• Published 13th Oct 2020
  • 1,022 Views, 25 Comments

The Hunters of Secrets - Arkantos

  • ...

A Story About A Brother

"She just walked into my cottage and expected me to blindly forgive her! Oh no, I'm not that-"

"Um, Fluttershy, do you think you could take a breather for a minute? Before you explode? You already scared the animals away," Princess Twilight said as she and Fluttershy enjoyed a little tea party.

Fluttershy started to calm down and the animals began to poke their heads out of their hiding spots. They inched back over to the two mares.

Twilight exclaimed, "Wow, I’ve never seen you get so angry in a conversation before."

"Well, this happens when my mom is in town."

Fluttershy looked at Angel. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry about that. I just can't control my anger when she's around."

Angel hopped onto Fluttershy’s shoulder and hugged her on the back as if saying I understand your feelings about your mother. [i/] Fluttershy looked better after Angel’s hug. She wanted to treasure this moment.

But then Twilight asked, "Fluttershy, I'm just wondering, why have you not said anything about your mother to us, your friends?"

As soon she said that, Fluttershy lost her smile and a frown took its place.

"Well, the reason why I didn't tell anypony is because she’s a terrible mother!"

Fluttershy donned a serious look and started to tell her story.

"When I was a filly at school in Cloudsdale, I was learning about cutie marks, as all fillies and colts do. I did my usual thing when it came to public places. I found a corner to hide in. Rainbow Dash would kindly take all of the attention away from me and put it onto her, usually by snoring as loudly as she could. But there would be times where she would have to protect me against the two bullies at school."

Fluttershy took a sip of her chai tea and continued. "Sometimes on my way home, I felt like somepony was watching me. Once, as I walked back home, I heard some relentless shouting and I went to see what was going on. I... I saw my brother Zephyr Breeze. He was curled up in a ball, and he was crying uncontrollably. As I walked to him, I heard what sounded like my mother's voice. I heard her say, "Can you believe it? One look and down he went. It's hilarious. Oh, I don't know how I'll ever top that one."

I decided to help my brother back to his hoofs. After that, we walked back to our home."

Fluttershy then said with a little anger in her voice, "My mother treated it like it was a normal day. Soon after that, I asked my brother what had caused him to be so scared. He told me it was a monster. And from that point on, I never trusted my mother."

"Wow, I don't know what to say," Twilight said. They were both lying on the grass. "Is it possible that he misunderstood something?"

Fluttershy gave her a look that said Really?[i/]

"I mean, there are a lot of things that a small colt could mistake as a monster. A simple thing like a strong gust of wind blowing on some cloth. That might look like a shadow or something. I'm just saying, there are a lot of simple things that a pony might think is something, but in reality, is nothing."

Fluttershy’s look changed from dead serious to confusion.

"I had not thought about it. Oh my, you think he just got too scared and said nonsense like that?"

Twilight placed one of her wings on Fluttershy’s back.

"Trust me, I’ve seen some pretty weird stuff that looks terrifying at first. But after another look, they turn out to be just ordinary objects casting weird shadows." Twilight started laughing.

"What’s so funny? I didn't say anything. Why are you laughing like this?"

Calming down, Twilight said, "Oh, there was a very funny memory I just recalled. It involves Shining Armor doing something hilarious when he got scared."

Fluttershy listened to her friend with full attention. She asked, "Oh, do you think you could tell me? I mean, if you want to."

Twilight got up and said, "I have a better idea. I'll tell you and our friends about it."

"That sounds like a good idea. Oh, and yay!"

Both ponies flew up to search for their friends so Twilight could tell Shining Armor’s embarrassing story.

At the edge of the Ever Free Forest, two hooded ponies watched the Princess and a pegasus flying back to Ponyville. Then, they walked back to the cave entrance.

"So, why are we doing this?" the young stallion said.

His partner replied, "The two Hunters that are supposed to guard this place are late reporting in."

"So that's the reason I have to miss the release of the new Smash Fortune book? Because some Hunters got lazy?"

Immediately, his partner replied, "Watch your tongue! These Hunters are guarding a cursed artifact!"

The young Hunter was about to say something, but then he saw the mass.

"Sweet Celestia!" He cried, upon seeing the messy remains of a pony. He then proceeded to lose his lunch, barfing out some hay and daisies.

When he was done barfing, his partner said, "First time seeing blood, huh?"

The young stallion nodded his head.

"You have a problem if you see blood and vomit like that," his partner said.

"It's just, I was expecting to fight Monsters, not see blood and clean up a crime scene. For goodness sake! We're Hunters! Not Luna’s secret crime fighters."

"Well, our Order is secret. And true, the Princess of the Moon started the Hunt."

As the Hunter said this, he saw a Hunter’s severed head. He started looking around for the rest of the body.

"But we are the reason Equestria's Monsters are too afraid to make nice quiet villages their feasting grounds. We should be grateful that no Monster is trying. So embrace the peaceful days."

He then found the rest of the hunter with no head and several stab wounds. The body was tacked to the ceiling of the cave, metal stakes in each hoof.

"While we still have them."

He gave his partner a concerned look.

"It's her, isn't it. You know it's her."

"If you mean the Butcher of the Night, then yes, it's her."

"Wait, if she was here, then what kind of cursed artifact were these Hunters guarding?"

"The Spear of the Hunt."

The young stallion’s voice became fearful. "The spear that could kill anypony. And according to legend, the one who uses it may get more powerful but will ultimately go insane."

“Yup, that’s the legend, although it's been a long time since I’ve heard it. And we shouldn't believe all of what the legend says."

"So, what does the Order of the Hunt do now, Night Glider?"

As his partner said this, Night Glider removed his hood, revealing a dark red coat Chiroptera with several scars. His eyes were two different colors, light green on the left, dark yellow on the right. His mane was white.

He looked at his partner. "Well, first we need to know more about the Spear itself. And once we know enough, we start looking for her.”

Later at night, outside of Rarity’s boutique store.

"Knock! Knock!"

"Oh, yes, yes, I'm coming, just hold your horses!"

Rarity opened the door and said, "Oh, can I help you, darling?"

"Oh, yes, you can," said a black pony, her mane cut like Celestia's Solar Guard mane cut.

Her mane was dark red, her eyes turquoise. She removed her cloak, revealing her cutie mark, which was an eclipse moon with an hourglass.

But Rarity wasn't focused on her cutie mark. Her attention was drawn to the two stubs on her back. She started to think Was this a pegasus?[i/] but then she saw the ancient spear with several runeson it.

"Enjoying the view?"

"Oh, I’m dreadfully sorry, but, well, I-"

Awkwardly, Rarity changed the subject.

"That’s a strange spear you’re holding."

Rarity opened the door for her guest, who entered. Opal hissed loudly at the strange pony.

"Now, now, Opal, don't be like that. I am sorry about that."

"Well, I’ve gotten warmer reception."

"I'm sorry, what is your name?"

As the door closed, the Butcher showed a pair of fangs and said, "It's Black Fall."

She began to approach the Element of Generosity with a butcher knife.

"I must say, it's late and I'm hungry. Do you have something I could eat? Like some kind of leftovers in your fridge?"

"I think so. Let me check."

Rarity started to make her way to the stairs.

Black Fall said coldly, "I hope what you have is edible, because my friend is outside and he is very hungry."

Then the door closed completely. As dawn approached, a filly heard a blood curdling scream coming from Rarity’s boutique store.

Author's Note:

Well what do you think will happen next?

let me know in the comments below.