do it but then something weird happened and I felt like I had my fing-I mean, my hooves guided by the gods of metal!"

"Gods of metal?" Celestia raised a curious brow.

"Yeah. Dio and Lemmy." he raised his hoof to the sky. The sisters looked at eachother like what the hay is he talking about?

"Well, whatever the reason, I am glad I could help." Celestia smiled.

"Oh you have no idea. I haven't played in ages! Ever since... Since..." Orion suddenly got quiet and his expression saddened.

"Orion?" both sisters asked.

"It's nothing." Orion shook his head and smiled again. "Now how about that cake, Sunbutt?" Luna guffawed at her sister's new nickname.

"I will not respond to that name." Celestia huffed, yet a smile was tugging on her lips.

"Sunbutt! Genius! Why haven't we thought of that?" Luna asked through laughter.

"Yeah, why didn't you, Moonbutt?" the laughing suddenly stopped but it picked right back up as Celestia entered a fit of laughter of her own. "Hey, if Celestia stands behind you, do you make an eclipse?"

"My butt is not that big!" Celestia slapped him playfully.

"It is bigger, sister dear." Luna snickered and the trio divulged into playful banter.

At the same time all of this was happening, Twilight was huddled with her friends and the guards, minus Pinkie Pie, with a look of deathly seriousness.

"Not a word to anypony."

Author's Note:

Five days, chapters two.
Hope is once more for this tale.
Hope is last to die.