• Published 15th Aug 2019
  • 11,459 Views, 412 Comments

Role Reversal - SamRose

Accused of something she didn't do, Sunset does the only sensible thing to prove her innocence. Accept the accusations and flip them on their head.

  • ...


“Girls, really, it's okay.” Sunset laughed from the back of the car. “You don’t have to do ‘make-up’ days for the holiday sleepovers we missed! It’s fine!”

“No can do Sunset!” Pinkie beamed from the passenger seat, holding up a dedicated ‘party schedule’ for Sunset to see. “As you can see I’ve already booked everything all nice and neatly! We’re going to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together, then we’re going to spend every day up until school starts again spending as much time as possible together!”

“It’s our way of both making amends, and getting our ‘new’ friendship off on the right foot.” Applejack said from the driver's seat. “All of us agreed to it, and while we won’t force you to go to them if you really don’t want to, we want to show ya how much we care. So it’d mean a lot to us if you say you’d come Sunset.”

“Personally, I think it’s a lovely idea.” Twilight spoke up from next to Sunset, moving her hand over to Sunset’s, gently squeezing it. “The last week has been more than stressful for you, and I think you’ve more than earned having some fun.”

“Well…” Sunset blushed, smiling at Twilight. “If you put it like that, how can I possibly refuse?”

“That’s good! Cause we got one other surprise for you.” Applejack said with a grin, pulling her truck up into Sweet Apple Acres.

“You guys are already doing so much for me, I couldn’t possibly ask for anything more!” Sunset shook her head at that.

“Well.” Applejack said, parking the car. “You can tell us that, but try telling them that.” The farm girl let out a chuckle, before stepping out of the car.

“Tell who?” Sunset asked confused, stepping out of the car and looking out towards the house, only for her eyes to widen in surprise.

“SURPRISE!” The literal crowd of students cheered from all over Sweet Apple Acres. The fields were swarmed to the brim and Sunset swore she couldn’t see the end of the crowd. Every student at CHS had to be at the party, and Sunset wasn’t even sure what she was seeing was real.

“Wha- How did- Did you all set this up?!” Sunset asked flabbergasted at her friends.

“It’s funny what a little chain-texting can lead to!” Pinkie said with a happy giggle.

Before Sunset could really speak up in protest, she felt several hands reach out and grab her, causing her to let out a yelp in surprise before suddenly being lifted up into the air. She couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all as she was suddenly crowd surfing across all of CHS while they chanted her name in celebration.

“Ah think she’s gonna be just fine.” Applejack smirked, crossing her arms as she watched Sunset’s happy face.

“I think so too.” Twilight smiled back.

Sunset sat atop the roof of the Apple Family house, watching the students of CHS continuing to party. A lot of it had died down over the last couple of hours, and a good portion of the student body had left. The students that remained however were insistent on keeping the partying going for as long as they had energy.

To that end, it seemed that several of the students had managed to pull fireworks from… Somewhere, and were now starting to let them off into the night sky. Snow was likely to start falling in a couple of hours, but at the moment the breeze was light and the air was chilly, and Sunset couldn’t think of anywhere else she’d rather be at the moment.

She brought the warm cup of cocoa up to her lips and sipped it slowly, feeling it warm her insides in just the right ways. It hadn't been a perfect day, but she was happy enough with it.

“Hey.” Twilight’s voice spoke up, Sunset turning her head to see the girl stepping out onto the roof from the hatch. “Was wondering where I’d find you. The girls told me you just needed some time to yourself.”

“Yeah. The party was amazing but I just needed to get away for a bit.” Sunset smiled, watching Twilight sit down next to her. She turned to look back at the sky as another bright flash of colors exploded, followed by the sounds of the students cheering.

“There’s… Something I should tell you.” Twilight spoke a little hesitantly, drawing Sunset’s curious eye. Twilight let out a soft sigh before speaking up. “I told the girls about what happened with Gilda.”

“You-!” Sunset said, feeling her heart jump at that. “Twilight!? But why!?”

“Because it wasn’t right that they didn’t know.” Twilight said, looking at Sunset seriously. “And they agreed with me that something should be done about her. Rainbow Dash wanted to call the police, but Applejack said that nothing would happen unless you specifically filed the report with the police. The sooner, the better too.”

“Look… Twilight…” Sunset sighed, running a hand through her hair. “It’s over with, okay? Anon-a-Miss is gone, everyone’s happy, and Gilda’s not going to attack me again. I mean, look at all this.” Sunset waved her hand out at the partying crowd. “Just yesterday they were at each other’s throats, and today they’re celebrating. Can’t we just call that a victory and move on?”

Twilight frowned at that, not exactly happy with Sunset’s line of reasoning. Sunset looked at her best friend for a moment, before sighing.

“I’ll think about it Twilight. Really. I will. I just… I want this all to be over.” Sunset looked sadly out at the crowd. “Resentment is a hard thing to break. And I’ve finally just started to break through it, I don’t want to backstep now…”

Twilight just continued to stare at Sunset, before letting out her own relented sigh, reaching her hand over to Sunset’s and grabbing hold of it, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Just… Don’t let her walk all over you again, okay?” Twilight said quietly. “We’re past all of that now. So if she does anything to you again, call the police right away. Promise?”

“I promise Twilight.” Sunset said with a smile to her friend. “I won’t let her get away with it a second time.”

Twilight just sighed at that, figuring it was better to leave it at that than to keep fighting a losing battle.

Twilight’s hand lingered on top of Sunset’s, who glanced down at it curiously. She felt the warmth of Twilight's hand and she couldn't help but smile a little at it, before turning to look at the girl in question.

“You know…” Sunset murmured, a heat forming on her cheeks. “If you keep holding a girl’s hand, she’s gonna start getting ideas…”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at that.

“Well. Maybe I wouldn’t mind her getting some ideas.” Twilight said back, a playful edge to her voice.

“Oh yeah?” Sunset said, smiling wider as her fingers moved up and around Twilight’s, finding themselves laced together. “You know what they say right? If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned.”

“Only if you don’t follow safety procedures.” Twilight grinned back, a soft blush forming on her cheeks too. “There’s plenty of ways to play with fire safely.”

“Sweet Celestia you are such a dork.” Sunset laughed, enamored by this nerd of a horse sitting next to her.

“You would know,” Twilight teased back, grinning just as widely as Sunset.

“Yeah, yeah I would.” Sunset smiled, leaning in towards Twilight happily. “But the best part about fire? Is sharing its warmth with others.”

“I think I’d like that a lot.” Twilight leaned in as well, smiling happily, a hot flush to her own cheeks.

Sunset didn’t say another word, just leaning in and closing her eyes as she pressed her lips against Twilight’s. And Twilight, for her part, leaned in and pressed back. A gentle warmth radiated between the two, christened by the glow of the fireworks.

The two pulled back for a moment, just taking a moment to embrace the warmth of their bond.

“I’m really glad you’re here Twilight…” Sunset spoke softly.

“There’s no place I’d rather be…” She returned warmly.

The two leaned against each other and enjoyed the rest of the celebration together.

Now it was a perfect day.

Author's Note:

I gotta say, I was hoping for a positive response to this story, and the response has been overwhelming with how positive it was! I'm really glad that people enjoyed my take on the Anon-a-Miss genre, it warms my heart reading every single comment and seeing the story in the top featured slot for so long!

I know the story didn't always go in the direction people expected either, but that was kind of the point in the end. To not only humanize the Humane 5 and the CMC, but also just making Sunset not instantly devolve into angst and hatred for everything that happened. I wanted to make it a redemption story on both ends, with Sunset properly apologizing for all her years of bullying, and the girls properly apologizing for not trusting her at first.

My focus was pretty much on taking all the main tropes about Anon-a-Miss I either saw, or didn't like, and play with them in a way that's different from what you expected. It's something I really enjoy doing with stories, taking well trod genres and then flipping them on their head in unique ways. I'm not always successful at it, but I'm glad that it paid off here!

I've definitely gotten the impression that most of the people who write Anon-a-Miss fics are writing them out of some kind of catharsis. Not everyone obviously, but with how raw and visceral the emotions get, I definitely get that impression. Either they've been in Sunset's situation, or a similar situation, and they're expressing what they've been through in writing.

And like, I do get that, really I do. Because while I was never kicked out of a friend group for doing something wrong that I didn't do, I have seen it happen repeatedly, and an old friend group of mine broke apart because of stupid drama similar to it.

But at the end of the day, the situation Sunset finds herself in, of losing her friends to a lie and her friends abandoning her, isn't based on them just being jerks out of nowhere. It's that Sunset was a bully for a long time before Princess Twilight stopped her. And that's a perspective I doubt many people have had. There's so much focus on the part where Sunset was hurt, and not enough on the fact that she hurt those same people just as much, if not more so. The focus is always on punishing the people who hurt Sunset, and almost never on balancing the situation, and making it fair on everyone who was hurt.

And while there's nothing wrong with that, it does make for a worn out genre at the end of the day. And I do believe that's why people enjoyed this fic for the same reasons I enjoyed writing it. To not let those negative emotions consume and control you, to let yourself move on to the better parts of your life.

If you're in a tough situation, or if you've lost your friends before, just know that things will always get better eventually. You just have to take that first step to improving things, and once you look back, you'll realize just how far you've actually come.

At the time of writing this, I really don't have any kind of continuation plans for this fic. I'd have to diverge pretty far from canon to start writing more, and I kind of wanted this to sort of both slip in with canon as normal, but also be just different enough to have a unique flavor of its own. After all, right after this would be Friendship Games, and the only real difference between normal Friendship Games and it taking place in this AU would be some more romantic overtones over not being able to reach Twilight.

How will Sunset and Twilight overcome the differences of living a dimension apart?

Shrug pony

That wasn't really the focus of the fic, so by all means, theorize amongst yourselves on how they handle that!

At the end of the day, I'm really happy so many people enjoyed this fic. And if you didn't enjoy it but made it this far, then thank you for giving it a shot anyway! I know not every story can make every reader happy, but as long as I've made as many readers happy as possible, then I'm satisfied!

I do have another story in planning now which hopefully you'll see in the next few weeks. And I'm still hoping to finish Silent Ponyville 4 before the end of this year. So thank you everyone who has helped me on this amazing journey, I couldn't do any of it without you!

Comments ( 118 )

Hope sunset files that report because again what will stop her fro, pulling the same stunt with the next student who upsets her especially if she believes she got off Scot free with the last time

You posted this comment right before the chapter where Sunset proves her innocence to the school.

10/10 assumption, I had a giggle mate lol

That was a great story. A superb fix to all the problems associated with this genre, and had some bits I genuinely laughed at.

An instant fave from me. Do you mind if I promote this on my page?

I prefer when Sunset abandons the human realm personally but a nice read either way.

Seems like a point that doesn’t seem to be resolved

By all means! I appreciate the advertising, thank you!

Catching Gilda never really was the 'point' of this story, and it honestly felt like focusing too much on it kind of hurt the pace of the story. Not to mention with where Sunset is mentally, going after her just wasn't a factor in her mind. I at least added something about it to the Epilogue, but if I ever did do a sequel it's something I would factor into it.

All's well that ends well. I hope Sunny and Twily can find a way to make things work, because, really, they're one of my favorite ships.

I very much enjoyed the subversion of expectations. Sunset proves herself to be a master tactician and strategist. I have such a hard time writing things that are not angry or sad, so I very much enjoy this sort of story.

Thank you. Its been an enjoyable ride.

No, thank you. Thank you for writing what I'd say is the best story in this tainted genre.



Your writing proved that angst and resentment is not inherently better than hope or kindness.

Life is a real balance between the two, and you struck that balance in a way other Anon-A-Miss writers didn't.

Anyways, good job.

I think this may be my favorite take on the Anon-A-Miss tale. All the involved hold to their characters, it isn't needlessly dark and the actions all make sense. Particularly Sunset both accepting that the distrust is entirely justified (and that a month or two doesn't erase years) and leveraging her skills to not just help herself but make the school better as a show of how she's changed.


As I've said before, the martyr-esque angle on Sunset made me feel a type of way personally, but on the objective level this is a pretty great story. Like, out of all the AAM fics, I could 100% see this one being the true and proper version of the story that doesn't cause the fandom to have a nuclear meltdown (although, I don't think Hasbro would approve of someone taking a pipe to the back of a person's head). I think you more than accomplished what you set out to do, and I enjoyed myself.

Great little story, you should be proud.

Honestly expected this to be a lot longer than it ended up being, but I guess given the time frame that it encompassed, it really couldn't go on for much longer.
Have to say, with all the things that could have gone wrong with Sunset's plan, the fact that only real wrench was Gilda, honestly surprised me. There was no faculty getting involved, in any other situation, Sunset taking the heat for a page like anon-a-miss would have resulted in a suspension at the very least, or outright expulsion at the worst, which would have meant she'd have no way of getting onto school grounds to do her half of the investigation.

Really though, Celestia's teaching style shines through with Sunset's plot, she took something like that, and turned it into a teachable moment for the whole school.

I can't be the only one, that's pissed off that Sunset isn't going to file a police report against Gilda for literally kidnapping her, right? Oh well at least her and Twilight are a couple now

Well done. For all my gripes, this was a brilliant take on the topic, especially in taking the sheer quantity of time where Sunset was Queen Bitch of CHS into account. So many people forget about that, myself included.

There's really only one blind spot, one shared by the original comic: Where the heck is the faculty in all of this? Yes, it can be distressingly easy to slip cyberbullying under the radar, but grand announcements before the entire student body? Not so much.
(There's also the question of how Sweetie accessed Sunset's phone. You'd think someone who could put together a YouTube smear ad overnight would put a password on that thing. But if we addressed every logical fault of the base story, there'd hardly be anything left.)

As for the Sunlight... Actually, Friendship Games and its aftermath could go very interestingly indeed. Imagine how different Sci-Twi meeting the Rainbooms would go. Imagine the dramedy that goes with a possible love Twiangle. Granted, it would be very different in tone than this was, but still.

Regardless, thank you for what may be the best possible execution of an Anon-a-Miss fic.

Kinda feels like the CMC vanished from the story....

Eh, disappointing ending considering gilda committed several crimes and got away with it because forgiveness and friendship is more important than stopping a criminal from hurting others, but otherwise an okay story.

There wasn't much else for them to do in the story, and Sunset had already forgiven them and got what they wanted out of them. Heck, even in the original story they're almost a side-factor despite the fact that they're supposed to be the 'main antagonists' of the story.

And I always find it better that, if you don't have anything to do with a character to not forcibly ram them back into the story, as it just hurts the pacing and the story. So the CMC served their purpose and the story's focus was on Sunset dealing with the aftermath of everything they had set in place.

I imagine Sunset would do more to try and stop Gilda bullying others after the story, and the School is likely not gonna put up with Gilda's bullying nearly as much now. But all of that stuff is things that would take place more in a sequel than being the focus of this fic.

I appreciate your critics either way and thank you for reading~

I get that, it just feels like a bit of a wasted opportunity to just forget them for the rest of the story. I get that Sunset forgave them, but the fact that they started this whole mess should have the very least be addressed by those affected by it, especially since their older sisters never find out that they were the ones behind all of it.

I can just imagine Sunset doing the laugh from Feel Good Inc. before doing the 'Sunset's Confession' presentation. It goes like:

The spotlights on the stage flare up. Sunset walks in while everyone is blinded. People look up to the stage and gasp. Sunset... is looking at the back wall. A small chuckle is heard, evolving into a normal laugh. Then suddenly, she bursts into an insane laugh!

"hehe.. ha ha haa... HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

Then the monologue starts.

Oh I love that song.
Windmill, windmill for the land
Turn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is ticking, falling down
Love forever, love has freely
Turned forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?

That was a fun one. Loved the idea of Sunset trying to take control by claiming she’s Anon-A-Miss, basically trapping the account. I have some minor gripes, mainly retreading one of the big Anon-A-Miss cliches (Gilda attacking and essentially attempting to murder Sunset) without it really adding much to the story and that the Twilight romance and the ending feels more like a lead in to a sequel rather than an ending, but overall found it to be an excellent take.

Sunset does seem dangerously forgiving by the end. Not only did she completely excuse away her friends’ actions of being her fault, let the CMC get completely off, and publicly embarrassed herself in front of the school to end this situation, she didn’t even try doing anything about Gilda, who did kind of attempt to kill her. She’s took the brunt of everything from Anon-A-Miss as a martyr (took the blame, shifted the animosity from the students among each other to herself, embarrassed her self, and was assaulted), claiming it was to make up for her past, yet everyone else gets off scot free. If you’re familiar with the Fate franchise, she’s giving me some Shirou Emiya vibes.

I’m wondering how long Sunset actually was a bully for. Assuming CHS is a 4 year high school, EqG 1 couldn’t be past junior year, as there are last day of school and getting new schedules shorts. It’s questionable what she did freshman year, if anything, as the mane 5 were still friends at the end of it as per the yearbook. The Fall Formal would most likely be early in the school year as well, needing to be during the fall. Plus, EqG 1 and My Past Is Not Today imply Sunset’s bullying took some time to take off. That leaves at mostly sophomore year, which is still a full year (assuming she was already at and didn’t slowly build up to EqG 1 status throughout that year).

In general, I loved this story, and really enjoyed how things played out.

My only gripe is with the romance, and definitely not because of any ship-hating. The story is just too short for this kind of romance. Or if romance was a thing that could be done in this short of a time, it would be an extremely difficult thing to pull off, trying to add it in while seeming natural. Hints in the beginning of attraction, followed by events in the story causing it to escalate quicker than normal, and finally result in a realization. As it was, the romance seemed... tacked on. Unfortunate, since it really could have been awesome.

Regardless, the story as a whole is something I really enjoyed. My only reason for "complaining" is so you might be able to improve if you do a story later with a similar aspect.

I really enjoyed this story. It did, flip the normal concept of anon-a-miss on its head. I enjoyed the path you took.

I look forward to other stories of yours. You earned yourself a follow.

That was very enjoyable. Thank you for writing that. I'm glad it worked out for both sides. I wasn't too happy with how things turned out with Gilda, but that's on a personal level. On a writing level, it works, almost a little too well, since Sunset's choice to not nip Gilda's behavior in the bud by just wanting things to be over and done is, unfortunately, a series of events that can happen and has happened before in similar situations. As for the romance bit, I actually liked it. Realized feelings in a situation where you feel abandoned by all but the one person who hasn't abandoned you is a legit 'feelings developing' situation for Sunset. And realizing feelings in a situation where you're the only one left who cares for a person at all and are constantly concerned and worried over is also a legit 'feelings developing' situation for Twilight. And by the end, It makes for a good opening for a potential sequel focusing on Sunlight, or an unstated 'and they lived happily ever after'. Either way, it's good. Bravo!


I’d say there could be a way that Sunset goes back to Equestria since she just started her friendship with the EQG girls. Maybe just don’t write about the Friendship Games. That or you could have Gilda or someone else come back.

Just some ideas, but I do hope to see some continuation of this.

Oh God I hated Shirou Emiya. He was my first and only Fate protagonist, I didn't want to touch the series after his non-stop conflict avoidance in a fighting Anime it was novel at first but it didn't go anywhere, he just stayed that way up until the final battle.

At first I thought the story's claim about Sunset being a she demon only a 2 months ago was suspect but it is the fall formal, Anon-a-miss is after the Siren's during a winter, and the friendship games is only first brought up with redeemed Sunset in the third movie. I still don't put a lot of faith in the EQG timeline like that though. It's been proven time in both sides of the portal don't work the same as each other and said that neither work like ours.

In early 2014, Ishi Rudell was asked "Since the portal to EQG land only opens every 30 moons, how long would you say a moon cycle in Equestria is?" and answered "Hmmm that's a question better left for Jayson Thiessen. I'd say it's roughly around the same as the human world, but then again, A moon rotation would vary depending on how big or small the planet it was rotating around?", and later in late April 2014, Jayson Thiessen was asked "how long is a 'moon' in MLP? Like, the Portal in EQG opens every 30 moons" and answered "it's a unit of time with no human equivalent."

The only issues I have with the story is like a lot of other people Gilda and the CMC. It goes out of the way to mention she avoided doing anything to Gilda and the CMC as a bully yet they're left completely alone at the end. I could even understand Sunset not revealing the CMC to the school as a way to protect them but to immediately completely forgive them like that is, for a lack of a better phrase, too easy. You're right that a lot of Anon-a-miss stories take it way too far against that human five, the CMC, etc, but you've kinda did the exact opposite and just let everyone but Sunset off scott free. Just for context what the CMC did is criminal impersonation, which is a felony at worst or defamation, a tortious act which is a civil infraction at best.

Also adults almost don't even exist in this story. Celestia and Luna barely get a mention and get nothing to do with Anon-a-miss. Other than those things I liked the flip of Sunset pretending to be Anon-a-miss. I'd still recommend the story.

Gorillaz are the best.

It really depends on which Fate series you're talking about, and even which Route we're talking about for Shirou. Fate is by far one of my all-time favorite franchises, and I most definitely love Shirou to death, but I understand people's dislike of him wanting to be all conflict avoidance, cause hell, that's kind of the entire story of Fate is his decision to be that way.

Unlimited Blade Works follows that belief through to the logical extremes it would take the protagonist, and Heaven's Feel flips all of those beliefs on their head and makes him fight against his very nature. It's extremely well thought out and an incredible story. If you weren't a fan of the Unlimited Blade Works anime, I'd highly recommend the Heaven's Feel Movies that are coming out now instead.

That being said yeah, I understand the criticisms proposed but don't really know how I'd address them in the fic either. The point was to forgive the CMC and move on, the point was that Gilda was a conflict and Sunset's moved past it. Is it the happiest of endings that nothing happens to them? No, but the point Sunset wants to make is that she stopped Anon-a-Miss and made everyone better as a result. She's not so worried about doling out punishment so much as she is about making sure that people understand to be better.

And I fully understand wanting to punish Gilda for what she did, which is why I left the possibility open in the end that Sunset would seek justice for it, but it was one of those things that sort of ran counter to the whole story and Sunset's mentality. So while I understand the frustrations of it, at this moment I really can't see myself writing it any other way without either making the story much longer, or diverging off into a completely different story.

And one of my biggest complaints about most Anon-a-Miss stories is that its often used as a 'springboard' into a larger story, but they never really properly resolve Anon-a-Miss or its sort of left ambiguously in the air. Then usually some sort of other bigger, far worse bad, shows up and it dwarfs the petty high school drama of Anon-a-Miss in the first place and makes me question why they even bothered having Anon-a-Miss in the first places since it doesn't add to the second narrative, and if anything, kind of hinders and impedes it.

So I focused solely on Anon-a-Miss and nothing else. Maybe to the detriment of the story, but I really can't see myself having written any other way at this current moment. I do appreciate the feedback though, and I will certainly try to keep it in mind for the future.

kord #33 · Aug 19th, 2019 · · 1 ·

So I said I would hold judgment tell the end and I have, so here... is my judgment... be judged.

Overall this is a very well written story, you balanced the main plot and the romance subplot really well. I didn't notice any grammar or spelling errors which is very rare for fan fiction. I do wish it had been longer, but I wish that about almost all fic that are well written, and it ended in a place that felt acceptable enough.

However, you really didn't do much new with the tropes. While I've not seen this exact combination before I've seen all these tropes before. Most of them weren't as well written but they have been done before. Which is really just the nature of fan fiction I guess, if you don't get in extremely early with the stories you will always be retreading ground others have already walked.

Hope to someday see a sequel that builds on the romance between Sunset and Twilight and deals with Gilda as an antagonist. Until then it will sit in my library of stories that I'm waiting for sequels.

I'm definitely curious which stories shared the tropes I went after in this story, as I really haven't seen them done in the other fics I've read. And from what people have been saying they haven't really seen them either.

By all means if you've got some examples link them to me, I'd be happy to peruse over more fics that dealt with the topic in a similar manner that I have!

I'm not if this fits, but a favorite Anon-A-Miss story of mine is Myriad Thoughts where the basic thought is 'we say stupid things when we're angry.

With how you handled this, I really did enjoy it top to bottom. She shredded the possible avenues for pain and instead, showed she DID change. With this in mind, Forgotten Friendship may be even hard to handle because Wallflower will have to make everyone forget the website even existed. Just one glance back at that and how long it's been up and they'll know something is really up with it. That, and it may be easier for Wallflower to come out and ask for help!

Either way, Sequel or not this really was an awesome story. It was enticing to read and despite everything, it brings out it's own message that I agree with most heavily. If you can't laugh at yourself or love yourself, how hard is it to love others?

So, either way this was a treat and a half, a whole cake with how sweet Sunset was.
There IS a minor question in mind too- Did the three actually talk to their sisters about wanting to spend more time together after this? Since that isn't resolved, but I feel like they could always go to Sunset for help now.

Either way, was a fun read so thanks for that!

Okay so that went pretty well. I'm a little put off with the delayed knowledge of "is Gilda going to be prosecuted for assault, kidnapping, torture, and attempted murder?" But I agree that that is something that could be dealt with in a sequel and has at least been addressed as being in process.
Overall satified with how it turned out.

...I don't think making everyone still think you did it proves your innocence.

Such a good story! 9/10!

Speaking on how Sunset and Twilight could be a couple with them living across Dimensions, Twilight could visit once every week during the weekends and maybe she could visit Sunset after school for a few hours just for a coffee Date or be at Sunset's place.

She said to everyone she wasn't Anon-a-Miss and never was in a grand speech to the school where she taught everyone the importance of not being afraid of your secrets. And then the school threw a celebratory party for her.

I think they believed her when she said she wasn't Anon-a-Miss lol

Really great job on this, I enjoyed it a lot!

Didn't know he was the main character in more than one of the series. I've been told the one I watched was unluckily almost universally hated. The two main characters were Shirou and Saber. He turned out to be the scabbard or something. There was a fight with Hercules at some point and he jumps in front of Saber as she goes to block and gets unnecessarily nearly killed just to stop the fight. I remember it being fine up to that point and after that it just sort of fell apart cause he kept refusing to fight. There was an interesting idea where he was going to be her weapon but it fell apart cause it wouldn't work that way.

You. Are. Awesome. :pinkiehappy:

Oh God you watched the Dean anime? Yeah, the Dean anime basically butchers the Saber route of Fate/Stay Night.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend you watch the 2014 anime Fate/Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works. It fully dives deep into 'why' Shirou is so obsessed with being a Hero of Justice, avoiding conflict, and what the absolute extremes of his beliefs will lead to. Also its canonically sequel to the Saber route because each 'Route' where Shirou ends up romantically involved with a different girl is a canonical alternate universe that effect each other, with the order going Fate -> Unlimited Blade Works -> Heavens Feel

The Dean anime is NOT a good introduction to the series. I recommend either Fate/Zero or Unlimited Blade Works as a starting point, then watching the other. I absolutely adore the franchise!

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out tonight.

Proof requires proof, not trust.

Or reasonable doubt, so that a jury of your peers might decide your guilt.

They decided Sunset was innocent. Case closed lol

Oddly enough, I think Gilda might be more pissed knowing she punished Sunset for something she didn't do, even as she was in the process of getting the website deleted.

What I'm surprised is that I could guess the things Gilda did, it's not the first time, she could had been in problems and surprised that she was not already in them, attacking someone and putting in the boiler room, and if Sunset is not the first victim, that could be motive of expulsion or being send to a center for minors....

All in all the story is good and I liked it


And one of my biggest complaints about most Anon-a-Miss stories is that its often used as a 'springboard' into a larger story, but they never really properly resolve Anon-a-Miss or its sort of left ambiguously in the air. Then usually some sort of other bigger, far worse bad, shows up and it dwarfs the petty high school drama of Anon-a-Miss in the first place and makes me question why they even bothered having Anon-a-Miss in the first places since it doesn't add to the second narrative, and if anything, kind of hinders and impedes it.

I feel like you had a veeeery specific story in mind here (I certainly had one come to mind).....but maybe I'm projecting.

Anyway, this was a delightful story and a nice break from all the angsty drama and character assassination that is common of anon-a-miss stories. Sunset had an interesting (if risky as hell) plan, and one I could see really happening on the show with very very minimal adaptation. My only real complaint is that the romance felt kinda tacked-on to the point of irrelevancy; you could have removed all the romantic aspects and left it at their friendship, and nothing would have changed about the story. It felt like it was just there for the sake of shipping something.

Other than that, very solid. Liked and faved, awesome job!

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