• Member Since 10th Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 26th, 2020


Weeeelp, lets do this. Unto ash and ruin, forward... ponies, I guess.


Comments ( 454 )

Sooo what is going on here in this story?

taking in the pair of humans that held her suspended between them. They were tall and broad, both male, clad in black infiltrator suits with short las carbines deftly carried in their free hands. The only mark of note is the faceless black masks dominated by a single cyclopian glass eye.

Are you referring to solar auxilia with their one wide lens helmets?

Can I reasonably expect a "14th legion" introduction in a future update? Perhaps with some sister golden girls?

Something similar, mate. They're Alpha Legion infiltrator agents that work along with Effrit Stealth legionnaires: mix an Auxilia with a Van Saar and you'll get pretty close to them (and Lucifer Blacks to some extent).

Aye dude, you can. I can't promise when, but it's definitely been the topic of some conversation and the Unbroken Blades of the XIV definitely have a part to play. We'll see how far we get but this is essentially Book 1 to an alternate Heresy series. Morty's legion is definitely an important part of that.

Then I'm hoping I can keep it my dude, all the best eh?

Aaaah yes, quite simply, we're going to see if we can change the "Just as planned" nature of the Horus Heresy by throwing in a potent variable. So, on a macro-level, we're seeing someone try to 'fix' the Heresy. On a micro-level, right here and now, we're getting a specialized psyker trying to work a dimensional radio of sorts.

Astropaths, dream-walking, warp communication of all sorts typically requires emotions and allegory which 'carries' the message and has to be deciphered at the destination. In the case of this interdimensional telephone call, this is the equivalent of 30K's dial tone.

So I suspect the Princesses really going to learn to hate chaos before this is over... Though I am pretty sure that Twilight already does even without being aware of the ruinous powers themselves and Luna with her past experiences likely isn't going to be fond either.

Absolutely, Aline1. I mean, Chaos in Equestria is pretty tame and mundane, but half of the current princesses have dealt with it to some degree when it was 'in charge' under Discord. Dealing with an empowered Chaos, raw and primal as the Primordial Annihilator rather than Dennis the Menace, isn't going to be the most fun for them. That said, their perspective is a lot more valuable at a time in human history when the nature of Chaos is heavily suppressed.

Glitchy text was aesthetically appropriate.

Thanks mate, glad to hear that gamble paid off. I figured gltich text is a very 'warpy' thing to do when the recipient isn't all that familiar with it. Kinda looks cool but It's hell on the text to speech devices.

“ ̶̃͘W̵̆͝e know not what realm you belong to, what worlds you have seen, but the Empire of S̵ol is crumbling. Their k̶̤̯͗ing is slain, the lord of arms dead by his hand, uncountable sons of the immortal host butchered on fields across the stars. N̸̛͑̕ightmare̶͒̈͑s stalk the waking realm and the Dream Striders are hunted. The peoples of the Sol Empire die in countless multitudes every day. Numbers as vast as the stars are erased by the war machine and their worlds turned to ash.”

Does this mean this is after siege of terra? Because lord of arms have to be warmaster Horus. Sou wouldn't this mean that traitors are chased to eye of terror where they have their own civil war called legion wars? Or is it prophesy? If it is, is it before or after alpha legions little failed raid at sol system?

Nailed it in one Warpsmith; It's a post-siege raid by the Alpha legion who marked it as a target of interest with a 'Chronos' asset.

But more for reference than anything else: this happens at the time of the battle of Eskrador during the Scouring, acting as a cover for the Sacrosanct raid.

The deal shall be struck soon enough.

Well i did recently go thru "black legion" audiobook. With the main character been Khaon, Horuses right hand assassin. It did describe the long war and fracturing of traitor legions to separate war bands.

Awesome work, can't wait to see this story progress.

Aye, ADB's Black Legion series tends to have a huge following in the 40K community but, around here at least, was always a sort of divisive set of novels with the 30K crews. As it is I'm only so-so on it, but that might also be that I read it after the Night Lords novels and after the truly incredible First Heretic and Betrayer set, so I guess I had unrealistic expectations (much like Master of Mankind).

The Slave Wars after the whole failure at Terra are an interesting one, and it maaaay or may not also have some resonance with certain groups and legions in how this little story goes. But I've said more than I probably should on that one :trollestia:

Great to hear my dude. Hopefully I can keep that going. There's a few more chapters already written out, so I'm planning (for the time being) on being able to release one a week and I should keep that up for the foreseeable future. I've got a decent little writers block cushioning so there shouldn't be any cuts or lull.

Thanks again ya lot, always happy to hear what ya think or field any questions, eh?

yea i first wanted to read black legion on the premise that it had Sigismund because i just adore his character, but that fight was kinda disappointing because there was almost none of the fight between Sigismund and Abbadon. And i have not actually read thous night lords ones, i did recently listen to Conrad Curze one, and with thous premises Sevetar sounds like a good character. Maybe in the future.

Aye, I know a few of my friends are pretty big into Sigismund. I'm more of a Pollux sort of fan.

Hmm, if you're going through the Night Haunter's stuff and want to get a read on Sevetar (who, like Conrad, is a bit of a show stealer. At least for me) The Prince of Crows is good, as is the short story The Long Night (which I'm pretty sure is on youtube in audio). He's unique.

So... Are the Chaos Gods going to meet Discord in this story?

Istvaan.... The Salamanders never were keen to our conduct of war.
Even less so afterwards.

-smirks- well that would be telling, wouldn't it? But it's certainly a safe assumption.

Nicely quoted, veeery nicely quoted. I can at least say that the next little chapter's name is Black Sands so, yeah.

Sou he wants to go back in time to kill Horus before he becomes warmaster? If it is then wouldn't it be against alpha legions original objective to let Horus win sou his madness would kill mankind and ultimately kill or weaken chaos gods by taking their main source of power?

You are odd, and I have never seen your kind in this capacity. A beast of burden on a backwater, sure. I've even seen some gene-troopers of the Imperial Army that are very much equinoid

Heh beastmens.

do you take me for some sort of... some-”


Geez keep you head on your shoulders.

Well, he wants something done about Horus. This is more of a 'shock and awe' hoping that Istvaan might at least persuade her to say 'yes' to the endeavor without having to reveal much about it. And even then, the original plan was concocted by two individuals, not one. "Alpharius" as this case may be, isn't acting on the original plan, but an alternate one cooked up post-heresy with the benefit of hindsight. As the Hydra is aught to do, there's a few irons in the fire.

-laughs- yeah, stables of beastmen in the Imperial army got mentioned a few times in 30K, so I figured 'eh, why not?' I want to say it was in one of Caine's book where they talked about Inquisitors with Inquisitorial gene-crafted Equine guards.

Can never be too certain when it comes to dealing with those who possess power, and it's never too soon for an Alpha Legionnaire to toss someone enough rope to metaphorically hang themselves.

So the Hydra is behind this, interesting.
I assume that since he isn't really Alpharius, that this is Omegon?

Well it coooould be Armillus Dynat, he was at the dropsite too.... but yeah it's totally Omegon . :pinkiehappy:

Dies irae

Titan feelings intensifies

okay so she clearly is in one of the black ships, and met one of the sisters of silence. But shouldn't a presence of a blank throw her off? Their skills are after all to negate enemies psykick powers.
And how could hydra dominatus be a password in a black ship? I know that alpha legion is great at infiltrating but thats quite far fetched.

Aye, it would be a stretch: assuming it was 100% real. But it's a memory vault just like the Mandala Void, it maaaaay also be staged as a direct warning of the black ships from Omegon himself, set up in the locale where they found a certain Chronos asset that acted as a conduit. :trollestia:

The next chapter is the real cross as we enter "The House of False Gods".

The Day of Wrath has Come, indeed. I'm still a little bit amazed that they gave that Titan its own personality that stuck, character all on its own.

Not that it isn't entertaining, but your buildup is a little long.
We already know from the summary that this story includes Horus himself, which gives the impression that this is still the pre-story. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, I'm just worried because the percentage for completed stories is...sad.

I do appreciate the concern, dude. It's one of those things that I said, "Gotta go from X to Y, can't do it by half measures or it'll feel too much like a usual 'mash up' and I can't use some stuff that gets seeded in later on." I can state, if need be, that that the meat starts in 2 chapters, both of which will be up by next week (I was planning on adding the next one tomorrow as it's a short 1K interlude to set where in 30K this is). There may be about 12 more chapters already written.

It's still not as bad a build up time as Descent of Angels.. yet :twilightsheepish:

Alright, thank you for your understanding. I look forward to seeing where this goes.

We do not talk about "descent of angles", that book was boring and long drawn as all hell.

Luna balks with a harsh laugh, “I’m fairly certain you’re the parasite here. By right I should just toss you from your perch, ape. So save your breath and just point me to your masters. Better yet, just point me to Horus Lupercal.”

...did you ever mention Horus before now?
i just went back through all chapters and did a ctrl+f for horus and got no matches so where/when did Luna learn of him? :applejackconfused:

edit: while you showed him in chapter 5 you never mentioned the name.

-blinks-You're quite right. It should have been in Chapter 6, and I'm not sure why it wasn't (There's a sentence missing from Vaults and I'm not sure why as it's definitely in my Google drive)

Bloody good spot, I'd never have noticed it. Mostly because I outright didn't notice why it wasn't there when it's a three word sentence.

Fixed it now, sorry about that and... seriously, now I'm second guessing how that happened (I do a fair bit of editing between my first draft pastebin, second draft google drive, and final revision here).

Glad to be of help. :twilightsmile:

By the way the same mistake is still in the FF version. :scootangel:

Rocking, Logros13, my dude, I do appreciate it a ton! :twilightsmile:
-laughs- updated the FF one, leeeet see how long FF keeps that mistake up there for until it shuffles the files.

Keep pitchin' them rocks at me when that stuff shows up, it always helps. Goes for everyone here too! Thanks ya lovely lot. Now, back to some more writing after I get this chaos knight done for a Bolter and chainsword painting comp. What can I say, I'm a tabletop nerd too :twilightsheepish:

what a coincident i just bought yesterday squad of kataphron battle servitors for my 2k point admech army.

Niiice dude, nice. I'l admit I *might* have picked up an ad-mech get started box for the Dunecrawler today.

Well, this is written a lot better than expected, so good job on that.
Onwards to the next chapter!

The plot thickens...
I was thinking the bird to be a certain chaos god, but the pestilence... hmmm... Nothing really to show the temptress nor the warrior, so it can't just be the combined front...
An interesting vision mate, I'll be thinking on this one for a while. :P

Ah thanks mate, means a lot to me. I haven't written much in, well, years, usually just some 40K bat-reps, online D&D, and veeeery boring professional reports. So a long story in present tense is pretty weird.

Hehehehe, yeah I know the feeling.
I've been meaning to write more myself, but I keep getting distracted. xD

I hear ya, I've been powering through working on this for the past two months and finding distractions is the easiest part of this. Ugh. I guess it's one of those 'just do it' kinds of things, eh? Then there's always the vague hope to improve and get better along the way too.

Yeah... trust me, keep the momentum, as soon as you become lax, it becomes infinitely harder to get back into the rythum.

avoiding the Alicorn's decent. He clenches a mailed first

You mean "fist", right?

Awww... I'm out of chapters. ;-;

Hah, right ya are, mate! All changed up and thanks, eh?

-laughs- guess it'll have to wait till next week, but there's certainly more. I'll see about proofing it and getting one around Monday or so. There are 12 more complete at the moment (and I do like keeping at least a 10 chapter buffer in case I see something that reaaaally needs a change). But aye, about writing too: it's like painting, gotta keep at it, keep at it, keep at it. Or else it just kinda lingers.

So just found this story but excited for this. It makes sense for Horus to be the one to potentially interact with a Xeno since he also interacted with the Xenos in the interex and seemed interesting in integrating them into the imperium.

Yes he was negotiating with human population of interex to join the imperium not the xenos. Iron hands did the same thing in Fulgrims book i believe.

Glad to have ya along for the ride, mate. Aye, I've always liked the notion that Horus was a bit of a revolutionary when it came to his views: a few of the primarchs seemed to lean in that direction. 40K's where the extreme xenophobia really plays its hand strongly.

"The interex is admirable, but it is forgiving and generous in its dealings with xenos breeds who deserve no quarter.’

‘It has brought them to book, and learned to live in sympathy,’ said Horus. ‘It has trained the kinebrach to—’

‘And that’s the best example I can offer!’ Aximand replied. ‘The kinebrach. It embraces them as part of its culture.’

‘I will not make another rash or premature decision,’ Horus stated flatly. ‘I have made too many, and my Warmastery is threatened by my mistakes. I will understand the interex, and learn from it, and parlay with it, and only then will I decide if it has strayed too far. They are a fine people. Perhaps we can learn from them for a change.’ "
~Horus Rising

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