• Published 22nd Dec 2019
  • 2,595 Views, 32 Comments

Hunt Begins Again - burner181

Sparrow thought his hunt was over, but a hunt begins in a new land.

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Welcome to Equestria

As I open my eyes to look around, I notice I’m in a pastel colored town. My gazing is cut off by the sound of screaming and roaring. “My sightseeing trip can wait until this incident is resolved.” As I run towards the screaming, I quickly glance around marking mental landmarks to remember my way back to the lantern. I notice a giant gingerbread house, which causes me to slow my run, “Uhm, what? No wait busy, ask questions later.” Resuming my original pace, I come onto the scene. Most of the huntsmen are being detained by guardsponies but one has gotten past them and is pursuing a white filly with purple and pink hair.

Noticing the guards are too busy, I start running towards the huntsman just as the memory of a ribbon covered in blood comes to mind. “I will not allow it to happen again.” Feeling an unknown energy infuse me, I rush at the huntsman swinging the cleaver. The world around me goes quiet except for the sound of tearing clothing and flesh followed by a pained roar. Catching the huntsman’s attention, he turns towards me, blind with his bloodlust, and pursues me for attacking him. I dodge the creatures clumsy attacks then swing my cleaver out, an audible click sound emanating as I bring the reverse side blade out and remove the creatures head from its body, covering myself in its blood.

I look down at the scared filly. “Find safety,” I order before running off to assist the guards, hearing the sound of small hoofsteps behind me running towards the town center. Looking around I notice a glint of metal behind the huntsmen, "Found you." I start running and hear a bang as the rifleman's shot connects with the back of a shield huntsman providing an opening for the guardspony fighting it. The rifleman starts reloading, "Not going to make it in time to stop it, unless-" I stop a ways away and raise my blunderbuss, "Hope this is close enough." I pull the trigger resulting in a louder bang and enough pellets connect with the rifleman to stagger him and I rush up and finish him off with the cleaver. After I make sure the rifleman is dead, I turn around and notice the guards finishing off the last of the huntsmen. "And now they’ll point their weapons at me because I'm an unknown armed figure," I think to myself, putting my weapons away, and looting the rifleman. As I pick up a pouch of ammo and a powderhorn, I hear the sound of hooves behind me and I stand up and brush myself off. As I slowly turn around I hear the sound of feathery wings beating and look up. I grin seeing a dark blue mare descending, "Convenient." I cross one arm over my chest in a salute and bow my head, the guards following my gaze and bowing before Princess Luna.

Luna lands, "At ease everypony." We all raise our heads and she looks over at me, “What are these things Sparrow?”

I nod and gesture to the bodies, “These are huntsmen, humans that were infested and turned into mindless beasts by the plague I told you about and…” My eyes go wide as I see one lunge towards Luna, “You idiots left one alive!” Pushing my way past all of them, I take a slash at the huntsman and trade blows with him, taking his head off but taking a critical shot to the neck myself. Falling to my knees as I start to fade out from this world, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me as if trying to keep me there.

Luna hugs me close in a panic, “Sparrow!” I force a smile before I dissolve into red lights. Without looking at the guards the Princess speaks, “I thought I trained you all better than to stand by and let an ally fight alone against a foe.” Luna stands up and glares at the guards.

I wake up with a start and see I’m in The Hunters Dream, “Great, I’m immortal here too, that’s just perfect, ugh.” I stand up and start making my way to the tombstone to head back to, what was it? Ponyville? I stop, seeing that the doll was not where I left her, but is standing up with her hands down in front of her.

The doll looks at me confused, “Hunter, this doesn’t look like the dream I am used to.”

I go over and pat her head smiling, “I’ll explain everything when I get back, but until then can I get you to clean up the workshop?” The doll nods and I make my way back to Ponyville. Coming out of the dream, I notice I’m standing next to a crystal castle, “Huh, shiny.” I start making my way back to where the fighting was and begin to hear Luna berating the guards. I pick up the pace and notice a lot of ponies had come out of hiding and started looking at the aftermath. I decide to sneak my way up using the cover of darkness and my black cloak to my remains. I make my way over and smirk, “Well all of you look shell-shocked.” I chuckle at the ponies reactions at seeing me alive again and reach my hand forward and absorb the magical traces of my remains into my body, “I’ll be needing that.”

Luna just stares at me with her mouth open, “But, how, I saw you,” then looks down at her hands, “In my hands.” She then looks back up at me.

I take a breath and raise my own hand, “It’s late. All these ponies should be heading home and getting some sleep. I will answer all your questions Princess, I told you that already.”

Luna nods in understanding and reassures the residents of the town and ushers them home, then proceeds to lead me to the crystal castle, “I’m sure Princess Twilight will have some questions of her own.”

I go to say something, then decide against it and ask something else, “So this isn’t your castle?”

Luna looks back at me, “Correct, this is the castle of Twilight Sparkle, one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.” Predicting my next few questions Luna continues, “There are five princesses and six bearers.”

I just sigh. “I’ll hold my questions for tomorrow, we have more pressing matters to attend to." Following Luna inside, I look around the castle and let out an appreciative whistle, “Are all the castles this flashy?”

Luna chuckles and leads me to the throne room where we see another pony with wings and a horn sitting on a throne, “In one way or another, yes.” Luna and I stop in front of the throne, "Good to see you are well Twilight."

Twilight smiles and nods looking at Luna, "Good to see you too, Princess Luna." Twilight looks over at me, “And you must be the one I have to thank for saving the town, and my friends.”

I smile and give a polite bow, “No thanks necessary m’lady, I was only doing my job.” I look over at Luna who looks a little nervous, “Excuse me for a second I need to answer one of Princess Luna’s questions she asked earlier.” Twilight nods and Luna looks over at me, “The Hunter’s Dream turned my generation of hunters immortal, whenever we died we would end up there, refreshed and ready to get back into the fight.” Rubbing at my neck where I was hit, I comment, “It still hurts to die though.” I look over at the two Princesses “I’ll be blunt, this will not be the last time the monsters appear, and I fear they may only be the beginning of worse to come.”

Both princesses’ eyes go wide and their jaws drop before Luna starts speaking, “You mean there are things worse than what we saw out there?”

I just give a sorrowful nod, “Unfortunately yes, and your guards alone will not be able to contain the situation if more of them show up, or if some of the stronger creatures show up.” I go over to the window and look at the ground, “The biggest monster I saw was either as tall or half as tall as this castle.” Turning back, I see the terrified face of one princess and one enthralled face of the other, “I doubt any of those monsters will appear again, but there might be monsters equivalent to them in size and stature that show up.” Looking at their concerned faces, I turn towards Twilight, “May I use your kitchen to prepare you two some tea to help you calm down?” Receiving a nod and stuttered directions from a panic-stricken Twilight, I make my way to the kitchen. I return with a tray that has a teapot and cups on them and pour a cup of chamomile tea for both Luna and Twilight.

As her nerves began to settle down, Luna talks first, “So how are we going to be able to combat them?”

I set the tray down, “I could give you the knowledge I have on the enemies I faced which should be enough for guards to be able to handle some of the weaker enemies, but for the stronger ones, I can fill them in on their attacks and attack patterns, but the only way to fight them is by getting experience.” I go over and lean against a pillar, “There was one enemy I faced that took up, I think at least twenty tries before I got its pattern down and defeated it.” I stand back up and walk over, “I said I would answer questions but I have been hogging the floor this entire time. I apologize, what would you like to know, ladies?”

Twilight speaks up first, "I know you are acquainted with Luna, but I have not received your name yet."

I sigh and tap my forehead, "My apologies, I am Sparrow, once a Hunter of Yharnam."

Twilight picks up fascinated by the name of a land she has never heard of before, “Where is this Yharnam.”

I sigh and shake my head, “If I knew where it was, I would not recommend going there, they were not very polite to outsiders.” I continue mumbling, “Myself included.”

Luna looks over at me concerned, “They treated you poorly?”

I look over and shrug, “They wouldn’t give me the time of day if I asked, not that it mattered while the hunt was on, it was always night.”

Luna’s eye twitches but ignores it, “So, I got a report that your weapon there changed forms during the fight with the...huntsman was it?”

I nod and draw my saw cleaver, “Yes, they are referred to huntsman and they are the basic grunts of these creatures, as for this, it’s called the saw cleaver.” I show them it in its saw form before backing up and snapping it out into its cleaver form, “One thing that hunters carried around with them was a trick weapon and they come in different forms, some just enhanced itself in some way, or they change form just like this one.” I close the saw cleaver and put it back and double check my pouch if I have any other weapons to demonstrate and then close it quickly blinking.

Luna looks over at me confused, “Everything okay Sparrow?”

I compose myself and nod my head, “I appear to have my mentors weapon with me as my only other melee weapon.” I Put the saw cleaver in the pouch and pull out some sort of stick and a greatsword.

Twilight looks at the two items, “That doesn’t look like a very impressive weapon.”

I smile and put the stick on my back, twirling the greatsword. Then I slam it into part of the stick, another part snapping out. I pull forth a scythe and smirk. “What was that about not being impressive?”

Twilight blinks then blushes, “I’ll take back my comment.”

I nod then return it back to its greatsword configuration and return it to the bag pulling out the saw cleaver.

Luna tilts her head, confused, “Why not use your mentor’s old weapon, instead of the saw cleaver.”

I look at her and shake my head, “Because I was a hunter that focused solely on fast attacks while that Burial Blade was designed to utilize both speed and magic in it’s attacks.”

Twilight perks up at that word and looks me intently, “Can all of your kind use magic? What kind of magic is it? Do you need some sort of focus-” Twilight’s mouth is sealed by a magic aura before she can continue her tirade of questions.

I nod to Luna as thanks, “Well, I only know that creatures and hunters can personally harness magic, others have crafted tools to use a person's innate magic.”

Twilight blushes as he mouth was released, “Sorry about that, the prospects of new magic always interest me.”

I wave my hand dismissively, “We can talk at length about the tools Hunters use at a later date.” I look outside and see it turning to day and let out a sigh, “Good day and night cycles are still in order here.”

Luna and Twilight look at me confused, “What do you mean by that?” Luna asks.

I look at them, “When the hunt was going there were two points where I killed a creature and first it turned to night, then it turned into a blood moon,” I shudder, “And things got even worse.”

Twilight gulps, “What do you mean by worse?”

I sigh and lean against the window, “All the creatures got stronger and more vicious, and some even developed some different forms of attack, it was a messy affair, thankfully some of the creatures went to sleep allowing me to sneak past them without issue.”

The princesses look at each other then Twilight turns back to me, “Is there anything we can do to prepare to fight back against these creatures?”

I turn around and look out the window again, “I would need some place isolated to set up a forge to start making weapons, and, here’s the hard part, I would need volunteers to take on training to become a hunter.” I look out at the forest that the Huntsmen had originally come from and raise an eyebrow and mumble to myself, “What is that?”

I hear the two princess discussing the possibilities of anypony actually volunteering to join as a hunter or not. I walk over to them, “What’s with that forest?”

Twilight looks up at me, “That’s the Everfree Forest, not much is known about it other then it is independent from the rest of Equestria in its ecosystem.”

I nod and go over to open the window, “Hmm, maybe there is something in there related to all of this.” I walk back in there direction.

Luna taps her chin, “Potentially, my sister and I’s old castle is in there, so there may at least be a hint.” Luna looks over at me, “I’ll have some Night Guards look into it.”

I pull my face mask up and look at the princess then at the open window, “No need Your Highness.” I break into a sprint and jump out the open window. The princesses run over in time to see me hit the ground rolling then stand up instantly and draw my weapons as I run into the forest.