• Published 13th Aug 2019
  • 553 Views, 3 Comments

The Monkey's Paw - Black Hailstorm

Forced into taking a break from her lessons Twilight Sparkle picks up a curious book with a interesting cover at Walden's Hall of Books, and gives it a read. After all, who doesn't like a good folktale from a distant land?

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Ch 1

Author's Note:

You can tell where the inspiration came from, no?


Twilight flipped a page and let a cheery "oh!" Only to ignore the sound of her door opening as a stallion trotted in.

She'd been studying for hours now in preparation for her next upcoming exam in the upcoming week and it was only because of her brother she was out and about at all at this moment.

"Twily, sometimes you really need to stretch your legs and get some fresh air." He had said.

She hadn't heard him of course because she'd been reading Stygian's Guide To Arcane Runeiccraft Vol. 3, and so her simply and automatic response had been a "mmmhm" with the added nod to give the false (and frankly bad) illusion she was actually paying attention. So when two seconds of silence passed with no response Twilight failed to see her older brother's sly grin.

"So you agree with me then?" Shining had asked with noticeable hint of mirth she couldn't quite place.

"Of course I do Shining. Now, um, if you don't mind?" Eyes refocused on script and continued to devour the words before them.

Shining Armor, Big Brother Best Friend Forever, grinned just a bit wider as his horn ignited with a brilliant glow of blue. "Oh yes, of course." His head bobbed in agreement and he threw a hoof in sure sign of leaving. "Wouldn't want to disturb you on your way out."

"Yes, well", another plage flipped in her glow "I'm glad you understand." The teen filly had said with oblivious reply.

It took several seconds for the words to replay in her head, an extre three for the gears in Twilight's brain to slowly click, and a single second for her to realize what she'd just allowed herself to be tricked into. Eyes widening, book dropping as she lost focus and got up off her vision to move; Twilight only managed to throw an accusatory hoof out as her eyes narrowed at her brother to say: "Don't you even think about--"

There was a flash, a cork sounding pop, and a crackle pop as Twilight reappeared on the doorstep outside her home, only for a shield to bump into her flanks as she blinked disorientation out of her eyes. Shaking her head to clear the fuzz of travel between and regain her bearing Twilight looked around. Frowned. Ears splaying as a small grimace formed, Twilight stomped a hoof in frustration and looked up to the window of her room where she saw a smiling brother wave to her from her open window.

"I'll leave your room as you left it!" And before she could put up a argument he shut the window and walked away.

Huffing and blowing a strand of cobalt blue out of her eyes, Twilight frowned then looked at her brother's shield. He'd been getting way better at casting those from the times she'd seen him in practice and this one didn't even waver or wobble when she'd bumped into it.

Looking down at her own hooves and thinking on what to do, Twilight entertained the idea of teleporting back inside but knowing Mom and Dad (especially since they weren't home) there was a good chance she'd just be poofed back to where she first came if she tried teleporting into a blink-warp guarded home.

Circling around to try and get a good look, the filly tried finding any opening in her brother's cone shaped shield spell and was disappointed to find no hole's or openings. She didn't want to break it either, because that would just hurt Shining.

"Ugh! Shining!" she called. "Just, please let me in! I was getting to the good part!"

"Shining's not home Twilight!" came the voice of her brother somewhere inside. "Come back later!"

"Shining! Drop your shield!"

"My what?!" the voice called growing fainter through the open windows of the backyard.

"Shield!" Twilight yelled, then sheepishly smiled as neighbors walked down the street with raised brows right by her.

"Shining!" she growled through grit teeth and darkening cheeks as her sheepish smile crumbled when the two rounded the street corner, "Let. Me. In!"

Music began to play loudly. And the sound of Shining Armor singing along was all she could hear.

Baby you let me into your heart!

Twilight groaned as her fate was sealed. Falling to her rump and shaking her head she sat there. She couldn't believe she just got evicted out of her own room. Waiting to see if he'd drop his shield if she waited a little longer Twilight sighed. It was obvious he knew she'd try to wait him out.

And I will always love youuuuuuuuuuu!

She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she got up to leave.

Walden's Hall of Books was engraved in blending looping letters in gold script on a wooden sign, a personal favourite. A three story brick building, each floor and even ground level holding various sections in all categories, in all kinds of subjects and topics. It was particularly a favorite because of its extension policy and the fact that they held quite a list of book copies in the Thaumaturgy section that weren't as easy to find in other libraries in Canterlot or required ordering from other places to be delivered. It made finds so much easier to pick and drop off and she could extend her renewals for an extra week before the due return date if she needed it.

Breathing in deeply as she entered, Twilight let out a content and happy sigh. She waved to Mr. Spindle who seemed to be helping a coral pink maned unicorn with her search of books, and then made her way up the stairs to begin a search of her own.

Books balanced on her back, Twilight took a seat at a large, polished wooden desk after sliding her bounty off to the table and sitting on a violet red cushion.

She moved to pick up a book in her glow, but paused when something caught her eye.

What is...

She looked around. Not a lot of ponies were in the Anthropology Magic section. Though it wouldn't surprise her somepony had irresponsibly just deposited their book there when they were done.

No respect for all the work it takes to organize these! She huffed, glanced around, then in a flash of violet and blue, the book was poofed right in front of her, held in her glow.

As she got up to go put it back, Twilight spotted a pattern on the hard cover, stopped to inspect and then stared at what she saw on the cover. Her muzzle scrunched up in concentration as she tried to determine what exactly she was looking at.

"Is...that a Minotaur's hand print?" She squinted at the crude white circles and odd shapes slapped over a burgundy red background. Vague shapes and forms roped neatly in a semblance of unity and form, almost but not quiet looking like a Minotaur hand. It was honestly difficult to tell, but she knew at least her terminology was right.

Looking over the spine of the book Twilight saw the author and her eyes widened. Written in chalk white bold, blocky letters that contrasted the rough and dark brown cover: A collaborative documentary by Stained Ink settled on the end of the book's spine.

She looked at the cover again, frowned at her inability to tell what she was seeing at the odd shapes and stared at the title. The Monkey's Paw.

Curiosity piqued, Twilight began looking at the book. Skimming through the its table of contents, her excitement rose when she found it to be a detailed documentary. Not just by Stained Ink but by many other writers and researchers that had contributed to this version. She skimmed through multiple list of names until she found the page number that held Stained Ink's version, as the rest could always be read later. Then she turned to the page, page 48, and looked at the title and strange paw print that appeared above it, along with finer print in smaller script saying: The Story of A Gentle King In A Trying Time.

Looking at the other books stacked beside her, Twilight pondered the option of this over her other selections.

Stained Ink was famous for her research of cultures outside Equestria. She'd travelled to the East and written many notes and theories on both magic and the cultures of those races which she later developed into small books that were expanded on. She was an inspiration to many anthropologists, and the stepping stone to a Post Discord free Equestria's chance at learning beyond the Herd.

Biting her bottom lip, staring at the white page with only title and author, Twilight turned the page with her magic.

Then got lost in the story of the book as she read.