• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,912 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 7

Several weeks have past sense the little “interview“ that Marcus had with Twilight and her friends. During that time very little happened, aside from the occasional Digimon attack. However, when he was able to get a moment of peace he devoted himself to training in his different forms. Well that and just helping Fluttershy with her animal friends.

For the first time sense he got to this world he has started to feel at home, and that kinda scared him. So like most well adjusted people, he buried these feelings deep down where they could never see the light of day again.

Now aside from that all that he currently found himself relaxing in his Impmon form on the couch in Fluttershy's living room. He just stared at the ceiling in total silence before saying,” Whelp i’m bored.” Quickly sitting up he crossed his legs and set his hand on his knees and began to think. What could he do to alleviate this boredom?

As he was thinking the front door to the cottage opened and Fluttershy walked in carrying a bag of groceries on her back. She called out,” Marcus i’m back, and I brought groceries.”

This took Marcus out of his thoughts and with a groan said,” Good to know, thanks for the update.” He laid back down on the couch, acting as if he never heard Fluttershy's statement. This eaned him a swift kick to the gut to the gut from a little white demon bunny ironically named “Angel”. “ You little devil I swear to make your end life in the cruelest way possible!” He angrily said while trying to regain the air that was knocked out of him.

Fluttershy let out a defeated sigh as she said,” Boys how many times do I have to tell you not to fight.” A maternal glare then appeared on her face, causing both Marcus and Angel to feeze before backing away. Her glare was replaced by a gentle smile as she asked,” Now Marcus can you please come help me unload these groceries?”

With a groan Marcus jumped off of the couch and started to walk to the kitchen. However, before he reached the threshold he looked back at Angel,still sitting on the couch. A wicked smirk then spread across his face as he raised a single finger, a purple flame igniting on the tip, before he flicked said finger at the rabbit, setting his tail on fire. This caused the little varmint to shriek in fear before running to a near by water dish to douse out his tail.

Marcus chuckled sinisterly, but was quickly cut off when he was knocked upside the head by Flutterhys tail. He rubbed the back of his head before looking up at a very annoyed Fluttershy with another maternal glare aimed right at him. With a shrug he said,” Sorry not sorry.”

Fluttershy shook her head as she walked into the kitchen, followed closely by Marcus who still had a smirk on his face. Once the two had finished unloading and putting away the groceries she asked,” So what do you have planned to do today?”

Marcus shrugged before interlocking his hands behind his head while saying,” Honestly I got nothing, I just don’t know what to do today.”

Fluttershy smiled as she said,” Well if you want something to do then you could come with me to Applejack’s farm if you want? She told me that her and her family were having some problems with finding their trees knocked down.”

Marcus thought for a moment before saying,” Sure, that sounds more fun then doing nothing.”

Fluttershy nodded and said,” Then it is decided.” She crouched down enough for Marcus to climb onto her back.

This was something that Marcus was growing more and more accustomed to, at least when he is in his current form. Of course this wasn’t really a problem given how he could just digivolve into his Beelzemon form and ride Behemoth wherever he wanted to go. But, and he would never admit this, he didn’t mind being carried around every once and a while.

Without a word Marcus climbed onto Fluttershy's back and the two left the cottage, heading for Sweetapple Acers. The ride went smoothly to his surprise. Sure he still got the odd look here and there, but nothing to bad. Once the two got to the farm he jumped off her back and asked,” Okay were here, now what?”

Fluttershy looked around around and said,” I don’t know really, Applejack told me she would meet here.”

Marcus groaned as he said,” Well while you wait for her here I am going to go look around.” Before Fluttershy could disagree or argue he already jumped over a nearby fence and walked into the orchard. As he strolled through the sea of apple trees he gazed up at the fresh fruit ripe for the picking.

A snap of a twig caused Marcus to stop in his tracks. He looked around, trying to spot anything, but didn’t see anything. So he decided to continue his walk like nothing happened.

After a bit of walking Marucs came to a strange clearing. It was if the clearing was not always there. The ground looked torn apart like something had been pulled out and dragged across it. However, at the center of the clearing there stood a single large apple tree with a single patch of moss growing in a almost mustache shape on the trunk.

Something about the tree put Marcus on edge, almost like he had seen the tree somewhere before. Hesitantly he walked towards the apple tree. However, as he drew closer to his target his nose was struck with them most tantalising aroma, like a fresh apple pie had been placed in front of him.

Just as Marcus had gotten to the tree vines suddenly shot down from the trees branches, binding his arms while lifting him into the air. He looked at the vines before looking back to their source. He watched as the once stationary tree began to shake as two wooden arms appeared from bind the trunk, one holding a cane, and a pair of yellow eyes opening in the middle of the trunk.

Like a bolt of lightning Marcus realised why the tree looked somewhat similar, it was a Cherrymon. The only difference being how instead of the cherries it had apples.

The Cherrymon squinted its eyes at Marcus and asked,” Hello little Impmon, what brings you to this quaint little place?”

Marcus shrugged his shoulders and said,” Oh you know, just thought I would go for a walk through the apple orchard.” He then glared as he said,” But right now I seem to be held against my will by an annoying piece of lumber.”

The Cherrymon glared back at Marcus as she said,” Well aren’t you a spirited little demon, quite annoying.” He pointed his caine at the bound demon and asked,” So what shall I do with you?”

Marcus stayed silent for moment before smirking and saying,” Oh you shouldn’t be worrying about what your going to do to me.” His body started to glow with a white light as he continued,” You should be worrying about what i’m going to do to you!” The light then fully encompassed him and started to grow. Suddenly the light disappeared and Marcus had Digivolved into his Beelzemon form. Quickly he flexled out, breaking the vines and fell to the ground.

The Cherrymon gazed warily before julting his arm forwards while yelling,” Vine Attack!!” This sent out ten vines from his branches, all headed for Marcus. However, in one quick sweeping motion of his hand shredded the vines.

Marcus smirked wickedly as he watched the shredded bits of vine fall to the ground. His attention turned back to the arber digimon. He disappeared from Cherrymon’s sight in a blur, causing it to look around fervently. When he managed to catch sight of him again it was when Marcus was right in front of him with his claws ready impale him.

“W-what, please don’t do anything rash!?” Cherrymon asked pleadingly.

Marcus looked Cherrymon dead in the eyes and with a stirn glare asked,” Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t smash you to splinters right now.” He punctuated that the end of the sentence by slowly stabbing his fingers into Cherrymon, the sound of wood snapping echoing as he did so.

The Cherrymon started to shake like a leaf as he said,” I-I can tell you how we got here, how every one of us got here!”

This intrigued Marcus slightly, or at least enough not to take him out right away. He slowly removed his claws and said,” Okay you’ve got my attention, now spill.”

Cherrymon took a few deep breaths to calm down before saying,” Thank you.” He then put one arm behind his back and rested the other on his cane in front of him. “Alright to start off I believe that I should say how I got here. Like many other Digimon I was minding my business just relaxing in one of the many forests when all of the sudden a bright light blinded me. When I could finally see again I was standing in a circle with many of these ponies surrounding me.” Cherrymon explained.

Marcus crossed his arms as he thought about what the Cherrymon said. It reminded him a lot of how he himself got to this world. “Okay then, now how did you end up here specifically?” he asked curiously.

Cherrymon moved his arm out from behind hs back and brushed his mustache while saying,” Well as for how I got here, that is hard to say. One minute I am stuck in hat facility being poked and prodded by those ponies when all the sudden everything went dark for a moment. When the lights finally came back the ponies were gone and the door to my cantonment cell was wide open.”

Marcus cocked his head the side and asked,” Is that really it?”

Cherrymon shook his head yes and said,” That is as far as my memory serves.” He warrily then asked,” So what happens now?”

Marcus shrugged as he said,” Well I have to options. The first being I just end you right here and now, and the second being you getting out of here.” He looked at his claws and acted uninterested while saying,” Either way as long as this all ends soon I don’t really care.”

Cherrymon’s eyes grew wide in surprise, he was allowed to choose what happened to him. He let out a small cough into his hand and said,” Well seeing as I don’t want to be turned into a digiegg, I think I would rather move on from here.” With is melincolik sigh he then asked,” However, to where would I go?”

Marcus groaned as he dragged his hand down his face and said,” I don’t know the Everfree forest, you should feel right at home there.”

Cherrymon raised an eyebrow and asked,” The Everfree forest you say, where might that place be?”

Marcus pointed towards the direction of the forest and said,” Just head that way for a bit and you should find it. Just on your way don’t destroy any more if the Orchard on your way got it.”

Cherrymon nodded and said,” Alright then that is what I shall do just that.” Without another word the Cherrymon rose up, using its roots like legs and walked away. All the while making sure not to do any more damage to the orchard.

When the wooden digimon was no longer in Marcus’s sight he let out a sigh of relief and turned back into his Impmon form.“ Well at least that is taken care of, now what to tell Applejack?” Marcus mussed to himself.

“I recon ya should tell me why my orchard looks like a war zone!” said a very angry southern voice said. Marcus froze in place and slowly turned around to see a very pissed off Applejack and a worried Fluttershy.

Marcus’s rubbed the back of his head and nervously said,” W-well you see..” Deciding now was a good time to make his exit and jumped away. All the while he could hear Applejack yelling at him to come back, but he didn’t listen. He decided he would explain everything later, because for now he had a lot to think about.

Who was the one who let Cherrymon out, why did they let him out, and how many more were released alongside Cherrymon? However, there was one question that struck him more than any of the others. Why were digimon being brought here by the ponies in the first place?

Unbeknownst to Marcus he was soon going to get al the answers he wanted and then some.

Author's Note:

Hey guys here is a new chapter, hope you enjoy.