• Published 7th Jun 2020
  • 454 Views, 17 Comments

Spiders and Loyalty: Maximum Shadows - Alvaxerox

A young girl name Isabelle Parker transferred to Canterlot High to get some for a special purpose. She is also a superhero name Spider-Tsundere. And She will face an enemy like that will decide the fate of Earth and Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 12: The Shadow Invasion: Part 2


At Canterlot High. Microchips received a called from Isabelle, telling him to go to Principal's Celestia's office.

"Alright, alright Izzy. These legs were made for building, not walking." He said. "And... What stone are you talking about? I don't see any stone, just this infinity stone that looks like its going to explode?"

"Did you say... glowing?" Spider-Tsundere said in confusion. "That can never be good."

"My guess is the shadows must be using it somehow." Rainbow Dash said.

"Maybe like a homing beacon. " Wolf Spider said.

"If Iron Tsundere modified the shadows, she must've also given the Nightmare Shadow Pony some transport." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Maybe a ship?" Juniper suggested.

"But the Pony of Shadows brought his shadows through the portal Twilight once went through. Why use transport?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"When the Pony of Shadows sent the beacon to space, it must've hit a black hole." Spider-Tsundere said.

"And from I heard from Princess Twilight, the Pony of Shadows was in limbo for 1000 years before he was defeating again by her, His former host Stygian had a lot of nightmares in that void, perhaps if he was defeated again, his counterpart must be like a clone he left behind to hibernate till some energy can rejuvenate him into a living nightmare." Wolf Spider said.

"So maybe what was left of the Pony of the Shadows that Celestia and I were working on was trying to call his clone to help." Spider-Tsundere theroized.

"How do you know all this egghead stuff?" Rainbow Dash asked in agony.

"Detective skills." Spider-Tsundere said.

"That can't be enough." Rainbow Dash said.

"This isn't the first time I dealt multiverse related stuff." Spider-Tsundere said.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever, but how did that shadow pony know about the space stone?" She asked.

"That I do not know." Wolf Spider said.

"Me neither." Spider-Tsundere said. "But maybe he needed someone to bring the a vessel to carry his army to Earth while he tries goes to Equestria. If the shadows are in that ship, we need to stop that beacon before they come here."

"Uh... Hello, you still there?" Microchips asked as he still on the phone. "I don't see any specific stone but the infinity Stone is starting to freak me out."

"Microchips, that's the stone I was talking about." Spider-Tsundere said.

"The didn't you say it was an infinity stone?" Microchips asked.

"I didn't know you know anything about infinity stones. I didn't even know about it." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Of course I know about it. Most people in at CHS knows about a infinity stone. Cinch used one called the soul stone sometime ago to take over the school." Microchips explained.

"Okay, I gotta do research on infinity stones later. Anyways, Chips, Spider-Tsundere is coming to CHS, he thinks the... Space stone is acting like a beacon. Do you think you can make a disrupter device to cancel the beacon?" Spider-Tsundere asked.

"A Spider-Sundere mission? I'm on it." Microchips said.

"It's Spider-Tsundere. The T is silent." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Well I never watched anime." Microchips said. "I'll get to work on it now."

"Okay. Thanks Chips." Spider-Tsundere said. "Let's get going."

So the heroes all rushed to CHS as fast as they can. Spider-Tsundere and Wolf Spider were web swinging while Juniper Montage was holding onto her boyfriend Wolf Spider. Rainbow Dash was flying with her wings. "So I heard you used that get-up before at the movie studio." Spider-Tsundere said as she looks at Juniper's outfit she was wearing.

"What about it?" Juniper asked.

"Nothing it reminds me of a villain I heard of called Razul. He wears a black cloak with yellow lines." Spider-Tsundere replied.

"Oh..." Juniper said.

"Yeah. That's all." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Spider-Tsundere, Rainbow Dash, if the shadows follow us to Canterlot High, the mission is in jeopardy." Wolf Spider said. "Juniper and I can lead them away from your path." Wolf Spider said.

"Oh, no! We can't do this alone." Spider-Tsundere said.

"I'll keep you under communications and we'll meet you at the school once the coast is clear. Do you have any com links?" Wolf Spider asked.

"My bracelet can communicate with anything." Spider-Tsundere said.

"That's good enough." Wolf Spider said.

"Rainbow Dash, catch!" Juniper said as she throws a com link at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash puts on the com link to her ear. "Thanks." She said. "Good luck."

As the heroes were going through a twin building underneath a smaller building, the shadow Wallflower, Sunset and Twilight chased followed them, but they were chasing Wolf Spider and Juniper, while Spider-Tsundere and Rainbow Dash rid in the shadow part of the building. They see the shadows take the bait. "Come on Dashie. Let's go stop that beacon!" Spider-Tsundere said.

"Lead the way Spidey." Rainbow Dash said.

"Spidey, really?" Spider-Tsundere said.

"What, that's what everyone calls Spider-Man. I thought it implies to other spiders." Rainbow Dash said.


Wolf Spider and Juniper Montage continued to let the shadows follow them. Since Juniper still had some of Spider-Girl's agility from sometime ago, she is able to keep up with Wolf Spider. Shadow Sunset slammed Wolf Spider but he dodged it and all Shadow Sunset hit was a car. "Come on you symbiote copycats, is that all you got!" Wolf Spider said.

Then the Shadow Twilight tried using her magic to shoot Juniper but she missed as Juniper managed to evade it. "There you go. Now that's a challenge." Then Shadow Wallflower shot an energy rock blast at Juniper's back cause her to fall to the park.

"Juniper! No!" Wolf Spider cried as he was going to stop her from crashing into the park. But he got by Shadow Twilight's magic blast and got thrown to the park like Juniper. They crashed on the concrete ground. They were both injured in pain, as they were too weak to get it. The shadow infected surrounded them. "Sorry girls. We're out numbered. The rest is up to you now. Your are the only hope Canterlot City has now."


"What?!" Rainbow Dash stopped flying as she heard what Wolf Spider said while hearing his and Juniper's screams.

"Montage! Wolfy!" Spider-Tsundere cried out. "Damn it!"

"The shadows have taken Midnight Wolf and Juniper Montage." Rainbow Dash said.

"We got to stop that vessel from coming to Earth fast and then find a way to save your friends." Spider-Tsundere said.

Just as they were going to enter the school. Shadow Starlight Glimmer stopped them. "Not so fast spider!" She said. All the other shadow infected arrived. Shadow Sunset Shimmer, Shadow Princess Twilight Sparkle, Shadow Spike, Shadow Wallflower Blush, Shadow Applejack and Shadow Spider-Guardain.

Then Wolf Spider fell to the ground after being thrown by the shadow infected Juniper Montage. "We know you want the stone... Spider-Tsundere." She said. "But it belongs to us!" She charges at the 2 girls. But Spider-Tsundere managed to punch her. Rainbow Dash was getting Wolf Spider up until she attacked by Shadow Applejack.

"Come on AJ, you don't wanna do this!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh yes... We do!" Shadow Applejack said as she threw Wolf Spider away and grabs Rainbow Dash. "You and Applejack were always competing against each other. And whenever she was about to win, you stop everything cause deep down... You don't want to lose. Now that the darkness has made her stronger... Let's settle score now... Bad loser Dash!" Shadow Applejack struck a nerve in Rainbow Dash as she blocks Shadow Applejack's punch.

"Your right. I am a bad loser. But Applejack with shadow powers, that's cheating." Rainbow Dash said as she uses her speed to punch Shadow Applejack multiple times very fast. She got free but then she got attacked by Shadow Twilight and Shadow Starlight.

Wolf Spider gain some stamina back to help fight off the shadows but Shadow Juniper and Shadow Applejack.

Spider-Tsundere was trying to use her electric venom to open Shadow Spider-Guardain she can see her mom. "Mom, please fight it!"

"I'm trying, but they won't let me out." Spider-Guardain said. "It's like they're fueled by a grudge..." Then the Shadow reformed back, taken over Spider-Guardain again. "Against you!"

"Wait!" Spider-Tsundere was confused until Shadow Spider-Guardain was thrown in the air and Shadow Spike shot out fire at Spider-Tsundere and Shadow Applejack punched her and slammed her. Rainbow Dash and Wolf Spider were thrown next of her like a pile. Spider-Tsundere got back up with her purple eyes glowing. "There's too many of them... And only 3 of us."

But then... Blue electricity shocked the shadows. Rainbow Dash and Wolf Spider were confused but Spider-Tsundere looked up. "Do the math again Spider-Tsundere." A girl glowing like pure light blue energy.

Spider-Tsundere easily recognized the blue energy girl. "Dualshock!"

"Who is Dualshock?" Wolf Spider asked.

"She my friend back in Neo-Tech City. The city I come from." Spider-Tsundere said.

"The cavalry has arrived." Dualshock said.

"Just you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Guess again Skittles." Dualshock said. As more of Spider-Tsundere's from Neo-Tech City came, a girl in a grey dress, a guy in a black trenchcoat with Sais, A girl ninja

and a man in a SWAT uniform.

"Zo, Midnight Fire, Kasai, Dad!" Spider-Tsundere said. "Am I glad to see you again."

"Wait the guy in the SWAT police outfit is your dad?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah. He's a police detective. His name is Ken Parker." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Isabelle, are you okay?" Ken asked.

"I'm okay now that you and the others are here dad." Isabelle said.

"We not be heroes in the big leagues." Zo said as she stomps a sound wave at the shadows, causing them to fly off upon impact.

"But we got your back Spider-Tsundere!" Dualshock said she electricutes Shadow Starlight Glimmer.

"Always." Midnight Fire said as he kisses Spider-Tsundere and runs to attack Shadow Twilight Sparkle.

"So I guess he's your boyfriend." Rainbow Dash asked Spider-Tsundere.

"Yes. Yes he is." Spider-Tsundere said.

"So what are you waiting for?" Ken asked to his daughter. "Go save the world. I'll handle your mother."

"Right. Thanks Dad. Thanks everyone." Spider-Tsundere said as she, Rainbow Dash and Wolf Spider got inside the school as Ken goes back to the fight against the shadow infected.

A few minutes later...

Microchips was almost done with a frequency disruptor. As Rainbow Dash and Wolf Spider stay next to the door to Celestia's office guarding to make sure no shadows get in. "Spider-Tsundere, even if block the frequency of the space stone, we don't know how much energy we'll need." Microchips said.

"I think I know. My venom is like bio electrical, and my miraculous bracelet has unlimited power, I can use my venom blast to harness enough energy to block the space stone's transmission." Spider-Tsundere said a she uses the space stone to find out what are the shadows are using to get to Earth. "It is a ship."

But Microchips heard a knock at the window. He turned his head and sees Shadow Iron Tsundere at the window. "Oh no... Stay back!"

Spider-Tsundere looked up at the window and sees Shadow Iron Tsundere as well as she uses her blasts to break in. The blast was strong enough to get through the window and it hit Microchips. Then Shadow Iron Tsundere attacked Spider-Tsundere and Spider-Tsundere dropped the space stone. Then Shadow Iron Tsundere grabbed the space stone, but a web line shot at her arm, it was coming from Wolf Spider. "Sorry, but she was using it first. You have to wait your turn." He said.

But Shadow Iron Tsundere hit Wolf Spider to the wall. "That's it! I had enough with you stupid shadows." Rainbow Dash rushed at Shadow Iron Tsundere as she does some combo moves multiple times. But Shadow Iron Tsundere threw her next to Spider-Tsundere.

Spider-Tsundere shot her webs at Shadow Iron Tsundere's arm cause she still has the stone in her hand. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha... Nice try Spider-Tsundere. But there is no stopping us!" Shadow Iron Tsundere said. "Our victory is inevitable, once the rest of us arrived. And soon this planet will be next, and then Equestria will fall as well. I will rule both realms of Earth and Equestria!"

"The Pony of Nightmare Shadows is talking, not you Tira?" Spider-Tsundere said.

"Tira Stars has enhanced my magic so I can communicate with any form I'm in telepathically." Shadow Iron Tsundere said.

Spider-Tsundere then kicked Shadow Iron Tsundere away as well as got back the space stone. "It's a big multiverse out there Shadows. You could've taken an uninhabited world, planet it universe?" She asked.

"There's no fun in that!" Shadow Iron Tsundere said. "But this is more then just taking over your world and Equestria. You and Rainbow Dash made this... personal when you destroyed one of us. One of me. My twin! Half of the darkness itself!"

"What!" Rainbow Dash got back up was discussed. "The Pony of Shadows?"

"... He started it!" Spider-Tsundere said.

"And we're finishing it!" Shadow Iron Tsundere said.


Ken and Dualshock were fighting Shadow Princess Twilight Sparkle Shadow Spider-Guardain. Midnight Fire and Kasai were fighting Shadow Juniper Montage and Shadow Sunset Shimmer and Zo was fighting Shadow Applejack.


"Equestria will suffer because of Rainbow Dash, and Earth will suffer because of you... Spider-Tsundere." Shadow Iron Tsundere said as she was fighting Spider-Tsundere.

"Read my lips..." Spider-Tsundere said as she dodged Shadow Iron Tsundere's blasts. She grabbed the cord from the device Microchips made and the space stone and activated her electric venom. "Shut up!" She cried out as she combined the power of the space stone with the device's cord, causing a flash

The ship that has the last of the Shadows screamed as they fly away from its direction to Earth.

Spider-Tsundere shook her head as she sees the space stone shattered in pieces. But she got one last vision power from the stone as she sees the ship that contains all the shadows onboard leaving. "It worked. The ship is leaving. Rainbow Dash, Midnight, we did it!" She said cheerfully.

"What have you done?!" Shadow Iron Tsundere said.

Spider-Tsundere looked at her hands as the electric venom had been upgraded to cosmic levels. "With the space stone destroy, I harness enough power cosmic to do this!" She charged at Shadow Iron Tsundere and put her hands in the shadow and venom blast it. It screams in pain as Iron Tsundere was starting to get her control back. "Dad, Dualshock, Midnight Fire, if anyone can hear me. My venom has been updated with space energy. I have enough to free Mom and the others and finally take down the shadows."

Back outside...
"Roger that Spider-Tsundere. I'll send in Midnight Fire to help reroute the power." Ken said.

But then, a shadow substance dropped in as it teleported the Pony of Nightmare Shadows. He cackles his maniacal laugh.

"So I guess that's the Pony of Shadows huh." Midnight Fire said.

"None of you humans are strong enough to stop the Nightmare of shadows!" The Pony of Nightmare Shadows said as he uses his magic to blast all the heroes to the ground. As the look up, Shadow Juniper spread the shadows to them.


Spider-Tsundere continues to electrocute the shadow that has Iron Tsundere, but she stopped cause it was too much and she doesn't want to hurt Iron Tsundere. Iron Tsundere got on her knees as she weakly looks up at Spider-Tsundere. "Onesies?" She called out by using her only nickname to Spider-Tsundere.

"I'm sorry I accused you for leaving me and my mom to investigate the waves. But it's good to see you again." Spider-Tsundere said. "I'll explain everything once another does of cosmic venom shocks that shadow completely free." But then Spider-Tsundere saw the shard pieces of the space stone levitating off the ground. She looks up and she sees the Pony of nightmare Shadows walking in and broke the wall. "The Pony of Nightmare Shadows!"

Rainbow Dash and Wolf Spider got back up and saw the first shadow pony infront of them. "You have lost Spider-Tsundere!" The Pony of Nightmare Shadows said as the 3 heroes see Midnight Fire,



and Dualshock become Shadows.

"No... Daddy..." Spider-Tsundere cried out. She felt a pain in her stomach as she fell to her knees. "Not again."

"Give in to your loss. End your suffering!" The Pony of Nightmare Shadows said.

"Fat chance shadow dude. We never take the easy way out!" Rainbow Dash said.

The shadows attacked the 3 heroes. Wolf Spider dodges the attacks though. "We're not giving up on you guys!" He said as he dodged Shadow Midnight Fire and Shadow Ken's attacks and shoots at the Pony of Nightmare Shadows and escaped through the broken wall.

"Come on Spider-Tsundere. We're getting out of here." Rainbow Dash said as she holds onto Spider-Tsundere and escaped through the broken wall.

The Shadow Pony for the web off his eyes and sees Rainbow Dash and the 2 spiders escaping. "Destory them!" He ordered his shadow children. Then he continues to levitate the fragments of the space stone and using his dark magic, he repaired it back to normal and reactivated the beacon again. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The ship that had the shadows stopped and went back to earth as they originally intended.


Wolf Spider and Rainbow Dash carrying Spider-Tsundere were trying to escape from the shadows but they were hot on their trail. Like heat seeking missles. Wolf Spider was the first to fall as Shadow Midnight Fire blasted a fire ball at him and fell into the water. Then Rainbow Dash was web snatched by Shadow Spider-Guardain and Shadow Ken and they threw her off the bridge and into the river. Then they grabbed Spider-Tsundere. "Mama, Daddy, please don't do this!" She said while crying.

"They can't hear you girl!" Shadow Spider-Guardain said.

"But we'll enjoy hearing their screams after our destruction of you..." Shadow Ken said. "Say hello to your Aunt Lindsay for us!"

"Not a chance!" Spider-Tsundere said as she venom shocks her shadow parents and fell into the river.

A boat was passing by, and Wolf Spider managed to stick on it and climbed up it as he takes off his mask trying to breath out the water.

Spider-Tsundere stayed underwater feeling like she failed as she keeps her eyes closed. But she was saved by Rainbow Dash as she swimmed to Spider-Tsundere and grabbed her and used what's left of her wings to fly up to the boat that Wolf Spider was on. Spider-Tsundere was coughing and took off her mask to get some air in her and the water out. Midnight Wolf, Rainbow Dash and Isabelle Parker looked at the sky and gasped as the ship that contained the shadows has arrived.

The people of Canterlot City saw the shadow infested ship as it squeezes the ship and destroyed it. Cause all the shadows to fall down into the city like bombs and take over everyone and everything in Canterlot City.

The 3 heroes look in despair as Canterlot City has now become infested with Shadows. "I never dream that we could stop an Equestrian invasion... And lost." Midnight said as tears shed from his eyes. Rainbow Dash and Isabelle also shed some tears as they learn that they have failed everyone. Especially Isabelle. She failed her friends, she failed her boyfriend, she failed her parents... This has become... Their darkest hour...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Wow this has effort. Another chapter with effort put in.