• Published 25th Aug 2019
  • 1,336 Views, 16 Comments

Time Carries On - SamRose

When an immortal loves a mortal, there comes a day when they must inevitably part ways. It's never easy having to say goodbye, but you'll always have the memories you made along the way.

  • ...

And the sun will set for you

At that point in her life, Aria had been to plenty of funerals. It wasn’t something she had done much of when her and her sisters had first arrived, seeing as there wasn’t much point in getting attached to the humans.

When you roamed around as much as they had, you never got to know the people being lowered into the graves, and you never stayed long enough to see anyone you knew be lowered.

That had all changed with Sunset.

Sunset had been there for each of her friends when it was time to bury their parents or siblings or even their pets, and Aria had been along for the ride. Sunset was also the last of her friends to pass away, so Aria had been to each and every one of their funerals.

The main thing she learned was that most funerals weren’t like how the media portrayed them. Most happened on bright and clear days where everyone was able to attend comfortably, since rain made it difficult to properly bury a casket. Especially if it rained too hard.

And most viewings were held indoors first before being moved to the grave later.

Aria had insisted on Sunset’s funeral being an outdoor viewing.

It had been a warm day, only partly cloudy, and the crowd that came to see Sunset had been surprisingly thin.

Not because she wasn’t adored by a lot of people, but because there weren’t many of those people left to attend her funeral.

The service had been a simple one. A viewing box with loved ones saying a few words in her memory to the gathered crowd. Aria had said her piece last, though it was hard to compare to prolific public speakers like Princess Celestia or Princess Twilight.

Twilight’s speech had been particularly hard to listen to, since Sunset had been the last of her human friends to pass away, and it showed in how she carried herself. Celestia at least had had a lifetime of watching her friends and loved ones pass away to keep herself composed.

The two of them had given their condolences after it was all over, and even made sure to remind Aria that she always had a home in Equestria if she needed it.

The rulers of Equestria inviting a siren with open arms into their kingdom. She imagined Starswirl would’ve been rolling in his grave if he hadn’t had a change of heart in his old age.

But that had been the service, and it had been over for a few hours now. Celestia and Twilight had returned to Equestria promising to keep in touch, and only one or two guests still remained. Sunset had been lowered into her grave and properly buried, and the spot next to her had been left open.

Just in case.

It was a gesture Aria appreciated, but just looking at the spot, she knew it was going to remain empty.

She knew better.

She’d been alive for a thousand years already, and she doubted that would change for the next thousand. If she did die, she would love nothing more than to be buried next to her wife.

And it was tempting.

It was an offer more tempting than she had expected it to be.

She’d always wondered why humans were so desperate to go and ‘be with’ their loved ones when they passed away, but now she knew why.

It hurt.

It hurt a lot.

But she couldn’t let herself die anytime soon.

She had to live on.

It was the last thing she had promised Sunset.

And Aria Blaze was not one to break her promises.

“Hey mom. How ya holding up?”

Aria’s thoughts were broken by a familiar voice. She turned her head, seeing her beautiful daughter stepping up close, a saddened smile on her face.

Sunrise Serenade. She was in her mid 60s now, with hair of light violet tied up in twin tails hanging loosely down her back, light yellow and gray stripes spinning around her locks. Her skin was a tannish pink, and her eyes were the same emerald green as her mother’s. For the funeral she had dug out an old, slightly tattered, leather jacket that had been passed down to her from Sunset, in honor of her mother’s memory.

“I’m holding up.” Aria said with a smile that almost seemed genuine. “What about yourself?”

“I’ve done my fair share of crying.” Sunrise chuckled softly, wiping at her puffy and red eyes. “What about you?”

“I’ve done some crying. I’m sure I’ll do more. I’ve got all the time in the world to miss her.” Aria spoke softly, turning back to look at Sunset’s grave. Several bouquets were scattered around the simple stone tablet as Aria’s eyes scanned the words on the grave once more.

Here Lies Sunset Shimmer


I’ll always be by your side, so hold your head high, and give the world hell

“Hey.” Sunrise spoke softly, placing a hand against her mother’s arm. “The family’s getting hungry, so I was going to take them out to dinner, it being a solemn occasion and all.” She chuckled softly. “Did you want to come? I know my kids love having their grandma around.”

“It’s a tempting offer kiddo, but I’m gonna stay here.” Aria looked at her kid, lifting her hand to rub the top of Sunrise’s head. “I appreciate you looking out for me though.”

Sunrise couldn’t help but scoff and laugh a little, playfully swatting the hand off of her head.

“You’re never gonna stop treating me like a kid, are you?”

“Be older than me one day, then we’ll talk.” Aria grinned. Sunrise couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“Like anyone can be older than you.” Sunrise snarked back, but lifted her arms up and gently wrapped them around her mother. “I’m here if you need me mom. Don’t bottle everything up inside, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Aria chuckled, hugging her kid back. “I’ll be in touch. I promised your mother I’d look after you and your kids, and I don’t intend to break that promise anytime soon.”

“Better not.” Sunrise sniffed, but pulled back from the hug with a smile. “I’ll save a piece of cake for you.”

“Have a good night kiddo.” Aria waved, Sunrise lifting her own hand in return before walking off.

A gentle breeze blew through the area as Aria watched her daughter leave. Even now she couldn’t believe that something so beautiful could have come from her. It was crazy the miracles love and Equestrian magic could perform.

She watched her daughter until she disappeared from sight, then turned back to her wife’s grave and sat down in front of it. She didn’t have anywhere to be or any business to attend to, so she was going to stay by her wife’s side until she was ready to leave.

Aria blinked as something orangey was put in front of her face. She pulled her head back enough to realize it was a drink, then turned her head up, spotting Adagio holding it out for her.

“I figured you could use a drink.” She said with a smirk, shaking the glass a little bit in emphasis. Aria couldn’t help but smirk back and took hold of the glass, looking it over.

“A tequila sunrise.” Aria chuckled at the sight of it, letting out an involuntary sniff as she felt her eyes moisten. “You never had much tact, did you Dagi?”

“What better way to remember those we’ve loved and lost than with a little bit of nostalgia, hm?” Adagio said with a smile, sitting down next to her sister. “I know I’ve given you grief about drinking your problems away in the past, but I think I’ll let it pass this time.”

“You shouldn’t have to be alone on days like this.” Sonata spoke up, sitting down on the other side of Aria. “That’s what family is for after all!”

Aria looked between her two sisters for a moment, smirking as she felt a fresh tear roll down her cheek.

“You two don’t have anything better to do, do you?” Aria laughed, unable to stop the tears from flowing now.

“Only if that ‘something better’ is giving you a little sass,” Adagio said with a smile. “To remind you that you’re not alone.”

“And you never will be.” Sonata said with a nod. “She’ll always be with you in your heart, and we’ll always be with you in person. So remember her with a smile.”

Aria laughed again, a little more sputtering this time as her tears mixed in. She lifted her head up and looked beyond the hill they sat upon, towards the horizon as the sun made its way to the edge of the world.

She held her drink up, making the sun silhouette around it as she watched its descent.

And for a moment, it was so, so many years ago...

She could still hear the crash of the waves, the smell of the sea air, and the warmth of the setting sun in front of them.

Sunset was in the prime of her life, vibrant and glowing with beauty and youth. They were newly married, and the two of them couldn’t have been happier to have each other in their lives.

In each of their hands was a Tequila Sunrise, held up to glow in the light of the sun as it dipped behind the horizon and cast the world in its orange glow.

Sunset had turned to look at her wife with a smile and love in her heart, and Aria had turned to look at her back with just as much love in her heart.

And Aria knew that she was going to remember that moment forever, and she wanted Sunset to know it.

“And now, every day I will think of you.” Aria spoke aloud, “Because every day I will watch the sun set.”

Sunset’s laugh was lost to time, but Aria could still hear it clear as day. She smiled at the love of her life as she brought the drink to her mouth and took a sip.

It tasted even better than she remembered.

Comments ( 14 )

Good night, sweet princess. Taste the Tequila Sunrise.

SPF #2 · Aug 26th, 2019 · · 8 ·

I don't think I have ever cared less about Aria than when she was rattling off a list of all her old husbands and how they were in bed.

Props for a good choice of characters, but this really didn't do much of anything for me. The cover is pretty, tho. I like the little wrinkly bits on Sunset's arm a lot. I hope the judges like the story more than I did.

Nice reference to Linkin Park's 'Shadow of the Day'

I can't help but think that if that's all you took away from the conversation, the one Sunset asked about, that you really missed the point lol

To each their own though. Glad you enjoyed the cover at least!


Taste the Tequila Sunrise.

What's that suppose to mean?

Yowch, right in the feels. Immortality may seem so wonderful, but it can lead to such pain too. Rest well Sunset, your memory will live on through your Aria and her love for you. And that will be your immortality.

Interesting that, even without their gems, the sirens maintained their immortality.

All the same, good story.

I was doing so, so well.

But then

“And now, every day I will think of you.” Aria spoke aloud, “Because every day I will watch the sun set.”

And I broke

Sad but heartlifting. Nice nods to your Aria Archives Ask Blog

I'm not crying, you're crying :fluttercry:

Ok, talking seriously now, this story is simply beautiful, sad but beautiful. Made me remember that even when our loved ones have to leave us, they will always be with us while we remember them.

Ffffffffuuuuuckkkkkkkk. This hurt my feelings a little bit....but like, in SUCH a good way. God, this was amazingly bittersweet.

This was much towards the sweeter side than I thought.

this story was good kudos and good job

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