• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2016
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Weaver of stories of action, drama, love, sex and a loyal knight of the Sunset Empire! Hail to the phoenix empress! Sunlight & Sundagio are # 1


Comments ( 136 )

The amount of adorkable in this is almost lethal. Please, for the love of the light, keep going. We need more of these two being cute and together in our lives.

[Salacious mode active]
Sunny's gonna get herself some tasty Lepechinia fragrans honey, isn't she? Yes she is. She's going to enjoy her favorite nerd's tasty nectar so much.

And Twilight's going to get some hot, fresh peach juice. Yummy Bonita peach flavored Sunny Delight, all for the cutest nerd in all Canterlot.

[Salacious mode end]

New chapter should be up tomorrow or by the end of the week depending on how much I can churn out

Ooh! Slightly off topic of your fun story but how did you do that thing with Sunset's Emblem as section breaks? That looks awesome!

It's a page breaker I found while reading other stories here. It makes things flow so much better and helps me break up things because I tend to run on paragraphs sometimes lol


I'll have to find out how to do it myself. I only really know how to do the snowflake one that is built into the Fimfiction editor. It REALLY broke up the sections and made it easier to read.

I usually use the built in one but once I found that page breaker i just saved the thumbnail as a bookmark and use it in stories where sunset is a or the main character

Hm. . .camo.fimfiction.net/6dEeU4F-RvhqhUZ3VmcJ2jcBGL1EB2_vwYcLcdJWiUo?url=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F5o7eItX.png

Ah! So that's how you did it then! You have my thanks my friend, and I can't wait to see this story goes on from here.

Long first chapter but definitely worth the read! Look forward to more!

So is it a joke or implied that Applejack has a dick in the story?

Oh yeah she totally has a dick and Rarity loves it xD


Well shit can't have the wrath of Satan come down upon me. Working on Chapter 2 today. Should be up by tonight if the heat doesn't fry my brain

Just don't burn yourself out trying to push things out faster. If you need more time, please take it.

Thanks but I should be fine ^_^ I honestly would have made this first chapter even longer had I not decided to cut it off where I did. So I am already drafting up the second chapter which should be the climax/conclusion where ALL the sexy stuff(and maybe a musical number) will take place ^_^

Use Dance magic! We haven't done that one yet!

Hm y'know what you right!

I would imagine she’d be happy lol

Easily one of the best Sunset stories I've read and cute as heck! I can't wait to see how you top this in the next chapter, or at least continue the trend!:rainbowlaugh:

Next chapter is being worked on as we speak ;D You thought this was cute? Ohohoho you ain't seen shit yet


I get it from you!

If that's true, then I am expecting great things!

Just add more Trixie! That Zalla loser loves me!:trixieshiftright:

Funny you should bring up Trixie because I do plan on doing a fic with her and a certain siren.

Oooo now THAT is a magic show I would love to be apart of!

YAY! Same here! I'm a huge Arixie Fan myself.

Congratz, you got featured. 7/31/2019


Yeah fr don't go crazy, I've been waiting 5 months for a god damn update on a story and it's just came out but it was worth it

Dont worry I am taking my time as best I can but Ive always been a fast pace kinda writer lol

Can't relate :rainbowlaugh:


You mad man take a break!


I know you were probably in a rush to finish, but at the start of the chapter is the "aunt" it mentions Cadence?

To say it was a momentous occasion in the Sparkle household would be a massive understatement at this point in time. As everyone including Twilight's mother was taking their chance to congratulate Twilight and Sunset on finally getting together after everyone had been waiting so long. As of right now the youngest Sparkle found herself in the full on loving death grip of her aunt who was more than just a little happy her niece had found her true love.

"Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod, OH.MY.GOD!!!!" Cadence squeed with absolutely glee as she power hugged Twilight into her bosom. "MY LITTLE LADYBUGS FIRST TRUE LOVE! AND I CALLED IT RIGHT!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!"

Because if Cadence married Twilight's brother then that would make Cadence her sister in-law wouldn't it?

Well yeah but Twilight in my canon usually just refers to Cadence as Auntie just to make it easier on herself and me when writing it but you make a good point though lol

Oh thanks for the clarification and sorry for the bothersome question. I think this is my first time reading one of your stories so that is why I was questioning it. But anyway, I think that this a great story and I loved the part with Fluttershy and Rainbowdash.

Hahha its totally okay I like it when people point out stuff like that because I don't always catch those things when I am editing and fixing mistakes and such. Also yeah the part with Rainbow and Fluttershy kinda just...popped into my head lol. Rainbow is basically their worlds version of the Flash so that was bound to happen.

"But seriously grand-kids girls. Think about it"

Careful or they'll make a robot daughter during a drunken science binge

"Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod, OH.MY.GOD!!!!" Cadence squeed with absolutely glee as she power hugged Twilight into her bosom. "MY LITTLE LADYBUGS FIRST TRUE LOVE! AND I CALLED IT RIGHT!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!"

Sounds like a crossover between MLP and Miraculous Ladybug lmao

Hahaha I was thinking about doing that too that's the funny part

Cadence is obviously the happiest next to pinkie and Rarity that they got together lol

Hmmm, it appears that I have developed adorkabetes. Oh dear.

That was just so unabashedly, overwhelmingly and unapologetically cute and adorable and sweet and… gah!

Honestly, while I like slow burn SunLight stories were we get to see the relationship develop over time, I also love ones where its established that they're already really into each other, and we just jump right to the two of them being snuggly and cute. It's like jawbreakers vs. milkshakes. One you savor over time, one you enjoy all at once, but both are really sweet and tasty.

"Oh its nothing much. Just the world is a lot brighter-" Sunset smiled and turned to Twilight and brought her close and their foreheads touched. "When there's sunlight in it."

This was the moment I really lost it. This one line, right here, was just so perfect and heartfelt. Sunset's not being aggressively flirty, or teasing, or anything. Just giving the girl she loves an honest, genuine and gentle confession. That being with Twilight makes her world so much brighter.

As an aside, the mid-episode FlutterDash was cute as heck too. Flutters pouring her feelings out, and Dash all but teleporting to her when she hears. Cute as heck, I say. Pst. Rainbow Dash. Be gentle with her, or the entire MLP community will have your head. Unless, of course, our little cherry blossom turns into a Venus flytrap in the bedroom, in which case, good luck Dashie, you'll need it.

With Rainbow and Fluttershy lets just say the old saying applies to Fluttershy about being the quiet one.

It's ALWAYS the quiet ones that are the freakiest!

And so I wonder what that means for you and Twilight


With Rainbow and Fluttershy lets just say the old saying applies to Fluttershy about being the quiet one.

It's ALWAYS the quiet ones that are the freakiest!

And so I wonder what that means for you and Twilight

Does it mean that dear Sunny Buns is going to end her day splayed out on her back, covered in sweat and Twi-nectar, eyes unfocused and her mind/body drifting on a cloud of euphoria so high meteorologists will claim she's somewhere in the planet's exosphere?



That is terrifyingly accurate


Does it mean that dear Sunny Buns is going to end her day splayed out on her back, covered in sweat and Twi-nectar, eyes unfocused and her mind/body drifting on a cloud of euphoria so high meteorologists will claim she's somewhere in the planet's exosphere?

Oh I fully plan on unleashing ALL my sexual energy on that little geek! I've suppressed my heat for THREE FUCKING MONTHS!!! She's gonna get it and dammit so am I or so help me Celestia I am gonna go crazy!

Yeeeeeah as you can see Sunset is looking forward to this...A LOT.

Well, after all the horrors life has thrown at them (demonic transformations, constant danger, social trauma, magical anomalies, Timber Spruce), they deserve to have a night of pure joy with one another. And hopefully a long life of blissful adorkableness.

-Smirks- Oh trust me they will have their happily ever after if I have anything to say about it. Sunny wasn't joking when she mentioned the perks of having a princess as your bestie ;D And she is one VERY clever little pony.

Ya damn right I am. Best girl for a reason


Ya damn right I am. Best girl for a reason

You are indeed Sunny, you are indeed. With your minty little Twily being a close enough second you'd have to use the diameter of carbon nano-tube to measure the distance.

Eeeeeeee science reference!

-Rolls her eyes- Neeeeeeeeeeeeeerd!

You two are fuckin' adorable enough to kill xD


-Rolls her eyes- Neeeeeeeeeeeeeerd!

Be honest Sunny, its a big part of her charm.

Plus Sunset is a huge nerd too. I mean have you SEEN her room?

Heeeeey! I'm allowed to being a science geek and love anime just like anyone else!

I bet Twilight is gonna have an orgasm once she sees all the comic books you've drawn

That's part of the plan don't spoil it!!!


I bet Twilight is gonna have an orgasm once she sees all the comic books you've drawn

That's part of the plan don't spoil it!!!

… and how many of those comics involve you, Twily, lingerie and copious amounts of chocolate syrup (as in the thing you put on ice cream)?

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