• Published 11th Aug 2019
  • 662 Views, 23 Comments

The Black Moon Howls - -Pinkamena_Pie-

When Pinkie Pie is kidnapped and forced to serve the GOC, Mena is the only one who can save her.

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A Child Is Lost

The Black Moon howls;
A Child is lost.
One other remains,
Who shall pay the cost.
The short-sighted fools
Will pay the price,
Even if their world
Must be her sacrifice.

These words swirled in my head. Over and over. It wasn't like I was obsessed with them, but it felt like they meant something to me personally.

I knew this wouldn't be easy. But whatever I had to do, I'd do it.

You probably know what I'm talking about already, but if not, the name's Pinkamena. Mena, for short.

No, I'm not the lovable Pinkie Pie, regardless of if I look like her or not. I consider her a sister, though, and if I have to burn down every single world trying to save her, that's what I'll do.

Just like that Celestia-damned poem that I can't stop thinking about said.

For those of you without context as to why I'm talking to you calmly and not trying to make you into cupcakes, it's because I changed. Or at least I thought I did. The only reason I'm here is because a certain pony helped me out, but the cost was blood. I can't exist without killing now.

Luckily, that's what I have to do.

I'm currently holed up in some conference room in my shadow form. That's the form I take when I'm not quite manifested, but plan on doing so.

This is the second time I've been forced to separate myself from Pinkie Pie. This time, I don't have a time limit. I plan on using that to my full potential.

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. If you wanna know what happened to cause this, you're gonna have to start at the beginning. The very first day me and Pinkie got thrown into the world of the SCP Foundation.

At the time, we were helping one of Pinkies' friends, that Twilight mare. I remember I toasted her pretty early back in the GrimDark...

Anyway, she needed help with some magic spell that she had created. What she didn't tell us was that it was a spell meant to cross dimensions. Kinda makes me wanna toss her in my favourite basement and do what I'm known for, if you get my drift.

So, there we were, standing in an open field. She had some kinda pocket dimension opened up and meant to transport us in there. Unfortunately, she forgot that you can't just open up a pocket dimension and not expect it to close in a couple minutes.

So while she was setting up and all, the dimension closed on her, and since this was a pocket dimension, immediately collapsed in on itself and disintegrated outta existence. When she was finally ready to cast her spell, I noticed that the dimension was completely gone and tried my damn hardest to warn Pinkie about it. 'course she didn't listen and just said that Twilight knew what she was doing. Y'know what I call on that? Absolute Bull.

That alicorn was lucky she even found out how to do the spell. Sometimes I get amazed that she doesn't screw everything up.

And before you ask, yeah, I swear. Not when Pinkie's around, since she's not really into that sorta thing, but now that I'm alone, I do what I want.

Anyways, back to what I was saying.

She cast her little dimension hop thing that she thinks she created - I found out how to do it first, y'know - and sent us to what she thought was her pocket dimension.

Guess what? We got launched straight into this world, the SCP Foundation universe. Hell of a hop in my opinion.

So Pinkie goes night-night for a while, having gone unconscious during the hop and I get worried sick when I see where we are. I immediately kick in survival instincts and take the reins from her. I walk her body right to a broom closet, spend like ten minutes trying to open the damn knob, then when I get it open, walk her inside.

Couple minutes later, she wakes up, and opens up the portal in a hurry to talk to you guys. Made me feel like an unreliable sidekick, too. Ouch, my pride.

She gets all concerned and worried, asks where we are. I mentally tell her to say that we're in a place with white walls and the letters SCP on said walls.

Eventually, I got a bit concerned that the portal might be broken, cause I can see static all over it, told Pinkie to calm down, and shut it off.

So we sit in that broom closet for Celestia knows how long, and then all of a sudden, our ears start exploding with this alarm that just starts going. All of a sudden, screams, bangs, roars, every sound you can think of starts happening.

At this point, even I'm scared, and I don't scare easy. So I tell Pinkie I should probably take over so that she has a fighting chance. She agrees. I take over, and then call you guys up.

So I tell you about what happened, and then this weird black goop just starts growing all over the walls and some eldritch horror thing decides to pay me a visit.

I shut off the portal and I am GONE. I ain't sticking around to fight whatever that thing is. So I run through the halls like crazy, dodging him continuously! Like, bucking hell, I swear the guy had a thing for Pinkie or something...

Finally, I manage to escape the thing. He got zapped by some electric blast, I dunno what it was. I look up at a clock, and it's bucking midnight! So I slow down a bit and lo and behold, some bird motherbucker decides it'd make an appearance, talking about 'being the cure' and that everypony here has 'the disease'.

I know for a fact, he's batshit crazy. So I haul my furry plot into a room, barricade the door, and I bucking hide.

See, I noticed that Pinkies' body couldn't handle much more, so I made an executive decision that I'd separate myself, hang onto her with a tendril of spiritual energy, and take watch while her body slept.

Next day, I take control again, walk out and IMMEDIATELY get shot by a dart by some blue-suit bucker. So, I tear it out, and I start running. I keep running with the alarms, which had been silent, ringing again.

I run throughout most of the day, and then boom, get shot by about five darts in the neck. I kinda wanted to congratulate them on making such an amazing ambush, but before I can, it's lights out for me.

I wake up in a room that makes me wanna smash my head against the wall, it's so white, and realize I'm bucking starving. So I sit up, practically drooling, as some orange suit guy comes in.

It was kinda disappointing that I didn't get to eat him for dinner, since they brought food, but I didn't get any baking supplies, and intestines don't taste that good raw. So I eat the food they give me. It tasted horrible, but I suffered through it for Pinkie.

Then, throughout what felt like hundreds of days, I am poked, prodded, observed, and experimented with.

Jabbed, injected, every possible thing went wrong and I suffered through it.

Eventually, I couldn't hold back any longer. I honestly did try to ask diplomatically for them to let me go, in response they stabbed me again.

So I may have murdered about thirty or so of them? And then I snapped at you guys... Really sorry for that, by the way.

Eventually, Pinkie took back control and had a very desperate conversation with me. Man, only Pinkie can calm me down from a rage like that...

And then it occurred to me that, OOPS, I separated myself from Pinkie. That one, I know I screwed up. Poor Pinkie... She started crying like there was no tomorrow.

The day I died for the first time... She was curled up in a ball, looking like me. Bloody adorable, still reminds me of our filly days.

Y'all stayed with me that day. Until the bitter end. Thanks for that.

I watched as I faded, and Pinkie watched, too. Tried to grab me, tears on her snout.

That's the last thing I saw.

Until I woke up in what was literally a blank abyss. There, I saw someone I considered a lover back in the GrimDark. Good ol' Silence, actually the author of the story you're currently reading. Technically, he's what allows you, me, and Pinkie to communicate.

Anyways, he apparently decided the story wasn't completed and said 'buck it, we need some help'. Thus, where Midnight came in. Well, Midnight Moon. He's been fairly helpful on several occasions. Apparently, he can warp reality, but I guess that's just the power of the pen, hm?

That alicorn decided to allow me to come back using some magic I will never understand, but technically, only as what he calls a 'Tulpa', a self-aware mental construct.

For the longest time, I was back to being stuck in Pinkies' head. That was honestly boring. We got moved to some field, but that's about the only new thing that happened.

Well, we did meet Drago the origami dragon from that one SCP that people keep saying died. They look perfectly fine to me, honestly.

I personally think that was an experiment done by the Foundation. At least it didn't involve needles. I might've lost it if it did.

Then... Things started getting serious. We got kidnapped, me, Pinkie, and Drago. It wasn't by the GOC originally, but by the Chaos Insurgency. Yes, I have been paying attention to the things you guys have been saying.

So they took us, brought us someplace, and immediately injected us with tranquilizer, making us go night-night. I practically tried to break reality to kill them for it. I now hate needles with a passion.

Anyway, when we woke up, we saw gigantic origami dragons and what turned out to be the blue suit that Pinkie gave the cupcake to.

Next thing we were told was that a war had started. Ain't that fun.

That night, I discovered that I was actually needed, thanks to Silence and Midnight. They gave me the ability to manifest, but then warned I needed to kill to do so.

Right after, I discovered that the base we were at had been attacked and we were being kidnapped. So, I decided manifesting for a moment might be a good idea and slit everyone in that squads' throats before demanifesting.

Obviously they hadn't expected me to show up, because they all dropped like sacks of potatoes. Unfortunately, I hadn't expected that as soon as I demanifested, Pinkie would get ko'ed via dart and bring me with her.

So the next time I woke up, Pinkie woke up with me in the darkened room. Not seeing a reason to be worried, I started comforting her. I should have known it was a trap.

The minute I said that, the lights switched on and I knew that we were done for. Knowing that I couldn't reveal myself, I immediately rushed to the nearest shadow, and hid. I hated doing it, but I also disconnected from Pinkie and could only watch helplessly as they turned her into their plaything...

And that's how we got here. That's my story so far.

And my new goal is to destroy the Global Occult Coalition at their roots. As I said before, and I'll say it again... We're in this together. For Pinkie.

Are you willing to fight with me?

Author's Note:

If you want a more in-detail version of this, check out my oldest story. For those who already know what caused this, Chapter 2 is in progress.