• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 8: Painful Truth

Mario, Kirby, and Villager sat on the grass patiently waiting for Starlight to come back. Villager looked up to see Starlight still sitting on the rock.

"So what exactly happened?" asked Villager.

"Well I assume the spirit controlling the spirit Zelda was a friend of hers," said Mario. "But because her spirit was still under Galeem's control she had that hostile nature like the other spirits,"

"I assume she got beat considering you came running back with a bloody Starlight," said Villager.

"Oh it's not even that, she refused to fight her," explained Mario.

"Couldn't hurt her old friend eh," said Villager plucking a piece of grass from the ground.

"Poyo," said Kirby sadly.

"Poor girl," said Sylveon.

"Maybe one of us should fight her instead?" asked Villager.

"No, Starlight refused to fight because she felt guilty that she wasn't able to save her from Galeem's attack, she needs to take this chance to overcome her guilt otherwise she won't be able to continue like this," said Mario.

"So you're going to continue torturing her like this?" asked Villager.

"It may seem like torture, but you know we're doing this for her own good," said Mario.

"And if she says no?" asked Villager.

"We'll just have to talk her into fighting," replied Mario.

"No," Starlight whimpered. Mario, Kirby, and Villager looked up to see Starlight limping over to them. Her face wet with tears. She had a bandage wrapped around her head. Starlight groaned as she fell forward. Mario quickly got up and grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Whoa don't force yourself," said Mario. He helped her settle down on the ground,

"I can't do this," whimpered Starlight.

"Star," Mario sighed.

"I CAN'T DO IT OK!?" Starlight screamed stomping her hoof on the ground. "I can't," she sniffled. Kirby walked over to her and nudged her with his small hands. He looked up to see tears rolling down her face. Mario got up and walked over to her.

"Starlight listen," sighed Mario.

"I TOLD YOU I CAN'T DO IT!" Starlight yelled at Mario. "WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!!???" At that moment Mario raised his hand and brought it across Starlight's face. Villager got to his feet and Kirby backed away. Starlight placed her hoof over the spot where Mario slapped her. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"I know you can't do it ok?!" Mario yelled back. "I understand that you can't do it, but at least listen to me!!!!" Starlight looked down unable to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry I hit you, but you left me no choice," said Mario. He could hear her sniffling. "I know how you feel, it hurts to lose someone as special as your friend,"

"We've all been there friend," said Villager. "But we're fighters part of the largest crossover in gaming history," "No matter who we lose, we don't have a choice but to keep fighting,"

"We've had moments during the Smash Bros. Tournament where we've lost someone very special to us and the only thing we could do is keep fighting," said Mario. "We as fighters never got a single chance to say goodbye to those we loved,"

"Poyo," said Kirby comforting her as she sobbed.

"You may not be a part of the roster but as of now you play the role of a smash fighter," said Mario. "Until the moment we defeat Galeem, you have to endure the pain that we have felt for years on end,"

"Look we don't want to say this but Mario is right," said Villager. "I mean I've only been in the tournament for so long and even then I've had to sacrifice a lot of things,"

"We don't want to make you suffer, we really don't," said Mario. "But just think about everyone else who are in the same position as you but they can't do anything to change the fate of this world," Starlight stopped and looked up. "You are the only one who could do something to change the future, our future,"

"Poyo," said Kirby.

"I'm sure you're friends are thinking the same thing," said Villager. "They don't want to hurt you, but because they're under Galeem's control they don't have choice, they're forced to act and no matter how hard they try to resist Galeem still manages to overpower them in the end,"

"So because they can't do anything to stop Galeem, they have to depend on you to save them," added Mario. "If you just sit here and whine because you can't hurt your friend, you'll leave them in the hands of Galeem," "You're hurting your friends even more because you're afraid of doing the same thing Galeem has done to many others," Starlight gasped as her eyes widened. "I know this may not be the best situation, but even heroes have to make difficult choices, if you really care about you're friends, then you would hurt them to save them," Mario continued.

"Mario and Villager are right," said Sylveon. "It's hard for anybody to hurt someone really close to them, but these two especially Mario has had to run with this gig for years,"

"Ever since I joined this tournament, I've had to beat my brother, friends, and even my lover without a choice," said Mario. "I've had to fight them knowing that they were gonna die,"

"It may not seem like a big deal considering the fighters come back every time they die, but in reality it's hard for each and every one of us to have to kill for the entertainment of many," said Villager.

"So Starlight, please understand that you're not the only one who has to go through something like this," said Sylveon. "The Smash Fighters has had to experience this themselves so they know this pain more than anyone else,"

"Especially those who have been a part of the tournament since the beginning," added Villager.

"We're not telling you this because we hate to hear you crying, but because we care about you," said Mario. "So please take the time to think about it, either you continue to complain and let your friends suffer, or you take the risk and hurt your friends to save them," Mario walked back to his spot and plopped down on the ground.

"Don't worry, if you need help just ask us," said Villager walking back to his spot.

"Poyo," said Kirby comforting her. Starlight didn't answer. She couldn't stop thinking about what they had told her. They were right, she had no right to cry about this when THEY had to endure this pain for years. She thought about Twilight, Cadence, Spike, Flurry, and her friends. Wherever they were, they were in pain. Being forced to fight by Galeem and with no other choice but to wait for her to come save them. They were right, only she could change the outcome.

"Do you think you were being too harsh on her?" asked Sylveon.

"Yes, but how else am I supposed to convey the message to her?' asked Mario.

"There were other ways, you just had to find them," said Villager.

'Well anyway I'm tired, I'm gonna rest for a bit," said Mario lying down. Villager continued to pluck grass out of the ground and didn't notice Kirby walking off. For a long time the group sat there and eventually they soon found out that time has passed and the sun was already beginning to set. Mario yawned as he sat up.

"Well look who's up," said Villager.

"What time is it?' asked Mario.

"It's already getting late," replied Villager.

"Where's Kirby?' asked Mario.

"I don't know actually," answered Villager. Just then Starlight walked up to them.

"Oh Star what's up?" asked Mario.

Starlight took a deep breath and answered,"I've made my decision,"

"Really?" asked Villager.

"I'll do it," answered Starlight.

"That's the spirit," laughed Villager getting up.

"All thanks to you," said Starlight.

"I suppose we should prepare for tomorrow then," said Mario.

"Yes," agreed Starlight. At that moment Kirby came running with a panicked look on his face.

"Kirby there you are where have you been?" asked Villager. Kirby jumped up and down as if he was trying to tell them something.

"Easy, what is it?" asked Sylveon. Kirby ran past them and pointed in one direction.

"What is it?" asked Villager. Mario followed in the direction that Kirby was pointing and noticed something.

"Look," said Mario looking up. Villager and Starlight followed his gaze and noticed a large worn castle in the distance with large black clouds covering the sky above the castle.

"What is that?" asked Villager.

"I don't know, but it seems like Kirby wants to go there," said Mario.

"Why?" asked Starlight.

"Only one way to find out," said Mario The group all looked towards the castle. Whatever was there, they had to be prepared. Starlight knew that her biggest challenge was waiting for them.

Author's Note:

Chapter 8 complete. Poor Starlight. But it seems like Mario and Villager's pep talk really helped her open her eyes. The backstory isn't part of the Smash series or at least I don't think it is so you could say it's original. Anyway now that Starlight has finally received some guidance from her friends, she's ready to take on Zelda again. But what could possibly lie at the castle. What challenges await for them. Only one way to find out.

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